Tobis Programm forked to not destroy your golden files

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Robocode by PES 2 - Gruppe 1

Wed Apr 19 13:24:14 2017 +0000
fixed biggest bug ever!!!

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
cittecla 18:a82994e67297 1 /**
cittecla 18:a82994e67297 2 * Movement function library
cittecla 18:a82994e67297 3 * Handels Movement of the Robot
cittecla 18:a82994e67297 4 **/
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 5
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 6 #include "Movement.h"
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 7
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 8 bool is_turning = false;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 9 bool direction = false;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 10 float wanted_deg = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 11 float current_deg = 0;
cittecla 63:b27aa01c2cf6 12 Timer t;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 13 float previous_t = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 14
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 15 int moving()
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 16 {
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 17
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 18 return 0;
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 19 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 20
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 21 int move_forward_for_distance(float distance)
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 22 {
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 23
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 24 return 0;
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 25 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 26
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 27 int move_backward_for_distance()
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 28 {
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 29
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 30 return 0;
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 31 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 32
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 33 void turn_for_deg(float deg)
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 34 {
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 35
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 36 if(is_turning == false) {
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 37
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 38 is_turning = true;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 39 float left = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 40 float right = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 41
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 42 wanted_deg = deg;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 43 current_deg = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 44
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 45 if(deg < 0) { // turn left
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 46 direction = 1;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 47 left = -50.0f;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 48 right = 50.0f;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 49 } else { // turn right
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 50 direction = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 51 left = 50.0f;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 52 right = -50.0f;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 53 }
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 54 set_speed(left, right);
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 55 t = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 56 previous_t = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 57 t.start();
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 58
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 59 } else {
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 60
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 61 float speed_left = get_speed_left();
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 62 float delta_t = t - previous_t;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 63 previous_t = t;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 64 current_deg += 360.0f / (2*radius*M_PI) * delta_t * speed_left;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 65 if(current_deg * current_deg > wanted_deg * wanted_deg) {
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 66 set_speed(0,0);
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 67 is_turning = false;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 68 t.stop();
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 69 }
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 70 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 71 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 72
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 73
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 74 int move_to_next_coord()
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 75 {
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 76
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 77 float current_heading = get_current_heading();
cittecla 53:453f24775644 78 position current_pos = get_current_pos();
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 79 position next_pos = get_next_pos();
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 80
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 81 float needed_heading = 0;
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 82 float distance = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 83
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 84 // nord(-y) = 0 grad
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 85 if(current_pos.y > next_pos.y) {
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 86 if(current_pos.x > next_pos.x) needed_heading = 315;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 87 distance = sqrt2;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 88 if(current_pos.x == next_pos.x) needed_heading = 0;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 89 distance = 1;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 90 if(current_pos.x < next_pos.x) needed_heading = 45;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 91 distance = sqrt2;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 92 }
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 93 if(current_pos.y == next_pos.y) {
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 94 if(current_pos.x > next_pos.x) needed_heading = 270;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 95 distance = 1;
cittecla 53:453f24775644 96 if(current_pos.x == next_pos.x) //error same position;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 97 if(current_pos.x < next_pos.x) needed_heading = 90;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 98 distance = 1;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 99 }
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 100 if(current_pos.y < next_pos.y) {
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 101 if(current_pos.x > next_pos.x) needed_heading = 225;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 102 distance = sqrt2;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 103 if(current_pos.x == next_pos.x) needed_heading = 180;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 104 distance = 1;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 105 if(current_pos.x < next_pos.x) needed_heading = 135;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 106 distance = sqrt2;
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 107 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 108
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 109 if(needed_heading != current_heading) {
cittecla 53:453f24775644 110 turn_for_deg((needed_heading-current_heading));
cittecla 61:628f8a4e857c 111 } else {
cittecla 53:453f24775644 112 move_forward_for_distance(distance);
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 113 }
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 114 return 0;
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 115 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 116
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 117 int move_in_search_for_brick()
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 118 {
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 119
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 120 return 0;
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 121 }
cittecla 52:56399c2f13cd 122
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 123
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 124
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 125
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 126
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 127
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 128
cittecla 39:92723f7ea54f 129