mooie code

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of Project_script_union_final by Esmee Buter



File content as of revision 25:bbef09ff226b:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "BiQuad.h"
#include "HIDScope.h"
#include <math.h>

//ATTENTION:    set mBed to version 151
//              set QEI to version 0, (gebruiken wij (nog) niet, is voor encoder)
//              set MODSERIAL to version 44
//              set HIDScope to version 7
//              set biquadFilter to version 7

AnalogIn emg0_in            (A0);                   //First raw EMG signal input
AnalogIn emg1_in            (A1);                   //Second raw EMG signal input
AnalogIn emg2_in            (A2);                   //Third raw EMG signal input

InterruptIn button1         (D10);                  //Is this one available? We need to make a map of which pins are used for what.
InterruptIn button2         (D11);

DigitalOut directionpin1    (D7);
DigitalOut directionpin2    (D4);
PwmOut pwmpin1              (D6);
PwmOut pwmpin2              (D5);

DigitalOut ledr             (LED_RED);
DigitalOut ledb             (LED_BLUE);
DigitalOut ledg             (LED_GREEN);

MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);                       //Serial communication to see if the code works step by step, turn on if hidscope is off

//HIDScope    scope( 6 );                             //HIDScope set to 3x2 channels for 3 muscles, raw data + filtered

Ticker      ticker;                          

//Global variables
const float T   = 0.002f;                           //Ticker period

//EMG filter
double emg0_filt, emg1_filt, emg2_filt;                                                          //Variables for filtered EMG data channel 0, 1 and 2
double emg0_raw, emg1_raw, emg2_raw;
double emg0_filt_x, emg1_filt_x, emg2_filt_x;
const int windowsize = 150;                                                                      //Size of the array over which the moving average (MovAg) is calculated. (random number)
double sum, sum1, sum2, sum3;                                                                    //variables used to sum elements in array
double StoreArray0[windowsize], StoreArray1[windowsize], StoreArray2[windowsize];                //Empty arrays to calculate MoveAg
double movAg0, movAg1, movAg2;                                                                   //outcome of MovAg (moet dit een array zijn??)

//Calibration variables
int x = -1;                                                                                      //Start switch, colour LED is blue.
int emg_cal = 0;                                                                                 //if emg_cal is set to 1, motors can begin to work in this code (!!)
const int sizeCal = 1500;                                                                        //size of the dataset used for calibration, eerst 2000
double StoreCal0[sizeCal], StoreCal1[sizeCal], StoreCal2[sizeCal];                               //arrays to put the dataset of the calibration in
double Mean0,Mean1,Mean2;                                                                        //average of maximum tightening
double Threshold0, Threshold1, Threshold2; 

//Biquad                                                                                         //Variables for the biquad band filters (alle 3 dezelfde maar je kan niet 3x 'emg0band' aanroepen ofzo)
BiQuadChain emg0filter;
BiQuad emg0band1( 7.29441e-01, -1.89276e-08, -7.29450e-01, -1.64507e-01, -7.26543e-01 );
BiQuad emg0band2( 1.00000e+00, 1.99999e+00, 9.99994e-01, 1.72349e+00, 7.79616e-01 );
BiQuad emg0band3( 1.00000e+00, -1.99999e+00, 9.99994e-01, -1.93552e+00, 9.39358e-01 );
BiQuad notch1( 9.91104e-01, -1.60364e+00, 9.91104e-01, -1.60364e+00, 9.82207e-01 );                //Notch filter biquad coefficients

BiQuadChain emg1filter;
BiQuad emg1band1( 7.29441e-01, -1.89276e-08, -7.29450e-01, -1.64507e-01, -7.26543e-01 );
BiQuad emg1band2( 1.00000e+00, 1.99999e+00, 9.99994e-01, 1.72349e+00, 7.79616e-01 );
BiQuad emg1band3( 1.00000e+00, -1.99999e+00, 9.99994e-01, -1.93552e+00, 9.39358e-01 );
BiQuad notch2( 9.91104e-01, -1.60364e+00, 9.91104e-01, -1.60364e+00, 9.82207e-01 );                //Notch filter

BiQuadChain emg2filter;
BiQuad emg2band1( 7.29441e-01, -1.89276e-08, -7.29450e-01, -1.64507e-01, -7.26543e-01 );
BiQuad emg2band2( 1.00000e+00, 1.99999e+00, 9.99994e-01, 1.72349e+00, 7.79616e-01 );
BiQuad emg2band3( 1.00000e+00, -1.99999e+00, 9.99994e-01, -1.93552e+00, 9.39358e-01 );
BiQuad notch3( 9.91104e-01, -1.60364e+00, 9.91104e-01, -1.60364e+00, 9.82207e-01 );                //Notch filter

// Inverse Kinematica variabelen
const double L1 = 0.208;                                  // Hoogte van tafel tot joint 1
const double L2 = 0.288;                                  // Hoogte van tafel tot joint 2
const double L3 = 0.212;                                  // Lengte van de arm
const double L4 = 0.089;                                  // Afstand van achterkant base tot joint 1
const double L5 = 0.030;                                  // Afstand van joint 1 naar joint 2
const double r_trans = 0.035;                             // Kan gebruikt worden om om te rekenen van translation naar shaft rotation 
//const double T = 0.002f;                                  // Ticker value

// Variërende variabelen inverse kinematics: 
double q1ref = 0;                                   // Huidige motorhoek van joint 1 zoals bepaald uit referentiesignaal --> checken of het goede type is
double q2ref = 0;                                   // Huidige motorhoek van joint 2 zoals bepaald uit referentiesignaal --> checken of het goede type is
double v_x;                                         // Desired velocity end effector in x direction --> Determined by EMG signals
double v_y;                                         // Desired velocity end effector in y direction --> Determined by EMG signals

double Lq1;                                         // Translatieafstand als gevolg van motor rotation joint 1
double Cq2;                                         // Joint angle of the system (corrected for gear ratio 1:5)

double q1_dot;                                      // Benodigde hoeksnelheid van motor 1 om v_des te bereiken
double q2_dot;                                      // Benodigde hoeksnelheid van motor 2 om v_des te bereiken 

double q1_ii;                                       // Reference signal for motorangle q1ref 
double q2_ii;                                       // Reference signal for motorangle q2ref


void switch_to_calibrate()
    x++;                        //Every time function gets called, x increases. Every button press --> new calibration state.
                                //Starts with x = -1. So when function gets called 1 time, x = 0.  In the end, x = 4 will reset to -1.

    if(x==0)                    //If x = 0, led is red
        ledr = 0;
        ledb = 1;
        ledg = 1;
    else if (x==1)              //If x = 1, led is blue
        ledr = 1;
        ledb = 0;
        ledg = 1;
    else if (x==2)            //If x = 2, led is green
        ledr = 1;
        ledb = 1;
        ledg = 0;
    else                        //If x = 3 or 4, led is white
        ledr = 0;
        ledb = 0;
        ledg = 0;
    if(x==4)                    //Reset back to x = -1
        x = -1;
        emg_cal=0;              //reset, motors off
void calibrate(void)
        case 0:                                         //If calibration state 0:
            sum = 0.0;
            for(int j = 0; j<=sizeCal-1; j++)           //Array filled with datapoints from the EMGfilter signal of muscle 0
                StoreCal0[j] = emg0_filt;
                wait(0.001f);                           //Does there need to be a wait?
            Mean0       = sum/sizeCal;                  //Calculate mean of the datapoints in the calibration set (2000 samples)
            Threshold0  = Mean0/2;                      //Threshold calculation = 0.5*mean                                            
            break;                                      //Stop. Threshold is calculated, we will use this further in the code
        case 1:                                         //If calibration state 1:
            sum = 0.0;                                  
            for(int j = 0; j<=sizeCal-1; j++)           //Array filled with datapoints from the EMGfilter signal of muscle 1
                StoreCal1[j] = emg1_filt;
            Mean1       = sum/sizeCal;
            Threshold1  = Mean1/2;                      
        case 2:                                         //If calibration state 2:
            sum = 0.0;
            for(int j = 0; j<=sizeCal-1; j++)           //Array filled with datapoints from the EMGfilter signal of muscle 2
                StoreCal2[j] = emg2_filt;
            Mean2       = sum/sizeCal;
            Threshold2  = Mean2/2;                    
        case 3:                                         //EMG is calibrated, robot can be set to Home position.
            emg_cal = 1;                                //This is the setting for which the motors can begin turning in this code (!!)
        default:                                        //Ensures nothing happens if x is not 0,1 or 2.

void HIDScope_sample()
    /* Set the sampled emg values in channel 0 (the first channel) and 1 (the second channel) in the 'HIDScope' instance named 'scope' */
    //scope.set(1,movAg0);          //als moving average werkt
    //scope.set(3,movAg1);          //als moving average werkt
    //scope.set(5,movAg2);          //als moving average werkt

    //scope.send();                   //Send data to HIDScope server

void EMGFilter0()
    emg0_raw      =;                      //give name to raw EMG0 data
    emg0_filt_x   = emg0filter.step(emg0_raw);           //Use biquad chain to filter raw EMG data
    emg0_filt     = abs(emg0_filt_x);                    //rectifier. LET OP: volgorde filter: band-notch-rectifier. Eerst band-rect-notch, stel er komt iets raars uit, dan Notch uit de biquad chain halen en aparte chain voor aanmaken.

void EMGFilter1()
    emg1_raw      =;                      //give name to raw EMG1 data
    emg1_filt_x   = emg1filter.step(emg1_raw);           //Use biquad chain to filter raw EMG data
    emg1_filt     = abs(emg1_filt_x);                    //rectifier. LET OP: volgorde filter: band-notch-rectifier. Eerst band-rect-notch.

void EMGFilter2()
    emg2_raw      =;                      //Give name to raw EMG1 data
    emg2_filt_x   = emg2filter.step(emg2_raw);           //Use biquad chain to filter raw EMG data
    emg2_filt     = abs(emg2_filt_x);                    //Rectifier. LET OP: volgorde filter: band-notch-rectifier.
void MovAg()                                         //Calculate moving average (MovAg), klopt nog niet!!
    for (int i = windowsize-1; i>=0; i--)            //Make arrays for the last datapoints of the filtered signals
        StoreArray0[i] = StoreArray0[i-1];           //Shifts the i'th element one place to the right, this makes it "rolling or moving" average.
        StoreArray1[i] = StoreArray1[i-1];
        StoreArray2[i] = StoreArray2[i-1];
    StoreArray0[0] = emg0_filt;                      //Stores the latest datapoint of the filtered signal in the first element of the array
    StoreArray1[0] = emg1_filt;
    StoreArray2[0] = emg2_filt;
    sum1 = 0.0;
    sum2 = 0.0;
    sum3 = 0.0;
    for(int a = 0; a<= windowsize-1; a++)            //Sums the elements in the arrays
        sum1 += StoreArray0[a];
        sum2 += StoreArray1[a];
        sum3 += StoreArray2[a];
    movAg0 = sum1/windowsize;                        //calculates an average in the array
    movAg1 = sum2/windowsize;
    movAg2 = sum3/windowsize;
    //serial getallen sturen, als het 1 getal is gaat hier wat fout, als het een reeks is dan gaat er bij de input naar HIDscope wat fout.

void emg_filtered()             //Call all filter functions

void inverse_kinematics()
    Lq1 = q1ref*r_trans;                            
    Cq2 = q2ref/5.0;                               

    q1_dot = v_x + (v_y*(L1 + L3*sin(Cq2)))/(L4 + Lq1 + L3*cos(Cq2));     
    q2_dot = v_y/(L4 + Lq1 + L3*cos(Cq2));                                       

    q1_ii = q1ref + q1_dot*T;                       
    q2_ii = q2ref + q2_dot*T; 
    q1ref = q1_ii;
    q2ref = q2_ii; 

void v_des_calculate_qref()
    while(emg_cal==1)                              //After calibration is finished, emg_cal will be 1. Otherwise 0. 
                if(movAg1>Threshold1)                          //If the filtered EMG signal of muscle 1 is higher than the threshold, motor 1 will turn
                    v_x = 1.0;                                     //beweging in +x direction
                    ledr = 0;                                    //red
                    ledb = 1;
                    ledg = 1;
                else if(movAg2>Threshold2)                          //If the filtered EMG signal of muscle 2 is higher than the threshold, motor 1 and 2 will turn
                    v_y = 1.0;                                    //beweging in +y direction
                    ledr = 1;                                   //green
                    ledb = 1;
                    ledg = 0;
                else if(movAg0>Threshold0)                               //If the filtered EMG signal of muscle 0 is higher than the threshold, motor1 will turn in 1 direction
                    v_x = -v_x;
                    v_y = -v_y;
                    ledr = 1;                                    //Blue
                    ledb = 0;
                    ledg = 1;  
                else                                               //If not higher than the threshold, motors will not turn at all
                    v_x = 0;
                    v_y = 0;
                    ledr = 0;                                   //white
                    ledb = 0;
                    ledg = 0;

int main()
        pc.printf("Hello World!\r\n");                                                          //Serial communication only works if hidscope is turned off.
        pwmpin1.period_us(60);                      //60 microseconds PWM period, 16.7 kHz 

        emg0filter.add( &emg0band1 ).add( &emg0band2 ).add( &emg0band3 ).add( &notch1 );        //attach biquad elements to chain
        emg1filter.add( &emg1band1 ).add( &emg1band2 ).add( &emg1band3 ).add( &notch2 );
        emg2filter.add( &emg2band1 ).add( &emg2band2 ).add( &emg2band3 ).add( &notch3 );
        ticker.attach(&emg_filtered,T);         //EMG signals filtered every T sec.
        ticker.attach(&MovAg,T);                //Moving average calculation every T sec.
        ticker.attach(&v_des_calculate_qref,T);                //v_des determined every T
       // HIDScope_tick.attach(&HIDScope_sample,T);   //EMG signals raw + filtered to HIDScope every T sec.
    button1.rise(switch_to_calibrate);          //Switch state of calibration (which muscle)
    wait(0.2f);                                 //Wait to avoid bouncing of button
    button2.rise(calibrate);                    //Calibrate threshold for 3 muscles
    wait(0.2f);                                 //Wait to avoid bouncing of button
    pc.printf("x is %i\n\r",x);
    pc.printf("Movag0 = %f , Movag1 = %f, Movag2 = %f \n\r",movAg0, movAg1, movAg2);
    pc.printf("Thresh0 = %f , Thresh1 = %f, Thresh2 = %f \n\r",Threshold0, Threshold1, Threshold2);