FRDM-KL25Z with Nokia 3110 type LCD display Using accelerometer to make movements

Dependencies:   MMA8451Q N3310LCD mbed

Fork of FRDM_MMA8451Q by mbed official



File content as of revision 11:90d35ac294af:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "N3310SPIConfig.h"
#include "N3310LCD.h"
#include "Joystick.h"
#include "splash.h"

#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);

#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))

// menu starting points
#define MENU_X    10        // 0-83
#define MENU_Y    0        // 0-5

#define MENU_ITEMS 4

int8_t blflag = 1;  // Backlight initially ON

void about(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick);
void draw(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick);
void snakeGame(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick);
void backlight(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick);
void waitforOKKey(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick);
uint8_t checkKeypressed( Joystick* jstick);

// menu definition
char menu_items[MENU_ITEMS][12] = {

void (*menu_funcs[MENU_ITEMS])(N3310LCD*,Joystick*) = {

void about(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick)
    lcd->writeString(0, 0,  "mbed-a-sketch", NORMAL);
    lcd->writeString(12, 1, "driven by", NORMAL);
    lcd->writeString(10, 2, "KL25Z mbed", NORMAL);
    lcd->writeString(0, 3,  "By AD Lindsay", NORMAL);

void backlight(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick)
    lcd->writeString( 0, 1, "Toggle", NORMAL);
    lcd->writeString( 0, 2, "Backlight", NORMAL);
    if( blflag != 0 ) {
        lcd->writeString( 60, 2, "Off", HIGHLIGHT);
    } else {
        lcd->writeString( 60, 2, "On", HIGHLIGHT);

    bool exitFlag = false;

    while( !exitFlag ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) {
            if (jstick->getKeyState(i) != 0) {
                jstick->resetKeyState(i);  // reset button flag
                switch(i) {
                    case CENTER_KEY:
                        exitFlag = true;
                    case UP_KEY:
                    case DOWN_KEY:
                        if( blflag != 0 ) {
                            lcd->backlight( OFF );
                        }   else {
                            blflag = 1;
                            lcd->backlight( ON );
                        lcd->writeString( 60, 2, (blflag != 0 ? (char*)"Off" : (char*)"On "), HIGHLIGHT);

void centreBoard( MMA8451Q *acc, float *cValues )
    // Take 100 readings to get stable centre point
    for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
        float axis[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        acc->getAccAllAxis( axis );
        cValues[0] += axis[0];
        cValues[1] += axis[1];
        cValues[2] += axis[2];
    cValues[0] /= 100.0;
    cValues[1] /= 100.0;
    cValues[2] /= 100.0;
//    pc.printf( "Steady State X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", cValues[0], cValues[1], cValues[2] );

void draw(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick)
    MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS, false, 4);
    float x, y;
    float cValues[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
    int16_t xI, yI;
    int16_t xInc, yInc;

    centreBoard( &acc, cValues );

    // Take 100 readings to get stable centre point
    /*    for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
            float axis[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
            acc.getAccAllAxis( axis );
            cValues[0] += axis[0];
            cValues[1] += axis[1];

        cValues[0] /= 100.0;
        cValues[1] /= 100.0;
    // Draw a rectangle
    lcd->drawRectangle(0,0,83,47, PIXEL_ON);

    int8_t px = 42;
    int8_t py = 24;
    int8_t nx = px;
    int8_t ny = py;

    lcd->setPixel( px, py, PIXEL_ON );

    // Exit on joystick pressed
    bool exitFlag = false;
    while ( !exitFlag ) {
        uint8_t keyPress = checkKeypressed( jstick );
        if( keyPress == CENTER_KEY )
            exitFlag = true;

        x = (acc.getAccX() - cValues[0]) * 100.0;
        y = (acc.getAccY() - cValues[1]) * 100.0;

        xI = (int16_t)(x);
        yI = (int16_t)(y);
        xInc = xI/10;
        yInc = ((yI/10) * -1);

        nx += xInc;
        ny += yInc;

        nx = MAX( 1, MIN( nx, 82 ) );
        ny = MAX( 1, MIN( ny, 46 ) );
//pc.printf( "X: %d Y: %d\n", nx, ny );

        if( abs(xInc) > 1 || abs(yInc) > 1 ) {
            // Draw line
            lcd->drawLine((uint8_t)px, (uint8_t)py, (uint8_t)nx, (uint8_t)ny, PIXEL_ON);
        } else {
            // Plot pixel
            lcd->setPixel( (uint8_t)nx, (uint8_t)ny, PIXEL_ON );

        px = nx;
        py = ny;


#define MAX_SNAKE_LEN 400
#define MAX_FOOD 10
#define SNAKE_X 0
#define SNAKE_Y 1
#define DIR_N 1
#define DIR_E 2
#define DIR_S 3
#define DIR_W 4
#define FOOD_X 0
#define FOOD_Y 1

int16_t snakeLen = 10;
int16_t foodCount = 0;

int8_t snake[MAX_SNAKE_LEN][2];       // Snake positions, use -1 for no point
int8_t food[MAX_FOOD][2];

void initSnake( void )
    for( int i=0; i< MAX_SNAKE_LEN; i++ ) {
        snake[i][SNAKE_X] = -1;
        snake[i][SNAKE_Y] = -1;

    // Add initial snake points
    for(int i=0; i<snakeLen; i++ ) {
        snake[i][SNAKE_X] = 42 + i;
        snake[i][SNAKE_Y] = 24;

void drawSnake( N3310LCD* lcd )
    for(int i=0; i<snakeLen; i++ ) {
        lcd->setPixel( snake[i][SNAKE_X], snake[i][SNAKE_Y], PIXEL_ON );

void moveSnake( N3310LCD* lcd, uint8_t direction, uint8_t growLength )
    int8_t oX = snake[0][SNAKE_X];
    int8_t oY = snake[0][SNAKE_Y];
    switch( direction ) {
        case DIR_N:
        case DIR_E:
        case DIR_S:
        case DIR_W:

    int8_t nX = -1;
    int8_t nY = -1;
    for(int i=1; i<snakeLen; i++ ) {
        nX = oX;
        nY = oY;
        oX = snake[i][SNAKE_X];
        oY = snake[i][SNAKE_Y];
        snake[i][SNAKE_X] = nX;
        snake[i][SNAKE_Y] = nY;

    if( growLength > 0 && snakeLen < MAX_SNAKE_LEN ) {
        // Dont clear tail, add point to tail
        snake[snakeLen][SNAKE_X] = oX;
        snake[snakeLen][SNAKE_Y] = oY;
    } else {
        // Clear tail
        lcd->setPixel( oX, oY, PIXEL_OFF );

bool checkCollision( uint8_t dir)
    bool collisionFlag = false;

    return collisionFlag;

void initFood()
    for( uint8_t i = 0; i< MAX_FOOD; i++ ) {
        food[i][FOOD_X] = -1;
        food[i][FOOD_Y] = -1;

// Get current snake head and work out if position is a food
bool checkFood(uint8_t dir)
    bool foodFlag = false;
pc.printf("CHECK: X %d, Y %d\n",snake[0][SNAKE_X], snake[0][SNAKE_Y]);
    for( int i = 0; i < MAX_FOOD; i++ ) {
pc.printf("FOOD: X %d, Y %d\n",food[i][FOOD_X], food[i][FOOD_Y]);
        if( snake[0][SNAKE_X] == food[i][FOOD_X] && snake[0][SNAKE_Y] == food[i][FOOD_Y] ) {
            foodFlag = true;
            food[i][FOOD_X] = -1;
            food[i][FOOD_Y] = -1;
    return foodFlag;

bool isOnSnake( int8_t *sX, int8_t *sY )
    bool onSnake = false;
    pc.printf("isOnSnake sX = %d, sY = %d \n", *sX, *sY );
    for( int i = 0; i< snakeLen; i++ ) {
        if( snake[i][SNAKE_X] == *sX && snake[i][SNAKE_Y] == *sY ) {
            onSnake = true;
    return onSnake;

void getRandomPosition( int8_t *rX, int8_t *rY )
    *rX = ((rand() % 100)*82)/100+1;
    *rY = ((rand() % 100)*46)/100+1;

    while( isOnSnake( rX, rY )) {
        *rX = ((rand() % 100)*82)/100+1;
        *rY = ((rand() % 100)*46)/100+1;


void storeFood( int8_t fX, int8_t fY )
    pc.printf("Store fX = %d, fY = %d \n", fX, fY );
    for( int i = 0; i< MAX_FOOD; i++ ) {
        if( food[i][FOOD_X] < 0 ) {
        pc.printf("Store in %d\n",i);
            food[i][FOOD_X] = fX;
            food[i][FOOD_Y] = fY;

void dropFood(N3310LCD* lcd)
    // If no food present then drop some
    // Pick random x and y coords x >0 and x < 83, y > 0 and y <47
    while( foodCount < MAX_FOOD ) {
        int8_t fX = 0;
        int8_t fY = 0;
        getRandomPosition( &fX, &fY );
        lcd->setPixel( fX, fY, PIXEL_ON );
        storeFood( fX, fY );

        pc.printf("fX = %d, fY = %d \n", fX, fY );


void snakeGame(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick)
    MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS, false, 4);
    float x, y; //, z;
    float cValues[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
    int16_t xI, yI; //, zI;
    int16_t xInc, yInc;

    centreBoard( &acc, cValues );


    // Draw a rectangle
    lcd->drawRectangle(0,0,83,47, PIXEL_ON);

    drawSnake( lcd );
    /* Test to move snake
        for( int i=0; i<10; i++ ) {
            moveSnake(lcd, DIR_N, 1);
        for( int i=0; i<20; i++ ) {
            moveSnake(lcd, DIR_E, 0);
        for( int i=0; i<20; i++ ) {
            moveSnake(lcd, DIR_S, 1);
        for( int i=0; i<20; i++ ) {
            moveSnake(lcd, DIR_W, 1);
//    int8_t px = 42;
//    int8_t py = 25;
//    int8_t nx = px;
//    int8_t ny = py;

//    lcd->setPixel( px, py, PIXEL_ON );

    // Exit on joystick pressed
    bool exitFlag = false;
    uint8_t snakeDirection = DIR_W;
    uint8_t snakeGrowth = 0;

    while ( !exitFlag ) {
        uint8_t keyPress = checkKeypressed( jstick );
        if( keyPress == CENTER_KEY )
            exitFlag = true;

        x = (acc.getAccX() - cValues[0]) * 100.0;
        y = (acc.getAccY() - cValues[1]) * 100.0;
//       pc.printf( "X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", x, y, z);

        xI = (int16_t)(x);
        yI = (int16_t)(y);
        xInc = xI/10;
        yInc = ((yI/10) * -1);

        if( xInc > 2 )
            snakeDirection = DIR_E;
        else if( xInc < -2 )
            snakeDirection = DIR_W;
        else if( yInc > 2 )
            snakeDirection = DIR_S;
        else if( yInc < -2 )
            snakeDirection = DIR_N;

        if( snakeGrowth > 0 ) snakeGrowth--;

        moveSnake(lcd, snakeDirection, snakeGrowth);
        // TODO Check if we've collided with anything
        if( checkCollision(snakeDirection) ) {
            // Collision detected!!

        if( checkFood(snakeDirection) ) {
            // Gobbled some food!!
            // Indicate that snake is to grow during next moves
            snakeGrowth = 10;

            // Handle new food bing added to area

        // A little pause - vary this after snake length has reached 100, then 200, then 300



void initMenu(N3310LCD* lcd)
    lcd->writeString(MENU_X, MENU_Y, menu_items[0], HIGHLIGHT );

    for (int i = 1; i < MENU_ITEMS; i++) {
        lcd->writeString(MENU_X, MENU_Y + i, menu_items[i], NORMAL);

void waitforOKKey(N3310LCD* lcd, Joystick* jstick)
    lcd->writeString(38, 5, "OK", HIGHLIGHT );

    int key = 0xFF;
    while (key != CENTER_KEY) {
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) {
            if (jstick->getKeyState(i) !=0) {
                jstick->resetKeyState(i);  // reset
                if (CENTER_KEY == i) key = CENTER_KEY;

// Check if joystick is moved or pressed
uint8_t checkKeypressed( Joystick* jstick)
    uint8_t key = 0xFF;

    for(int i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++) {
        if (jstick->getKeyState(i) !=0) {
            jstick->resetKeyState(i);  // reset
            if (CENTER_KEY == i) key = CENTER_KEY;
    return key;

int main(void)
//    MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS, false, 4);
    Joystick jstick(N3310SPIPort::AD0);
    N3310LCD lcd(N3310SPIPort::MOSI, N3310SPIPort::MISO, N3310SPIPort::SCK,
                 N3310SPIPort::CE, N3310SPIPort::DAT_CMD, N3310SPIPort::LCD_RST,

    // demo stuff
    // autoDemo(&lcd);

//    lcd.drawBitmap(0, 0, splash, 84, 48);
//    wait( 5 );

    int currentMenuItem = 0;
    Ticker jstickPoll;
    jstickPoll.attach(&jstick, &Joystick::updateADCKey, 0.01);    // check ever 10ms

    while (true) {
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) {
            if (jstick.getKeyState(i) != 0) {
                jstick.resetKeyState(i);  // reset button flag
                switch(i) {
                    case UP_KEY:
                        // current item to normal display
                        lcd.writeString(MENU_X, MENU_Y + currentMenuItem, menu_items[currentMenuItem], NORMAL);
                        currentMenuItem -=1;
                        if (currentMenuItem <0)  currentMenuItem = MENU_ITEMS -1;
                        // next item to highlight display
                        lcd.writeString(MENU_X, MENU_Y + currentMenuItem, menu_items[currentMenuItem], HIGHLIGHT);

                    case DOWN_KEY:
                        // current item to normal display
                        lcd.writeString(MENU_X, MENU_Y + currentMenuItem, menu_items[currentMenuItem], NORMAL);
                        currentMenuItem +=1;
                        if(currentMenuItem >(MENU_ITEMS - 1))  currentMenuItem = 0;
                        // next item to highlight display
                        lcd.writeString(MENU_X, MENU_Y + currentMenuItem, menu_items[currentMenuItem], HIGHLIGHT);

                    case LEFT_KEY:
                        currentMenuItem = 0;

                    case RIGHT_KEY:
                        (*menu_funcs[currentMenuItem])(&lcd, &jstick);
                        waitforOKKey(&lcd, &jstick);
                        currentMenuItem = 0;

    //    PwmOut rled(LED_RED);
    //    PwmOut gled(LED_GREEN);
    //    PwmOut bled(LED_BLUE);
        float x, y, z;
        float cValues[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        int16_t xI, yI, zI;

        // Take 100 readings to get stable centre point

        for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
            float axis[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
            acc.getAccAllAxis( axis );
            cValues[0] += axis[0];
            cValues[1] += axis[1];
            cValues[2] += axis[2];

        cValues[0] /= 100.0;
        cValues[1] /= 100.0;
        cValues[2] /= 100.0;
        pc.printf( "Steady State X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", cValues[0], cValues[1], cValues[2] );

        while (true) {

            x = (acc.getAccX() - cValues[0]) * 100.0;
            y = (acc.getAccY() - cValues[1]) * 100.0;
            z = (acc.getAccZ() - cValues[2]) * 100.0;
     //       pc.printf( "X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", x, y, z);

            xI = (int16_t)(x);
            yI = (int16_t)(y);
            zI = (int16_t)(z);
            pc.printf( "X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n", xI, yI, zI);
    //        pc.printf( "X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", x*100.0, y*100.0, z*100.0);
    //        rled = 1.0 - abs(acc.getAccX());
    //        gled = 1.0 - abs(acc.getAccY());
    //        bled = 1.0 - abs(acc.getAccZ());