Labyrinth of the Minotaur A simple roguelike/RPG using a nokia 5110 screen

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Game.h	Fri May 08 11:47:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "PowerControl/PowerControl.h"
+#include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"
+#include "WorldBuilder.h"
+#include "Graphics.h"
+//         vcc sce rst dc  mosi clk  led
+N5110 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p8, p11, p13, p21);
+InterruptIn Act(p22);
+InterruptIn Start(p23);
+InterruptIn Up(p24);
+InterruptIn Down(p25);
+InterruptIn Left(p26);
+InterruptIn Right(p27);
+AnalogIn Noise(p19);
+#define USR_POWERDOWN (0x104)
+LocalFileSystem local("local"); // create local filesystem
+struct TILES {
+    char    Symbol; // Symbol for this tile
+    bool   Passable; // Can tile be walked on
+TILES  TileList[] = {
+    { '#', false },  // 0- WALL
+    { '.', true },  // 1- FLOOR
+    { '+', true }, // 2- ENTER
+    { 'x', true },  // 3- EXIT
+    { '.', true },  // 4- FLOOR_SEEN
+    { '=', true },  // 5- CHEST
+    { '/', true },  // 6- CHEST_OPENED
+struct ITEMS {
+    char  ItemName[15]; //Item name
+    int ItemValue; //Damage/ armour value
+ITEMS  ItemList[] = {
+    //Weapons
+    { "Dagger", 4 },  //0
+    { "Axe", 5 },  //1
+    { "Mace", 6 },  //2
+    { "Sword", 7 },  //3
+    { "Warhammer", 8 }, //4
+    //Armour
+    { "Cloth armour", 1 },  //5
+    { "Leather armour", 2 },  //6
+    { "Studded armour", 3 },  //7
+    { "Chainmail vest", 4 }, //8
+    { "Plate armour", 5 }, //9
+struct ENEMIES {
+    char  EName[9]; //Enemy name
+    int   EHealth; //Enemy health
+    int   EDamage; //Enemy damage
+    int   EArmour; //Enemy armour
+    int   EDodge; //Enemy dodge chance
+    int   EHit; //Enemy hit chance
+    int   ESpd; //Enemy speed (used for running away during fights)
+    int   EPoints; //How many points the monster is worth
+ENEMIES  EnemyList[] = {
+    //Name          HP Dmg Arm  Dg  Ht  Spd  Pts
+    { "Huge Rat",   5,  3,   0,  25, 70, 40,  1  }, //0- Huge Rat
+    { "Goblin",     6,  3,   1,  25, 60, 30,  3  }, //1- Goblin
+    { "Skeleton",   8,  4,   2,  10, 50, 10,  5  }, //2- Skeleton
+    { "Wraith",     5,  4,   0,  40, 60, 50,  10 }, //3- Wraith
+    { "Ogre",       10, 7,   3,  10, 35, 15,  15 }, //4- Ogre
+    { "Minotaur",   15, 8,   4,  20, 45, 100, 50 }, //5- Minotaur
+int ActFlag = 0;
+int StartFlag = 0;
+int DirFlag = 0;
+//Space type player is on
+int pSpace;
+//Player Health
+int ph = 15;
+//Player weapon
+int pw = 0; //0 to 4
+//Player armour
+int pa = 5; //5 to 9
+//Player score
+int score = -100; //100 level, x monster, 10 chest, -2 running away
+//High scores
+int HScore1;
+int HScore2;
+int HScore3;
+int HScore4;
+bool BossFight = false;
+int semihost_powerdown();
+void ActPressed();
+void StartPressed();
+void DirPressed();
+void writeDataToFile();
+void readDataFromFile()
+void HighScoreCheck()
+void Intro();
+void MainMenu();
+void Options();
+void LevelScreen();
+void GameLoop();
+void PlayerCamera();
+void PlayerMove();
+void Fight();
+void MonsterAttack(int m);
+void StartMenu();
+void Map();
+void DrawMap();
+void FlashPlayerLocation();
+void MapLegend();
+void Inventory();
+void Chest();
+void getItem();
+void BoobyTrap();
+void RevealMap();
+void Potion();
+void GameOver();
+void ScoreScreen();
+void HighScoreScreen();
+void DrawGraphic(int p, int x, int y);
\ No newline at end of file