For coursework of group 3 in SOFT564Z

Dependencies:   Motordriver ros_lib_kinetic



File content as of revision 0:3dfee562823a:

#include "General.hpp"

//Defines used for the encoder counting
#define PREV_MASK 0x1 //Mask for the previous state in determining direction of rotation.
#define CURR_MASK 0x2 //Mask for the current state in determining direction of rotation.
#define INVALID   0x3 //XORing two states where both bits have changed.

Motor A(PB_13, PB_15, PC_6, 1); // pwm, fwd, rev, can brake
Motor B(PB_4, PC_7, PA_15, 1); // pwm, fwd, rev, can brake

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

InterruptIn encoderAchannel1(PB_12);
InterruptIn encoderAchannel2(PA_4);
InterruptIn encoderBchannel1(PB_5);
InterruptIn encoderBchannel2(PB_3);

float radius = 3; //wheel radius in cm
float bodyradius = 9.15; //radius of wheel centre from centre of bot, measured in vertical axis
float benchmark = 3576; //number of encoder pulses per rotation of a wheel
float pwm = -0.5; //the pwm constant that the wheels will use when moving
float brakedist = 105; //the encoder target offset where the brakes will engage to prevent overshoot
//^^ found using trial and error for a pwm value of 0.5 - will almost certainly vary if that is changed

volatile long acurrent = 0; //wheel A's current position in encoder counts
int atarget = 0; //wheel A's current target position in encoder counts
int aprevtarget = 0; //wheel A's previous target position in encoder counts
float apwm = 0; //the pwm for wheel a, updated using the 'pwm' variable
volatile int channelAstate1 =; //read the encoder channels for motor A and record their states
volatile int channelAstate2 =;
int currentStateA = (channelAstate1 << 1) | (channelAstate2); //store a 2-bit state to track the current encoder readings
int previousStateA = currentStateA;
int nextmoveflagA = 1;

volatile long bcurrent = 0;
int btarget = 0;
int bprevtarget = 0;
float bpwm = 0;
volatile int channelBstate1 =;
volatile int channelBstate2 =;
int currentStateB = (channelBstate1 << 1) | (channelBstate2);
int previousStateB = currentStateB;
int nextmoveflagB = 1;

void initialize() {
    //every time a rising or falling edge is detected for the A or B channels, call the encoder counting interrupt for the respective wheel.
    //this corresponds to the counting program for the encoders for each wheel, given that quadrature encoding is used.
    //make sure the initial values for the encoders are all set correctly, and reflect their current real state.
    channelAstate1 =;
    channelAstate2 =;
    currentStateA = (channelAstate1 << 1) | (channelAstate2);
    previousStateA = currentStateA;
    channelBstate1 =;
    channelBstate2 =;
    currentStateB = (channelBstate1 << 1) | (channelBstate2);
    previousStateB = currentStateB;

void callbackA() {
    //insert the 'if X, carry out the rest of this code' debouncing check here, ensure the delay is minimal enough to avoid hindering 3576 measurements per rotation at max speed
    volatile int changeA = 0;
    channelAstate1 =;
    channelAstate2 =;
    currentStateA = (channelAstate1 << 1) | (channelAstate2);
    if (((currentStateA ^ previousStateA) != INVALID) && (currentStateA != previousStateA)) {
        //2 bit state. Right hand bit of prev XOR left hand bit of current
        //gives 0 if clockwise rotation and 1 if counter clockwise rotation.
        changeA = (previousStateA & PREV_MASK) ^ ((currentStateA & CURR_MASK) >> 1);
        if (changeA == 0) {
            changeA = -1;
        acurrent -= changeA;
    previousStateA = currentStateA;
    //if the encoder signal is incremented or decremented to the target value, immediately hit the brakes for this wheel
    if(acurrent <= atarget + brakedist && acurrent >= atarget - brakedist) {
        nextmoveflagA = 1;
        //amend the target of the wheels, to prevent buildup of error from stopping at target+-brakedist instead of exactly target
        atarget = acurrent;

void callbackB() {
    //insert the 'if X, carry out the rest of this code' debouncing check here, ensure the delay is minimal enough to avoid hindering 3576 measurements per rotation at max speed
    //every time this function is called, increment or decrement the encoder count depending on which direction the relevant wheel is moving
    volatile int changeB = 0;
    channelBstate1 =;
    channelBstate2 =;
    currentStateB = (channelBstate1 << 1) | (channelBstate2);
    if (((currentStateB ^ previousStateB) != INVALID) && (currentStateB != previousStateB)) {
        //2 bit state. Right hand bit of prev XOR left hand bit of current
        //gives 0 if clockwise rotation and 1 if counter clockwise rotation.
        changeB = (previousStateB & PREV_MASK) ^ ((currentStateB & CURR_MASK) >> 1);
        if (changeB == 0) {
            changeB = -1;
        bcurrent -= changeB;
    previousStateB = currentStateB;
    //if the encoder signal is incremented or decremented to the target value, immediately hit the brakes for this wheel
    if(bcurrent <= btarget + brakedist && bcurrent >= btarget - brakedist) {
        nextmoveflagB = 1;
        //amend the target of the wheels, to prevent buildup of error from stopping at target+-brakedist instead of exactly target
        btarget = bcurrent;

void move(const std_msgs::Int32& dinput) {
    if(nextmoveflagA == 1 && nextmoveflagB == 1) {
        //import the relevant ROS message and convert it to a usable encoder target
        float distance =;
        float mtarget = distance/(2*3.142*radius)*benchmark;
        //set the encoder target as the interval for the wheels to move - must be an integer to match encoder readings
        atarget = ceil(mtarget + aprevtarget);
        btarget = ceil(mtarget + bprevtarget);
        //move the motors to their respective targets
        nextmoveflagA = 0;
        nextmoveflagB = 0;

void tempMove(float distance) {
    if(nextmoveflagA == 1 && nextmoveflagB == 1) {
        float mtarget = distance/(2*3.142*radius)*benchmark;
        atarget = ceil(mtarget + aprevtarget);
        btarget = ceil(mtarget + bprevtarget);
        pc.printf("Moving: A target is: %d B target is: %d M target is %f\n\r", atarget, btarget, mtarget);
        nextmoveflagA = 0;
        nextmoveflagB = 0;

void rotate(const std_msgs::Int32& rinput) {
    if(nextmoveflagA == 1 && nextmoveflagB == 1) {
        //import the relevant ROS message and convert it to usable encoder targets
        float degrees =;
        float rtarget = (degrees/(360*3))*9.15*benchmark;
        //set the encoder targets as the intervals for the wheels to move - must be integers to match encoder readings
        atarget = ceil(rtarget + aprevtarget);
        btarget = ceil(-rtarget + bprevtarget);
        //move the motors to their respective targets
        nextmoveflagA = 0;
        nextmoveflagB = 0;

void tempRotate(float degrees) {
    if(nextmoveflagA == 1 && nextmoveflagB == 1) {
        float rtarget = (degrees/(360*3))*9.15*benchmark;
        atarget = ceil(rtarget + aprevtarget);
        btarget = ceil(-rtarget + bprevtarget);
        pc.printf("Rotating: A target is: %d B target is: %d R target is: %f\n\r", atarget, btarget, rtarget);
        nextmoveflagA = 0;
        nextmoveflagB = 0;

void driveMotors() {
    //depending on the direction the wheels have to move, set their pwms to either positive or negative so each motor moves correctly
    if(atarget > aprevtarget) {
        apwm = pwm;
    } else if(atarget < aprevtarget) {
        apwm = -pwm;
    } else if(atarget == aprevtarget) {
        apwm = 0;
    if(btarget > bprevtarget) {
        bpwm = pwm;
    } else if(btarget < bprevtarget) {
        bpwm = -pwm;
    } else if(btarget == bprevtarget) {
        bpwm = 0;
    //apply the pwm output to the motors
    pc.printf("Driving: A pwm is: %f B pwm is: %f\n\r", apwm, bpwm);
    pc.printf("Driving: A target is: %d B target is: %d\n\r", atarget, btarget);
    pc.printf("Driving: A target was: %d B target was: %d\n\r", aprevtarget, bprevtarget);
    while(nextmoveflagA == 0 || nextmoveflagB == 0) {
    //update the recordings of the previous command's movement targets
    aprevtarget = atarget;
    bprevtarget = btarget;