Code to interface with the MCP7940 Real time clock. Supports getting and setting the time in 24 hour format

diff -r 36c08b11e691 -r 8f330348d96b MCP7940.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MCP7940.cpp	Tue Sep 29 07:56:30 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#include "MCP7940.h"
+    MCP7940::MCP7940(PinName sda, PinName scl):Clock(sda, scl){
+            _addr = 0xDE;   //  1101 111x
+            Clock.frequency(100000);
+            _YearStart = 2000;
+        }
+    MCP7940::MCP7940(PinName sda, PinName scl, int StartYear):Clock(sda, scl){
+            _addr = 0xDE;   //  1101 111x
+            Clock.frequency(100000);
+            _YearStart = StartYear;
+        }
+    char MCP7940::IntToBCD(char Data){
+            char Tens  =  Data / 10;
+            char Units = Data % 10;
+            char BCD = (Tens << 4 | Units); 
+            return(BCD);
+        }
+    char MCP7940::BCDtoInt(char Data){
+            char Value;
+            Value = (((Data & 0xF0 ) >> 4) * 10) + (((Data & 0x0F )));
+            return(Value);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::setTime(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins){
+         return(setTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Mins, 0, 0));
+        }     
+    int MCP7940::setTime(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins, int Secs){
+         return(setTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Mins, Secs, 0));
+        }        
+    int MCP7940::setTime(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins, int Secs, int MiliSecs){
+        return(setTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Mins, Secs, 0,1));
+        }
+    int MCP7940::setTime(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins, int Secs, int MiliSecs, int DayOfWeek){
+        _Day = Day;
+        _Month = Month;
+        _Year = Year;
+        _Hour = Hour;
+        _Minutes = Mins;
+        _Seconds = Secs;
+        _MilliSeconds = MiliSecs;
+        _DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek;
+        return(setTime());
+        }
+    void MCP7940::StartClock(){
+        char cmd[8];
+        cmd[0] = 0x00; // The start register
+        cmd[1] = 0x00;
+        Clock.start();  
+        Clock.write(_addr,cmd,1) ;
+, cmd, 1);
+        //Cmd 0 now contains the value of the seconds regsiter
+        cmd[1] = cmd[0] & 0x7F; //Move the seconds register value and clear the top bit
+        cmd[0] = 0x00;         //Set write location
+       // Clock.write(_addr,cmd,2);
+        cmd[1] = cmd[1] | 0x80 ; //Now set the top bit 
+        Clock.write(_addr,cmd,2);   //Write to Reg 0x00 the value with top bit set
+        Clock.stop();
+        }
+    int MCP7940::setDefaultTime(){
+        _Day = 1;
+        _Month = 10;
+        _Year = 2015;
+        _Hour = 1;
+        _Minutes = 0;
+        _Seconds = 0;
+        _MilliSeconds = 0;
+        _DayOfWeek = 1;
+        return(setTime());
+        }        
+    int MCP7940::setTime(){
+        //Write time to the Device
+        char cmd[8];
+        cmd[0] = 0x00; // The start register
+        cmd[1] = IntToBCD(_Seconds);
+        cmd[2] = IntToBCD(_Minutes);
+        cmd[3] = IntToBCD(_Hour);
+        cmd[4] = IntToBCD(_DayOfWeek) | 0x80;  //NB this will clear the PWR Fail and set VBat Enable
+        cmd[5] = IntToBCD(_Day);
+        cmd[6] = IntToBCD(_Month);
+        cmd[7] = IntToBCD(_Year - _YearStart);
+        Clock.start();    
+        Clock.write(_addr, cmd, 8);
+        Clock.stop();
+        return(1);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::getTime(){
+        char cmd[7];
+        cmd[0] = 0x00;
+        Clock.start();
+        //Set the position to Reg 0x00
+        Clock.write(_addr, cmd, 1);
+        //Read 7 bytes from 0x00
+, cmd, 7);
+        Clock.stop();
+        //printf("%i %i %i %i %i %i %i\r\n", cmd[0], cmd[1],cmd[2],cmd[3],cmd[4], cmd[5], cmd[6]);
+        //Convert into numbers - note have to mask out the configuration bits as well
+        _Day = BCDtoInt(cmd[4] & 0x3F);
+        _Month = BCDtoInt(cmd[5] & 0x1F);
+        _Year = BCDtoInt(cmd[6] & 0xFF) + _YearStart;
+        _Hour = BCDtoInt(cmd[2] & 0x3F);            //Should handle 12 or 24 hour here.
+        _Minutes = BCDtoInt(cmd[1] & 0x7F);
+        _Seconds = BCDtoInt(cmd[0] & 0x7F);
+        _DayOfWeek = BCDtoInt(cmd[3] & 0x07); 
+        _MilliSeconds = 0;
+        //printf("Day: %i Month: %i Year: %i Hour: %i Minute: %i Second: %i\r\n", _Day, _Month,_Year,_Hour,_Minutes, _Seconds);
+        return(0);
+    }
+    char * MCP7940::TimeStamp(){
+        TimeStamp(_TimeStamp);
+        return(_TimeStamp);
+        }
+    void MCP7940::TimeStamp(char * buf){
+        getTime();
+        sprintf(buf,"%04i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i",_Year, _Month,_Day,_Hour,_Minutes,_Seconds);
+    }
+    void MCP7940::niceTimeStamp(char * buf){
+        getTime();
+        sprintf(buf,"%02i/%02i/%04i %02i:%02i:%02i",_Day, _Month,_Year,_Hour,_Minutes,_Seconds);
+        }
+    void MCP7940::niceDate(char * buf){
+        getTime();
+        sprintf(buf,"%02i-%02i-%04i",_Day, _Month,_Year);
+        }
+    void MCP7940::niceTime(char * buf){
+        getTime();
+        sprintf(buf,"%02i:%02i:%02i",_Hour,_Minutes,_Seconds);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::Day(){
+        return(_Day);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::Month(){
+        return(_Month);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::Year(){
+        return(_Year);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::Hour(){
+        return(_Hour);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::Minutes(){
+        return(_Minutes);
+        }
+    int MCP7940::Seconds(){
+        return(_Seconds);
+        }
+        int MCP7940::MilliSeconds(){
+            return(_MilliSeconds);
+            }
+    int MCP7940::DayOfWeek(){
+        return(_DayOfWeek);
+    }
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