Audio Spectrum analyser - FFT using mbed-dsp - driving RGB(W) LED or PC python script.

Dependencies:   FastAnalogIn HSI2RGBW_PWM NVIC_set_all_priorities mbed-dsp mbed

Fork of KL25Z_FFT_Demo by Frank Vannieuwkerke

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Feb 25 17:42:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Mar 08 18:56:14 2014 +0000
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include "arm_math.h"
 #include "hsi2rgbw_pwm.h"
+#include "FastAnalogIn.h"
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-AnalogIn   left(PTC2);
-AnalogIn   right(PTB3);
+FastAnalogIn   Audio(PTC2);
 //#define RGBW_ext // Disable this line when you want to use the KL25Z on-board RGB LED.
@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@
 //   Max allowed FFT_SIZE is 16
-int SLOWDOWN = 16;                      // Create an optical delay in spectrumLoop - useful when only one RGB led is used.
+int SLOWDOWN = 3;                       // Create an optical delay in spectrumLoop - useful when only one RGB led is used.
                                         // Only active when nonzero.
                                         // A value >= 1000 and <= 1000 + PIXEL_COUNT fixes the output to a single frequency
                                         // window = a single color.
 int SAMPLE_RATE_HZ = 40000;             // Sample rate of the audio in hertz.
-float SPECTRUM_MIN_DB = 30.0;           // Audio intensity (in decibels) that maps to low LED brightness.
-float SPECTRUM_MAX_DB = 60.0;           // Audio intensity (in decibels) that maps to high LED brightness.
+float SPECTRUM_MIN_DB = 40.0;           // Audio intensity (in decibels) that maps to low LED brightness.
+float SPECTRUM_MAX_DB = 80.0;           // Audio intensity (in decibels) that maps to high LED brightness.
 int LEDS_ENABLED = 1;                   // Control if the LED's should display the spectrum or not.  1 is true, 0 is false.
                                         // Useful for turning the LED display on and off with commands from the serial port.
-const int FFT_SIZE = 16;                // Size of the FFT.
-const int PIXEL_COUNT = 8;              // Number of pixels.  You should be able to increase this without
+const int FFT_SIZE = 64;                // Size of the FFT.
+const int PIXEL_COUNT = 32;             // Number of pixels.  You should be able to increase this without
                                         // any other changes to the program.
 const int MAX_CHARS = 65;               // Max size of the input command buffer
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 void samplingCallback()
     // Read from the ADC and store the sample data
-    samples[sampleCounter] = 1023 * ((left + right)/2);
+    samples[sampleCounter] = (1023 * Audio) - 511.0f;
     // Complex FFT functions require a coefficient for the imaginary part of the input.
     // Since we only have real data, set this coefficient to zero.
     samples[sampleCounter+1] = 0.0;