contains my game for the embedded systems project 2645

Dependencies:   mbed FXOS8700CQQQ

diff -r 93a8147a4358 -r 989ff25612ad GameEngine/RocketRacer.h
--- a/GameEngine/RocketRacer.h	Sun Apr 07 21:44:35 2019 +0000
+++ b/GameEngine/RocketRacer.h	Sun Apr 07 22:58:15 2019 +0000
@@ -7,24 +7,116 @@
 #include <ctime> 
 #include "Gamepad.h"
+/** RocketRacer class
+@brief C++ class containing the game methods and the interface
+@version 1.0
+@author Omar Alebiary
+@date April 2019
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "Gamepad.h"
+#include "RocketRacer.h"
+// objects 
+Gamepad pad;
+RocketRacer rc;
+N5110 lcd(PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTD2,PTD1,PTC11); 
+DigitalIn buttonA(PTB9);
+// prototypes
+void welcome();
+void nextmenu();
+void setup();
+int main(){
+    setup();
+    welcome();
+    nextmenu();
+    while(1){
+        rc.Game_Loop(lcd,pad);
+    }
 class RocketRacer{
+    /**
+  * @brief Default Constuctor
+  * @param None @details Creates the object of class RocketRacer
+  */
-    Gamepad Mypad;
+    /**
+  * @brief method that has all the screen rendering 
+  * @param lcd @details calls the lcd object to draw strings and objects on the display
+  */
     void Main_Game_Display(N5110 &lcd);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that dispalys the game over screen with the high score achieved
+  * @param lcd @details calls the lcd object to draw strings on the display
+  * @param pad @details calls the Gamepad object to access methods from the Gamepad class
+  */
     void End_Game(Gamepad &pad,N5110 &lcd);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that adds difficulty to the game after proceeding each level 
+  * @param pad @details calls the Gamepad object to access methods from the Gamepad class
+  */
     void Game_difficulty(Gamepad &pad);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that generates random enemies 
+  * @param none @details seeds the rand function then generate a random enemies
+  */
     void Generate_New_Enemy();
+    /**
+  * @brief method that checks if the randomly generated enemies crossed the player 
+  *       and calls the End_Game method accordingly if they collide else increments the score  
+  * @param lcd @details calls the lcd object to be passed to the End_Game method
+  * @param pad @details calls the Gamepad object to be passed to the End_Game method
+  */
     void Check_Enemy_Dead(N5110 &lcd,Gamepad &pad);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that checks the joystick (and L &R buttons) direction whether its left,right or centre
+  *   and increment or decrement according to the current position  
+  * @param pad @details calls the Gamepad object to access the get_direction method from the Gamepad class
+  */
     void Joystick_position(Gamepad &pad);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that has the game loop which calls all the methods(from the same class)for the game to operate 
+  * @param lcd @details calls the lcd object to be passed to the methods called inside this method
+  * @param pad @details calls the Gamepad object to be passed to the methods called inside this method
+  */
     void Game_Loop(N5110 &lcd,Gamepad &pad);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that draws the rocket sprite according to the player position
+  * @param lcd @details calls the lcd object to access the drawSprite method
+  * @param RocketPosition @details the position of the rocket 
+  */
     void player_position(N5110 &lcd,char RocketPosition);
+    /**
+  * @brief method that draws the enemy sprite 
+  * @param lcd @details calls the lcd object to access the drawSprite method
+  * @param place @details the position of the rocket 
+  * @param phase @details the phase of the rocket
+  */
     void enemy_position(N5110 &lcd,int place, int phase);