
Dependencies of F746_AudioIO_Demo

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

STM32746G-Discovery board drivers V1.0.0 BSP, DISCO_F746NG
GUI parts for DISCO-F746NG. GuiBase, Button, ButtonGroup, ResetButton, Label, BlinkLabel, NumericLabel, SeekBar, SeekbarGroup, NumericUpDown BlinkLabel, BUTTON, DISCO-F746, GUI, Label, Mikami, NumericLabel, NumericUpDown, ResetButton, SeekBar, SeekbarGroup
SAI_IO class for using CODEC (MW8994) as analog input and output. このライブラリを登録した際のプログラム:「F746_AudioIO_Demo」 audio input, Audio output, CODEC, DISCO-F746NG, DMA, Mikami, SAI, SAI_IO, WM8994
This class drives the LCD display (RK043FN48H-CT672B 4,3" 480x272 pixels device) present on DISCO_F746NG board. DISCO_F746NG, LCD
This class drives the touch screen module (FT5336 device) of the LCD display present on DISCO_F746NG board. disco, FT5336, Touch Screen
The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.