N3310LCD library demo

Dependencies:   N3310LCD mbed

Fork of N3310LCD by Petras Saduikis

Mon Dec 07 17:24:52 2009 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 1 /*
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 2 * N3310LCD. A program to interface mbed with the nuelectronics
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 3 * Nokia 3310 LCD shield from www.nuelectronics.com. Ported from
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 4 * the nuelectronics Arduino code.
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 5 *
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 6 * Copyright (C) <2009> Petras Saduikis <petras@petras.co.uk>
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 7 *
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 8 * This file is part of N3310LCD.
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 9 *
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 10 * N3310LCD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 12 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 13 * (at your option) any later version.
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 14 *
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 15 * N3310LCD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 17 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 18 * GNU General Public License for more details.
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 19 *
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 21 * along with N3310LCD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 22 */
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 23
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 24 #ifndef SNATCH59_N3310LCDDEFS_H
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 25 #define SNATCH59_N3310LCDDEFS_H
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 26
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 27 enum eDisplayMode {NORMAL, HIGHLIGHT};
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 28 enum eRequestType {CMD, DATA};
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 29 enum eBacklight {OFF, ON};
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 30
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 31 typedef unsigned char BYTE;
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 32
snatch59 0:36fb749b83c7 33 #endif