use TCP to connect to mbed connector

Fork of mbedConnectorInterfaceWithDM by Doug Anson

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-connector-interface/DeviceManager.h	Wed Jun 08 22:32:08 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * @file    DeviceManager.h
+ * @brief   mbed CoAP Endpoint Device Management class
+ * @author  Doug Anson
+ * @version 1.0
+ * @see
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef __DEVICE_MANAGER_H__
+#define __DEVICE_MANAGER_H__
+// mbed-client support
+#include "mbed-client/m2mconstants.h"
+// Support for Device Resources
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/DeviceResource.h"
+// Action Resource: Device DeRegistration
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/DeviceDeRegisterResource.h"
+// Action Resource: Device Reboot
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/DeviceRebootResource.h"
+// Action Resource: Device Reset
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/DeviceResetResource.h"
+// Action Resource: Device Firmware
+#include "mbed-connector-interface/DeviceFirmwareCompositeResource.h"
+// LWM2M Device Info: Mfg, DevType, Model, Serial, Firmware version, Hardware version, Software version
+#define NUM_DEVICE_RESOURCES                7
+// LWM2M Device Object ID
+#define LWM2M_DEVICE_OBJ_ID                 "3"
+// LWM2M Firmware Object ID
+#define LWM2M_FIRMWARE_OBJ_ID               "5"
+// TEMP: Device DeRegistration Resource ID
+#define LWM2M_DEV_DEREGISTER_ID             "86"
+/** DeviceManager is the endpoint management class
+ */
+class DeviceManager
+    public:
+        /**
+        Default constructor
+        @param logger input logger instance
+        @param dm_responder input data management responder/processor
+        @param mfg input endpoint manufacturer
+        @param dev_type input the endpoint type
+        @param model input the model of the endpoint
+        @param serial input the serial of the endpoint
+        @param fw_vers input the current firmware version
+        @param hw_vers input the current hardware version
+        @param sw_vers input the current software version
+        */
+        DeviceManager(const Logger *logger,const void *dm_responder=NULL,const char *mfg="ARM",const char *dev_type="mbed",const char *model="ARM" ,const char *serial="000000",const char *fw_ver="0.0.0",const char *hw_ver="0.0.0",const char *sw_ver="0.0.0");
+        /**
+        Copy constructor
+        @param resource input the DeviceManager that is to be deep copied
+        */
+        DeviceManager(const DeviceManager &manager);
+        /**
+        Destructor
+        */
+        virtual ~DeviceManager();
+        /**
+        install the device manager into the endpoint
+        @param endpoint input the endpoint instance
+        @param config input the endpoint configuration instance
+        */
+        void install(const void *endpoint,const void *config);
+        /**
+        get the DeviceManagementResponder
+        @return the DeviceManagementResponder or NULL
+        */
+        void *getResponder();
+    private:
+        Logger                              *m_logger;
+        void                                *m_endpoint;
+        void                                *m_config;
+        char                                *m_dev_type;
+        void                                *m_dm_responder;
+        // Static LWM2M Device Info Resources
+        DeviceResource                      *m_dev[NUM_DEVICE_RESOURCES];
+        // DM Action-able Resources
+        DeviceDeRegisterResource            *m_deregister_resource; 
+        DeviceRebootResource                *m_reboot_resource; 
+        DeviceResetResource                 *m_reset_resource; 
+        DeviceFirmwareCompositeResource     *m_firmware_composite_resource; 
+        // convenience method to convert enum (int) type to string 
+        string                               createResName(M2MDevice::DeviceResource res);
+#endif // __DEVICE_MANAGER_H__
\ No newline at end of file