Dependencies: USBHost USBHostMIDI2eVY1_sample mbed
Fork of USBHostMIDI2eVY1_sample by
- Committer:
- Lybfip
- Date:
- 2018-08-18
- Revision:
- 1:8d5387784a62
- Parent:
- 0:649db6499897
File content as of revision 1:8d5387784a62:
#include "mbed.h" #include "USBHostMIDI.h" Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // デバッグ用モニタ通信 Serial uart(p9, p10); // UART DigitalOut led(LED1); // 基板上LED RawSerial midi(p28, NC); // この用途では不要 /// /// MIDI Note OFF イベント /// void onMidNoteOff (uint8_t ch, uint8_t key, uint8_t vel) { uart.printf("OF%2d", key); // キーOFFをUARTで送信。 //midi.putc(0x80|ch); midi.putc(key); midi.putc(vel); led = !led; pc.printf("NoteOff ch= %d, key= %d, vel= %d\r\n", ch, key, vel); } /// /// MIDI Note ONイベント /// void onMidNoteOn (uint8_t ch, uint8_t key, uint8_t vel) { uart.printf("ON%2d", key); // キーOFFをUARTで送信。 //midi.putc(0x90|ch); midi.putc(key); midi.putc(vel); led = !led; pc.printf("NoteOn ch= %d, key= %d, vel= %d\r\n", ch, key, vel); } /// /// MIDI コントロールチェンジイベント /// void onMidCtrlChg (uint8_t ch, uint8_t cc, uint8_t val) { //midi.putc(0xB0|ch); //midi.putc(cc); //midi.putc(val); } /// /// MIDI ピッチベンドイベント /// void onMidPitchBend (uint8_t ch, uint16_t val) { //midi.putc(0xE0|ch); //midi.putc(val&0x7F); //midi.putc(val>>7); } void onMidExclusive (uint8_t*, uint16_t, bool) {} void onMid1byte (uint8_t) {} void onMid2bytes (uint8_t, uint8_t) {} void onMid3bytes (uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t) {} /// /// mid_taskスレッド /// void mid_task(void const *) { USBHostMIDI mid; mid.attachNoteOff (onMidNoteOff ); mid.attachNoteOn (onMidNoteOn ); mid.attachPolyKeyPress (onMid3bytes ); mid.attachControlChange (onMidCtrlChg ); mid.attachProgramChange (onMid2bytes ); mid.attachChannelPressure(onMid2bytes ); mid.attachPitchBend (onMidPitchBend ); mid.attachSystemExclusive(onMidExclusive ); mid.attachSystemCommonTwoBytes (onMid2bytes ); mid.attachSingleByte (onMid1byte ); mid.attachSystemCommonThreeBytes (onMid3bytes ); mid.attachCableEvent (onMid3bytes ); mid.attachMiscellaneousFunctionCode (onMid3bytes ); for(;;) { while(!mid.connect()) { Thread::wait(250); } led = 1; while(mid.connected()) { Thread::wait(250); } led = 0; } } int main() { pc.baud(115200); // モニタのボーレート uart.baud(115200); // UARTのボーレート midi.baud(31250); DigitalOut hoge(P2_9); hoge = 1; // disable usb d+ pullup // MIDIタスクスレッドの起動 Thread midTask(mid_task, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024); const char aMsg[] = "\xF0\x43\x79\x09\x00\x50\x10" "j M,M,e,s M,b' i,i\0" "\xF7"; Thread::wait(3500); for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(aMsg)-1; midi.putc(aMsg[i++])); // 無限ループ for(;;) { Thread::wait(250); } }