PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!



File content as of revision 28:958b71c4b92a:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iap.h>
#include "LPC11U6x.h"
#include "PokittoDisk.h"

#define TICKRATE_HZ (10)	/* 10 ticks per second */
/* SystemTick Counter */
static volatile uint32_t sysTick;

/* LPC1347 IAP entry address */
#define IAP_LOCATION 0x1fff1ff1

#define last_sector_flash  0x00038000  //0x0000F000
#define IAP_LAST_SECTOR 28 /* Page number 896 - 1023, 0x00038000 - 0x0003FFFF */
#define WRITECOUNT (IAP_NUM_BYTES_TO_WRITE / 4) /* when data array is in uint32_t */

#define IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD 50 /* Prepare sector for write operation command */
#define IAP_REPID_CMD 54

/* IAP command variables */
static unsigned int command[5], result[4];

/* IAP entry function */
typedef int (*IAP)(unsigned int[], unsigned int[]);
IAP iap_entry = (IAP) IAP_LOCATION;

int CopyPageToFlash (uint32_t address, uint8_t* data) {
    IAP iap_call = (IAP) IAP_LOCATION;
    uint32_t writecount=0;

    unsigned int sector, page;
    bool firstpage=false, erasepage=false;

    //for (int i=0;i<256;i++) data[i]=0xBB;

    /* Calculate sector based on address */
    if (address < 0x18000) sector = address/0x1000; // sectors go in 4 k's
    else if (address >= 0x38000) sector = 28;
    else if (address >= 0x30000) sector = 27;
    else if (address >= 0x28000) sector = 26;
    else if (address >= 0x20000) sector = 25;
    else sector = 24;

    /* Check is it the first page in the sector */
    if (sector<24) {
        if (address == sector * 0x1000) firstpage = true;
    } else {
        if (address == (sector-24)*0x4000 + 0x18000) firstpage = true;

	/* Prepare the sector for writing */
	command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
	command[1] = sector;         							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = sector;		        					/* End Sector Number */
	iap_call(command, result);
    if (result[0]) return 1;

    /* wipe pages when writing the loader */
    if (address==0x39000) {

    /* do sector erase only when writing first page of given sector */
    if (firstpage) {
        /* Erase the last sector */
        command[0] = IAP_ERSSECTOR_CMD;	   					/* Erase command code*/
        command[1] = sector;             						/* Start Sector Number */
        command[2] = sector;            						/* End Sector Number */
        command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000UL;	/* Core clock frequency in kHz */
        iap_call(command, result);
        if (result[0]) return 1;
        /* Prepare to write/erase the last sector, needs to be done again because succesful erase re-locks sectors */
        command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
        command[1] = sector;			            				/* Start Sector Number */
        command[2] = sector;        							/* Start Sector Number */
        iap_call(command, result);
        if (result[0]) return 1;

    /* page erase for bootloader area */
    if (erasepage) {
        command[0] = 59; //erase page command
        command[1] = 896;
        command[2] = 1023;
        command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000UL;	/* Core clock frequency in kHz */
        iap_call(command, result);
        if (result[0]) return 1;
        /* Prepare to write/erase the last sector, needs to be done again because succesful erase re-locks sectors */
        command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
        command[1] = sector;			            				/* Start Sector Number */
        command[2] = sector;        							/* Start Sector Number */
        iap_call(command, result);
        if (result[0]) return 1;

	/* Write data to the sectors */
	command[0] = IAP_WRISECTOR_CMD;						/* Write command code */
	command[1] = (uint32_t) (uint32_t*) address;              		    /* Destination Flash Address */
	command[2] = (uint32_t) data;	    				/* Source RAM Address */
	command[3] = 0x100;             					/* Number of Bytes to be written */
	command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;				/* System clock frequency */
	iap_call(command, result);
    if (result[0]) return 1;

	/* Re-enable interrupt mode */

    return 0; /*succesful write*/


__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) int HelloFromIAP() {
    static uint32_t array_data[WRITECOUNT];
    int i;
    /* Initialize the array data to be written to FLASH */
	for (i = 0; i < WRITECOUNT; i++) {
		array_data[i] = 0xB007AB1E;

    IAP iap_call = (IAP) IAP_LOCATION;
    uint8_t teahupoo;

    /** open file **/
    char fn[20];
    char* now;
    now = (char*)last_sector_flash;
    switch (now[0]) {
case 0xAA:
case 0xBB:
    if(fileOpen(fn,FILE_MODE_BINARY)) {
            return 1;
    } else {
     for (i = 0; i < WRITECOUNT; i++) {

    /** write sector in flash **/
    /* Read Part Identification Number*/
	command[0] = IAP_REPID_CMD;								/* Read ID command code */
	iap_call(command, result);


	/* Prepare to write/erase the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
	command[1] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* End Sector Number */
	iap_call(command, result);
	/* Erase the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_ERSSECTOR_CMD;						/* Erase command code*/
	command[1] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000UL;	/* Core clock frequency in kHz */
	iap_call(command, result);
	/* Prepare to write/erase the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
	command[1] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	iap_call(command, result);
	/* Write to the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_WRISECTOR_CMD;								/* Write command code */
	command[1] = (uint32_t) last_sector_flash;		        /* Destination Flash Address */
	command[2] = (uint32_t) &array_data;					/* Source RAM Address */
	command[3] = IAP_NUM_BYTES_TO_WRITE;					/* Number of Bytes to be written */
	command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;					/* System clock frequency */
	iap_call(command, result);

	/* Re-enable interrupt mode */

    SCB->AIRCR = 0x05FA0004; //issue system reset
    while(1); //should never come here
    return teahupoo;

void IAPstacksave()
  /*need to save 32 top bytes of RAM to RAM1*/
  #define RAM1_0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x20000000))
  #define RAM1_1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x20000004))
  #define RAM1_2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x20000008))
  #define RAM1_3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x2000000C))
  #define RAM1_4 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x20000010))
  #define RAM1_5 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x20000014))
  #define RAM1_6 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x20000018))
  #define RAM1_7 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x2000001C))

  uint32_t *saveloc = (uint32_t*)(0x10002000-0x20); // RAM top - 32 bytes
  RAM1_0 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_1 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_2 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_3 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_4 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_5 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_6 = *saveloc++;
  RAM1_7 = *saveloc;

char iaptest() {
    static uint32_t array_data[WRITECOUNT];
    int i;
    /* Initialize the array data to be written to FLASH */
	for (i = 0; i < WRITECOUNT; i++) {
		array_data[i] = 0x11223340 + i;

	/* Read Part Identification Number*/
	command[0] = IAP_REPID_CMD;								/* Read ID command code */
	iap_entry(command, result);

	/* Reinvoke ISP mode so that reprogamming of Flash possible */

	command[0] = IAP_REPID_CMD;
	iap_entry(command, result);

	/* Prepare to write/erase the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
	command[1] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* End Sector Number */
	iap_entry(command, result);

	/* Erase the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_ERSSECTOR_CMD;						/* Erase command code*/
	command[1] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	iap_entry(command, result);

	/* Prepare to write/erase the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;						/* Prepare to write/erase command code */
	command[1] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	command[2] = IAP_LAST_SECTOR;							/* Start Sector Number */
	iap_entry(command, result);

	/* Write to the last sector */
	command[0] = IAP_WRISECTOR_CMD;								/* Write command code */
	command[1] = (uint32_t) last_sector_flash;		/* Destination Flash Address */
	command[2] = (uint32_t) &array_data;					/* Source RAM Address */
	command[3] = IAP_NUM_BYTES_TO_WRITE;					/* Number of Bytes to be written */
	command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;					/* System clock frequency */
	iap_entry(command, result);

	/* Re-enable interrupt mode */

	//while (1) {
	//	__WFI();

	return 0;


//1) EEprom Write
//Command code: 61
//Param0: eeprom address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
//Param1: RAM address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
//Param2: Number of bytes to be written ( Byte, Half-words write are ok)
//Param3: System Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) void writeEEPROM( uint16_t* eeAddress, uint8_t* buffAddress, uint32_t byteCount )
	unsigned int command[5], result[4];

	command[0] = 61;
	command[1] = (uint32_t) eeAddress;
	command[2] = (uint32_t) buffAddress;
	command[3] = byteCount;
	command[4] = SystemCoreClock/1000;

	/* Invoke IAP call...*/
	LPC_CT32B0->TCR = 1;
  	iap_entry(command, result);
	LPC_CT32B0->TCR = 0;
	iap_entry(command, result);
	if (0 != result[0])
		//Trap error

//2) EEprom Read
//Command code: 62
//Param0: eeprom address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
//Param1: RAM address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
//Param2: Number of bytes to be read ( Byte, Half-words read are ok)
//Param3: System Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) void readEEPROM( uint16_t* eeAddress, uint8_t* buffAddress, uint32_t byteCount )
	unsigned int command[5], result[4];

	command[0] = 62;
	command[1] = (uint32_t) eeAddress;
	command[2] = (uint32_t) buffAddress;
	command[3] = byteCount;
	command[4] = SystemCoreClock/1000;

	/* Invoke IAP call...*/
  	iap_entry( command, result);
	if (0 != result[0])
		//Trap error

__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) void IAPreadPartId( uint8_t* eeAddress, uint8_t* buffAddress, uint32_t byteCount )
	unsigned int command[5], result[4];

	command[0] = 62;
	command[1] = (uint32_t) eeAddress;
	command[2] = (uint32_t) buffAddress;
	command[3] = byteCount;
	command[4] = SystemCoreClock/1000;

	/* Invoke IAP call...*/
  	iap_entry( command, result);
	if (0 != result[0])
		//Trap error

uint8_t eeprom_read_byte(uint16_t* index) {
    uint8_t val;
    return val;

void eeprom_write_byte(uint16_t*index , uint8_t val) {

 * $Id$
 * Project: 	NXP LPC11U6x In Application Programming
 * Description: Provides access to In-Application Programming (IAP) routines
 * 			    contained within the bootROM sector of LPC11U6x devices.
 * Copyright(C) 2010, NXP Semiconductor
 * All rights reserved.
 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
 * use without further testing or modification.

/* IAP Command Definitions */
#define	IAP_CMD_ERASE_SECTORS			    52
#define	IAP_CMD_READ_PART_ID			    54
#define	IAP_CMD_COMPARE					      56
#define	IAP_CMD_REINVOKE_ISP			    57
#define IAP_CMD_READ_UID              58

#define IAP_CMD_ERASE_PAGE            59    //new

/* IAP boot ROM location and access function */
//#define IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(a, b)			((void (*)())(IAP_ROM_LOCATION))(a, b)

__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) void IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(uint32_t* a, uint32_t* b) {
    void (*user_code_entry)(uint32_t*,uint32_t*);
    uint32_t *p;
    p = (uint32_t *)IAP_ROM_LOCATION;
    user_code_entry = (void (*)(uint32_t*,uint32_t*))(*p);
    user_code_entry(a, b);

** Function name:	u32IAP_PrepareSectors
** Description:		Prepares sector(s) for erasing or write operations. This
** 								command must be executed before executing the "Copy RAM to
** 								Flash" or "Erase Sector(s)" commands.
** Parameters:		u32StartSector - Number of first sector to prepare.
** 								u32EndSector - Number of last sector to prepare.
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_PrepareSectors(uint32_t u32StartSector, uint32_t u32EndSector)
	uint32_t u32Status;
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	if (u32EndSector < u32StartSector)
		au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_PREPARE_SECTORS;
		au32Command[1] = u32StartSector;
		au32Command[2] = u32EndSector;
		IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);
		u32Status = au32Result[0];
	return u32Status;

** Function name:	u32IAP_CopyRAMToFlash
** Description:		Program the flash memory with data stored in RAM.
** Parameters:	   	u32DstAddr - Destination Flash address, should be a 256
**                               byte boundary.
**			 		u32SrcAddr - Source RAM address, should be a word boundary
**			 		u32Len     - Number of 8-bit bytes to write, must be a
**			 					 multiple of 256.
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_CopyRAMToFlash(uint32_t u32DstAddr, uint32_t u32SrcAddr, uint32_t u32Len)
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_COPY_RAM_TO_FLASH;
	au32Command[1] = u32DstAddr;
	au32Command[2] = u32SrcAddr;
	au32Command[3] = u32Len;
	au32Command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000UL;	/* Core clock frequency in kHz */

	IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

	return au32Result[0];

** Function name:	u32IAP_EraseSectors
** Description:		Erase a sector or multiple sectors of on-chip Flash memory.
** Parameters:		u32StartSector - Number of first sector to erase.
** 					u32EndSector - Number of last sector to erase.
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_EraseSectors(uint32_t u32StartSector, uint32_t u32EndSector)
	uint32_t u32Status;
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	if (u32EndSector < u32StartSector)
		au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_ERASE_SECTORS;
		au32Command[1] = u32StartSector;
		au32Command[2] = u32EndSector;
		au32Command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000UL;	/* Core clock frequency in kHz */

		IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

		u32Status = au32Result[0];
	return u32Status;

** Function name:	u32IAP_BlankCheckSectors
** Description:		Blank check a sector or multiple sectors of on-chip flash
** 					memory.
** Parameters:		u32StartSector - Number of first sector to check.
** 					u32EndSector - Number of last sector to check.
** 					pu32Result[0] - Offset of the first non blank word location
**                  if the Status Code is IAP_STA_SECTOR_NOT_BLANK.
** 					pu32Result[1] - Contents of non blank word location.
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_BlankCheckSectors(uint32_t u32StartSector, uint32_t u32EndSector, uint32_t *pu32Result)
	uint32_t u32Status;
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	if (u32EndSector < u32StartSector)
		au32Command[1] = u32StartSector;
		au32Command[2] = u32EndSector;

		IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

		if (au32Result[0] == IAP_STA_SECTOR_NOT_BLANK)
			*pu32Result       = au32Result[0];
			*(pu32Result + 1) = au32Result[1];
		u32Status = au32Result[0];
	return u32Status;

** Function name:	u32IAP_ReadPartID
** Description:		Read the part identification number.
** Parameters:		pu32PartID - Pointer to storage for part ID number.
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_ReadPartID(uint32_t *pu32PartID)
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_READ_PART_ID;
	IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);
	*pu32PartID = au32Result[1];

	return au32Result[0];

** Function name:	u32IAP_ReadBootVersion
** Description:		Read the boot code version number.
** Parameters:		pu32Major - Major version number in ASCII format.
** 					pu32Minor - Minor version number in ASCII format.
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_ReadBootVersion(uint32_t *pu32Major, uint32_t *pu32Minor)
//uint32_t u32IAP_ReadBootVersion(uint32_t *pu32Major)
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];


	IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

	*pu32Major = (au32Result[1] & 0x0000FF00UL) >> 8;
	*pu32Minor = au32Result[1] & 0x000000FFUL;

	return au32Result[0];

** Function name:	u32IAP_Compare
** Description:		Compares the memory contents at two locations.
** Parameters:		u32Len - Number of bytes to compare, must be a multiple of 4.
**					pu32Offset - Offset of the first mismatch if the Status Code is COMPARE_ERROR
** Returned value:	Status code returned by IAP ROM function.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_Compare(uint32_t u32DstAddr, uint32_t u32SrcAddr, uint32_t u32Len, uint32_t *pu32Offset)
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_COMPARE;
	au32Command[1] = u32DstAddr;
	au32Command[2] = u32SrcAddr;
	au32Command[3] = u32Len;

	IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

	if (au32Result[0] == IAP_STA_COMPARE_ERROR)
		if (pu32Offset != 0)
			*pu32Offset = au32Result[1];
	return au32Result[0];

** Function name:	vIAP_ReinvokeISP
** Description:		Invoke the bootloader in ISP mode.
** Parameters:		None.
** Returned value:	None.
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) void vIAP_ReinvokeISP(void)
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_REINVOKE_ISP;

	IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

// read UID
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_ReadUID(uint32_t * pu32UID)
	uint32_t au32Result[5];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_READ_UID;

	IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);
//	*pu32UID++ =  au32Result[1];
//	*pu32UID++ =  au32Result[2];
//	*pu32UID++ =  au32Result[3];
//	*pu32UID =  au32Result[4];

	*pu32UID =  au32Result[1];
	*pu32UID++ =  au32Result[2];
	*pu32UID++ =  au32Result[3];
	*pu32UID++ =  au32Result[4];

	return au32Result[0];


//IAP erase	Page  256B	 64K have 0-255 pages, page0-15 in sector 0,	32K have 0-127 pages, 128k have 0-511 pages,
__attribute__((section(".IAP_Code"))) uint32_t u32IAP_ErasePage(uint32_t u32StartPage, uint32_t u32EndPage)
	uint32_t u32Status;
	uint32_t au32Result[3];
	uint32_t au32Command[5];

	if (u32EndPage < u32StartPage)
		au32Command[0] = IAP_CMD_ERASE_PAGE;
		au32Command[1] = u32StartPage;
		au32Command[2] = u32EndPage;
		au32Command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000UL;	/* Core clock frequency in kHz */

		IAP_EXECUTE_CMD(au32Command, au32Result);

		u32Status = au32Result[0];
	return u32Status;

 **                            End Of File