PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!
--- a/POKITTO_HW/HWLCD.cpp	Mon May 21 18:08:52 2018 +0000
+++ b/POKITTO_HW/HWLCD.cpp	Mon May 21 18:10:03 2018 +0000
@@ -763,15 +763,15 @@
                     // *** COMBINE DIRTY RECTS FOR THIS SCANLINE GROUP ***
                     // Dirty rect
-                    int sprDirtyYMin = std::min(spry, sprOldY);
-                    sprDirtyYMin = std::max((int)sprDirtyYMin, 0);
-                    int sprDirtyYMax = std::max(spry, sprOldY);
+                    int sprDirtyYMin = min(spry, sprOldY);
+                    sprDirtyYMin = max((int)sprDirtyYMin, 0);
+                    int sprDirtyYMax = max(spry, sprOldY);
                     if (isCurrentSpriteOutOfScreen)
                         sprDirtyYMax = sprOldY;
                     if (isOldSpriteOutOfScreen)
                         sprDirtyYMax = spry;
                     int sprDirtyYMaxEnd = sprDirtyYMax + sprh - 1;
-                    sprDirtyYMaxEnd = std::min(sprDirtyYMaxEnd, LCDHEIGHT - 1);  // Should use LCDHEIGHT instead of screenH? Same with other screen* ?
+                    sprDirtyYMaxEnd = min(sprDirtyYMaxEnd, LCDHEIGHT - 1);  // Should use LCDHEIGHT instead of screenH? Same with other screen* ?
                     // Get the scanline min and max y values for drawing
                     if (sprDirtyYMin < scanlineMinY)