Firsat Publication

Fork of RA8875 by David Smart

--- a/RA8875.h	Mon Jan 12 01:10:35 2015 +0000
+++ b/RA8875.h	Tue Jan 13 12:31:44 2015 +0000
@@ -518,12 +518,12 @@
     ///     do {
     ///        point_t point = {0, 0};
     ///        if (display.TouchPanelReadable(&point)) {
-    ///            display.pixel(point.x, point.y, Red);
+    ///            display.pixel(point, Red);
     ///        }
     ///    } while (t.read_ms() < 30000);
     /// @endcode
-    /// @param[out] touch is the touch point, if a touch is registered.
+    /// @param[out] TouchPoint is the touch point, if a touch is registered.
     /// @returns a value indicating the state of the touch,
     ///         - no_cal:   no calibration matrix is available, touch coordinates are not returned.
     ///         - no_touch: no touch is detected, touch coordinates are not returned.
@@ -531,7 +531,37 @@
     ///         - held:     held after touch, touch coordinates are returned.
     ///         - release:  indicates a release, touch coordinates are returned.
-    TouchCode_t TouchPanelReadable(point_t * touch = NULL);
+    TouchCode_t TouchPanelReadable(point_t * TouchPoint = NULL);
+    /// Wait for a touch panel touch and return it.
+    /// 
+    /// This method is similar to Serial.getc() in that it will wait for a touch
+    /// and then return. In order to extract the coordinates of the touch, a
+    /// valid pointer to a point_t must be provided.
+    ///
+    /// @note There is no timeout on this function, so its use is not recommended.
+    ///
+    /// @code
+    ///     Timer t;
+    ///     t.start();
+    ///     do {
+    ///        point_t point = {0, 0};
+    ///        display.TouchPanelGet(&point);   // hangs here until touch
+    ///        display.pixel(point, Red);
+    ///    } while (t.read_ms() < 30000);
+    /// @endcode
+    ///
+    /// @param[out] TouchPoint is the touch point, if a touch is registered.
+    /// @returns a value indicating the state of the touch,
+    ///         - no_cal:   no calibration matrix is available, touch coordinates are not returned.
+    ///         - no_touch: no touch is detected, touch coordinates are not returned.
+    ///         - touch:    touch is detected, touch coordinates are returned.
+    ///         - held:     held after touch, touch coordinates are returned.
+    ///         - release:  indicates a release, touch coordinates are returned.
+    ///
+    TouchCode_t TouchPanelGet(point_t * TouchPoint);
     /// Calibrate the touch panel.
@@ -593,7 +623,7 @@
     ///             non-volatile memory to recover the calibration after a power fail.
     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
-    RetCode_t TouchPanelCalibrate(tpMatrix_t * matrix);
+    RetCode_t TouchPanelCalibrate(tpMatrix_t * matrix = NULL);
     /// Perform the touch panel calibration process.
@@ -612,30 +642,6 @@
     RetCode_t TouchPanelCalibrate(const char * msg, tpMatrix_t * matrix = NULL);
-    /// Wait for a touch panel touch and return it.
-    /// 
-    /// This method is similar to Serial.getc() in that it will wait for a touch
-    /// and then return. In order to extract the coordinates of the touch, a
-    /// valid pointer to a point_t must be provided.
-    ///
-    /// @note There is no timeout on this function, so its use is not recommended.
-    ///
-    /// @code
-    ///     Timer t;
-    ///     t.start();
-    ///     do {
-    ///        point_t point = {0, 0};
-    ///        display.TouchPanelGet(&point);
-    ///        display.pixel(point.x, point.y, Red);
-    ///    } while (t.read_ms() < 30000);
-    /// @endcode
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] touch is the touch point, if a touch is registered.
-    /// @returns true if a touch was registered, and touch is updated.
-    /// @returns false if no touch was detected, or if the calibration matrix is not defined.
-    ///
-    bool TouchPanelGet(point_t * touch);
     /// Set the calibration matrix for the touch panel.
     /// This method is used to set the calibration matrix for the touch panel. After