
Dependencies:   mbed BNO055 MBed_Adafruit-GPS-Library



File content as of revision 0:f4edd3407cc5:

  Implementation file for Spektrum serial receiver mbed library
  Dennis Evangelista, 2018

#include "mbed.h"
#include "rtos.h"

#include "Spektrum.h"

/** Spektrum is used for a working connection to a Spektrum Satellite receiver
    @param tx orange wire, 3.3V supply pin (should be held high normally)
    @param rx gray wire, rx pin from the receiver
    The black wire should be connected to ground. 
    The receiver should first be bound using a BindPlug object. 
Spektrum::Spektrum(PinName tx, PinName rx):
  _rx(tx, rx, SPEKTRUM_BAUD){
  // receiver uses e.g. p13, p14 and 115200 baud. 
  _rx.set_blocking(false); // want receiver to not block
  period_ms = 11; // start with 11ms period.

  // initialize public variables... 
  system = 0; // should be 0xa2 or 0xb2 for DSMX modes
  fades = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<SPEKTRUM_CHANNELS; i++){
    channel[i] = 0; 
    pulsewidth[i] = 0;
  valid = false; 

  // start the packet reading thread
} // Spektrum(tx, rx) constructor

/** Destructor for Spektrum object 
} // ~Spektrum() destructor

/** Private callback for when a packet is received
void Spektrum::_packet_callback(void){
  // local variables
  int count; // used to get error code -11 or num of bytes _rx.read()
  uint64_t now; // for getting 11 or 22 ms period via ThisThread::sleep_until()
  unsigned int i; // counter for for loop
  unsigned int data; // for assembling 2 bytes into uint16_t
  unsigned int chanid; // for decoding channel ID with mask 0x7800
  unsigned int servopos; // for decoding servo value with mask 0x07ff
  // setup
  //debug("Spektrum::_packet_thread started\r\n");

  // loop
  _rx.sync(); // flush buffer
    now = rtos::Kernel::get_ms_count(); // for timing
    count = _rx.read(_buf,SPEKTRUM_PACKET_SIZE); // try to read packet
    if (count == SPEKTRUM_PACKET_SIZE){
      // got a full sized packet
      if (_buf[1] == SPEKTRUM_22MS_2048_DSMX){
    period_ms = 22; 
    valid = true;
      } // got 22ms packets
      else if (_buf[1] == SPEKTRUM_11MS_2048_DSMX){
    period_ms = 11;
    valid = true;
      } // got 11ms packets
    // if system is not 0xa2 or 0xb2, treat as invalid
    valid = false;
    } // if count == 16
    else {
      // count wasn't 16 so some kind of error
      valid = false;
      _rx.sync(); // not getting enough bytes, so sync()

    if (valid){
      // got a valid packet so parse it 
      fades = _buf[0];
      system = _buf[1];
      for (i=0; i<SPEKTRUM_SERVOS; i++){
    data = (_buf[2*i+2]<<8) | _buf[2*i+2+1];
    chanid = (data & SPEKTRUM_MASK_2048_CHANID) >> 11;
    servopos = data & SPEKTRUM_MASK_2048_SXPOS;
    channel[chanid] = servopos;
    pulsewidth[chanid] = SPEKTRUM_COUNT2US(servopos); 
      } // for each servo in packet
    } // if(valid)

    ThisThread::sleep_until(now+period_ms); // sleep to get right rate
  } // while(1)
} // _packet_callback() 

/** BindPlug is used to bind a Spektrum Satellite receiver
    @param tx orange wire, 3.3V supply pin, here used as a DigitalOut
    @param rx gray wire, rx pin, here used as a DigitalOut
    @param mode is mode, e.g. internal or external, DSM2 or DSMX, 11 or 22ms
    The black wire should be connected to ground.
    Default mode is internal, DSMX, 11 ms. Once created, this object will 
    send a number of falling pulses over the 3.3V supply pin to trigger 
    the satellite receiver to go into bind mode. 
BindPlug::BindPlug(PinName tx, PinName rx, int mode): _3Vpin(tx),_datapin(rx){
  int i; // counter
  // within 200 ms of applying power, supply a bunch of falling pulses
  // according to table in Spektrum docs, most likely 9 pulses for
  // internal mode, DSMX, 11 ms.
  _3Vpin = 0;
  _datapin = 0; 
  _3Vpin = 1; 
  _datapin = 1;
  debug("pulse ");
  for(i=0; i<mode; i++){
    debug("%d ",i);
    _datapin = 0; // this is the falling pulse
    _datapin = 1; 
} // BindPlug(bind, mode) constructor

/** Destructor for BindPlug object
} // ~BindPlug() destructor

SpektrumTestDevice::SpektrumTestDevice(PinName tx, PinName rx): _receiver(tx,rx){
} // SpektrumTestDevice(tx, rx) constructor
} // ~SpektrumTestDevice() destructor