Class to be able to send SPI data with almost no overhead, useful at very high speeds.

Dependents:   MakerBotServer epaper_mbed_130411_KL25Z epaper_mbed_test epaper_mbed_test_copy1 ... more

added LPC812 Target

Hi, I've added the LPC8xx as Target for the fastWrite(). It is similar to the LPC1549 hardware. It is used in the wsLib for driving WS2812B LED's where the SPI is 'missused' to generate the tight timing for serial LED input. This worked with the LPC1347, but the LPC1549 and LPC812 have newer SPI hardware. There is an EOT flag that is set after transmission, and this sets the MOSI line high. The behaviour in other hardware is setting the MOSI low after transmission. So I added a define to get the compatible behaviour by default. regards, Johannes

Fast SPI write, added LPC812 Target BurstSPI, LPC812