Finally the NXP arrived

Ive been waiting so long for this kit to arrive - and finally there was a kit in the mailbox...

Enterring a contest and hoping for a fair chance...haha...

What is the point of running a contest when some people can start 1 month ahead??



OK - I might give this a go...Will see if my sensors starts to cooperate...


01 Nov 2010

Tested some LED control wit hkeys and by program loop

Tested some codes to move servo's from terminal with keys

Tested some LCD code - but it did not work...need I2C serial display library

Will Test more with WMP + Nunchuck sensors (works great on my Arduino's) connects with I2C

Will test more PWM INPUT from RC (Spektrum DX7 / AR6100) and respond to this commands

01 Nov 2010

I have also been waiting for long time for this kit. Today i received a info from the customs ???? I am really a bit confused. If i'll have to pay any custom duty they can throw it into the bin. With the WIZNET contest there was no problem. The kit was in my mailbox.

Anyone else with similar problems?

02 Nov 2010

Been to the customs this morning. After some lively discussion i could leave the customs with my mbed without paying any duty. The main reason why the custom contacted me is that in Germany no private person can receive any free sample from abroad. Not even as a gift. So the next time i'll order everything thru my company. So now the the work for the contest can begin. To be honest i already work with am mbed since summer 2010.


02 Nov 2010

Cool to hear you got away with it :)

Same here Christian - I guess Sweden/Denmark has similar regulations.



02 Nov 2010 . Edited: 02 Nov 2010

Mine arrived in my mail box this morning here in NZ with no customs charges.  Here customs only charge on a few things - depending on quantity, what its declared as, the weight and size and the cost of what its worth if you went out and bought it.  Because it was a small parcel, and delcared as free educational and the value of it is below their threshold - was no problem.


Now that it as arrived, time to get stuck in and come up with an entry.


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