PokittoLib is the library needed for programming the Pokitto DIY game console (www.pokitto.com)

Dependents:   YATTT sd_map_test cPong SnowDemo ... more


Library for programming Pokitto hardware

How to Use

  1. Import this library to online compiler (see button "import" on the right hand side
  2. DO NOT import mbed-src anymore, a better version is now included inside PokittoLib
  3. Change My_settings.h according to your project
  4. Start coding!
Wed Dec 25 23:59:52 2019 +0000
Changed Mode2 C++ refresh code (graphical errors)

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 1 #include "PokittoPalettes.h"
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 3 const unsigned char paletteMono[48] = {
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 4 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, //white
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 5 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, //light gray
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 6 0x55,0x55,0x55, //dark gray
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 7 0x00,0x00,0x00, //black
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 8
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 9 0xFF,0xea,0xed, //white ffeaed
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 10 0xA1,0xce,0xe8, //light gray a1cee8
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 11 0x00,0x92,0xb6, //dark gray 0092b6
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 12 0x66,0x00,0x5f, //black 66005f
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 13
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 14 0xed,0xFf,0xea, //white edffea
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 15 0xff,0xb1,0xe2, //light gray efa1ce ffb1e2
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 16 0xb6,0x00,0x92, //dark gray b60092
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 17 0x5f,0x66,0x00, //black 5f6600
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 18
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 19 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, //white
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 20 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, //light gray
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 21 0x55,0x55,0x55, //dark gray
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 22 0x00,0x00,0x00, //black
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 23 };
Pokitto 0:e8b8f36b4505 24