Work in progress...

Dependencies:   ESC FreeIMU mbed-rtos mbed

Experiment - work in progress...

--- a/state.h	Tue Oct 15 18:30:46 2013 +0000
+++ b/state.h	Sun Oct 27 01:05:35 2013 +0000
@@ -1,53 +1,74 @@
+#ifndef QUAD_STATE__H
+#define QUAD_STATE__H
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <picojson.h>
 //this struct must be the same for all the programs communicating with the Quad.
 struct QuadState;
 struct QuadState {
-    float    requested_throttle_1; //negative if not requested
-    float    requested_throttle_2;
-    float    requested_throttle_3;
-    float    requested_throttle_4;
+    double    requested_throttle_1; //negative if not requested
+    double    requested_throttle_2;
+    double    requested_throttle_3;
+    double    requested_throttle_4;
-    float    actual_throttle_1;
-    float    actual_throttle_2;
-    float    actual_throttle_3;
-    float    actual_throttle_4;
+    double    actual_throttle_1;
+    double    actual_throttle_2;
+    double    actual_throttle_3;
+    double    actual_throttle_4;
-    float    actual_throttle_dt;
-    float    average_throttle_dt;
-    float    average_throttle_dt_k;
+    double    target_main_dt;
+    double    actual_main_dt;
+    double    average_main_dt;
+    double    average_main_dt_k;
-    float    actual_rx_delta_ms;
-    float    actual_rx_wait_ms;
+    double    target_tx_dt;
+    double    actual_tx_dt;
+    double    average_tx_dt;
+    double    average_tx_dt_k;
-    float    estimated_altitude;
-    float    estimated_rotation_q1;
-    float    estimated_rotation_q2;
-    float    estimated_rotation_q3;
-    float    estimated_rotation_q4;
+    double    target_rx_dt;
+    double    actual_rx_dt;
+    double    average_rx_dt;
+    double    average_rx_dt_k;
-    float    estimated_position_x;
-    float    estimated_position_y;
-    float    estimated_position_z;
-    float    estimated_rotation_y;
-    float    estimated_rotation_p;
-    float    estimated_rotation_r;
+    double    target_imu_dt;
+    double    actual_imu_dt;
+    double    average_imu_dt;
+    double    average_imu_dt_k;
+    double    estimated_altitude;
+    double    estimated_rotation_q1;
+    double    estimated_rotation_q2;
+    double    estimated_rotation_q3;
+    double    estimated_rotation_q4;
-    float    target_position_x; //see _isRequired members
-    float    target_position_y;
-    float    target_position_z;
-    float    target_rotation_y;
-    float    target_rotation_p;
-    float    target_rotation_r;
+    double    estimated_position_x;
+    double    estimated_position_y;
+    double    estimated_position_z;
+    double    estimated_rotation_y;
+    double    estimated_rotation_p;
+    double    estimated_rotation_r;
-    bool     target_position_x_isRequired;
-    bool     target_position_y_isRequired;
-    bool     target_position_z_isRequired;
-    bool     target_rotation_y_isRequired;
-    bool     target_rotation_p_isRequired;
-    bool     target_rotation_r_isRequired;
+    double    target_position_x; //see _isRequired members
+    double    target_position_y;
+    double    target_position_z;
+    double    target_rotation_y;
+    double    target_rotation_p;
+    double    target_rotation_r;
+    double    target_position_x_isRequired; //1=true; 0=false; error otherwise
+    double    target_position_y_isRequired;
+    double    target_position_z_isRequired;
+    double    target_rotation_y_isRequired;
+    double    target_rotation_p_isRequired;
+    double    target_rotation_r_isRequired;
+    double    ZERO_MEANS_ZERO_ALL_MOTORS_NOW__DANGER; //1=OK; 0=EmergencyStop; error otherwise
     void reset (){
@@ -61,13 +82,26 @@
         actual_throttle_2 = 0;
         actual_throttle_3 = 0;
         actual_throttle_4 = 0;
-        actual_throttle_dt = 0.01;
-        average_throttle_dt = 0.01;
-        average_throttle_dt_k = 0.0125;
-        actual_rx_delta_ms = 0.1;
-        actual_rx_wait_ms = 0.1;
+        target_main_dt = TARGET_MAIN_DT;
+        actual_main_dt = TARGET_MAIN_DT;
+        average_main_dt = TARGET_MAIN_DT;
+        average_main_dt_k = AVERAGE_DT_K_GAIN;
+        target_tx_dt = TARGET_TX_DT;
+        actual_tx_dt = TARGET_TX_DT;
+        average_tx_dt = TARGET_TX_DT;
+        average_tx_dt_k = AVERAGE_DT_K_GAIN;
+        target_rx_dt = TARGET_RX_DT;
+        actual_rx_dt = TARGET_RX_DT;
+        average_rx_dt = TARGET_RX_DT;
+        average_rx_dt_k = AVERAGE_DT_K_GAIN;
+        target_imu_dt = TARGET_IMU_DT;
+        actual_imu_dt = TARGET_IMU_DT;
+        average_imu_dt = TARGET_IMU_DT;
+        average_imu_dt_k = AVERAGE_DT_K_GAIN;
         estimated_altitude = 0;
         estimated_rotation_q1 = 0;
@@ -89,20 +123,214 @@
         target_rotation_p = 0;
         target_rotation_r = 0;
-        target_position_x_isRequired = false;
-        target_position_y_isRequired = false;
-        target_position_z_isRequired = false;
-        target_rotation_y_isRequired = false;
-        target_rotation_p_isRequired = false;
-        target_rotation_r_isRequired = false;
+        target_position_x_isRequired = 0;
+        target_position_y_isRequired = 0;
+        target_position_z_isRequired = 0;
+        target_rotation_y_isRequired = 0;
+        target_rotation_p_isRequired = 0;
+        target_rotation_r_isRequired = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return number of setted members.
+     */
+    int setFromJSON(const char* JSON_frame){
+        int setted = 0;
+        picojson::value json;
+        picojson::parse(json, JSON_frame, JSON_frame + strlen(JSON_frame));
+        unsigned int i=0;
+#define JSON_SET(var)  {                                \
+                picojson::value j = json.get(i++);      \
+                if(<double>()){                     \
+                        var = j.get<double>();          \
+                        ++setted;                       \
+                }                                       \
+            }
-        ZERO_ALL_MOTORS_NOW__DANGER = false;
+        JSON_SET(requested_throttle_1)
+        JSON_SET(requested_throttle_2)
+        JSON_SET(requested_throttle_3)
+        JSON_SET(requested_throttle_4)
+        JSON_SET(actual_throttle_1)
+        JSON_SET(actual_throttle_2)
+        JSON_SET(actual_throttle_3)
+        JSON_SET(actual_throttle_4)
+        JSON_SET(target_main_dt)
+        JSON_SET(actual_main_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_main_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_main_dt_k)
+        JSON_SET(target_tx_dt)
+        JSON_SET(actual_tx_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_tx_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_tx_dt_k)
+        JSON_SET(target_rx_dt)
+        JSON_SET(actual_rx_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_rx_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_rx_dt_k)
+        JSON_SET(target_imu_dt)
+        JSON_SET(actual_imu_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_imu_dt)
+        JSON_SET(average_imu_dt_k)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_altitude)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_q1)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_q2)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_q3)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_q4)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_position_x)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_position_y)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_position_z)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_y)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_p)
+        JSON_SET(estimated_rotation_r)
+        JSON_SET(target_position_x)
+        JSON_SET(target_position_y)
+        JSON_SET(target_position_z)
+        JSON_SET(target_rotation_y)
+        JSON_SET(target_rotation_p)
+        JSON_SET(target_rotation_r)
+        JSON_SET(target_position_x_isRequired)
+        JSON_SET(target_position_y_isRequired)
+        JSON_SET(target_position_z_isRequired)
+        JSON_SET(target_rotation_y_isRequired)
+        JSON_SET(target_rotation_p_isRequired)
+        JSON_SET(target_rotation_r_isRequired)
+#undef JSON_SET
+        return setted;
+    std::string getJSON() const{
+        picojson::array array_vector;
+#define JSON_GET(var)   array_vector.push_back(picojson::value(var));
+        JSON_GET(requested_throttle_1)
+        JSON_GET(requested_throttle_2)
+        JSON_GET(requested_throttle_3)
+        JSON_GET(requested_throttle_4)
+        JSON_GET(actual_throttle_1)
+        JSON_GET(actual_throttle_2)
+        JSON_GET(actual_throttle_3)
+        JSON_GET(actual_throttle_4)
+        JSON_GET(target_main_dt)
+        JSON_GET(actual_main_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_main_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_main_dt_k)
+        JSON_GET(target_tx_dt)
+        JSON_GET(actual_tx_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_tx_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_tx_dt_k)
+        JSON_GET(target_rx_dt)
+        JSON_GET(actual_rx_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_rx_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_rx_dt_k)
+        JSON_GET(target_imu_dt)
+        JSON_GET(actual_imu_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_imu_dt)
+        JSON_GET(average_imu_dt_k)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_altitude)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_q1)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_q2)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_q3)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_q4)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_position_x)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_position_y)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_position_z)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_y)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_p)
+        JSON_GET(estimated_rotation_r)
+        JSON_GET(target_position_x)
+        JSON_GET(target_position_y)
+        JSON_GET(target_position_z)
+        JSON_GET(target_rotation_y)
+        JSON_GET(target_rotation_p)
+        JSON_GET(target_rotation_r)
+        JSON_GET(target_position_x_isRequired)
+        JSON_GET(target_position_y_isRequired)
+        JSON_GET(target_position_z_isRequired)
+        JSON_GET(target_rotation_y_isRequired)
+        JSON_GET(target_rotation_p_isRequired)
+        JSON_GET(target_rotation_r_isRequired)
+#undef JSON_GET
+        return picojson::value(array_vector).serialize();
+    }
-struct QuadCommandHeader; //to be used with TCP (or UDP for control signals)
-struct QuadCommandHeader {
-  uint8_t   xor_name;
-  uint8_t   xor_name_repeat;
-  uint32_t  payload_length;
+///Calc dt in seconds.
+#define QUAD_STATE_READ_ACTUAL_DT(state, what, timer) {                                                            \
+    state.actual_ ## what ## _dt = (double) 0.000001 * timer.read_us();                                            \
+///Sleep until the setted DT is reached.
+#define QUAD_STATE_WAIT_DT_TARGET(actual, target) {                                                                \
+    if(target-actual > 0.01*target && target-actual > 0.0001){                                                      \
+        Thread::wait((uint32_t) (1000.0*target-1000.0*actual));                                                    \
+    } else                                                                                                         \
+        Thread::yield();                                                                                           \
+///Calc actual dt and update average
+#define QUAD_STATE_UPDATE_DT(state, what, timer) {                                                                 \
+    state.actual_ ## what ## _dt = (double) 0.000001 * timer.read_us();                                            \
+    timer.reset();                                                                                                 \
+    state.average_ ## what ## _dt *= 0.9999999999999999 - state.average_ ## what ## _dt_k;                         \
+    state.average_ ## what ## _dt += state.actual_ ## what ## _dt * state.average_ ## what ## _dt_k;               \
+    //Calc dt in seconds
+    #define DT_READ() mainQuadState.actual_throttle_dt = (float) (1.0/1000000.0) * dt_t.read_us()
+    DT_READ();
+    if(MAIN_CYCLE_TARGET_DT - mainQuadState.actual_throttle_dt > MAIN_CYCLE_TARGET_DT/10){
+        //if the dt is very small
+        //sleep until the setted DT is reached.
+        Thread::wait(MAIN_CYCLE_TARGET_DT - mainQuadState.actual_throttle_dt);
+        DT_READ();
+    }
+    dt_timer.reset();
+    //Calc average dt
+    mainQuadState.average_throttle_dt -= mainQuadState.average_throttle_dt * mainQuadState.average_throttle_dt_k;
+    mainQuadState.average_throttle_dt += mainQuadState.actual_throttle_dt * mainQuadState.average_throttle_dt_k;
+#endif //QUAD_STATE__H
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