PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)
Dependents: YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more
Library for programming Pokitto hardware
How to Use
- Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
- DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
- Change My_settings.h according to your project
- Start coding!
POKITTO_LIBS/ImageFormat/defines_linux_SIM.h@58:5f58a2846a20, 2018-10-07 (annotated)
- Committer:
- Pokitto
- Date:
- Sun Oct 07 10:06:28 2018 +0000
- Revision:
- 58:5f58a2846a20
- Parent:
- 23:f88837b8f914
All warnings removed in mbed compilation
Who changed what in which revision?
User | Revision | Line number | New contents of line |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 1 | #include <stdio.h> |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 2 | #include <ctype.h> |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 3 | #include <stdlib.h> |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 4 | #include <string.h> |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 5 | #include <stdint.h> |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 6 | #include "helpers.h" |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 7 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 8 | #define _MAX_DRIVE 3 |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 9 | #define _MAX_DIR 256 |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 10 | #define _MAX_FNAME 256 |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 11 | #define _MAX_EXT 256 |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 12 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 13 | #include <ctype.h> |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 14 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 15 | char* _strupr( char* s ) |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 16 | { |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 17 | char* p = s; |
Pokitto | 58:5f58a2846a20 | 18 | while (*p){ *p = toupper( *p );p++;} |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 19 | return s; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 20 | } |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 21 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 22 | typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 23 | uint8_t rgbBlue; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 24 | uint8_t rgbGreen; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 25 | uint8_t rgbRed; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 26 | uint8_t rgbReserved; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 27 | } RGBQUAD; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 28 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 29 | typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 30 | int16_t bfType; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 31 | int32_t bfSize; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 32 | int16_t bfReserved1; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 33 | int16_t bfReserved2; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 34 | int32_t bfOffBits; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 35 | } __attribute__((packed)) BITMAPFILEHEADER, *PBITMAPFILEHEADER; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 36 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 37 | #define BI_RLE4 2 |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 38 | typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 39 | int32_t biSize; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 40 | int32_t biWidth; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 41 | int32_t biHeight; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 42 | int16_t biPlanes; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 43 | int16_t biBitCount; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 44 | int32_t biCompression; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 45 | int32_t biSizeImage; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 46 | int32_t biXPelsPerMeter; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 47 | int32_t biYPelsPerMeter; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 48 | int32_t biClrUsed; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 49 | int32_t biClrImportant; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 50 | } __attribute__((packed)) BITMAPINFOHEADER, *PBITMAPINFOHEADER; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 51 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 52 | typedef struct tagBITMAPINFO { |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 53 | BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 54 | RGBQUAD bmiColors[1]; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 55 | } __attribute__((packed)) BITMAPINFO, *PBITMAPINFO; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 56 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 57 | RGBQUAD myColors[257]; |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 58 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 59 | |
Pokitto | 23:f88837b8f914 | 60 |