PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!
Fri Jan 05 02:19:51 2018 +0000
Sound level stored in EEPROM, sound output improved

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 1 #ifndef GBCOMPATIBILITY_H
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 2 #define GBCOMPATIBILITY_H
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 4 /*
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 5 * (C) Copyright 2014 Aurélien Rodot. All rights reserved.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 6 *
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 7 * This file is part of the Gamebuino Library (http://gamebuino.com)
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 8 *
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 9 * The Gamebuino Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 10 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 11 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 12 * (at your option) any later version.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 13 *
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 17 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 18 *
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 20 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 21 */
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 22
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 23
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 24
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 25 #ifndef SETTINGS_C
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 26 #define SETTINGS_C
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 27
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 28 #include "binary.h"
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 29
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 30 #define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit)) //jonne
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 31
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 32 #define NOROT 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 33 #define ROTCCW 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 34 #define ROT180 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 35 #define ROTCW 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 36
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 37 //colors
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 38 #define WHITE 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 39 #define BLACK 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 40 #define GRAY 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 41 #define INVERT 255
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 42
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 43 //for extended bitmap function :
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 44 #define NOROT 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 45 #define ROTCCW 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 46 #define ROT180 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 47 #define ROTCW 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 48 #define NOFLIP 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 49 #define FLIPH 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 50 #define FLIPV 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 51 #define FLIPVH 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 52
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 53
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 54
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 55
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 56 //SETTINGS YOU CAN EDIT
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 57
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 58 #define NUM_CHANNELS 1 //number of sound channels, between 0 and 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 59 #define DISPLAY_ROT NOROT //set to NOROT, ROTCCW, ROT180 or ROTCW. Can be used to play in portrait mode.
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 60 #define ENABLE_GUI 1 //enable menu, keyboard, pop-up, volume adjust functions
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 61 #define ENABLE_BITMAPS 1 //will replace bitmaps with rectangles if disabled
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 62 #define ENABLE_GRAYSCALE 1 //allows the use of the GRAY color
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 63 #define EXTENDED_NOTE_RANGE 0 //allows the use of notes above A 5... please avoid that they sound really bad
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 64
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 65 //not really useful
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 66 #define ENABLE_BATTERY 1 //disable battery monitoring
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 67 #define ENABLE_BACKLIGHT 1 //disable automatic back-light
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 68
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 70
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 71 //defaults values of settings which can be adjusted on each Gamebuino using settings.hex
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 72 #define SCR_CONTRAST 60
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 73 #define START_MENU_TIMER 255 //40 = 40 frames (2sec) before start menu is skipped, 0 = no start menu, 255 = start menu until you press A
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 74
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 75 //addresses of settings stored in the program memory
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 76 #define SETTINGS_PAGE ((const char *)(0x7800-128))
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 77 #define SETTINGS_TOKEN 0xC001
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 78 #define OFFSET_CURRENTGAME 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 79 #define OFFSET_USERNAME 11
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 80 #define USERNAME_LENGTH 10
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 81 #define OFFSET_CONTRAST 22
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 82 #define OFFSET_BACKLIGHT_MIN 23
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 83 #define OFFSET_BACKLIGHT_MAX 24
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 84 #define OFFSET_LIGHT_MIN 25
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 85 #define OFFSET_LIGHT_MAX 27
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 86 #define OFFSET_VOLUME_MAX 29
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 87 #define OFFSET_VOLUME_DEFAULT 30
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 88 #define OFFSET_START_MENU_TIMER 31
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 89 #define OFFSET_BATTERY_CRITIC 32
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 90 #define OFFSET_BATTERY_LOW 34
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 91 #define OFFSET_BATTERY_MED 36
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 92 #define OFFSET_BATTERY_FULL 38
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 93
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 94 //GUI
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 95 #define KEYBOARD_W 16
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 96 #define KEYBOARD_H 8
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 97
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 98 //sound
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 99 #define VOLUME_CHANNEL_MAX 255/NUM_CHANNELS/7/9 //7=instrument volume 9=note volume
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 100
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 101 //battery voltage monitor
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 102 #define BAT_PIN 6 //was A6
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 103 #define NUM_LVL 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 104 #define BAT_LVL_CRITIC 3500
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 105 #define BAT_LVL_LOW 3550
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 106 #define BAT_LVL_MED 3700
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 107 #define BAT_LVL_FULL 3900
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 108
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 109 //SD card
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 110 #define SD_CS 10
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 111
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 112 //screens back light
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 113 #define BACKLIGHT_PIN 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 114 //auto back-light levels
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 115 #define BACKLIGHT_MIN 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 116 #define BACKLIGHT_MAX 255
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 117
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 118 //ambient light sensor
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 119 #define AMBIENTLIGHT_PIN A7
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 120 //auto back-light levels
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 121 #define AMBIENTLIGHT_MIN 800 //800
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 122 #define AMBIENTLIGHT_MAX 980 //1000
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 123 #define AMBIENTLIGHT_SMOOTHING 16
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 124
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 125 //number of buttons
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 126 #define NUM_BTN 7
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 127 //buttons ID
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 128 #if DISPLAY_ROT == 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 129 #define BTN_UP 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 130 #define BTN_RIGHT 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 131 #define BTN_DOWN 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 132 #define BTN_LEFT 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 133 #elif DISPLAY_ROT == ROTCCW
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 134 #define BTN_UP 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 135 #define BTN_RIGHT 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 136 #define BTN_DOWN 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 137 #define BTN_LEFT 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 138 #elif DISPLAY_ROT == ROT180
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 139 #define BTN_UP 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 140 #define BTN_RIGHT 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 141 #define BTN_DOWN 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 142 #define BTN_LEFT 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 143 #elif DISPLAY_ROT == ROTCW
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 144 #define BTN_UP 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 145 #define BTN_RIGHT 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 146 #define BTN_DOWN 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 147 #define BTN_LEFT 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 148 #endif
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 149 #define BTN_A 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 150 #define BTN_B 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 151 #define BTN_C 6
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 152
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 153 #define BTN_LEFT_PIN 0
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 154 #define BTN_UP_PIN 1
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 155 #define BTN_RIGHT_PIN 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 156 #define BTN_DOWN_PIN 3
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 157 #define BTN_A_PIN 4
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 158 #define BTN_B_PIN 5
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 159 #define BTN_C_PIN 6
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 160
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 161
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 162
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 163 #endif /* */
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 164
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 165 const uint16_t startupSound[] = {0x0005,0x3089,0x208,0x238,0x7849,0x1468,0x0000};
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 166
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 167 const uint8_t gamebuinoLogo[] =
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 168 {
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 169 84,10, //width and height
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 170 B00000011, B11100001, B10000001, B10000110, B01111111, B00111110, B00011000, B01101101, B10000011, B00001111, B00001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 171 B00001110, B00000001, B10000011, B10000110, B01100000, B00110011, B00011000, B01101101, B11000011, B00011001, B10001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 172 B00011000, B00000011, B11000011, B10001110, B01100000, B00110011, B00011000, B01101101, B11100011, B00110000, B11001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 173 B00011000, B00000011, B11000011, B10011110, B01100000, B00110110, B00110000, B11001101, B11100011, B01100000, B11001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 174 B00110000, B00000110, B11000111, B10011110, B01111110, B00111110, B00110000, B11001101, B10110011, B01100000, B11001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 175 B00110000, B00001100, B11000110, B11110110, B01100000, B00110011, B00110000, B11011001, B10110110, B01100000, B11001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 176 B00110011, B11001111, B11001100, B11110110, B01100000, B01100001, B10110000, B11011011, B00011110, B01100000, B11001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 177 B00110000, B11011000, B01101100, B11100110, B11000000, B01100001, B10110000, B11011011, B00011110, B01100001, B10001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 178 B00011001, B10011000, B01101100, B11000110, B11000000, B01100011, B10110001, B10011011, B00001110, B00110011, B00001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 179 B00001111, B10110000, B01111000, B11000110, B11111111, B01111110, B00011111, B00011011, B00000110, B00011110, B00001111,
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 180 };
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 181
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 182 #endif // GBCOMPATIBILITY_H
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 183