16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm I2C-bus LED controller



File content as of revision 2:fa75aff130cc:

 * @brief       PCA9685.h
 * @details     16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller.
 *              Functions file.
 * @return      NA
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017    The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN
 * @pre         This code belongs to AqueronteBlog ( http://unbarquero.blogspot.com ).

#include "PCA9685.h"

PCA9685::PCA9685 ( PinName sda, PinName scl, uint32_t addr, uint32_t freq )
    : i2c          ( sda, scl )
    , PCA9685_Addr ( addr )
    i2c.frequency( freq );


 * @brief       PCA9685_SoftReset ( void )
 * @details     It performs a software reset.
 * @param[in]    NaN.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SoftReset.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         The device will be ready to be addressed again within
 *              the specified bus free time ( t_BUF ).
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SoftReset   ( void )
    char         cmd   =   SWRST;
    uint32_t     aux;

    aux = i2c.write ( GENERAL_CALL_ADDRESS, &cmd, 1, false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetMode ( PCA9685_mode1_sleep_t )
 * @details     It configures the device in Low power mode or in Normal operation
 *              mode.
 * @param[in]    myMode:            Sleep or Normal mode.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetMode.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetMode   ( PCA9685_mode1_sleep_t myMode )
    char     cmd[]   =   { MODE1, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=  ~MODE1_SLEEP_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   myMode;

    aux = i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetPWM_Freq ( float )
 * @details     It sets a new PWM frequency.
 * @param[in]    myNewFrequency:    New PWM frequency.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetPWM_Freq.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         This library can ONLY work with the internal clock, otherwise
 *              PCA9685_INTERNAL_CLOCK must be changed in the header file.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetPWM_Freq ( float myNewFrequency )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE1, 0 };
    char     prev_mode1  =   0;
    uint32_t aux;

    // The maximum PWM frequency is 1526 Hz and the minimum PWM frequency is 24 Hz.
    if ( ( myNewFrequency < 24 ) || ( myNewFrequency > 1526 ) )
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

    // The device MUST be in SLEEP mode
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &prev_mode1, 1 );
    cmd[1]   =   ( prev_mode1 | MODE1_SLEEP_ENABLED );
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // Calculate the new PWM frequency
    if ( myNewFrequency == 24 )
        cmd[1]   =   255;
        cmd[1]   =   _MYROUND ( ( PCA9685_INTERNAL_CLOCK / ( PCA9685_ADC_STEPS * myNewFrequency ) ) - 1 );

    cmd[0]   =   PRE_SCALE;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // Restore the device's mode
    cmd[0]   =   MODE1;
    cmd[1]   =   prev_mode1;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetPWM_DutyCycle ( PCA9685_led_channel_t , uint8_t , uint8_t )
 * @details     It sets a new PWM duty cycle on the given LED ( channel ).
 * @param[in]    myLEDchannel:      Chosen LED ( channel ).
 * @param[in]    myDelay:           PWM delay.
 * @param[in]    myPWM_DutyCycle:   PWM duty cycle.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetPWM_DutyCycle.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         Datasheet p.17 ( Example 1 and Example 2).
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetPWM_DutyCycle ( PCA9685_led_channel_t myLEDchannel, uint8_t myDelay, uint8_t myPWM_DutyCycle )
    char     cmd[]       =   { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t myAux       =   0;
    uint32_t aux;

    // The range is from 0% up to 100%.
    if ( ( myDelay > 100 ) || ( myPWM_DutyCycle > 100 ) )
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

    // Delay time cannot be 0%
    if ( myDelay == 0 )
        myDelay  =   1;

    myAux   =   _MYROUND ( ( myDelay / 100.0 ) * PCA9685_ADC_STEPS ) - 1;

    // LEDn_ON_L
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_ON_L + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   ( myAux & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_ON_H
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_ON_H + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );

    if ( myPWM_DutyCycle == 100 )
        cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                   // LEDn full ON
        cmd[1]  =   ( ( myAux >> 8 ) & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    myAux  +=    _MYROUND ( ( myPWM_DutyCycle / 100.0 ) * PCA9685_ADC_STEPS );

    if ( ( myDelay + myPWM_DutyCycle ) <= 100 )
        myAux    =   ( myAux - 4096 );

    // LEDn_OFF_L
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_OFF_L + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   ( myAux & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_OFF_H
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_OFF_H + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );

    if ( myPWM_DutyCycle == 0 )
        cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                   // LEDn full OFF
        cmd[1]  =   ( ( myAux >> 8 ) & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetPWM_DutyCycle_AllLEDs ( uint8_t , uint8_t )
 * @details     It sets a new PWM duty cycle on all LEDs ( all channels ).
 * @param[in]    myDelay:           PWM delay.
 * @param[in]    myPWM_DutyCycle:   PWM duty cycle.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetPWM_DutyCycle_AllLEDs.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         Datasheet p.17 ( Example 1 and Example 2).
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetPWM_DutyCycle_AllLEDs ( uint8_t myDelay, uint8_t myPWM_DutyCycle )
    char      cmd[]       =   { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t  myAux       =   0;
    uint32_t  aux;

    // The range is from 0% up to 100%.
    if ( ( myDelay > 100 ) || ( myPWM_DutyCycle > 100 ) )
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

    // Delay time cannot be 0%
    if ( myDelay == 0 )
        myDelay  =   1;

    myAux   =   _MYROUND ( ( myDelay / 100.0 ) * PCA9685_ADC_STEPS ) - 1;

    // LEDs_ON_L
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_ON_L;
    cmd[1]  =   ( myAux & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_ON_H
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_ON_H;

    if ( myPWM_DutyCycle == 100 )
        cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                   // All LEDs full ON
        cmd[1]  =   ( ( myAux >> 8 ) & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    myAux  +=    _MYROUND ( ( myPWM_DutyCycle / 100.0 ) * PCA9685_ADC_STEPS );

    if ( ( myDelay + myPWM_DutyCycle ) <= 100 )
        myAux    =   ( myAux - 4096 );

    // LEDs_OFF_L
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_OFF_L;
    cmd[1]  =   ( myAux & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_OFF_H
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_OFF_H;

    if ( myPWM_DutyCycle == 0 )
        cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                   // All LEDs full OFF
        cmd[1]  =   ( ( myAux >> 8 ) & 0xFF );

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetLED_ON ( PCA9685_led_channel_t )
 * @details     It sets LEDn ON.
 * @param[in]    myLEDchannel:      Chosen LED ( channel ).
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetLED_ON.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         Update on ACK requires all 4 PWM channel registers to be loaded before outputs will
 *              change on the last ACK.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetLED_ON ( PCA9685_led_channel_t myLEDchannel )
    char     cmd[]       =   { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // LEDn_ON_L
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_ON_L + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_ON_H
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_ON_H + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                       // LEDn full ON

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_OFF_L
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_OFF_L + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_OFF_H
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_OFF_H + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // LEDn full OFF

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetLED_OFF ( PCA9685_led_channel_t )
 * @details     It sets LEDn OFF.
 * @param[in]    myLEDchannel:      Chosen LED ( channel ).
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetLED_OFF.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         Update on ACK requires all 4 PWM channel registers to be loaded before outputs will
 *              change on the last ACK.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetLED_OFF ( PCA9685_led_channel_t myLEDchannel )
    char     cmd[]       =   { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // LEDn_ON_L
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_ON_L + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_ON_H
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_ON_H + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_OFF_L
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_OFF_L + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDn_OFF_H
    cmd[0]  =   LED0_OFF_H + ( myLEDchannel << 2 );
    cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                       // LEDn full OFF

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetAllLED_ON ( void )
 * @details     It sets All LEDs ON.
 * @param[in]    NaN.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetAllLED_ON.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         Update on ACK requires all 4 PWM channel registers to be loaded before outputs will
 *              change on the last ACK.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetAllLED_ON ( void )
    char     cmd[]       =   { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // LEDs_ON_L
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_ON_L;
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_ON_H
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_ON_H;
    cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                       // All LEDs full ON

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_OFF_L
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_OFF_L;
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_OFF_H
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_OFF_H;
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetAllLED_OFF ( void )
 * @details     It sets All LEDs OFF.
 * @param[in]    NaN.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetAllLED_OFF.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         Update on ACK requires all 4 PWM channel registers to be loaded before outputs will
 *              change on the last ACK.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetAllLED_OFF ( void )
    char     cmd[]       =   { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // LEDs_ON_L
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_ON_L;
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_ON_H
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_ON_H;
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_OFF_L
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_OFF_L;
    cmd[1]  =   0x00;                                       // Dummy value

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    // LEDs_OFF_H
    cmd[0]  =   ALL_LED_OFF_H;
    cmd[1]  =   0x10;                                       // All LEDs full OFF

    aux     =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetSUB1 ( PCA9685_mode1_sub1_t )
 * @details     The device responds ( Enabled ) or not ( Disabled ) to I2C-bus subaddress 1.
 * @param[in]    mySUB1_mode:       SUB1 Enabled/Disabled.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetSUB1.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetSUB1 ( PCA9685_mode1_sub1_t mySUB1_mode )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE1, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // Mask SUB1 and update its value
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=   ~MODE1_SUB1_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   mySUB1_mode;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetSUB2 ( PCA9685_mode1_sub2_t )
 * @details     The device responds ( Enabled ) or not ( Disabled ) to I2C-bus subaddress 2.
 * @param[in]    mySUB2_mode:       SUB2 Enabled/Disabled.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetSUB2.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetSUB2 ( PCA9685_mode1_sub2_t mySUB2_mode )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE1, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // Mask SUB2 and update its value
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=   ~MODE1_SUB2_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   mySUB2_mode;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetSUB3 ( PCA9685_mode1_sub3_t )
 * @details     The device responds ( Enabled ) or not ( Disabled ) to I2C-bus subaddress 3.
 * @param[in]    mySUB3_mode:       SUB3 Enabled/Disabled.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetSUB3.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetSUB3 ( PCA9685_mode1_sub3_t mySUB3_mode )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE1, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // Mask SUB3 and update its value
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=   ~MODE1_SUB3_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   mySUB3_mode;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetALLCALL ( PCA9685_mode1_allcall_t )
 * @details     The device responds ( Enabled ) or not ( Disabled ) to LED All Call I2C-bus address.
 * @param[in]    myALLCALL_mode:    ALLCALL Enabled/Disabled.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetALLCALL.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetALLCALL ( PCA9685_mode1_allcall_t myALLCALL_mode )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE1, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // Mask SUB3 and update its value
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=   ~MODE1_ALLCALL_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   myALLCALL_mode;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetINVERT ( PCA9685_mode2_invrt_t )
 * @details     Output logic state inverted ( Enabled ) or not ( Disabled ). Value to use
 *              when external driver used. Applicable when #OE = 0
 * @param[in]    myINVERT_mode:     INVERT Enabled/Disabled.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetINVERT.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetINVERT ( PCA9685_mode2_invrt_t myINVERT_mode )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE2, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // Mask SUB3 and update its value
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=   ~MODE2_INVRT_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   myINVERT_mode;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;

 * @brief       PCA9685_SetOUTDRV ( PCA9685_mode2_outdrv_t )
 * @details     It sets the 16 LEDn as open-drain or totem pole structure.
 * @param[in]    myOUTDRV_mode:     OUTDRV mode.
 * @param[out]   NaN.
 * @return       Status of PCA9685_SetOUTDRV.
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        7/November/2017
 * @version     7/November/2017     The ORIGIN
 * @pre         NaN.
 * @warning     NaN.
PCA9685::PCA9685_status_t  PCA9685::PCA9685_SetOUTDRV ( PCA9685_mode2_outdrv_t myOUTDRV_mode )
    char     cmd[]       =   { MODE2, 0 };
    uint32_t aux;

    // Mask SUB3 and update its value
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], 1, true );
    aux      =   i2c.read  ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[1], 1 );
    cmd[1]  &=   ~MODE2_OUTDRV_MASK;
    cmd[1]  |=   myOUTDRV_mode;
    aux      =   i2c.write ( PCA9685_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );

    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS )
        return   PCA9685_SUCCESS;
        return   PCA9685_FAILURE;