Tobis Programm forked to not destroy your golden files

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Robocode by PES 2 - Gruppe 1

diff -r de12131ff0b9 -r 6ef4d9ed2e28 source/Movement.cpp
--- a/source/Movement.cpp	Sun May 14 09:34:37 2017 +0000
+++ b/source/Movement.cpp	Tue May 16 17:30:40 2017 +0000
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
 Timer t;
 Timer t8;                                                                       // timer used for waiting enough distance measurements
-int search_state = 0;
+int search_state = 0;                                                           // state for Move in search for brick statemachine
 int coord_move_state = 0;
 int list_step = 0;
+int sigma_brick = 0;                                                            // Count how many times a brick is detected in fine postioning in statemachine move in search for brick
 float left = 0;
 float right = 0;
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
             float x = next_coord.x - current_coordinates.x;
             float y = next_coord.y - current_coordinates.y;
             distance_to_next_coord = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
             needed_heading = 90 + (atan(-y / x)/(float)M_PI * 180.0f)*-1.0f;
             if (x < 0) needed_heading += 180;
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@
             } else {
                 coord_move_state = 8;
-            break;          
+            break;
         case 5:
             // turn init with new heading
@@ -342,9 +343,11 @@
  * this function searchs a nearby brick, moves towards it and grabbs it
  * by Tobias Berger, state machine by Claudio Citterio
+ * returns 1 if brick found or 0 if nothing found
 int move_in_search_for_brick()
     float upper = getDistanceIR(2);                                             // get distance from upper max Sensor
     float lower = getDistanceIR(3);                                             // get distance from Lower max Sensor
     //printf("Current Search State: >%d<\r\n",search_state);
@@ -358,37 +361,21 @@
             if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
                 if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
-                    t8.reset();
-                    t8.start();                                                 // start timer for enough measurements
-                    restdegAfterstop = turn_for_deg(0,1);                         // get restdegrees from turn function. if a brick is falsly detected we turn restdegAfterstop to finisch search turn
-                    search_state = 2;                                           // brick found
+                    restdegAfterstop = turn_for_deg(0,1);                       // get restdegrees from turn function. if a brick is falsly detected we turn restdegAfterstop to finisch search turn
+                    search_state = 30;                                          // go in Fine Positioning statemachine
                     printf("Brick first detetection lower: %f upper:%f",lower,upper);
             } else {
-                search_state = 1;                                               // go to same state
+                search_state = 1;                                               // go to same state continue turning
                 if(turn_for_deg(0, 1) < 0) {                                    // when first 60degree rotation finished
-                    search_state = 4;                                           // go to init turn other direction
+                    search_state = 4;                                           // go to init turn other direction bc nothing found
-        case 2: // Check if Sensor after waiting still the same value
-            if( > 0.1f) {
-                if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
-                    if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
-                        search_state = 10;                                          // When still the same go to move forward
-                    } else {
-                        search_state=3;                                             // When afterwait not the same go to continue turning
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case 3: // init continue turning for restdeg
+        case 2: // init continue turning for restdeg
             turn_for_deg(restdegAfterstop,0.8f);                                // call function and start turning for restdegrees after stop
             search_state = 1;                                                   // go back to turn and search
@@ -402,45 +389,123 @@
             if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.05f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
                 if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
-                    t8.reset();
-                    t8.start();                                                 // start timer for enough measurements
-                    restdegAfterstop = turn_for_deg(0,1);                         // get restdegrees from turn function. if a brick is falsly detected we turn restdegAfterstop to finisch search turn
-                    search_state = 6;                                            // brick found
+                    restdegAfterstop = (-1*turn_for_deg(0,1));                         // get restdegrees from turn function. if a brick is falsly detected we turn restdegAfterstop to finisch search turn
+                    search_state = 30;                                            // goto fine postioning stateamchine
                     printf("Brick first detetection lower: %f upper:%f",lower,upper);
             } else {
                 search_state = 5;                                               // go to same state
                 if(turn_for_deg(0, 1) < 0) {                                    // when 60degree rotation finished
-                    search_state = 20;                                          // error go to default state, bc nothing found
+                    search_state = 100;                                          // error go to default state, bc nothing found
-        case 6: // Check if Sensor after waiting still detect brick
-            if( > 0.1f) {
-                if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
-                    if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
-                        search_state = 10;                                          // When still the same go to move forward
-                    } else {
-                        search_state=7;                                             // When afterwait not the same go to continue turning
-                    }
+        case 6:// init continue turning for restdeg
+            turn_for_deg((-1*restdegAfterstop),0.8f);                           // call function and start turning for restdegrees after stop
+            search_state = 5;                                                   // go back to turn and search
+            break;
+        case 30: // Start Statemachine fine positioning Init turn right for 3 degres
+            turn_for_deg(0.5f,0.8f);
+            search_state=31;
+            break;
+        case 31: // Wait until rotation finished
+            if(turn_for_deg(0,0.8f)<0) {
+                stop_turn();
+                search_state=32;
+            } else {
+                search_state=31;                                       // As long as turn not finisched call case 1 wait until finished
+            }
+            break;
+        case 32: // Measure if Brick or Obstacle
+            if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
+                if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {         // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
+                    sigma_brick+=1;                                                 // increment sigma brick
+                }
+            }
+            search_state=33;
+            break;
+        case 33: // Init turn left direction for 3 degres
+            turn_for_deg(-1.0f,0.8f);
+            search_state=34;
+            break;
+        case 34: // Wait until rotation left finished
+            if(turn_for_deg(0,0.8f)<0) {
+                stop_turn();
+                printf("turn left after STOP");
+                search_state=35;
+            } else {
+                search_state=34;                                                // As long as turn not finisched call case 1 wait until finished
+            }
+            break;
+        case 35: // Measure if Brick or Obstacle
+            if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
+                if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {         // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
+                    sigma_brick+=1;                                                 // increment sigma brick
+                }
+            }
+            search_state=36;
+            break;
+        case 36: //  Init Turn Back right in Middle Position
+            turn_for_deg(0.5f,0.8f);
+            search_state = 37;
+            break;
+        case 37: // Turn until rotation finished
+            if(turn_for_deg(0,0.8f)<0) {
+                stop_turn();
+                search_state=38;
+            } else {
+                search_state=37;                                       // As long as turn not finisched call case 1 wait until finished
+            }
+            break;
+        case 38: // Evaluation
+            if(sigma_brick > 1) {                                               // If a brick is detected more than once got to move
+                sigma_brick = 0;                                                // reset sigma brick
+                search_state = 50;                                              // go to move forward bc brick found
+                printf("brick found in finepositioning");
+            } else {
+                printf("Nothing found in fine positioning");
+                if(restdegAfterstop>0) {
+                    sigma_brick = 0;                                                // reset sigma brick
+                    search_state = 2;                                           // continue turning right bc nothing found
+                } else {
+                    sigma_brick = 0;                                                // reset sigma brick
+                    search_state = 6;                                           // continue turning left bc nothing found
-        case 7:// init continue turning for restdeg
-            turn_for_deg(restdegAfterstop,0.8f);                                // call function and start turning for restdegrees after stop
-            search_state = 5;                                                   // go back to turn and search
+printf("SIGMA BRICK ---------------------------%d",sigma_brick);                  
+// Move to found brick-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        case 50: // first cycle move forward
+            float distance_to_Brick = lower-(float)OFFSET_GREIFER_TO_IRSENSOR;  // calculate
+            move_for_distance(distance_to_Brick);
+            search_state = 51;
-        case 10: // first cycle move forward
-            float distance_to_Brick = lower-(float)OFFSET_GREIFER_TO_IRSENSOR;                   // calculate
-            move_for_distance(distance_to_Brick);
-            search_state =11;
-            break;
-        case 11: // move forward
+        case 51: // move forward
             if(move_for_distance(0) < 0) {
                 //Safety Function:
                 if (getDistanceIR(2)<0.08f) {
@@ -449,15 +514,17 @@
                     search_state = 0;
-                search_state = 12;
+                search_state = 52;
-        case 12: // Grabbing
-            return 50;                                                          //main state machine set as Grabbing
+        case 52: // Grabbing
+            return 50;
+        break;                                                                  // main state machine set as Grabbing
             printf("default State - move in search for brick\r\n");
+            return 60;                                                          // error nothing found go to Aeschlimans state
             // error