An example program of displaying color bitmaps or characters on Color Memory LCD.

Dependencies:   ColorMemLCD GraphicsDisplay Large_fonts SDFileSystem mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 23 02:26:44 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ColorMemLCD.h"
+//#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "string"
+#include "Prototype24x27.h"
+#include "Prototype_num21x25.h"
+//#include "meirio_num11x14.h"
+#include "bmp_caterpillar_4bit.h"
+#include "bmp_leaf_4bit.h"
+#include "bmp_watch_4bit.h"
+#include "symb_block.h"
+#include "symb_block_rev.h"
+//SDFileSystem        sd( PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd" );          // mosi,miso,sck,cs
+ColorMemLCD    LCD( PTD2, PTD3, PTD1, PTD0, PTC4, PTD3, "TFT" );   // mosi, miso, sclk, cs, reset, (power)
+Ticker pollingTimer;
+void pollingTimerHandler()
+    LCD.polling();
+int main()
+    int i,j,k;
+    int pic_height, window_height;
+    int Divide = 8;                // separate for 8 windows to save memory
+    int Block = LCD_DISP_HEIGHT / Divide; 
+    pollingTimer.attach( &pollingTimerHandler, 1.0 );
+    LCD.command_AllClear();
+    /*  SD read  */
+    //LCD.BMP_24(0,0,"/sd/sample.bmp");
+    while(1) {
+        /* Turn white - whole the screen */
+        LCD.background( LCD_COLOR_WHITE );
+        for(j = 0 ; j <Divide ; j++) {
+            LCD.window(0, j*Block, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, Block);
+            LCD.cls();
+            LCD.update();
+        }
+        /* Hello */
+        pic_height = 44;
+        window_height = 44; 
+        LCD.foreground( LCD_COLOR_GREEN );
+        LCD.window( 0, 10, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, window_height);
+        LCD.cls();
+        LCD.Bitmap4bit(82, 10, 88, pic_height, (unsigned char *)bmp_caterpillar_4bit);
+        LCD.locate(4, 10);
+        LCD.set_font( (unsigned char*)Prototype24x27 );
+        LCD.printf("Hello");
+        LCD.update();
+        wait(0.8);      
+        /* world */  
+        pic_height = 88;
+        window_height = 44; 
+        LCD.window(0, 132, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, pic_height);
+        LCD.cls();
+        LCD.locate(92, 148);
+        LCD.set_font( (unsigned char*)Prototype24x27 );
+        LCD.printf("world");
+        LCD.update();
+        for(j=0; j<pic_height/window_height; j++){
+            LCD.window( 0, 60+j*window_height, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, window_height);
+            LCD.Bitmap4bit( 0, 60, 176, pic_height, (unsigned char *)bmp_leaf_4bit );
+            LCD.update();
+        }
+        wait(0.8);
+        LCD.fillcircle(  40, 136, 18, LCD_COLOR_WHITE );
+        LCD.update();
+        wait(1); 
+        LCD.fillcircle( 160, 122, 12, LCD_COLOR_WHITE );
+        LCD.update();
+        wait(0.2); 
+        LCD.fillcircle( 120, 132, 14, LCD_COLOR_WHITE );
+        LCD.update();   
+        wait(1); 
+        LCD.setBlinkMode( LCD_BLINKMODE_INVERSE );
+        wait(0.2); 
+        LCD.setBlinkMode( LCD_BLINKMODE_NONE );
+        wait(0.2);        
+        /*  Cube  */
+        LCD.background( LCD_COLOR_WHITE);        
+        for(k=0; k<7; k++){ // 6 times
+            for(j=0; j<Divide; j++){
+                LCD.window(0, j*Block, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, Block);
+                for(i=0; i<4; i++){
+                    LCD.foreground( ((j+1+ k*(i*5))%6 +1) << 1 );  // except White & Black  ( )%6 +1                    
+                    if((j+k)%2) LCD.symbol( i*44, j*Block, (unsigned char *)symb_block );
+                    else        LCD.symbol( i*44, j*Block, (unsigned char *)symb_block_rev );
+                }
+                LCD.update();
+            }
+            wait(0.2);
+            LCD.setBlinkMode( LCD_BLINKMODE_INVERSE );
+            wait(0.2); 
+            LCD.setBlinkMode( LCD_BLINKMODE_NONE );
+            wait(0.2);     
+        }
+        wait(0.5); 
+        /*  Watch  */
+        LCD.background( LCD_COLOR_WHITE); 
+        for(j=0; j<Divide; j++){
+            LCD.window(0, j*Block, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, Block);
+            LCD.Bitmap4bit( 0, 0, 176, 176, (unsigned char *)bmp_watch_4bit );
+            LCD.update();
+        }
+        LCD.foreground( LCD_COLOR_BLUE );
+        LCD.window( 0, 54, LCD_DISP_WIDTH, 25);
+        LCD.Bitmap4bit( 0, 0, 176, 176, (unsigned char *)bmp_watch_4bit ); // window back screen
+        LCD.set_font( (unsigned char*)Prototype_num21x25 );
+        LCD.locate(22, 54);        
+        LCD.printf("10:");
+        for(k=0; k<40;k++){
+            LCD.locate(72, 54);        
+            LCD.printf("%02d",k+20);
+            LCD.update();
+            wait((double)exp((double)(-k/3))); // time constant =3
+        }
+    }