A simple program built with mbed and a Nokia N3310LCD screen. Using the USB serial and any terminal application, you can change the brightness to 4 led's. Instructions are on the screen to start. Enjoy and have fun! All feedback is welcome. Please email: d.b.searle@reading.ac.uk

Dependencies:   N3310LCD mbed-rtos mbed Functions


A simple program built with mbed and a Nokia N3310LCD screen. Using the USB serial and any terminal application, you can change the brightness to 4 led's. Instructions are on the screen to start. Enjoy and have fun! All feedback is welcome. Please email: d.b.searle@reading.ac.uk

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Aug 01 09:06:21 2013 +0000
Commit message:
Library published and code reformatted.

Changed in this revision

Functions.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Functions.lib	Thu Aug 01 09:06:21 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Jul 30 07:47:00 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Aug 01 09:06:21 2013 +0000
@@ -1,208 +1,11 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "N3310SPIConfig.h"
-#include "N3310LCD.h"
 #include "rtos.h"
-#include <string>
+#include "Functions.h"
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-PwmOut led1(LED1);
-PwmOut led2(LED2);
-PwmOut led3(LED3);
-PwmOut led4(LED4);
-N3310LCD lcd(N3310SPIPort::MOSI, N3310SPIPort::MISO, N3310SPIPort::SCK, N3310SPIPort::CE, N3310SPIPort::DAT_CMD, N3310SPIPort::LCD_RST, N3310SPIPort::BL_ON);
-double all_bright = 0.0;
-double led1_bright = 0.0;
-double led2_bright = 0.0;
-double led3_bright = 0.0;
-double led4_bright = 0.0;
+Functions funct;
 int main() {
-    lcd.init();
-    lcd.cls();
-    int main;
-    int line;
-    int loop;
-    main = 0;
-    line = 0;
-    loop = 0;
-    while(main < 1) {
-        lcd.cls();
-        lcd.writeString(19, 2, "Welcome!", NORMAL);
-        wait(2);
-        lcd.cls();
-        lcd.writeString(25, 0, "Intro", NORMAL);
-        lcd.writeString(2, 2, "Continue = c", NORMAL);
-        lcd.writeString(2, 3, "Skip = x", NORMAL);
-        char c = pc.getc();
-        if(c == 'x') {
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(10, 2, "Please wait", NORMAL);
-            main += 1;
-            break;
-        }
-        else if(c == 'c') {
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.printf(" All   = q    ");
-            lcd.printf(" LED 1 = w & a");
-            lcd.printf(" LED 2 = e & s");
-            lcd.printf(" LED 3 = r & d");
-            lcd.printf(" LED 4 = t & f");
-            lcd.printf(" All   = y    ");
-            wait(5);
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(10, 2, "Please wait", NORMAL);
-            main += 1;
-        }
-    }
-    while(loop < 82) {
-        wait(0.05);
-        lcd.writeString(line, 2, ".", NORMAL);
-        line += 1;
-        if(line == 82) {
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(25, 2, "Ready!", NORMAL);
-        }
-        loop += 1;
-    }
-    while(1){
-        char c = pc.getc();
-        if((c == 'q') && (all_bright < 0.9)) {
-            led1_bright += 1.0;
-            led2_bright += 1.0;
-            led3_bright += 1.0;
-            led4_bright += 1.0;
-            all_bright += 1.0;
-            led1 = led1_bright;
-            led2 = led2_bright;
-            led3 = led3_bright;
-            led4 = led4_bright;
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(5, 2, "All LED's On!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", all_bright);
-        }
-        if((c == 'y') && (all_bright > 0.0)) {
-            led1_bright -= 1.0;
-            led2_bright -= 1.0;
-            led3_bright -= 1.0;
-            led4_bright -= 1.0;
-            all_bright -= 1.0;
-            led1 = led1_bright;
-            led2 = led2_bright;
-            led3 = led3_bright;
-            led4 = led4_bright;
-            if(all_bright < 0.00) {
-                all_bright = 0;
-            }
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(2, 2, "All LED's Off!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", all_bright);
-        } 
-        if((c == 'w') && (led1_bright < 0.9)) {
-            led1_bright += 0.1;
-            led1 = led1_bright;
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(15, 2, "LED 1 Up!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led1_bright);
-        }
-        if((c == 'a') && (led1_bright > 0.0)) {
-            led1_bright -= 0.1;
-            led1 = led1_bright;
-            if(led1_bright < 0.00) {
-                led1_bright = 0;
-            }
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(10, 2, "LED 1 Down!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led1_bright);
-        }
-        if((c == 'e') && (led2_bright < 0.9)) {
-            led2_bright += 0.1;
-            led2 = led2_bright;
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(15, 2, "LED 2 Up!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led2_bright);
-        }
-        if((c == 's') && (led2_bright > 0.0)) {
-            led2_bright -= 0.1;
-            led2 = led2_bright;
-            if(led2_bright < 0.00) {
-                led2_bright = 0;
-            }
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(10, 2, "LED 2 Down!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led2_bright);
-        }  
-        if((c == 'r') && (led3_bright < 0.9)) {
-            led3_bright += 0.1;
-            led3 = led3_bright;
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(15, 2, "LED 3 Up!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led3_bright);
-        } 
-        if((c == 'd') && (led3_bright > 0.0)) {
-            led3_bright -= 0.1;
-            led3 = led3_bright;
-            if(led3_bright < 0.00) {
-                led3_bright = 0;
-            }
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(10, 2, "LED 3 Down!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led3_bright);
-        } 
-        if((c == 't') && (led4_bright < 0.9)) {
-            led4_bright += 0.1;
-            led4 = led4_bright;
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(15, 2, "LED 4 Up!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led4_bright);
-        }  
-        if((c == 'f') && (led4_bright > 0.0)) {
-            led4_bright -= 0.1;
-            led4 = led4_bright;
-            if(led4_bright < 0.00) {
-                led4_bright = 0;
-            }
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(10, 2, "LED 4 Down!", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(13, 4, "Brightness", NORMAL);
-            lcd.printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%g", led4_bright);
-        } 
-        if(c == 'z') {
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.writeString(25, 2, "System", NORMAL);
-            lcd.writeString(23, 3, "Restart", NORMAL);
-            all_bright = 1;
-            led1 = all_bright;
-            led2 = all_bright;
-            led3 = all_bright;
-            led4 = all_bright;
-            wait(2);
-            NVIC_SystemReset();
-        }
-    }
+    funct.Intro();
+    funct.Commands();
+    funct.LEDAndRestart();
\ No newline at end of file