


File content as of revision 4:b906344e8ddb:

#include "NM500.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "SDFileSystem.h"

SDFileSystem sd(SD_MOSI, SD_MISO, SD_SCK, SD_CS, "sd"); // the pinout on the mbed Cool Components workshop board


DigitalOut SDCard_CS(D10);

unsigned char vector[NEURONSIZE];

extern int NSR_Conn_fail;
extern int GCR_Conn_fail;
extern int MINIF_Conn_fail;
extern int MAXIF_Conn_fail;
extern int AIF_Conn_fail;
extern int NCR_Conn_fail;
extern int Memory_fail;

extern int Connection;

extern int Reset_fail;

extern int CMN_Nsr;

extern int CMN_RC;
extern int aif_fail;
extern int ncount_fail;
extern int id_fail;
extern int nsr_fail;
extern int Nid1;
extern int Nid2;
extern int Dist1;
extern int Dist2;
extern int Gcr1;
extern int Gcr2;
extern int Aif1;
extern int Aif2;
extern int Minif1;
extern int Minif2;
extern int Maxif1;
extern int Maxif2;
extern int Cat1;
extern int Cat2;

extern int Memory1;
extern int Memory2;

extern unsigned char array1[NEURONSIZE];
extern unsigned char array2[NEURONSIZE];

extern int Learn1;
extern int Learn2;

//SPI init
void SD_Init(void)
//test CS

    SDCard_CS = HIGH;   //disable
    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
    fp = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "w");

    if(fp == NULL) {
        error("Could not open file for write\n");
    printf("\nSD Init OK\n");
void RESET_Test(void)

    printf("\nRESET Test\n");

    //nomal mode
    //printf("NOMAL MODE \n");
    int nsr = read(NM_NSR);
    //printf("NSR : 0x%x \n",nsr);
    int gcr = read(NM_GCR);
    //printf("GCR : 0x%x \n",gcr);
    int minif = read(NM_MINIF);
    //printf("MINIF : 0x%x \n",minif);
    int maxif = read(NM_MAXIF);
    //printf("MAXIF : 0x%x \n",maxif);
    int dist = read(NM_DIST);
    //printf("dist : 0x%x \n",dist);
    int cat = read(NM_CAT);
    //printf("cat : 0x%x \n",cat);
    int ncount = read(NM_NCOUNT);
    //printf("ncount : 0x%x \n",ncount);

    //sr mode
    // printf("\nSR MODE \n");
//    int comp = read(NM_COMP);
//    //printf("COMP : 0x%x \n",comp);
//    nsr = read(NM_NSR);
//    //printf("NSR : 0x%x \n",nsr);
//    minif = read(NM_MINIF);
//    //printf("MINIF : 0x%x \n",minif);
    int ncr = read(NM_NCR);
//    //printf("ncr : 0x%x \n",ncr);
//    dist = read(NM_DIST);
//    //printf("dist : 0x%x \n",dist);
//    cat = read(NM_CAT);
//    //printf("cat : 0x%x \n",cat);
    int aif = read(NM_AIF);
//    //printf("aif : 0x%x \n",aif);
    int nid = read(NM_NID);
//    //printf("nid : 0x%x \n",nid);


    if(nsr != 0x00)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(gcr != 0x01)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(minif != 0x02)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(maxif != 0x4000)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(dist != 0xffff)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(cat != 0xffff)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(ncr != 0x01)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(aif != 0x4000)
        Reset_fail = 1;
    if(nid != 0x0000)
        Reset_fail = 1;

    if(Reset_fail == 0)
        printf("\nReset Test Pass\n");
    else {
        printf("\nReset Test Fail\n");
        printf("Reset the NM500 and proceed\n");
//각 레지스터의 데이터가 깨지는 것이 없는지 확인
void Connection_test(void)
    ///////////NSR 시작//////////////
    printf("\nConnection Test\n");
//    //기존 NSR 백업
//    //int init_NSR = read(NM_NSR);
//    //NSR의 데이터에 0xaa write
//    write(NM_NSR, 0xaa);
//    //사용하는 비트만 & 연산
//    int temp_NSR = read(NM_NSR)& 0x3f;
//    //printf("NSR : 0x%x\n", temp_NSR);
//    if(temp_NSR != 0x2a){
//        printf("NSR Connection error\n");
//        NSR_Conn_fail=1;
//        Connection = 1;
//    }
//    //NSR의 데이터를 0x55로 변경하여 write
//    write(NM_NSR, 0x055);
//    temp_NSR = read(NM_NSR)&0x3f;
//    //printf("NSR : 0x%x\n",temp_NSR);
//    if(temp_NSR != 0x19){
//        printf("NSR Connection error\n");
//        NSR_Conn_fail=1;
//        Connection = 1;
//    }
////    if(NSR_Conn_fail == 0)
////        printf("NSR_Connetion PASS \n");
//    //NSR을 초기 저장값으로 복원
//    write(NM_NSR, 0);

    ////////////NSR 종료////////////

    ///////////GCR 시작//////////////
    //write GCR 0xaa
    write(NM_GCR, 0xaa);
    //GCR Read
    unsigned int temp_GCR = read(NM_GCR);
    // printf("GCR : 0x%x\n", temp_GCR);

    //GCR data가 깨졌을 경우
    if(temp_GCR != 0xaa) {
        GCR_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("GCR Connection error\n");
    //write GCR 0x55
    write(NM_GCR, 0x55);
    temp_GCR = read(NM_GCR);
    //printf("GCR : 0x%x\n", temp_GCR);
    //GCR data가 깨졌을 경우
    if(temp_GCR != 0x55) {
        GCR_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("GCR Connection error\n");

    ///////////GCR 종료//////////////

    ///////////MINIF 시작//////////////

    write(NM_MINIF, 0xaaaa);
    int temp_MINIF = read(NM_MINIF);
    //printf("MINIF : 0x%x\n", temp_MINIF);
    //minif data 확인
    if(temp_MINIF != 0xaaaa) {
        MINIF_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("MINIF Connection error\n");
    //write MINIF 0x55
    write(NM_MINIF, 0x5555);
    temp_MINIF = read(NM_MINIF);
    //printf("MINIF : 0x%x\n", temp_MINIF);
    //MINIF test
    if(temp_MINIF != 0x5555) {
        MINIF_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("MINIF Connection error\n");

    //////////END MINIF/////////////////

    ///////////MAXIF 시작//////////////

    //write maxif 0xaaaa

    write(NM_MAXIF, 0xaaaa);
    int temp_MAXIF = read(NM_MAXIF);
    //printf("MAXIF : 0x%x\n", temp_MAXIF);
    //maxif data 확인
    if(temp_MAXIF != 0xaaaa) {
        MAXIF_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("MAXIF Connection error\n");
    //write MAXIF 0x55
    write(NM_MAXIF, 0x5555);
    temp_MAXIF = read(NM_MAXIF);
    //printf("MAXIF : 0x%x\n", temp_MAXIF);
    //MAXIF test
    if(temp_MAXIF != 0x5555) {
        MAXIF_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("MAXIF Connection error\n");
    //////////END MAXIF/////////////////

    ///////////NCR 시작//////////////
    //NSR 저장
    //SR Mode 전환
    write(NM_NSR, 0x10);
    int init_NCR = read(NM_NCR);
//    printf("init NCR : 0x%x\n",init_NCR);
    //write NCR 0xaa
    write(NM_NCR, 0xaa);
    int temp_NCR = read(NM_NCR);
    //printf("NCR : 0x%x\n", temp_NCR);
    //NCR test
    if(temp_NCR != 0xaa) {
        NCR_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("NCR Connection error\n");
    //write NCR 0x55
    write(NM_NCR, 0x55);
    temp_NCR = read(NM_NCR);
    //printf("NCR : 0x%x\n", temp_NCR);
    //NCR test
    if(temp_NCR != 0x55) {
        NCR_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("NCR Connection error\n");

///////////NCR 종료//////////////


    write(NM_AIF, 0xaaaa);
    int temp_AIF = read(NM_AIF);
    //printf("AIF : 0x%x\n", temp_AIF);
    //AIF test
    if(temp_AIF != 0xaaaa) {
        AIF_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("AIF Connection error\n");
    //write AIF 0x55
    write(NM_AIF, 0x5555);
    temp_AIF = read(NM_AIF);
    /// printf("AIF : 0x%x\n", temp_AIF);
    //AIF test
    if(temp_AIF != 0x5555) {
        AIF_Conn_fail = 1;
        Connection = 1;
        printf("AIF Connection error\n");

    write(NM_NSR, 0x00);

    if(Connection == 1)
        printf("\nConnection Test Fail\n");
        printf("\nConnection Test Pass\n");

void Memory_Test(void)
    int ncount, old_ncnt;

    printf("\nMemory Test Start \n");
    printf("\nData Save \n");
    //1번째 학습 홀수 : 0x0a, 짝수 : 0x05
    for(int i = 1; i <=MAXNEURONS; i=i+2) {
        //학습할 데이터
        for(int j=0; j<NEURONSIZE; j=j+2) {
            array1[j]   =0xaa;
            array1[j+1] =0x55;
            array2[j]   =0x55;
            array2[j+1] =0xaa;
        //A 5 A 5....학습
        ncount = learn(array1, NEURONSIZE, i);    //input : data, neuronsize, cat,   return : ncount
        //5 A 5 A....학습
        ncount = learn(array2, NEURONSIZE, i+1);    //input : data, neuronsize, cat,   return : ncount

        //학습여부 판단
        if(ncount == old_ncnt) {   //ncount가 변화가 없으면
            if(ncount <=576) {
                Learn1 = 1;
                printf("\nNCOUNT : %d\n ", ncount);
                error("\n Learn Fail NM500 #1\n");
            } else {
                Learn2 = 1;
                printf("NCOUNT : %d\n ", ncount);
                error("\n Learn Fail NM500 #2\n");
        //ncount가 증가하였을 경우
        else {
            old_ncnt = ncount;    //old ncount 갱신

    //학습 뉴런 갯수가 MAXNEURONS일 경우
    if(ncount == 0xFFFF || ncount == 0x7FFF)     //change
        ncount = MAXNEURONS;

//    printf("\n");
    //학습된 뉴런 갯수 출력
//    printf("NCOUNT : %d ",ncount);
    //end memory write

    //NSR 백업
    printf("\nData Compare\n");
    int temp_NSR = read(NM_NSR);
    //write NSR-SR Mode
    write(NM_NSR, 0x10);
    write(NM_RSTCHAIN, 0);

    int temp_data[NEURONSIZE];
    for(int i = 1; i<=MAXNEURONS; i++) {
        //전체 뉴런 데이터 리드
        for(int j = 0; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
            //fprintf(fp,"%d,", temp_data[j]);
            //A 5 A 5 일 경우
            if(i%2 == 1) {
                //학습한 데이터와 다를 경우
                if(temp_data[j]!= array1[j]) {
                    printf("\nNID : %d , %d byte Memory Error\n",i,j);
                    Memory_fail = 1;

            //5 A 5 A 일 경우
            else if( i%2 == 0) {
                //학습한 데이터와 다를 경우
                if(temp_data[j]!= array2[j]) {
                    printf("\nNID : %d , %d byte Memory Error\n",i,j);
                    Memory_fail = 1;
        //다음 뉴런으로 변경
        int cat = read(NM_CAT)& 0x7FFF;
        //fprintf(fp,"\t%d\n", cat);
    //노말모드로 복귀
    write(NM_NSR, temp_NSR);
    ////////////데이터 변경//////////////////

    ////////5 a  5 a learn///////////////////
    printf("\nData Change\n");
    for(int i = 1; i <=MAXNEURONS; i=i+2) {
        //memory array init
        for(int j=0; j<NEURONSIZE; j=j+2) {
            array1[j]   =0xaa;
            array1[j+1] =0x55;
            array2[j]   =0x55;
            array2[j+1] =0xaa;

        ncount = learn(array2, NEURONSIZE, i);    //input : data, neuronsize, cat,   return : ncount
        ncount = learn(array1, NEURONSIZE, i+1);    //input : data, neuronsize, cat,   return : ncount

        if(ncount == old_ncnt) {   //ncount가 변화가 없으면
            if(ncount <=576) {
                Learn1 = 1;
                printf("\nNCOUNT : %d\n",ncount);
                error("\n Learn Fail NM500 #1\n");
            } else {
                Learn2 = 1;
                printf("\nNCOUNT : %d\n",ncount);
                error("\n Learn Fail NM500 #2\n");
        //ncount가 증가하였을 경우
        else {
            old_ncnt = ncount;    //old ncount 갱신
    //NCOUNT cheak
    if(ncount == 0xFFFF || ncount == 0x7FFF)     //change
        ncount = MAXNEURONS;
    //printf("NCOUNT : %d ",ncount);
    //end memory write
    //fprintf(fp,"5 A\n");
    //backup NSR
    temp_NSR = read(NM_NSR);
    //write NSR-SR Mode
    write(NM_NSR, 0x10);
    write(NM_RSTCHAIN, 0);

    //compare memory(cheak)
    printf("\nData Compare \n");
    for(int i = 1; i<=MAXNEURONS; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
            //fprintf(fp,"%d,", temp_data[j]);
            if(i%2 == 1) {
                if(temp_data[j]!= array2[j]) {
                    printf("\nNID : %d , %d byte Memory Error\n",i,j);
                    Memory_fail = 1;

            } else if( i%2 == 0) {
                if(temp_data[j]!= array1[j]) {
                    printf("\nNID : %d , %d byte Memory Error\n",i,j);
                    Memory_fail = 1;
        int cat = read(NM_CAT)& 0x7FFF;
//        fprintf(fp,"\t%d\n", cat);
    //return Nomal Mode
    write(NM_NSR, temp_NSR);
    //error("Momory test ok");
    if(Memory_fail == 0)
        printf("\nMemort Test Pass\n");

int data_learn(void)
    int ncnt=0,old_ncnt=0;  //ncount, old ncount

    //number of neuron 576*2
    for(int i=1; i<=MAXNEURONS; i++) {
        // ex
        //      1.      0 1 0 1....
        //      2.      0 2 0 2....
        //      3.      0 3 0 3....
        //      .....
        //      255.    0 255 0 255....
        //      256.    1 0 1 0....
        //      257.    1 1 1 1....
        if(i%2 == 1) {
            for(int j =0; j<DATA_CNT; j=j+2) {
                vector[j] = i>>8;          //upper bit save
                vector[j+1] = i;           //low bit save
            for(int j =DATA_CNT; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                vector[j] = array1[j];          //upper bit save
        } else if(i%2==0) {
            for(int j =0; j<DATA_CNT; j=j+2) {
                vector[j] = i>>8;          //upper bit save
                vector[j+1] = i;           //low bit save
            for(int j =DATA_CNT; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                vector[j] = array2[j];          //upper bit save

        //data learn
        ncnt = learn(vector, NEURONSIZE, i);    //input : data, neuronsize, cat,   return : ncount
        if(ncnt == 0xffff || ncnt == 0x7FFF)     //change
            ncnt = MAXNEURONS;
        //pc.printf("ncount # %d\n",ncnt);

        if(ncnt == old_ncnt) {   //ncount가 변화가 없으면
            if(ncnt <=576) {
                Learn1 = 1;
                error("\n Learn Fail NM500 #1\n");
            } else {
                Learn2 = 1;
                error("\n Learn Fail NM500 #2\n");
        //ncount가 증가하였을 경우
            old_ncnt = ncnt;    //old ncount 갱신

//    printf("\n");
//    printf("NCOUNT : %d\n",ncnt);
    //학습 완료 후 ncount가 MAXNEURONS보다 작을 경우
    if(ncnt == MAXNEURONS/2)
        return 1;       //데이지체인 불량
    else if( ncnt != MAXNEURONS)
        error("\nNCOUNT Fail\n");
    return 0;        //정상 출력

int NeuronToSD()

    char neurons[NEURONSIZE];
    int aif=0;
    fp = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "w");
    if(fp == NULL)
        error("\nWrite SD Fail");

    //save NSR
    int TempNSR = read(NM_NSR);

    //read NCOUNT
    int nm_cnt = read(NM_NCOUNT);
    if(nm_cnt == 0xFFFF || nm_cnt == 0x7FFF)     //change
        nm_cnt = MAXNEURONS;
    //printf("NCOUNT : %d\n", nm_cnt);

    //write NSR-SR Mode
    write(NM_NSR, 0x10);

    //reset chain
    write(NM_RSTCHAIN, 0);

    //loop until max neruon
    for(int cnt = 1; cnt<=nm_cnt; cnt++) {

        //read context
        int context = read(NM_NCR);
        //printf("context #%d\t,", context);
        fprintf(fp,"%d\t", context);

        //GCR register fail
        if(context != 5) {
            if(cnt < 577) { //neuron1 fail
                printf("\nNID # %d, GCR # %d \n",cnt,context);
            } else {                //neruon2 fail
                printf("\nNID # %d, GCR # %d \n",cnt,context);
        char temp_neuron[NEURONSIZE];
//        for(int j =0;j<NEURONSIZE;j=j+2){
//            temp_neuron[j] = cnt>>8;          //upper bit save
//            temp_neuron[j+1] = cnt;           //low bit save
//        }
        if(cnt%2 == 1) {
            for(int j =0; j<DATA_CNT; j=j+2) {
                temp_neuron[j] = cnt>>8;          //upper bit save
                temp_neuron[j+1] = cnt;           //low bit save
            for(int j =DATA_CNT; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                temp_neuron[j] = array1[j];          //upper bit save
        } else if(cnt%2 == 0) {
            for(int j =0; j<DATA_CNT; j=j+2) {
                temp_neuron[j] = cnt>>8;          //upper bit save
                temp_neuron[j+1] = cnt;           //low bit save
            for(int j =DATA_CNT; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                temp_neuron[j] = array2[j];          //upper bit save
        //printf("Neruon Data : ");
        //read Neuron data
        for (int j=0; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
            //read COMP
            fprintf(fp,"%d,", neurons[j]);
            //printf("%d,", neurons[j]);
            if(temp_neuron[j]!= neurons[j]) {

                if(j<MAXNEURONS/2) {
                    printf("NID # %d Memory Fail\n", cnt);
                    Memory1 = 1;
                } else {
                    printf("NID # %d Memory Fail\n", cnt);
                    Memory2 = 1;
                printf("# %d : temp %d, neruon %d\n",j, temp_neuron[j],neurons[j]);



        //read AIF
        fprintf(fp,"\t%d\t", aif);
        //printf("AIF : %d,\t", aif);

        //aif register fail
        if(aif != 5) {
            if(cnt <= 576) { //neuron1 fail
                printf("\nNID # %d, AIF # %d \n",cnt,aif);
            } else {                //neruon2 fail
                printf("\nNID # %d, AIF # %d \n",cnt,aif);

        //raed minif
        int minif=read(NM_MINIF);
        //printf("MINIF : %d,\t", minif);
        fprintf(fp,"%d\t", minif);

        //minif register fail
        if(minif != 3) {
            if(cnt <= 576) { //neuron1 fail
                Minif1 = 1;
                printf("\nNID # %d, MINIF # %d \n",cnt,minif);
            } else {                //neruon2 fail
                Minif2 = 1;
                printf("\nNID # %d, MINIF # %d \n",cnt,minif);

        //read cat
        int cat = read(NM_CAT) & 0x7FFF;
        fprintf(fp,"%d\t", cat);
        //printf("****CAT : %d\n", cat);

        //reset chain test
//        if(cnt > 2 && cat == 1)
//            CMN_RC = 1;

        //cat test
        if(cnt != cat) {
            printf("cnt : %d , cat : %d \n", cnt, cat);
            if(cnt <= 576) {
                Cat1 = 1;
                printf("\n NM500 #1 Cat Fail # %d\n", cnt);
            } else {
                Cat2 = 1;
                printf("\n NM500 #2 Cat Fail # %d\n", cnt);
//    printf("\n");

    write(NM_NSR, TempNSR); // set the NN back to its calling status
    return read(NM_NCOUNT);

int SDToNeurons()
    int context,aif,minif,cat;
    char neurons[NEURONSIZE];
    fp = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "r");

    if(fp == NULL)
        error("Read SD Fail");

    //save NSR
    int TempNSR = read(NM_NSR);

    //write NSR-SR Mode
    write(NM_NSR, 0x10);

    //reset chain
    write(NM_RSTCHAIN, 0);

    //SD data read -> Neurons
    for(int i=1; i<=MAXNEURONS; i++) {
        //read context
        fscanf(fp,"%d", &context);
        // printf("context # %d ", context);

        //read comp
        for (int j=0; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
            //read COMP
            fscanf(fp,"%d,", &neurons[j]);
            // printf("%d\t,", neurons[j]);
        fscanf(fp,"\t%d\t", &aif);
        // printf("AIF # %d \t", aif);

        fscanf(fp,"%d\t", &minif);
        // printf("MINIF # %d", minif);

        fscanf(fp,"%d\t", &cat);
        //  printf("CAT # %d \n", cat);

//    printf("\n");
    write(NM_NSR, TempNSR); // set the NN back to its calling status
    return NCOUNT();

void NSR_Test(void)
    //KNN Mode setting
    //read KNN Register
    int nsr = read(NM_NSR) & 0x20;
    if(nsr != 32)
        CMN_Nsr = 1;    //fail

    //RBF Mode setting
    nsr = read(NM_NSR) & 0x20;
    if(nsr != 0)
        CMN_Nsr = 1;    //fail

    int temp_nsr = read(NM_NSR);

    //SR Mode test
    write(NM_NSR, 0x10);
    nsr = read(NM_NSR) & 0x10;
    if(nsr != 16)
        CMN_Nsr = 1;

    //Nomal Mode Test
    write(NM_NSR, temp_nsr);
    nsr = read(NM_NSR) & 0x10;
    if(nsr != 0)
        CMN_Nsr = 1;

void data_classify(void)
    int distance, cat, nid;
    //number of neuron 1156
    for(int i=1; i<=MAXNEURONS; i++) {
        if(i%2 == 1) {
            for(int j =0; j<DATA_CNT; j=j+2) {
                vector[j] = i>>8;          //upper bit save
                vector[j+1] = i;           //low bit save
            for(int j =DATA_CNT; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                vector[j] = array1[j];          //upper bit save
        } else if(i%2==0) {
            for(int j =0; j<DATA_CNT; j=j+2) {
                vector[j] = i>>8;          //upper bit save
                vector[j+1] = i;           //low bit save
            for(int j =DATA_CNT; j<NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                vector[j] = array2[j];          //upper bit save

        //input : data, data length      output : distance, category, Neuron ID      return 인식된 데이터 갯수
        int nsr = classify(vector, NEURONSIZE, &distance, &cat, &nid);

        id_fail = nsr & 0x70;
        if(id_fail == 0)
            nsr_fail = 1;

//        printf(" neuron# %d \t", nid);
//        printf(" distance = %d,\t ", distance);
//        printf(" cat = %d\n", cat);

        //nid test
        //cat register pass AND (nid,cat diff)
        if((nid!=cat) && (Cat1==0 && Cat2==0)) {
            if(nid < 576) {
                Nid1 = 1;
                printf("\nNID Register Fail # %d\n",nid);
            } else {
                Nid2 = 1;
                printf("\nNID Register Fail # %d\n",nid);
        if(distance != 0) {
            if(nid < 576) {
                Dist1 = 1;
                printf("\nDistance Register Fail # %d, Distance # %d\n",nid,distance);
            } else {
                Dist2 = 1;
                printf("\nDistance Register Fail # %d, Distance # %d\n",nid,distance);

//    printf("\n");


void Cell_Test(void)
    unsigned char cell_vector[NEURONSIZE];
    unsigned char read_vector[NEURONSIZE];
    printf("\nAging Test\n");

    int mode = 0;
    int category, ncount,context,aif, cat;

    mode = 1001;
    if(mode == 1001) {
//        printf("Mode : %d",mode);
        printf("\nPatern Write Test (0xAA, 0x55)\n");
        for(int i = 1; i<= MAXNEURONS; i++) {
            category = i;
            //pattern make
            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                if (j % 2) cell_vector[j] = 0xAA;
                else       cell_vector[j] = 0x55;
            ncount = learn(cell_vector, NEURONSIZE, category);
            //learned neuron count
            if ((ncount != 0xFFFF) && (ncount != i)) {
                printf("\n Patern Write Test Fail\n");
                while (1);
        printf("\nPatern Write Test Pass\n");
        mode = 1002;

    if (mode == 1002) {
//        printf("Mode : %d",mode);
        printf("\nPatern Read Test (0xAA, 0x55)\n");

//        for (int i = 1; i <= repeat_cnt; i++) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= MAXNEURONS; i++) {
//            context = hnn.getNcr();
            context = read(NM_NCR);

            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                read_vector[j] = read(NM_COMP);
//                printf("%x, ",read_vector[j]);
//            printf("\n");

            aif = read(NM_AIF);
            cat = read(NM_CAT);
            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                if ((((j % 2) == 1) && (read_vector[j] != 0xAA)) || (((j % 2) == 0) && (read_vector[j] != 0x55))) {
                    //Serial.print("\n Error#2!!!");
                    printf("\n\nPatern Read Test Fail");
                    printf("\n i=");
                    printf(", j=");
                    printf(", vector[j]=");

            if ((context != 1) || (aif != 2) || ((cat & 0x7FFF) != i)) {
                //Serial.print("\n Error#3!!!");
                printf("\n\nRead Register Test Fail");
                printf("\n i=");
                printf(", context=");
                printf(", aif=");
                printf(", cat=");

        printf("\nPatern Read Test Pass\n");
        mode = 1003;

    //0x55, 0xaa
    if(mode == 1003) {
//        printf("Mode : %d",mode);
        printf("\nPatern Write Test (0x55, 0xAA)\n");
        for(int i = 1; i<= MAXNEURONS; i++) {
            category = i;
            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                if (j % 2) cell_vector[j] = 0x55;
                else       cell_vector[j] = 0xaa;

            ncount = learn(cell_vector, NEURONSIZE, category);
            if ((ncount != 0xFFFF) && (ncount != i)) {
                printf("\n Patern Write Test Fail\n");
                while (1);
        printf("\nPatern Write Test Pass\n");
        mode = 1004;

    if (mode == 1004) {
//        printf("Mode : %d",mode);
        printf("\nPatern Read Test (0x55, 0xAA)\n");
//        for (int i = 1; i <= repeat_cnt; i++) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= MAXNEURONS; i++) {
            context = read(NM_NCR);
          for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                read_vector[j] = read(NM_COMP);
//                printf("0x%x  ", read_vector[j]);
//            printf("\n");

            aif = read(NM_AIF);
            cat = read(NM_CAT);
            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                if ((((j % 2) == 1) && (read_vector[j] != 0x55)) || (((j % 2) == 0) && (read_vector[j] != 0xAA))) {
                    printf("\n\nPatern Read Test Fail");
                    printf("\n i=");
                    printf(", j=");
                    printf(", vector[j]=");

            if ((context != 1) || (aif != 2) || ((cat & 0x7FFF) != i)) {
                printf("\n\nRead Register Test Fail");
                printf("\n i=");
                printf(", context=");
                printf(", aif=");
                printf(", cat=");

        printf("\nPatern Read Test Pass\n");
        mode = 1005;

    if (mode == 1005) {
//        printf("Mode : %d",mode);
        printf("\nIncrease pattern Test\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < NEURONSIZE; i++) {
            cell_vector[i] = i;
//            printf("%d, ",cell_vector[i]);

        for (int i = 1; i <= MAXNEURONS; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
                write(NM_COMP, cell_vector[j]);

        for (int i = 1; i <= MAXNEURONS; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < NEURONSIZE; j++) {
  //              if(i == 629) {
//                    printf("%d, ", read_vector[j]);
//                }
                if (read_vector[j] != cell_vector[j]) {
                    printf("\n i=");
                    printf(", j=");
                    printf(", read_vector[j]=");
                    printf(", cell_vector[j]=");
                    printf("\nIncrease pattern Test Fail\n");

        printf("\nIncrease pass\n");
        mode = 1006;