PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!



File content as of revision 28:958b71c4b92a:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "platform.h"
#include "FileHandle.h"
#include "FileSystemLike.h"
#include "FilePath.h"
#include "serial_api.h"
#include "toolchain.h"
#include "semihost_api.h"
#include "mbed_interface.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
#   include <rt_sys.h>
#   define PREFIX(x)    _sys##x
#   define OPEN_MAX     _SYS_OPEN
#   ifdef __MICROLIB
#       pragma import(__use_full_stdio)
#   endif

#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
#   include <yfuns.h>
#   define PREFIX(x)        _##x
#   define OPEN_MAX         16

#   define STDIN_FILENO     0
#   define STDOUT_FILENO    1
#   define STDERR_FILENO    2

#   include <sys/stat.h>
#   include <sys/unistd.h>
#   include <sys/syslimits.h>
#   define PREFIX(x)    x

using namespace mbed;

#if defined(__MICROLIB) && (__ARMCC_VERSION>5030000)
// Before version 5.03, we were using a patched version of microlib with proper names
extern const char __stdin_name[]  = ":tt";
extern const char __stdout_name[] = ":tt";
extern const char __stderr_name[] = ":tt";

extern const char __stdin_name[]  = "/stdin";
extern const char __stdout_name[] = "/stdout";
extern const char __stderr_name[] = "/stderr";

/* newlib has the filehandle field in the FILE struct as a short, so
 * we can't just return a Filehandle* from _open and instead have to
 * put it in a filehandles array and return the index into that array
 * (or rather index+3, as filehandles 0-2 are stdin/out/err).
static FileHandle *filehandles[OPEN_MAX];

FileHandle::~FileHandle() {
    /* Remove all open filehandles for this */
    for (unsigned int fh_i = 0; fh_i < sizeof(filehandles)/sizeof(*filehandles); fh_i++) {
        if (filehandles[fh_i] == this) {
            filehandles[fh_i] = NULL;

extern int stdio_uart_inited;
extern serial_t stdio_uart;

static void init_serial() {
    if (stdio_uart_inited) return;
    serial_init(&stdio_uart, STDIO_UART_TX, STDIO_UART_RX);

static inline int openmode_to_posix(int openmode) {
    int posix = openmode;
    if (openmode & OPEN_PLUS) {
        posix = O_RDWR;
    } else if(openmode & OPEN_W) {
        posix = O_WRONLY;
    } else if(openmode & OPEN_A) {
        posix = O_WRONLY|O_APPEND;
    } else {
        posix = O_RDONLY;
    /* a, w, a+, w+ all create if file does not already exist */
    if (openmode & (OPEN_A|OPEN_W)) {
        posix |= O_CREAT;
    /* w and w+ truncate */
    if (openmode & OPEN_W) {
        posix |= O_TRUNC;
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
    switch (openmode & _LLIO_RDWRMASK) {
        case _LLIO_RDONLY: posix = O_RDONLY; break;
        case _LLIO_WRONLY: posix = O_WRONLY; break;
        case _LLIO_RDWR  : posix = O_RDWR  ; break;
    if (openmode & _LLIO_CREAT ) posix |= O_CREAT;
    if (openmode & _LLIO_APPEND) posix |= O_APPEND;
    if (openmode & _LLIO_TRUNC ) posix |= O_TRUNC;
    return posix;

extern "C" FILEHANDLE PREFIX(_open)(const char* name, int openmode) {
    #if defined(__MICROLIB) && (__ARMCC_VERSION>5030000)
    // Before version 5.03, we were using a patched version of microlib with proper names
    // This is the workaround that the microlib author suggested us
    static int n = 0;
    if (!std::strcmp(name, ":tt")) return n++;

    /* Use the posix convention that stdin,out,err are filehandles 0,1,2.
    if (std::strcmp(name, __stdin_name) == 0) {
        return 0;
    } else if (std::strcmp(name, __stdout_name) == 0) {
        return 1;
    } else if (std::strcmp(name, __stderr_name) == 0) {
        return 2;

    // find the first empty slot in filehandles
    unsigned int fh_i;
    for (fh_i = 0; fh_i < sizeof(filehandles)/sizeof(*filehandles); fh_i++) {
        if (filehandles[fh_i] == NULL) break;
    if (fh_i >= sizeof(filehandles)/sizeof(*filehandles)) {
        return -1;

    FileHandle *res;

    /* FILENAME: ":0x12345678" describes a FileLike* */
    if (name[0] == ':') {
        void *p;
        sscanf(name, ":%p", &p);
        res = (FileHandle*)p;

    /* FILENAME: "/file_system/file_name" */
    } else {
        FilePath path(name);

        if (!path.exists())
            return -1;
        else if (path.isFile()) {
            res = path.file();
        } else {
            FileSystemLike *fs = path.fileSystem();
            if (fs == NULL) return -1;
            int posix_mode = openmode_to_posix(openmode);
            res = fs->open(path.fileName(), posix_mode); /* NULL if fails */

    if (res == NULL) return -1;
    filehandles[fh_i] = res;

    return fh_i + 3; // +3 as filehandles 0-2 are stdin/out/err

extern "C" int PREFIX(_close)(FILEHANDLE fh) {
    if (fh < 3) return 0;

    FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
    filehandles[fh-3] = NULL;
    if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

    return fhc->close();

#if defined(__ICCARM__)
extern "C" size_t    __write (int        fh, const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length) {
extern "C" int PREFIX(_write)(FILEHANDLE fh, const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int length, int mode) {
    int n; // n is the number of bytes written
    if (fh < 3) {
        if (!stdio_uart_inited) init_serial();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            serial_putc(&stdio_uart, buffer[i]);
        n = length;
    } else {
        FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
        if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

        n = fhc->write(buffer, length);
    return length-n;
    return n;

#if defined(__ICCARM__)
extern "C" size_t    __read (int        fh, unsigned char *buffer, size_t       length) {
extern "C" int PREFIX(_read)(FILEHANDLE fh, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int length, int mode) {
    int n; // n is the number of bytes read
    if (fh < 3) {
        // only read a character at a time from stdin
        if (!stdio_uart_inited) init_serial();
        *buffer = serial_getc(&stdio_uart);
        n = 1;
    } else {
        FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
        if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

        n = fhc->read(buffer, length);
    return length-n;
    return n;

extern "C" int PREFIX(_istty)(FILEHANDLE fh)
extern "C" int _isatty(FILEHANDLE fh)
    /* stdin, stdout and stderr should be tty */
    if (fh < 3) return 1;

    FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
    if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

    return fhc->isatty();

extern "C"
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
int _sys_seek(FILEHANDLE fh, long position)
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
long __lseek(int fh, long offset, int whence)
int _lseek(FILEHANDLE fh, int offset, int whence)
    if (fh < 3) return 0;

    FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
    if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
    return fhc->lseek(position, SEEK_SET);
    return fhc->lseek(offset, whence);

extern "C" int PREFIX(_ensure)(FILEHANDLE fh) {
    if (fh < 3) return 0;

    FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
    if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

    return fhc->fsync();

extern "C" long PREFIX(_flen)(FILEHANDLE fh) {
    if (fh < 3) return 0;

    FileHandle* fhc = filehandles[fh-3];
    if (fhc == NULL) return -1;

    return fhc->flen();

#if !defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && !defined(__ICCARM__)
extern "C" int _fstat(int fd, struct stat *st) {
    if ((STDOUT_FILENO == fd) || (STDERR_FILENO == fd) || (STDIN_FILENO == fd)) {
        st->st_mode = S_IFCHR;
        return  0;

    errno = EBADF;
    return -1;

namespace std {
extern "C" int remove(const char *path) {
    FilePath fp(path);
    FileSystemLike *fs = fp.fileSystem();
    if (fs == NULL) return -1;

    return fs->remove(fp.fileName());

extern "C" int rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname) {
    FilePath fpOld(oldname);
    FilePath fpNew(newname);
    FileSystemLike *fsOld = fpOld.fileSystem();
    FileSystemLike *fsNew = fpNew.fileSystem();

    /* rename only if both files are on the same FS */
    if (fsOld != fsNew || fsOld == NULL) return -1;

    return fsOld->rename(fpOld.fileName(), fpNew.fileName());

extern "C" char *tmpnam(char *s) {
    return NULL;

extern "C" FILE *tmpfile() {
    return NULL;
} // namespace std

extern "C" char *_sys_command_string(char *cmd, int len) {
    return NULL;

extern "C" DIR *opendir(const char *path) {
    /* root dir is FileSystemLike */
    if (path[0] == '/' && path[1] == 0) {
        return FileSystemLike::opendir();

    FilePath fp(path);
    FileSystemLike* fs = fp.fileSystem();
    if (fs == NULL) return NULL;

    return fs->opendir(fp.fileName());

extern "C" struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dir) {
    return dir->readdir();

extern "C" int closedir(DIR *dir) {
    return dir->closedir();

extern "C" void rewinddir(DIR *dir) {

extern "C" off_t telldir(DIR *dir) {
    return dir->telldir();

extern "C" void seekdir(DIR *dir, off_t off) {

extern "C" int mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode) {
    FilePath fp(path);
    FileSystemLike *fs = fp.fileSystem();
    if (fs == NULL) return -1;

    return fs->mkdir(fp.fileName(), mode);

#if defined(TOOLCHAIN_GCC)
/* prevents the exception handling name demangling code getting pulled in */
#include "mbed_error.h"
namespace __gnu_cxx {
    void __verbose_terminate_handler() {
extern "C" WEAK void __cxa_pure_virtual(void);
extern "C" WEAK void __cxa_pure_virtual(void) {


// ****************************************************************************
// mbed_main is a function that is called before main()
// mbed_sdk_init() is also a function that is called before main(), but unlike
// mbed_main(), it is not meant for user code, but for the SDK itself to perform
// initializations before main() is called.

extern "C" WEAK void mbed_main(void);
extern "C" WEAK void mbed_main(void) {

extern "C" WEAK void mbed_sdk_init(void);
extern "C" WEAK void mbed_sdk_init(void) {

#if defined(TOOLCHAIN_ARM)
extern "C" int $Super$$main(void);

extern "C" int $Sub$$main(void) {
    return $Super$$main();
#elif defined(TOOLCHAIN_GCC)
extern "C" int __real_main(void);

extern "C" int __wrap_main(void) {
    return __real_main();
#elif defined(TOOLCHAIN_IAR)
// IAR doesn't have the $Super/$Sub mechanism of armcc, nor something equivalent
// to ld's --wrap. It does have a --redirect, but that doesn't help, since redirecting
// 'main' to another symbol looses the original 'main' symbol. However, its startup
// code will call a function to setup argc and argv (__iar_argc_argv) if it is defined.
// Since mbed doesn't use argc/argv, we use this function to call our mbed_main.
extern "C" void __iar_argc_argv() {

// Provide implementation of _sbrk (low-level dynamic memory allocation
// routine) for GCC_ARM which compares new heap pointer with MSP instead of
// SP.  This make it compatible with RTX RTOS thread stacks.
#if defined(TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM)
// Linker defined symbol used by _sbrk to indicate where heap should start.
extern "C" int __end__;

#if defined(TARGET_CORTEX_A)
extern "C" uint32_t  __HeapLimit;

// Turn off the errno macro and use actual global variable instead.
#undef errno
extern "C" int errno;

// For ARM7 only
register unsigned char * stack_ptr __asm ("sp");

// Dynamic memory allocation related syscall.
extern "C" caddr_t _sbrk(int incr) {
    static unsigned char* heap = (unsigned char*)&__end__;
    unsigned char*        prev_heap = heap;
    unsigned char*        new_heap = heap + incr;

#if defined(TARGET_ARM7)
    if (new_heap >= stack_ptr) {
#elif defined(TARGET_CORTEX_A)
    if (new_heap >= (unsigned char*)&__HeapLimit) {     /* __HeapLimit is end of heap section */
    if (new_heap >= (unsigned char*)__get_MSP()) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return (caddr_t)-1;

    heap = new_heap;
    return (caddr_t) prev_heap;

// TODO: Ideally, we would like to define directly "_ExitProcess"
extern "C" void mbed_exit(int return_code) {
#elif defined TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM
extern "C" void _exit(int return_code) {
namespace std {
extern "C" void exit(int return_code) {


    if (mbed_interface_connected()) {
    if (return_code) {

    while (1);

#if !defined(TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM) && !defined(TOOLCHAIN_GCC_CW)
} //namespace std

namespace mbed {

void mbed_set_unbuffered_stream(FILE *_file) {
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
    char buf[2];
    setbuf(_file, NULL);

int mbed_getc(FILE *_file){
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
    /*This is only valid for unbuffered streams*/
    int res = std::fgetc(_file);
    if (res>=0){
        _file->_Mode = (unsigned short)(_file->_Mode & ~ 0x1000);/* Unset read mode */
        _file->_Rend = _file->_Wend;
        _file->_Next = _file->_Wend;
    return res;
    return std::fgetc(_file);

char* mbed_gets(char*s, int size, FILE *_file){
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
    /*This is only valid for unbuffered streams*/
    char *str = fgets(s,size,_file);
    if (str!=NULL){
        _file->_Mode = (unsigned short)(_file->_Mode & ~ 0x1000);/* Unset read mode */
        _file->_Rend = _file->_Wend;
        _file->_Next = _file->_Wend;
    return str;
    return std::fgets(s,size,_file);

} // namespace mbed