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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2014 Pavel Kirienko <>
00003  */
00008 #include <uavcan/build_config.hpp>
00009 #include <uavcan/dynamic_memory.hpp>
00010 #include <uavcan/node/scheduler.hpp>
00012 namespace uavcan
00013 {
00014 /**
00015  * Abstract node class. If you're going to implement your own node class for your application,
00016  * please inherit this class so it can be used with default publisher, subscriber, server, etc. classes.
00017  * Normally you don't need to use it directly though - please refer to the class Node<> instead.
00018  */
00019 class UAVCAN_EXPORT INode
00020 {
00021 public:
00022     virtual ~INode() { }
00023     virtual IPoolAllocator& getAllocator() = 0;
00024     virtual Scheduler& getScheduler() = 0;
00025     virtual const Scheduler& getScheduler() const = 0;
00026     virtual void registerInternalFailure(const char* msg) = 0;
00028     Dispatcher& getDispatcher()             { return getScheduler().getDispatcher(); }
00029     const Dispatcher& getDispatcher() const { return getScheduler().getDispatcher(); }
00031     ISystemClock& getSystemClock()         { return getScheduler().getSystemClock(); }
00032     MonotonicTime getMonotonicTime() const { return getScheduler().getMonotonicTime(); }
00033     UtcTime getUtcTime()             const { return getScheduler().getUtcTime(); }
00035     /**
00036      * Returns the Node ID of this node.
00037      * If Node ID was not set yet, an invalid value will be returned.
00038      */
00039     NodeID getNodeID() const { return getScheduler().getDispatcher().getNodeID(); }
00041     /**
00042      * Sets the Node ID of this node.
00043      * Node ID can be assigned only once. This method returns true if the Node ID was successfully assigned, otherwise
00044      * it returns false.
00045      * As long as a valid Node ID is not set, the node will remain in passive mode.
00046      * Using a non-unicast Node ID puts the node into passive mode (as default).
00047      */
00048     bool setNodeID(NodeID nid)
00049     {
00050         return getScheduler().getDispatcher().setNodeID(nid);
00051     }
00053     /**
00054      * Whether the node is in passive mode, i.e. can't transmit anything to the bus.
00055      * Please read the specs to learn more.
00056      */
00057     bool isPassiveMode() const { return getScheduler().getDispatcher().isPassiveMode(); }
00059     /**
00060      * Same as @ref spin(MonotonicDuration), but the deadline is specified as an absolute time value
00061      * rather than duration.
00062      */
00063     int spin(MonotonicTime deadline)
00064     {
00065         return getScheduler().spin(deadline);
00066     }
00068     /**
00069      * Runs the node.
00070      * Normally your application should not block anywhere else.
00071      * Block inside this method forever or call it periodically.
00072      * This method returns 0 if no errors occurred, or a negative error code if something failed (see error.hpp).
00073      */
00074     int spin(MonotonicDuration duration)
00075     {
00076         return getScheduler().spin(getMonotonicTime() + duration);
00077     }
00079     /**
00080      * This method is designed for non-blocking applications.
00081      * Instead of blocking, it returns immediately once all available CAN frames and timer events are processed.
00082      * Note that this is unlike plain @ref spin(), which will strictly return when the deadline is reached,
00083      * even if there still are unprocessed events.
00084      * This method returns 0 if no errors occurred, or a negative error code if something failed (see error.hpp).
00085      */
00086     int spinOnce()
00087     {
00088         return getScheduler().spinOnce();
00089     }
00091     /**
00092      * This method allows to directly transmit a raw CAN frame circumventing the whole UAVCAN stack.
00093      * Mandatory parameters:
00094      *
00095      * @param frame             CAN frame to be transmitted.
00096      *
00097      * @param tx_deadline       The frame will be discarded if it could not be transmitted by this time.
00098      *
00099      * @param iface_mask        This bitmask allows to select what CAN interfaces this frame should go into.
00100      *                          Example:
00101      *                           - 1 - the frame will be sent only to iface 0.
00102      *                           - 4 - the frame will be sent only to iface 2.
00103      *                           - 3 - the frame will be sent to ifaces 0 and 1.
00104      *
00105      * Optional parameters:
00106      *
00107      * @param qos               Quality of service. Please refer to the CAN IO manager for details.
00108      *
00109      * @param flags             CAN IO flags. Please refer to the CAN driver API for details.
00110      */
00111     int injectTxFrame(const CanFrame& frame, MonotonicTime tx_deadline, uint8_t iface_mask,
00112                       CanTxQueue::Qos qos = CanTxQueue::Volatile,
00113                       CanIOFlags flags = 0)
00114     {
00115         return getDispatcher().getCanIOManager().send(frame, tx_deadline, MonotonicTime(), iface_mask, qos, flags);
00116     }
00118 #if !UAVCAN_TINY
00119     /**
00120      * The @ref IRxFrameListener interface allows one to monitor all incoming CAN frames.
00121      * This feature can be used to implement multithreaded nodes, or to add secondary protocol support.
00122      */
00123     void removeRxFrameListener()                       { getDispatcher().removeRxFrameListener(); }
00124     void installRxFrameListener(IRxFrameListener* lst) { getDispatcher().installRxFrameListener(lst); }
00125 #endif
00126 };
00128 }