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arm_event_s Struct Reference

arm_event_s Struct Reference

Event structure. More...

#include <eventOS_event.h>

Data Fields

int8_t receiver
 Event handler Tasklet ID.
int8_t sender
 Event sender Tasklet ID.
uint8_t event_type
 This will be typecast arm_library_event_type_e, arm_internal_event_type_e or application specific define.
uint8_t event_id
 Timer ID, NWK interface ID or application specific ID.
void * data_ptr
 Application could share data pointer tasklet to tasklet.

Detailed Description

Event structure.

Definition at line 39 of file eventOS_event.h.

Field Documentation

void* data_ptr

Application could share data pointer tasklet to tasklet.

Definition at line 44 of file eventOS_event.h.

uint8_t event_id

Timer ID, NWK interface ID or application specific ID.

Definition at line 43 of file eventOS_event.h.

uint8_t event_type

This will be typecast arm_library_event_type_e, arm_internal_event_type_e or application specific define.

Definition at line 42 of file eventOS_event.h.

int8_t receiver

Event handler Tasklet ID.

Definition at line 40 of file eventOS_event.h.

int8_t sender

Event sender Tasklet ID.

Definition at line 41 of file eventOS_event.h.