Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
00005  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
00012  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00016 #ifndef EVENTOS_EVENT_H_
00017 #define EVENTOS_EVENT_H_
00018 #ifdef __cplusplus
00019 extern "C" {
00020 #endif
00022 #include "ns_types.h"
00023 #include "ns_list.h"
00025 /**
00026  * \enum arm_library_event_priority_e
00027  * \brief Event Priority level.
00028  */
00029 typedef enum arm_library_event_priority_e {
00030     ARM_LIB_HIGH_PRIORITY_EVENT = 0, /**< High Priority Event (Function CB) */
00031     ARM_LIB_MED_PRIORITY_EVENT = 1, /**< Medium Priority (Timer) */
00032     ARM_LIB_LOW_PRIORITY_EVENT = 2, /*!*< Normal Event and ECC / Security */
00033 } arm_library_event_priority_e;
00035 /**
00036  * \struct arm_event_s
00037  * \brief Event structure.
00038  */
00039 typedef struct arm_event_s {
00040     int8_t receiver; /**< Event handler Tasklet ID */
00041     int8_t sender; /**< Event sender Tasklet ID */
00042     uint8_t event_type; /**< This will be typecast arm_library_event_type_e, arm_internal_event_type_e or application specific define */
00043     uint8_t event_id; /**< Timer ID, NWK interface ID or application specific ID */
00044     void *data_ptr; /**< Application could share data pointer tasklet to tasklet */
00045     arm_library_event_priority_e priority;
00046     uint32_t event_data;
00047 } arm_event_t;
00049 /* Backwards compatibility */
00050 typedef arm_event_t arm_event_s;
00052 /**
00053  * \struct arm_event_storage
00054  * \brief Event structure storage, including list link.
00056 @startuml
00058 partition "Event loop" {
00059 (*) -->[event created] "UNQUEUED"
00060 "UNQUEUED" -->[event_core_write()] "QUEUED"
00061 "QUEUED" -->[event_core_read()] "RUNNING"
00062 "RUNNING" ->[event_core_free_push()] "UNQUEUED"
00063 }
00065 partition "system_timer.c" {
00066     "UNQUEUED:timer" -->[eventOS_event_send_timer_allocated()] "QUEUED"
00067 }
00068 @enduml
00070  */
00071 typedef struct arm_event_storage {
00072     arm_event_s data;
00073     enum {
00075         ARM_LIB_EVENT_DYNAMIC,
00076         ARM_LIB_EVENT_USER,
00077         ARM_LIB_EVENT_TIMER,
00078     } allocator;
00079     enum {
00081         ARM_LIB_EVENT_QUEUED,
00082         ARM_LIB_EVENT_RUNNING,
00083     } state;
00084     ns_list_link_t link;
00085 } arm_event_storage_t;
00087 /**
00088  * \brief Send event to event scheduler.
00089  *
00090  * \param event pointer to pushed event.
00091  *
00092  * Event data is copied by the call, and this copy persists until the
00093  * recipient's callback function returns. The callback function is passed
00094  * a pointer to a copy of the data, not the original pointer.
00095  *
00096  * \return 0 Event push OK
00097  * \return -1 Memory allocation Fail
00098  */
00099 extern int8_t eventOS_event_send(const arm_event_t *event);
00101 /* Alternate names for timer function from eventOS_event_timer.h;
00102  * implementations may one day merge */
00103 #define eventOS_event_send_at(event, at)       eventOS_event_timer_request_at(event, at)
00104 #define eventOS_event_send_in(event, in)       eventOS_event_timer_request_in(event, in)
00105 #define eventOS_event_send_after(event, after) eventOS_event_timer_request_after(event, after)
00106 #define eventOS_event_send_every(event, every) eventOS_event_timer_request_every(event, every)
00108 /**
00109  * \brief Send user-allocated event to event scheduler.
00110  *
00111  * \param event pointer to pushed event storage.
00112  *
00113  * The event structure is not copied by the call, the event system takes
00114  * ownership and it is threaded directly into the event queue. This avoids the
00115  * possibility of event sending failing due to memory exhaustion.
00116  *
00117  * event->data must be filled in on entry - the rest of the structure (link and
00118  * allocator) need not be.
00119  *
00120  * The structure must remain valid until the recipient is called - the
00121  * event system passes ownership to the receiving event handler, who may then
00122  * invalidate it, or send it again.
00123  *
00124  * The recipient receives a pointer to the arm_event_t data member of the
00125  * event - it can use NS_CONTAINER_OF() to get a pointer to the original
00126  * event passed to this call, or to its outer container.
00127  *
00128  * It is a program error to send a user-allocated event to a non-existent task.
00129  */
00130 extern void eventOS_event_send_user_allocated(arm_event_storage_t *event);
00132 /**
00133  * \brief Event handler callback register
00134  *
00135  * Function will register and allocate unique event id handler
00136  *
00137  * \param handler_func_ptr function pointer for event handler
00138  * \param init_event_type generated event type for init purpose
00139  *
00140  * \return >= 0 Unique event ID for this handler
00141  * \return < 0 Register fail
00142  *
00143  * */
00144 extern int8_t eventOS_event_handler_create(void (*handler_func_ptr)(arm_event_t *), uint8_t init_event_type);
00146 /**
00147  * Cancel an event.
00148  *
00149  * Queued events are removed from the event-loop queue and/or the timer queue.
00150  *
00151  * Passing a NULL pointer is allowed, and does nothing.
00152  *
00153  * Event pointers are valid from the time they are queued until the event
00154  * has finished running or is cancelled.
00155  *
00156  * Cancelling a currently-running event is only useful to stop scheduling
00157  * it if it is on a periodic timer; it has no other effect.
00158  *
00159  * Cancelling an already-cancelled or already-run single-shot event
00160  * is undefined behaviour.
00161  *
00162  * \param event Pointer to event handle or NULL.
00163  */
00164 extern void eventOS_cancel(arm_event_storage_t *event);
00166 #ifdef __cplusplus
00167 }
00168 #endif
00169 #endif /* EVENTOS_EVENT_H_ */