Very Simple Library for the STM32F3-Discovery.

Dependents:   accelerometer_test neopixel_square accelerometer_test_minimal Colour_Video_Demo

--- a/inc/stm32f3_discovery_lsm303dlhc.h	Thu May 10 03:56:43 2018 +0000
+++ b/inc/stm32f3_discovery_lsm303dlhc.h	Wed Apr 03 20:55:48 2019 +0000
@@ -58,101 +58,6 @@
   * @brief  LSM303DLHC Status  
-/* LSM303DLHC ACC struct */
-typedef struct
-  uint8_t Power_Mode;                         /* Power-down/Normal Mode */
-  uint8_t AccOutput_DataRate;                 /* OUT data rate */
-  uint8_t Axes_Enable;                        /* Axes enable */
-  uint8_t High_Resolution;                    /* High Resolution enabling/disabling */
-  uint8_t BlockData_Update;                   /* Block Data Update */
-  uint8_t Endianness;                         /* Endian Data selection */
-  uint8_t AccFull_Scale;                      /* Full Scale selection */
-/* LSM303DLHC Acc High Pass Filter struct */
-typedef struct
-  uint8_t HighPassFilter_Mode_Selection;      /* Internal filter mode */
-  uint8_t HighPassFilter_CutOff_Frequency;    /* High pass filter cut-off frequency */
-  uint8_t HighPassFilter_AOI1;                /* HPF_enabling/disabling for AOI function on interrupt 1 */
-  uint8_t HighPassFilter_AOI2;                /* HPF_enabling/disabling for AOI function on interrupt 2 */
-/* LSM303DLHC Mag struct */
-typedef struct
-  uint8_t Temperature_Sensor;                /* Temperature sensor enable/disable */
-  uint8_t MagOutput_DataRate;                /* OUT data rate */
-  uint8_t Working_Mode;                      /* operating mode */
-  uint8_t MagFull_Scale;                     /* Full Scale selection */
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @defgroup STM32F3_DISCOVERY_LSM303DLHC_Exported_Constants
-  * @{
-  */
-#define LSM303DLHC_OK                       ((uint32_t) 0)
-#define LSM303DLHC_FAIL                     ((uint32_t) 0)
-/* Uncomment the following line to use the default LSM303DLHC_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() 
-   function implemented in stm32f3_discovery_lgd20.c file.
-   LSM303DLHC_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() function is called whenever a timeout condition 
-   occure during communication (waiting transmit data register empty flag(TXE)
-   or waiting receive data register is not empty flag (RXNE)). */   
-/* Maximum Timeout values for flags waiting loops. These timeouts are not based
-   on accurate values, they just guarantee that the application will not remain
-   stuck if the I2C communication is corrupted.
-   You may modify these timeout values depending on CPU frequency and application
-   conditions (interrupts routines ...). */   
-#define LSM303DLHC_FLAG_TIMEOUT             ((uint32_t)0x1000)
-#define LSM303DLHC_LONG_TIMEOUT             ((uint32_t)(10 * LSM303DLHC_FLAG_TIMEOUT))  
-  * @brief  LSM303DLHC I2C Interface pins
-  */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C                       I2C1
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_CLK                   RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SCK_PIN               GPIO_Pin_6                  /* PB.06 */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SCK_GPIO_PORT         GPIOB                       /* GPIOB */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SCK_GPIO_CLK          RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SCK_SOURCE            GPIO_PinSource6
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SCK_AF                GPIO_AF_4
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SDA_PIN               GPIO_Pin_7                  /* PB.7 */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SDA_GPIO_PORT         GPIOB                       /* GPIOB */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SDA_GPIO_CLK          RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SDA_SOURCE            GPIO_PinSource7
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_SDA_AF                GPIO_AF_4
-#define LSM303DLHC_DRDY_PIN                  GPIO_Pin_2                  /* PE.02 */
-#define LSM303DLHC_DRDY_GPIO_PORT            GPIOE                       /* GPIOE */
-#define LSM303DLHC_DRDY_GPIO_CLK             RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOE
-#define LSM303DLHC_DRDY_EXTI_LINE            EXTI_Line2
-#define LSM303DLHC_DRDY_EXTI_PIN_SOURCE      EXTI_PinSource2
-#define LSM303DLHC_DRDY_EXTI_IRQn            EXTI2_TS_IRQn 
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT1_PIN              GPIO_Pin_4                  /* PE.04 */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT1_GPIO_PORT        GPIOE                       /* GPIOE */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT1_GPIO_CLK         RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOE
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT1_EXTI_LINE        EXTI_Line4
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT1_EXTI_IRQn        EXTI4_IRQn 
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT2_PIN              GPIO_Pin_5                  /* PE.05 */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT2_GPIO_PORT        GPIOE                       /* GPIOE */
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT2_GPIO_CLK         RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOE
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT2_EXTI_LINE        EXTI_Line5
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT2_EXTI_PIN_SOURCE  EXTI_PinSource5ss
-#define LSM303DLHC_I2C_INT2_EXTI_IRQn        EXTI9_5_IRQn 
 /*************************** START REGISTER MAPPING  **************************/
@@ -515,38 +420,6 @@
 /** @defgroup STM32F3_DISCOVERY_LSM303DLHC_Exported_Functions
   * @{
-/* Acc functions */  
-void LSM303DLHC_AccInit(LSM303DLHCAcc_InitTypeDef *LSM303DLHC_InitStruct);
-void LSM303DLHC_AccRebootCmd(void);
-void LSM303DLHC_AccFilterConfig(LSM303DLHCAcc_FilterConfigTypeDef *LSM303DLHC_FilterStruct) ;
-void LSM303DLHC_AccFilterCmd(uint8_t HighPassFilterState);
-void LSM303DLHC_AccFilterClickCmd(uint8_t HighPassFilterClickState);
-void LSM303DLHC_AccIT1Config(uint8_t LSM303DLHC_IT, FunctionalState NewState);
-void LSM303DLHC_AccIT2Config(uint8_t LSM303DLHC_IT, FunctionalState NewState);
-void LSM303DLHC_AccINT1InterruptConfig(uint8_t ITCombination, uint8_t ITAxes, FunctionalState NewState );
-void LSM303DLHC_AccINT2InterruptConfig(uint8_t ITCombination, uint8_t ITAxes, FunctionalState NewState );
-void LSM303DLHC_AccClickITConfig(uint8_t ITClick, FunctionalState NewState);
-uint8_t LSM303DLHC_AccGetDataStatus(void);
-/* Mag functions */ 
-void LSM303DLHC_MagInit(LSM303DLHCMag_InitTypeDef *LSM303DLHC_InitStruct);
-uint8_t LSM303DLHC_MagGetDataStatus(void);
-/* read write funtions */
-uint16_t LSM303DLHC_Write(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegAddr, uint8_t* pBuffer);
-uint16_t LSM303DLHC_Read(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegAddr,uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToRead);
-/* USER Callbacks: This is function for which prototype only is declared in
-   MEMS accelerometre driver and that should be implemented into user applicaiton. */  
-/* LSM303DLHC_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() function is called whenever a timeout condition 
-   occure during communication (waiting transmit data register empty flag(TXE)
-   or waiting receive data register is not empty flag (RXNE)).
-   You can use the default timeout callback implementation by uncommenting the 
-   define USE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK in stm32f3_discovery_LSM303DLHC.h file.
-   Typically the user implementation of this callback should reset MEMS peripheral
-   and re-initialize communication or in worst case reset all the application. */
-uint32_t LSM303DLHC_TIMEOUT_UserCallback(void);
 #ifdef __cplusplus