Invaders game for the Gameduino

Dependencies:   Gameduino mbed

--- a/joystick.h	Sat Sep 29 13:01:42 2012 +0000
+++ b/joystick.h	Thu Dec 20 21:33:52 2012 +0000
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-  Universal joystick driver for Gameduino
-    Important: Read the file "read_me_first.txt" *before*
-    writing any code. Do it NOW!
-    Thanks go to 'Guy" for his contributions to this
-//#include "WProgram.h"
-#include "arduino.h"
-class Joystick {
-  byte buttons;      // State of buttons, packed into a byte
-  byte prev;         // State of the buttons on previous read
-  byte dpad;         // State of Up/Down/Left/Right buttons plus some control flags
-  signed char stickX,stickY;// Analogue x/y position
-  char xCal,yCal;    // Calibration
-  // The constructor sets up the Arduino pins for input
-  // and calibrates the joystick using the current position
-  Joystick();
-  // Read the current state
-  void read();
-  // Return "true" if analog X/Y position is available
-  bool hasAnalogStick();
-// Digital joystick functions
-  enum button_name {
-    buttonA      = 0x01,
-    buttonB      = 0x02,  
-    buttonC      = 0x04,
-    buttonX      = 0x08,  
-    buttonY      = 0x10,  
-    buttonZ      = 0x20,  
-    buttonStart  = 0x40,
-    buttonSelect = 0x80
-  };
-    // Test a named button
-    // nb. You can combine button names to test multiple buttons at the same time
-  bool isPressed(byte n)  { return (buttons&n)!=0;  }
-  // This tells you if a button changed between the last two calls to "read()"
-  bool changed(byte n) { return bool((buttons^prev)&n); }
-  // Joystick up/down/left/right (or analog stick)
-  bool left()  { return (dpad&0x01)!=0; }
-  bool right() { return (dpad&0x02)!=0; }
-  bool up()    { return (dpad&0x04)!=0; }
-  bool down()  { return (dpad&0x08)!=0; }
-// Analog joystick functions
-   // Force the analog joystick to recalibrate itself
-  void recalibrate();
-  // Current joystick position in range [-128..127]
-  char analogX()  { return stickX; }
-  char analogY()  { return stickY; }
-// For debugging - show all state onscreen at (x,y)
-  void dump(int x, int y);
+  Universal joystick driver for Gameduino
+    Important: Read the file "read_me_first.txt" *before*
+    writing any code. Do it NOW!
+    Thanks go to 'Guy" for his contributions to this
+//#include "WProgram.h"
+#include "arduino.h"
+class Joystick {
+  byte buttons;      // State of buttons, packed into a byte
+  byte prev;         // State of the buttons on previous read
+  byte dpad;         // State of Up/Down/Left/Right buttons plus some control flags
+  signed char stickX,stickY;// Analogue x/y position
+  char xCal,yCal;    // Calibration
+  // The constructor sets up the Arduino pins for input
+  // and calibrates the joystick using the current position
+  Joystick();
+  // Read the current state
+  void read();
+  // Return "true" if analog X/Y position is available
+  bool hasAnalogStick();
+// Digital joystick functions
+  enum button_name {
+    buttonA      = 0x01,
+    buttonB      = 0x02,  
+    buttonC      = 0x04,
+    buttonX      = 0x08,  
+    buttonY      = 0x10,  
+    buttonZ      = 0x20,  
+    buttonStart  = 0x40,
+    buttonSelect = 0x80
+  };
+    // Test a named button
+    // nb. You can combine button names to test multiple buttons at the same time
+  bool isPressed(byte n)  { return (buttons&n)!=0;  }
+  // This tells you if a button changed between the last two calls to "read()"
+  bool changed(byte n) { return bool((buttons^prev)&n); }
+  // Joystick up/down/left/right (or analog stick)
+  bool left()  { return (dpad&0x01)!=0; }
+  bool right() { return (dpad&0x02)!=0; }
+  bool up()    { return (dpad&0x04)!=0; }
+  bool down()  { return (dpad&0x08)!=0; }
+// Analog joystick functions
+   // Force the analog joystick to recalibrate itself
+  void recalibrate();
+  // Current joystick position in range [-128..127]
+  char analogX()  { return stickX; }
+  char analogY()  { return stickY; }
+// For debugging - show all state onscreen at (x,y)
+  void dump(int x, int y);