Updated OCE 360 Assignment 4

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE MMA8452Q mbed physics_ball

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 31 14:51:28 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+//Kaitlyn Barros
+//OCE 360 Fall 2017 
+//Last Revised: Oct 30 2017 
+//Software Exercise:
+//1. Update the software system by creating a new library, which includes 
+//   a class that defines the behavior of a bouncing ball on the LCD screen.
+//2. Demonstrate the system with two or more bouncing balls on the screen.
+//3. Show that the system resets the ball locations when you hold the 
+//   accelerometer upside down. 
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "physics_ball.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
+#include "MMA8452Q.h"
+#define DEFAULT 64 
+#define STEP 0.1
+// Graphic LCD - TX, RX, and RES pins
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11);
+// Accelerometer - SDA, SCL, and I2C address
+MMA8452Q accel(p28, p27, 0x1D);
+int main() {
+    // Initialize uLCD
+    uLCD.baudrate(115200);
+    uLCD.background_color(BLACK);
+    uLCD.cls();
+    // Initialize accelerometer
+    accel.init();
+    // Call out classes (For Ball 1 & 2)
+    physics_ball ball1;
+    physics_ball ball2; 
+   //Intial Ball Conditions 
+    ball1.posx = DEFAULT;
+    ball1.posy = DEFAULT;
+    ball2.posx = DEFAULT /2;
+    ball2.posy = DEFAULT /2; 
+    ball1.define_space(ball1.width, ball1.height);
+    ball2.define_space(ball2.width, ball2.height);
+    ball1.set_param(ball1.radius, BLUE);
+    ball2.set_param(ball2.radius, RED);
+    // Make a ball "fall" in direction of accelerometer
+    while (1) {
+        // Draw a circle (For Ball 1 & 2)
+        uLCD.filled_circle(ball1.posx, ball1.posy, ball1.radius, BLUE); 
+        uLCD.filled_circle(ball2.posx, ball2.posy, ball2.radius, RED); 
+        // Wait before erasing old circle
+        wait(0.02);         // In seconds
+        // Erase old circle (For Ball 1 & 2)
+        uLCD.filled_circle(ball1.posx, ball1.posy, ball1.radius, BLACK);
+        uLCD.filled_circle(ball2.posx, ball2.posy, ball2.radius, BLACK);
+        //Update Postions
+        ball1.update(STEP, accel);
+        ball2.update(STEP, accel);
+   // Reset when sensor is flipped upside down (For Ball 1 & 2)
+        if (accel.readZ() < 0){
+            uLCD.locate(5,6);
+            uLCD.color(RED);
+            uLCD.printf("GAME RESET");
+            wait(2); 
+            uLCD.cls();
+            ball1.set_state(DEFAULT, DEFAULT, 25, 25);
+            ball2.set_state(DEFAULT /2, DEFAULT /2, 25, 25);
+            wait (1); //Wait 1 second
+        }
+         }
+          }     
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