use TCP to connect to mbed connector

Fork of mbedConnectorInterfaceWithDM by Doug Anson

Wed Jun 08 22:32:08 2016 +0000
updated to latest revision with new DM functions

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 1 /**
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 2 * @file TickerResourceObserver.cpp
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 3 * @brief mbed CoAP DynamicResource Ticker-based observer (implementation)
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 4 * @author Doug Anson/Chris Paola
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 5 * @version 1.0
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 6 * @see
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 7 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 8 * Copyright (c) 2014
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 9 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 10 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 11 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 12 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 13 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 14 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 15 *
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 16 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 17 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 18 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 19 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 20 * limitations under the License.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 21 */
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 22
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 23 #include "TickerResourceObserver.h"
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 24
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 25 // DEBUG
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 26 //DigitalOut __ticker_led(LED2);
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 27
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 28 // constructor
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 29 TickerResourceObserver::TickerResourceObserver(DynamicResource *resource,int sleep_time) :
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 30 ResourceObserver(resource,(int)(sleep_time/1000)) {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 31 this->setObserving(false);
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 32 // DEBUG
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 33 std::printf("TickerResourceObserver being used for %s (sleep_time=%d)\r\n",resource->getFullName().c_str(),sleep_time);
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 34 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 35
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 36 // destructor
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 37 TickerResourceObserver::~TickerResourceObserver() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 38 this->stopObservation();
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 39 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 40
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 41 // notifier
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 42 void TickerResourceObserver::observationNotifier() {
ansond 13:9edad7677211 43 if (this->isObserving() == true && this->getResource() != NULL && this->getResource()->isConnected() == true) {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 44 //
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 45 // implementsObservation(): This switch denotes whether this ticker resource generates its own observations or relies on the ticker (time-based) mechanism.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 46 // -- if resource itself doesn't implement it, then we can call notify() with the get() on each heartbeat of the tickered resource (see note below)
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 47 // -- otherwise, we let the resource itself call observe() as part of its observation implementation
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 48 //
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 49 // note: this is independent of whether the resource, when declared, is defined as an observable resource or not. If not, then notify() wont be called
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 50 // as there will be no observations for this resource regardless of this switch value.
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 51 //
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 52 bool do_notify = !(this->getResource()->implementsObservation());
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 53 this->getResource()->observe();
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 54 //__ticker_led = !__ticker_led;
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 55 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 56 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 57
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 58 // begin observing...
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 59 void TickerResourceObserver::beginObservation() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 60 if (this->isObserving() == false) {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 61 this->m_ticker.attach(this,&TickerResourceObserver::observationNotifier,(float)this->getSleepTime());
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 62 this->setObserving(true);
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 63 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 64 }
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 65
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 66 // begin observing...
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 67 void TickerResourceObserver::stopObservation() {
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 68 this->setObserving(false);
ansond 0:1f1f55e73248 69 }