Version of Robotron arcade game using LPC1768, a Gameduino shield, a serial EEPROM (for high scores), two microswitch joysticks and two buttons plus a box to put it in. 20 levels of mayhem.

Dependencies:   25LCxxx_SPI CommonTypes Gameduino mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
18:70190f956a24 2013-06-17 RichardE Improved response to button 1 when entering high scores (HighScoreEntry.cpp). default tip
17:194789db2215 2013-06-16 RichardE New high score entry routines completed and working.
16:d0b142ba4362 2013-06-15 RichardE Entering of high scores nearly there. Just requires code to allow you to backspace and confirm when you have finished.
15:d8ea0c7b7e64 2013-06-15 RichardE Started adding code to represent a grid of rectangles which is used on high score entry screen. See FieldGrid, FieldRow and FieldCell classes and use in HighScoreEntry.cpp.
14:46a353b2a8e8 2013-06-11 RichardE Started to modify how high scores are entered but not finished. Currently asks for a name when program first starts. Remove this code later.
13:50779b12ff51 2013-06-11 RichardE Added virtual LevelRestart method to EnemyObject so that enemies can reset themselves to a particular state when a level restarts after player dies. This currently used in BlueMeanyObject to reset velocities to zero.
12:81926431fea7 2013-06-10 RichardE Changed so you can specify how many humans you want on each level. Mainly messing around with LevelDescriptor and LevelCollection classes.
11:2ddaf46e95cb 2013-06-09 RichardE Ported over all 20 levels from the Maple version of the game. Looks good. No memory leaks so far.
10:bfa1c307c99d 2013-06-09 RichardE Changed how levels are represented so that dynamic allocation of memory is used. Maple version couldn't do this. Still only 2 levels. Use EnemyFactory whenever creating or destroying enemies.
9:fa7e7b37b632 2013-06-09 RichardE Sound is now working. Now a complete working game, albeit with only 2 levels.
8:82d88f9381f3 2013-06-08 RichardE Enemies, humans, explosions, collisions all working now. Sound is still missing and there are only 2 levels.
7:e72691603fd3 2013-06-08 RichardE Now have grunts wandering around on level 1. They follow the player but since no collision detection logic yet nobody ever gets killed.
6:8bbdb70bc11c 2013-06-08 RichardE Player can now fire bullets and they move. Mayhem!
5:0b0651ac7832 2013-06-08 RichardE Now got first real level starting and player can be controlled using joysticks. No bullets, enemies, humans or sound yet.
4:673eb9735d44 2013-06-08 RichardE Pulled in more code. Now panel controls are working. Level 0 (attract mode) now goes round an endless loop sending state of panel controls up serial port to PC.
3:a6a0cd726ca0 2013-06-07 RichardE Abandoned writing serial EEPROM class and used Ser25LCxxx library instead. HighScoreTable class appears to be reading and writing correctly to EEPROM and high scores are displayed correctly.
2:bb0f631a6068 2013-06-06 RichardE More code brought in from Maple version. Now uses fancy character set and displays Robotric logo. Started re-writing I2C EEPROM code as SPI EEPROM code since now using an SPI EEPROM but not finished yet.
1:dfd5eaaf96a3 2013-06-05 RichardE Imported lots more code from the Maple version of the game. Now gets as far as drawing some of the screen for level 0 (the attract mode). Only advises user to operate either joystick to start the game.
0:5fa232ee5fdf 2013-06-04 RichardE Started conversion from Maple version of game. So far Gameduino seems to have been initialised OK and just displays a sign on message. Lots of commented out code.