Samenwerking Groep 12

Dependencies:   Encoder MODSERIAL HIDScope mbed


Mon Sep 21 13:59:59 2015 +0000
Werkend waarde tussen -4200 en 4200 voor de positie

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 1 #include "mbed.h"
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 2 #include "HIDScope.h"
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 3 #include "encoder.h"
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 4 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 5
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 6 //Motor 2
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 7 DigitalOut motor2direction(D4); //D4 en D5 zijn motor 2 (op het motorshield)
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 8 PwmOut motor2speed(D5);
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 9 DigitalIn button(PTA4);
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 10 Encoder motor2(D13,D12);
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 11 MODSERIAL pc(USBTX,USBRX);
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 12 //AnalogIn potmeter2(A0); /NIEUW
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 13 int main()
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 14 {
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 15 pc.baud(9600);
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 16 motor2.setPosition(0);
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 17 while(true) {
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 18 if ( < 0.5) { //if button pressed
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 19 motor2direction = 0;
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 20 motor2speed = 0.5f;
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 21 pc.printf("positie = %d \r\n", motor2.getPosition());
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 22 } else { // If button is not pressed
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 23 motor2direction = 0;
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 24 motor2speed = 0;
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 25 pc.printf("positie = %d \r\n", motor2.getPosition());
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 26 }
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 27
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 28 while ((motor2.getPosition()>4200) || (motor2.getPosition()<-4200)) // If value is outside -4200 and 4200 (number of counts equal to one revolution) reset to zero
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 29 {
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 30 motor2.setPosition(0);
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 31 pc.printf("HE \r\n LLO \r\n WO \r\n RLD \r\n !!! \r\n FOO! \r\n");
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 32 break;
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 33 }
ThomasBNL 10:e923f51f18c4 34 }
ThomasBNL 12:af428d56b4eb 35 }