PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!
Fri Jan 05 02:19:51 2018 +0000
Sound level stored in EEPROM, sound output improved

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 1 /**************************************************************************/
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 2 /*!
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 3 @file Synth.h
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 4 @author Jonne Valola
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 6 @section LICENSE
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 7
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 8 Pokitto development stage library
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 9 Software License Agreement
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 10
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 11 Copyright (c) 2015, Jonne Valola ("Author")
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 12 All rights reserved.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 13
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 14 This library is intended solely for the purpose of Pokitto development.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 15
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 16 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 17 modification requires written permission from Author.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 18 */
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 19 /**************************************************************************/
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 20
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 21 #ifndef SYNTH_H
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 22 #define SYNTH_H
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 23
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 24 #include "Synth_osc.h"
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 25 #include "Synth_song.h"
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 26
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 27 /* PROPER WAY
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 28 void f() {}
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 29
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 30 int main()
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 31 {
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 32 using FunctionPtr = void (*)();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 33
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 34 FunctionPtr ptr = f;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 35 }
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 36 */
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 37
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 38 #ifndef boolean
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 39 typedef bool boolean;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 40 #endif
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 41
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 42 //extern void fakeISR(); // was defined in Rboy_soundsim.h
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 43
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 44 typedef void (*waveFunction)(OSC*);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 45 typedef void (*envFunction)(OSC*);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 46 typedef void (*mixFunction)();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 47
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 48 extern waveFunction Farr [];
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 49 extern envFunction Earr [];
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 50 extern mixFunction Marr []; // counts down
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 51 extern mixFunction HWMarr []; // counts down
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 52 /** COMMON TO BOTH HW AND SIM SOUND OUTPUT **/
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 53
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 54 #define RBTRACKER_VERSION 0.03f
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 55
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 56 #define WOFF 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 57 #define WSQUARE 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 58 #define WSAW 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 59 #define WTRI 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 60 #define WNOISE 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 61 #define WSAMPLE 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 62 #define WPNOISE 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 63
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 64 #define OVERDRIVE 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 65
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 66 #define ARPSTEPMAX 4 // was 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 67 #define PATTERNLENGTH 64
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 68 #define MAXPATTERNS 10
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 69 #define MAXBLOCKS 30 // 10 *3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 70
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 71 #define VOLTICK 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 72 #define ARPTICK 50 // 150 // was 200
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 73
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 74 #define NUMWAVES 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 75 #define NUMENVELOPES 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 76 #define NUMMIXES 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 77
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 78 extern void getNoteString(char *, uint8_t);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 79
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 80 extern void playNote(uint8_t,uint8_t,uint8_t);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 81 extern void makeSampleInstruments();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 82
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 83 extern void setPitch(int);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 84 extern void setWave(int);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 85 extern void setVolume(int);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 86 extern void initAudio();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 87 extern void testOsc();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 88 extern void terminateSound();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 89 extern void killSound();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 90 extern void startSound();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 91 extern void stopSound();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 92 extern void updatePlayback(); // from flash
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 93 extern void updatePlaybackSD(uint8_t); // from SD
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 94 extern void initStreams(uint8_t);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 95 extern void emptyOscillators();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 96 extern void emptyPatches();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 97 extern void emptyBlocks();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 98 extern void emptySong();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 99 extern int openSongFromSD(char *);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 100 extern void writeChunkToSD(uint8_t *);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 101 extern void readChunkFromSD(uint8_t *);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 102
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 103
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 104 extern boolean playing, track1on, track2on, track3on, tableRefresh;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 105 extern uint16_t playerpos;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 106 extern uint16_t samplespertick, notetick;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 107 extern long samplesperpattern;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 108
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 109 extern long readindex, writeindex;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 110 extern uint8_t tick, sequencepos;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 111
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 112 extern SONG song;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 113 extern OSC osc1,osc2,osc3;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 114 extern OSC patch[];
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 115 extern BLOCK block[]; // array of blocks
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 116
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 117 #define MAX_ARPMODE 16
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 118
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 119 extern int8_t arptable[][5];
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 120
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 121 extern uint16_t freqs[];
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 122 extern uint16_t cincs[];
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 123
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 124 extern uint8_t xorshift8();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 125 extern uint16_t xorshift16();
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 126
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 127 extern uint16_t noiseval;
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 128
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 129 extern void setOSC(OSC*,byte, byte, byte, byte, byte,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 130 uint8_t, uint8_t,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 131 uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 132 int16_t, int16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 133
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 134 extern void setOSC(OSC*,byte,byte,uint16_t, uint8_t, uint32_t);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 135
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 136 extern void waveoff(OSC*);
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 137 #endif // SYNTH_H
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 138