PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!
Wed Dec 25 23:59:52 2019 +0000
Changed Mode2 C++ refresh code (graphical errors)

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 1 /*
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 2 pins_arduino.h - Pin definition functions for Arduino
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 3 Part of Arduino - http://www.arduino.cc/
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 4
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 5 Copyright (c) 2007 David A. Mellis
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 6
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 7 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 8 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 9 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 10 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 11
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 12 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 15 Lesser General Public License for more details.
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 16
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 17 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 18 Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 19 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 20 Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 21
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 22 $Id: wiring.h 249 2007-02-03 16:52:51Z mellis $
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 23 */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 24
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 25 #ifndef Pins_Arduino_h
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 26 #define Pins_Arduino_h
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 27
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 28 #include "PokittoFakeavr.h"
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 29
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 30 #define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS 20
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 31 #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS 6
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 32 #define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) ((p < 6) ? (p) + 14 : -1)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 33
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 34 #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 35 #define digitalPinHasPWM(p) ((p) == 9 || (p) == 10 || (p) == 11)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 36 #else
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 37 #define digitalPinHasPWM(p) ((p) == 3 || (p) == 5 || (p) == 6 || (p) == 9 || (p) == 10 || (p) == 11)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 38 #endif
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 39
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 40 const static uint8_t SS = 10;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 41 const static uint8_t MOSI = 11;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 42 const static uint8_t MISO = 12;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 43 const static uint8_t SCK = 13;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 44
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 45 //const static uint8_t SDA = 18;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 46 //const static uint8_t SCL = 19;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 47 const static uint8_t LED_BUILTIN = 13;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 48
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 49 /*const static uint8_t A0 = 14;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 50 const static uint8_t A1 = 15;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 51 const static uint8_t A2 = 16;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 52 const static uint8_t A3 = 17;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 53 const static uint8_t A4 = 18;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 54 const static uint8_t A5 = 19;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 55 const static uint8_t A6 = 20;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 56 const static uint8_t A7 = 21;*/
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 57
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 58 #define digitalPinToPCICR(p) (((p) >= 0 && (p) <= 21) ? (&PCICR) : ((uint8_t *)0))
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 59 #define digitalPinToPCICRbit(p) (((p) <= 7) ? 2 : (((p) <= 13) ? 0 : 1))
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 60 #define digitalPinToPCMSK(p) (((p) <= 7) ? (&PCMSK2) : (((p) <= 13) ? (&PCMSK0) : (((p) <= 21) ? (&PCMSK1) : ((uint8_t *)0))))
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 61 #define digitalPinToPCMSKbit(p) (((p) <= 7) ? (p) : (((p) <= 13) ? ((p) - 8) : ((p) - 14)))
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 62
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 63 #ifdef ARDUINO_MAIN
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 64
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 65 // On the Arduino board, digital pins are also used
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 66 // for the analog output (software PWM). Analog input
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 67 // pins are a separate set.
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 68
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 69 // ATMEL ATMEGA8 & 168 / ARDUINO
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 70 //
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 71 // +-\/-+
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 72 // PC6 1| |28 PC5 (AI 5)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 73 // (D 0) PD0 2| |27 PC4 (AI 4)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 74 // (D 1) PD1 3| |26 PC3 (AI 3)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 75 // (D 2) PD2 4| |25 PC2 (AI 2)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 76 // PWM+ (D 3) PD3 5| |24 PC1 (AI 1)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 77 // (D 4) PD4 6| |23 PC0 (AI 0)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 78 // VCC 7| |22 GND
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 79 // GND 8| |21 AREF
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 80 // PB6 9| |20 AVCC
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 81 // PB7 10| |19 PB5 (D 13)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 82 // PWM+ (D 5) PD5 11| |18 PB4 (D 12)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 83 // PWM+ (D 6) PD6 12| |17 PB3 (D 11) PWM
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 84 // (D 7) PD7 13| |16 PB2 (D 10) PWM
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 85 // (D 8) PB0 14| |15 PB1 (D 9) PWM
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 86 // +----+
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 87 //
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 88 // (PWM+ indicates the additional PWM pins on the ATmega168.)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 89
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 90 // ATMEL ATMEGA1280 / ARDUINO
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 91 //
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 92 // 0-7 PE0-PE7 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 93 // 8-13 PB0-PB5 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 94 // 14-21 PA0-PA7 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 95 // 22-29 PH0-PH7 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 96 // 30-35 PG5-PG0 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 97 // 36-43 PC7-PC0 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 98 // 44-51 PJ7-PJ0 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 99 // 52-59 PL7-PL0 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 100 // 60-67 PD7-PD0 works
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 101 // A0-A7 PF0-PF7
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 102 // A8-A15 PK0-PK7
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 103
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 104
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 105 // these arrays map port names (e.g. port B) to the
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 106 // appropriate addresses for various functions (e.g. reading
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 107 // and writing)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 108
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 109 uint8_t NULL_DATA = 0;
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 110
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 111 const uint8_t* PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] = {
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 112 &NULL_DATA,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 113 &NULL_DATA,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 114 &DDRB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 115 &DDRC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 116 &DDRD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 117 };
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 118
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 119 const uint8_t* PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] = {
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 120 &NULL_DATA,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 121 &NULL_DATA,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 122 &PORTB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 123 &PORTC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 124 &PORTD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 125 };
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 126
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 127 const uint8_t* PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] = {
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 128 &NULL_DATA,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 129 &NULL_DATA,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 130 &PINB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 131 &PINC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 132 &PIND,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 133 };
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 134
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 135
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 136 const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] = {
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 137 PD, /* 0 */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 138 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 139 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 140 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 141 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 142 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 143 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 144 PD,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 145 PB, /* 8 */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 146 PB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 147 PB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 148 PB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 149 PB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 150 PB,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 151 PC, /* 14 */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 152 PC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 153 PC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 154 PC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 155 PC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 156 PC,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 157 };
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 158
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 159 const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] = {
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 160 _BV(0), /* 0, port D */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 161 _BV(1),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 162 _BV(2),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 163 _BV(3),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 164 _BV(4),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 165 _BV(5),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 166 _BV(6),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 167 _BV(7),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 168 _BV(0), /* 8, port B */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 169 _BV(1),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 170 _BV(2),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 171 _BV(3),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 172 _BV(4),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 173 _BV(5),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 174 _BV(0), /* 14, port C */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 175 _BV(1),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 176 _BV(2),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 177 _BV(3),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 178 _BV(4),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 179 _BV(5),
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 180 };
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 181
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 182 const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] = {
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 183 NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 0 - port D */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 184 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 185 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 186 // on the ATmega168, digital pin 3 has hardware pwm
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 187 #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 188 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 189 #else
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 190 TIMER2B,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 191 #endif
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 192 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 193 // on the ATmega168, digital pins 5 and 6 have hardware pwm
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 194 #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 195 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 196 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 197 #else
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 198 TIMER0B,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 199 TIMER0A,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 200 #endif
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 201 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 202 NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 8 - port B */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 203 TIMER1A,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 204 TIMER1B,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 205 #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 206 TIMER2,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 207 #else
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 208 TIMER2A,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 209 #endif
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 210 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 211 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 212 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 213 NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 14 - port C */
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 214 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 215 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 216 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 217 NOT_ON_TIMER,
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 218 };
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 219
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 220 #endif
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 221
Pokitto 8:754a7af30890 222 #endif