First release of porting 'Infrared Multiprotocol' library from

Dependents:   IRMP_Receiver

IRMP - Infrared Multiprotocol Decoder

This library is a mbed version of the famous IRMP code, developed by members of the german forum It can receive and analyze a large number of infrared remote codes. In the original version there is also code for an IR transmitter, this will be added to this lib soon.

Base for this initial release is version 2.9.7 from 2015/11. A detailed description for this lib can be found here :

The code was originally written for AVR mikrocontrollers and has been ported to different platforms already. It works also great with the mbed target as it can use the unique I/O and ticker code.

Actually, the code uses the static C functions and is not ported to C++ yet to maintain compatibility to the original library. This requres the DigitalIn Pinname setting in the irmpconfig.h.

The required hardware is e.g. just an TSOP31238 (for 38 kHz modulated IR) or similar.


How to use

  • import this library
  • edit irmpconfig.h and turn on the desired protocols
  • change F_INTERRUPTS if necessary, check the protocol table for the minimum necessary frequency
  • search for 'IRMP_PIN' in the irmpconfig and replace with your hardware input

The irmp_ISR() must be called cyclic with a fixed frequency, a simple task for the mbed ticker. In the main program the result is checked by calling irmp_get_data(). This function returns the decoded protocol, address, command and flags like key pressed or released.


Tested platforms

  • simple LPC1347 board, works fine
  • EA LPC4088 QuickStart Board works fine
  • LPCXpresso1549 bad, there is a (known?) issue with slow Ticker ISR processing, ISR consumes >30µs instead of 3 µs
  • STM32F103 board: bad, also known problems with Ticker implementation
  • Test results with other boards are welcome.

Sample code

prints the information about decoded signals to stdout. The ISR contains additional code for performance mesuring which can be omitted in controlling applications.

Import programIRMP_Receiver

Sample code for IRMP library

Sample for decoding and performance test

#include "mbed.h"
#include "irmp.h"

#define LED_ON  0
#define LED_OFF 1

// LED as test output
DigitalOut led(LED1, LED_OFF);
DigitalOut flash(LED2, LED_OFF);

// cyclic interrupt for IRMP ISR worker
Ticker t;

// only for performance test
Timer   timerPerfTest;
int     timeISRMax = 0;
float   timeISRAvg;
int     timeISRAvgSum = 0;
int     countISRCalls = 0;

// this ISR must be called cyclic
void irmpISR(void)
    int t1 = timerPerfTest.read_us();               // read performance timer

    irmp_ISR();                                     // call irmp ISR

    int timeISR = timerPerfTest.read_us() - t1;     // calc time spent in worker ISR
    if (timeISR > timeISRMax)                       // store maximum
        timeISRMax = timeISR;
    timeISRAvgSum += timeISR;                       // sum for avg

int main() {
    printf("IRMP on mbed\n");

    led = LED_OFF;

    // irmp_data holds result of received IR code
    IRMP_DATA irmp_data;

    irmp_init();                                                            // initialize irmp
    t.attach_us(&irmpISR, 1E6 / F_INTERRUPTS);                              // call ISR 15.000 / s

    // infinite loop, interrupts will blink PORTD pins and handle UART communications.
    while (1)
        flash = !flash;     // test output. flashes at 15/2 kHz, you will not see it blinking

        // check for received IR commands
        if (irmp_get_data (&irmp_data))
            // ir signal decoded, do something here...
            // irmp_data.protocol is the protocol, see irmp.h
            // irmp_data.address is the address/manufacturer code of ir sender
            // irmp_data.command is the command code
            // irm_data.flags is press/release information
            // irmp_protocol_names[irmp_data.protocol] is the protocol name (if enabled, see irmpconfig.h)
            // printf("proto %d addr %d cmd %d\n", irmp_data.protocol, irmp_data.address, irmp_data.command );

            // sample decoding, turn LED on / off
            if (irmp_data.protocol == IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL && irmp_data.address == 5)      // old RC5 VCR Remote. TV uses address 0
                if (irmp_data.flags == 0)       // switch only on button press
                    switch (irmp_data.command)
                    case 0:     // Key '0'
                        led = LED_OFF;
                    case 1:     // Key '1'
                        led = LED_ON;
                    case 53:        // Key 'play'
                        printf("bring me a beer!\n");
                    case 54:        // Key 'stop'
                        timeISRAvg = (float)timeISRAvgSum / countISRCalls;
                        timeISRAvgSum = 0;
                        countISRCalls = 0;
                        printf("ISR max / avg runtime [microseconds] : %d / %5.2f\n", timeISRMax, timeISRAvg);
                        timeISRMax = 0;

            // log to stdout
            printf("proto %d addr %d cmd %d flags %x name %s\n", irmp_data.protocol, irmp_data.address, irmp_data.command, irmp_data.flags, irmp_protocol_names[irmp_data.protocol] );




File content as of revision 0:a0715ea739cb:

 * irmpprotocols.h - irmp protocols
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Frank Meyer - frank(at)
 * $Id: irmpprotocols.h,v 1.44 2015/11/30 09:31:54 fm Exp $
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.


#if !defined(_IRMP_H_) && !defined(_IRSND_H_)
#  error please include only irmp.h or irsnd.h, not irmpprotocols.h

 * IR protocols:
#define IRMP_SIRCS_PROTOCOL                      1              // Sony
#define IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL                        2              // NEC, Pioneer, JVC, Toshiba, NoName etc.
#define IRMP_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL                    3              // Samsung
#define IRMP_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL                 4              // Matsushita
#define IRMP_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL                   5              // Kaseikyo (Panasonic etc)
#define IRMP_RECS80_PROTOCOL                     6              // Philips, Thomson, Nordmende, Telefunken, Saba
#define IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL                        7              // Philips etc
#define IRMP_DENON_PROTOCOL                      8              // Denon, Sharp
#define IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL                        9              // Philips etc
#define IRMP_SAMSUNG32_PROTOCOL                 10              // Samsung32: no sync pulse at bit 16, length 32 instead of 37
#define IRMP_APPLE_PROTOCOL                     11              // Apple, very similar to NEC
#define IRMP_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL                 12              // Philips, Technisat, Thomson, Nordmende, Telefunken, Saba
#define IRMP_NUBERT_PROTOCOL                    13              // Nubert
#define IRMP_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL              14              // Bang & Olufsen
#define IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL                   15              // Grundig
#define IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL                     16              // Nokia
#define IRMP_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL                   17              // Siemens, e.g. Gigaset
#define IRMP_FDC_PROTOCOL                       18              // FDC keyboard
#define IRMP_RCCAR_PROTOCOL                     19              // RC Car
#define IRMP_JVC_PROTOCOL                       20              // JVC (NEC with 16 bits)
#define IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL                      21              // RC6A, e.g. Kathrein, XBOX
#define IRMP_NIKON_PROTOCOL                     22              // Nikon
#define IRMP_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL                    23              // Ruwido, e.g. T-Home Mediareceiver
#define IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL                      24              // IR60 (SDA2008)
#define IRMP_KATHREIN_PROTOCOL                  25              // Kathrein
#define IRMP_NETBOX_PROTOCOL                    26              // Netbox keyboard (bitserial)
#define IRMP_NEC16_PROTOCOL                     27              // NEC with 16 bits (incl. sync)
#define IRMP_NEC42_PROTOCOL                     28              // NEC with 42 bits
#define IRMP_LEGO_PROTOCOL                      29              // LEGO Power Functions RC
#define IRMP_THOMSON_PROTOCOL                   30              // Thomson
#define IRMP_BOSE_PROTOCOL                      31              // BOSE
#define IRMP_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL                   32              // A1 TV Box
#define IRMP_ORTEK_PROTOCOL                     33              // ORTEK - Hama
#define IRMP_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL                34              // Telefunken (1560)
#define IRMP_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL                    35              // iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner
#define IRMP_RCMM32_PROTOCOL                    36              // Fujitsu-Siemens (Activy remote control)
#define IRMP_RCMM24_PROTOCOL                    37              // Fujitsu-Siemens (Activy keyboard)
#define IRMP_RCMM12_PROTOCOL                    38              // Fujitsu-Siemens (Activy keyboard)
#define IRMP_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL                   39              // Another loudspeaker protocol, similar to Nubert
#define IRMP_LGAIR_PROTOCOL                     40              // LG air conditioner
#define IRMP_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL                 41              // air conditioner with SAMSUNG protocol (48 bits)
#define IRMP_MERLIN_PROTOCOL                    42              // Merlin (Pollin 620 185)
#define IRMP_PENTAX_PROTOCOL                    43              // Pentax camera
#define IRMP_FAN_PROTOCOL                       44              // FAN (ventilator), very similar to NUBERT, but last bit is data bit instead of stop bit
#define IRMP_S100_PROTOCOL                      45              // very similar to RC5, but 14 instead of 13 data bits
#define IRMP_ACP24_PROTOCOL                     46              // Stiebel Eltron ACP24 air conditioner
#define IRMP_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL                  47              // Technics, similar to Matsushita, but 22 instead of 24 bits
#define IRMP_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL                 48              // Panasonic (Beamer), start bits similar to KASEIKYO

#define IRMP_RADIO1_PROTOCOL                    49              // Radio protocol (experimental status), do not use it yet!

#define IRMP_N_PROTOCOLS                        50              // number of supported protocols

 * timing constants:
// fm 22.09.2011: may not be more than 16000L, otherwise some JVC codes will not be accepted
#define IRMP_TIMEOUT_TIME                       15500.0e-6                  // timeout after 15.5 ms darkness
#define IRMP_TIMEOUT_TIME_MS                    15500L                      // timeout after 15.5 ms darkness

#  define IRMP_TIMEOUT_NIKON_TIME               29500.0e-6                  // 2nd timeout after 29.5 ms darkness (only for NIKON!)
#  define IRMP_TIMEOUT_NIKON_TIME_MS            29500L                      // 2nd timeout after 29.5 ms darkness
typedef uint16_t    PAUSE_LEN;
#  if (F_INTERRUPTS * IRMP_TIMEOUT_TIME_MS) / 1000000 >= 254
typedef uint16_t    PAUSE_LEN;
#  else
typedef uint8_t     PAUSE_LEN;
#  endif

#define IRMP_TIMEOUT_LEN                        (PAUSE_LEN)(F_INTERRUPTS * IRMP_TIMEOUT_TIME + 0.5)

 * flags of struct IRMP_PARAMETER:
#define IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER           0x01
#define IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_1ST_PULSE_IS_1          0x02
#define IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_SERIAL               0x04

#define SIRCS_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME              2400.0e-6                       // 2400 usec pulse
#define SIRCS_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME               600.0e-6                       //  600 usec pause
#define SIRCS_1_PULSE_TIME                      1200.0e-6                       // 1200 usec pulse
#define SIRCS_0_PULSE_TIME                       600.0e-6                       //  600 usec pulse
#define SIRCS_PAUSE_TIME                         600.0e-6                       //  600 usec pause
#define SIRCS_FRAMES                            3                               // SIRCS sends each frame 3 times
#define SIRCS_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME          25.0e-3                       // auto repetition after 25ms
#define SIRCS_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME             25.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 25ms
#define SIRCS_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    15                              // skip 15 bits
#define SIRCS_ADDRESS_LEN                       5                               // read up to 5 address bits
#define SIRCS_COMMAND_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define SIRCS_COMMAND_LEN                       15                              // read 12-15 command bits
#define SIRCS_MINIMUM_DATA_LEN                  12                              // minimum data length
#define SIRCS_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 20                              // complete length - may be up to 20
#define SIRCS_STOP_BIT                          0                               // has no stop bit
#define SIRCS_LSB                               1                               // LSB...MSB
#define SIRCS_FLAGS                             0                               // flags

 * NEC & NEC42 & NEC16 & LGAIR:
#define NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME                9000.0e-6                       // 9000 usec pulse
#define NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                4500.0e-6                       // 4500 usec pause
#define NEC_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME         2250.0e-6                       // 2250 usec pause
#define NEC_PULSE_TIME                           560.0e-6                       //  560 usec pulse
#define NEC_1_PAUSE_TIME                        1690.0e-6                       // 1690 usec pause
#define NEC_0_PAUSE_TIME                         560.0e-6                       //  560 usec pause
#define NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME               40.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 40ms
#define NEC_ADDRESS_OFFSET                       0                              // skip 0 bits
#define NEC_ADDRESS_LEN                         16                              // read 16 address bits
#define NEC_COMMAND_OFFSET                      16                              // skip 16 bits (8 address + 8 /address)
#define NEC_COMMAND_LEN                         16                              // read 16 bits (8 command + 8 /command)
#define NEC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                   32                              // complete length
#define NEC_STOP_BIT                            1                               // has stop bit
#define NEC_LSB                                 1                               // LSB...MSB
#define NEC_FLAGS                               0                               // flags

#define NEC42_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NEC42_ADDRESS_LEN                      13                               // read 13 address bits
#define NEC42_COMMAND_OFFSET                   26                               // skip 26 bits (2 x 13 address bits)
#define NEC42_COMMAND_LEN                       8                               // read 8 command bits
#define NEC42_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                42                               // complete length (2 x 13 + 2 x 8)

#define LGAIR_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define LGAIR_ADDRESS_LEN                       8                               // read 8 address bits
#define LGAIR_COMMAND_OFFSET                    8                               // skip 8 bits (8 address)
#define LGAIR_COMMAND_LEN                      16                               // read 16 bits (16 command)
#define LGAIR_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                28                               // complete length (8 address + 16 command + 4 checksum)

#define NEC16_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NEC16_ADDRESS_LEN                       8                               // read 8 address bits
#define NEC16_COMMAND_OFFSET                    8                               // skip 8 bits (8 address)
#define NEC16_COMMAND_LEN                       8                               // read 8 bits (8 command)
#define NEC16_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 16                              // complete length

#define SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME            4500.0e-6                       // 4500 usec pulse
#define SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME            4500.0e-6                       // 4500 usec pause
#define SAMSUNG_PULSE_TIME                       550.0e-6                       //  550 usec pulse
#define SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_TIME                    1500.0e-6                       // 1550 usec pause
#define SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_TIME                     500.0e-6                       //  500 usec pause

#define SAMSUNG_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME           25.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 25ms
#define SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_OFFSET                   0                              // skip 0 bits
#define SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_LEN                     16                              // read 16 address bits
#define SAMSUNG_ID_OFFSET                       17                              // skip 16 + 1 sync bit
#define SAMSUNG_ID_LEN                          4                               // read 4 id bits
#define SAMSUNG_COMMAND_OFFSET                  21                              // skip 16 + 1 sync + 4 data bits
#define SAMSUNG_COMMAND_LEN                     16                              // read 16 command bits
#define SAMSUNG_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               37                              // complete length
#define SAMSUNG_STOP_BIT                        1                               // has stop bit
#define SAMSUNG_LSB                             1                               // LSB...MSB?
#define SAMSUNG_FLAGS                           0                               // flags

#define SAMSUNG32_COMMAND_OFFSET                16                              // skip 16 bits
#define SAMSUNG32_COMMAND_LEN                   16                              // read 16 command bits
#define SAMSUNG32_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN             32                              // complete length
#define SAMSUNG32_FRAMES                        1                               // SAMSUNG32 sends one frame
#define SAMSUNG32_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME    47.0e-3                         // repetition after 47 ms
#define SAMSUNG32_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME       47.0e-3                         // frame repeat after 47ms

#define SAMSUNG48_COMMAND_OFFSET                16                              // skip 16 bits
#define SAMSUNG48_COMMAND_LEN                   32                              // read 32 command bits
#define SAMSUNG48_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN             48                              // complete length
#define SAMSUNG48_FRAMES                        2                               // SAMSUNG48 sends each frame 2 times
#define SAMSUNG48_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME    5.0e-3                          // repetition after 5 ms
#define SAMSUNG48_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME       47.0e-3                         // frame repeat after 47ms

#define MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME         3488.0e-6                       // 3488 usec pulse
#define MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME         3488.0e-6                       // 3488 usec pause
#define MATSUSHITA_PULSE_TIME                    872.0e-6                       //  872 usec pulse
#define MATSUSHITA_1_PAUSE_TIME                 2616.0e-6                       // 2616 usec pause
#define MATSUSHITA_0_PAUSE_TIME                  872.0e-6                       //  872 usec pause
#define MATSUSHITA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME        40.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 40ms
#define MATSUSHITA_ADDRESS_OFFSET               12                              // skip 12 bits
#define MATSUSHITA_ADDRESS_LEN                  12                              // read 12 address bits
#define MATSUSHITA_COMMAND_OFFSET               0                               // skip 0 bits
#define MATSUSHITA_COMMAND_LEN                  12                              // read 12 bits (6 custom + 6 command)
#define MATSUSHITA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN            24                              // complete length
#define MATSUSHITA_STOP_BIT                     1                               // has stop bit
#define MATSUSHITA_LSB                          1                               // LSB...MSB?
#define MATSUSHITA_FLAGS                        0                               // flags

 * TECHNICS: same timings as MATSUSHITA
#define TECHNICS_ADDRESS_LEN                    0                               // read 0 address bits
#define TECHNICS_COMMAND_LEN                    11                              // read 11 bits
#define TECHNICS_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN              22                              // complete length

#define KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME           3380.0e-6                       // 3380 usec pulse
#define KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME           1690.0e-6                       // 1690 usec pause
#define KASEIKYO_PULSE_TIME                      423.0e-6                       //  525 usec pulse
#define KASEIKYO_1_PAUSE_TIME                   1269.0e-6                       //  525 usec pause
#define KASEIKYO_0_PAUSE_TIME                    423.0e-6                       // 1690 usec pause
#define KASEIKYO_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME       74.0e-3                       // repetition after 74 ms
#define KASEIKYO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME          74.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 74 ms
#define KASEIKYO_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  0                              // skip 0 bits
#define KASEIKYO_ADDRESS_LEN                    16                              // read 16 address bits
#define KASEIKYO_COMMAND_OFFSET                 28                              // skip 28 bits (16 manufacturer & 4 parity & 8 genre)
#define KASEIKYO_COMMAND_LEN                    12                              // read 12 command bits (10 real command & 2 id)
#define KASEIKYO_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN              48                              // complete length
#define KASEIKYO_STOP_BIT                       1                               // has stop bit
#define KASEIKYO_LSB                            1                               // LSB...MSB?
#define KASEIKYO_FRAMES                         1                               // KASEIKYO sends 1 frame
#define KASEIKYO_FLAGS                          0                               // flags

 * PANASONIC (Beamer), start bit timings similar to KASEIKYO
#define PANASONIC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME           3600.0e-6                       // 3600 usec pulse
#define PANASONIC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME           1600.0e-6                       // 1690 usec pause
#define PANASONIC_PULSE_TIME                      565.0e-6                       //  565 usec pulse
#define PANASONIC_1_PAUSE_TIME                   1140.0e-6                       // 1140 usec pause
#define PANASONIC_0_PAUSE_TIME                    316.0e-6                       //  316 usec pause
#define PANASONIC_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME       40.0e-3                       // repetition after 40 ms?
#define PANASONIC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME          40.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 40 ms
#define PANASONIC_ADDRESS_OFFSET                 24                              // skip 24 bits: 010000000000010000000001
#define PANASONIC_ADDRESS_LEN                    16                              // read 16 address bits
#define PANASONIC_COMMAND_OFFSET                 40                              // skip 40 bits
#define PANASONIC_COMMAND_LEN                    16                              // read 16 command bits
#define PANASONIC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN              56                              // complete length
#define PANASONIC_STOP_BIT                       1                               // has stop bit
#define PANASONIC_LSB                            1                               // LSB...MSB?
#define PANASONIC_FRAMES                         1                               // PANASONIC sends 1 frame
#define PANASONIC_FLAGS                          0                               // flags

 * RECS80:
#define RECS80_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME              158.0e-6                       //  158 usec pulse
#define RECS80_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME             7432.0e-6                       // 7432 usec pause
#define RECS80_PULSE_TIME                        158.0e-6                       //  158 usec pulse
#define RECS80_1_PAUSE_TIME                     7432.0e-6                       // 7432 usec pause
#define RECS80_0_PAUSE_TIME                     4902.0e-6                       // 4902 usec pause
#define RECS80_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME            45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define RECS80_ADDRESS_OFFSET                   1                               // skip 1 bit (toggle bit)
#define RECS80_ADDRESS_LEN                      3                               // read 3 address bits
#define RECS80_COMMAND_OFFSET                   4                               // skip 4 bits (1 toggle + 3 address)
#define RECS80_COMMAND_LEN                      6                               // read 6 command bits
#define RECS80_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                10                              // complete length
#define RECS80_STOP_BIT                         1                               // has stop bit
#define RECS80_LSB                              0                               // MSB...LSB
#define RECS80_FLAGS                            0                               // flags

 * RC5:
#define RC5_BIT_TIME                             889.0e-6                       // 889 usec pulse/pause
#define RC5_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME               88.9e-3                       // frame repeat after 88.9ms

#define RC5_ADDRESS_OFFSET                      1                               // skip 1 bit (2nd start)
#define RC5_ADDRESS_LEN                         6                               // read 1 toggle bit (for key repetition detection) + 5 address bits
#define RC5_COMMAND_OFFSET                      7                               // skip 5 bits (2nd start + 1 toggle + 5 address)
#define RC5_COMMAND_LEN                         6                               // read 6 command bits
#define RC5_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                   13                              // complete length
#define RC5_STOP_BIT                            0                               // has no stop bit
#define RC5_LSB                                 0                               // MSB...LSB
#define RC5_FLAGS                               IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER   // flags

 * S100: very similar to RC5, but 14 insted of 13 bits
#define S100_BIT_TIME                             889.0e-6                       // 889 usec pulse/pause
#define S100_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME               88.9e-3                       // frame repeat after 88.9ms

#define S100_ADDRESS_OFFSET                      1                               // skip 1 bit (2nd start)
#define S100_ADDRESS_LEN                         6                               // read 1 toggle bit (for key repetition detection) + 5 address bits
#define S100_COMMAND_OFFSET                      7                               // skip 5 bits (2nd start + 1 toggle + 5 address)
#define S100_COMMAND_LEN                         7                               // read 7 command bits
#define S100_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                   14                              // complete length
#define S100_STOP_BIT                            0                               // has no stop bit
#define S100_LSB                                 0                               // MSB...LSB
#define S100_FLAGS                               IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER   // flags

#define DENON_PULSE_TIME                         310.0e-6                       //  310 usec pulse in practice,  275 in theory
#define DENON_1_PAUSE_TIME                      1780.0e-6                       // 1780 usec pause in practice, 1900 in theory
#define DENON_0_PAUSE_TIME                       745.0e-6                       //  745 usec pause in practice,  775 in theory
#define DENON_FRAMES                            2                               // DENON sends each frame 2 times
#define DENON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME          45.0e-3                       // inverted repetition after 45ms
#define DENON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME             45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define DENON_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define DENON_ADDRESS_LEN                       5                               // read 5 address bits
#define DENON_COMMAND_OFFSET                    5                               // skip 5
#define DENON_COMMAND_LEN                       10                              // read 10 command bits
#define DENON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 15                              // complete length
#define DENON_STOP_BIT                          1                               // has stop bit
#define DENON_LSB                               0                               // MSB...LSB
#define DENON_FLAGS                             0                               // flags

 * RC6:
#define RC6_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME                2666.0e-6                       // 2.666 msec pulse
#define RC6_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                 889.0e-6                       // 889 usec pause
#define RC6_TOGGLE_BIT_TIME                      889.0e-6                       // 889 msec pulse/pause
#define RC6_BIT_TIME                             444.0e-6                       // 444 usec pulse/pause
#define RC6_BIT_2_TIME                           889.0e-6                       // 889 usec pulse/pause
#define RC6_BIT_3_TIME                          1333.0e-6                       // 1333 usec pulse/pause
#define RC6_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME               45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define RC6_ADDRESS_OFFSET                      5                               // skip "1" + 3 mode bits + 1 toggle bit
#define RC6_ADDRESS_LEN                         8                               // read 8 address bits
#define RC6_COMMAND_OFFSET                      13                              // skip 12 bits ("1" + 3 mode + 1 toggle + 8 address)
#define RC6_COMMAND_LEN                         8                               // read 8 command bits
#define RC6_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN_SHORT             21                              // complete length
#define RC6_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN_LONG              36                              // complete length
#define RC6_STOP_BIT                            0                               // has no stop bit
#define RC6_LSB                                 0                               // MSB...LSB
#define RC6_FLAGS                               (IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER | IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_1ST_PULSE_IS_1)   // flags

#define RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME           158.0e-6                       //  158 usec pulse
#define RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME          3637.0e-6                       // 3637 usec pause
#define RECS80EXT_PULSE_TIME                     158.0e-6                       //  158 usec pulse
#define RECS80EXT_1_PAUSE_TIME                  7432.0e-6                       // 7432 usec pause
#define RECS80EXT_0_PAUSE_TIME                  4902.0e-6                       // 4902 usec pause
#define RECS80EXT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME         45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define RECS80EXT_ADDRESS_OFFSET                2                               // skip 2 bits (2nd start + 1 toggle)
#define RECS80EXT_ADDRESS_LEN                   4                               // read 4 address bits
#define RECS80EXT_COMMAND_OFFSET                6                               // skip 6 bits (2nd start + 1 toggle + 4 address)
#define RECS80EXT_COMMAND_LEN                   6                               // read 6 command bits
#define RECS80EXT_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN             12                              // complete length
#define RECS80EXT_STOP_BIT                      1                               // has stop bit
#define RECS80EXT_LSB                           0                               // MSB...LSB
#define RECS80EXT_FLAGS                         0                               // flags

#define NUBERT_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME             1340.0e-6                       // 1340 usec pulse
#define NUBERT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME              340.0e-6                       //  340 usec pause
#define NUBERT_1_PULSE_TIME                     1340.0e-6                       // 1340 usec pulse
#define NUBERT_1_PAUSE_TIME                      340.0e-6                       //  340 usec pause
#define NUBERT_0_PULSE_TIME                      500.0e-6                       //  500 usec pulse
#define NUBERT_0_PAUSE_TIME                     1300.0e-6                       // 1300 usec pause
#define NUBERT_FRAMES                           2                               // Nubert sends 2 frames
#define NUBERT_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME         35.0e-3                       // auto repetition after 35ms
#define NUBERT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME            35.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define NUBERT_ADDRESS_OFFSET                   0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NUBERT_ADDRESS_LEN                      0                               // read 0 address bits
#define NUBERT_COMMAND_OFFSET                   0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NUBERT_COMMAND_LEN                      10                              // read 10 bits
#define NUBERT_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                10                              // complete length
#define NUBERT_STOP_BIT                         1                               // has stop bit
#define NUBERT_LSB                              0                               // MSB?
#define NUBERT_FLAGS                            0                               // flags

 * FAN: (ventilator)
 * Similar to NUBERT, but
 *   - has data bit instead of stop bit
 *   - has NO frame repetition
#define FAN_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME                1280.0e-6                       // 1280 usec pulse
#define FAN_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                 380.0e-6                       //  380 usec pause
#define FAN_1_PULSE_TIME                        1280.0e-6                       // 1280 usec pulse
#define FAN_1_PAUSE_TIME                         380.0e-6                       //  380 usec pause
#define FAN_0_PULSE_TIME                         380.0e-6                       //  380 usec pulse
#define FAN_0_PAUSE_TIME                        1280.0e-6                       // 1280 usec pause
#define FAN_FRAMES                              1                               // FAN sends only 1 frame (NUBERT sends 2)
#define FAN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME            6.6e-3                        // auto repetition after 6.6ms
#define FAN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME               6.6e-3                        // frame repeat after 6.6ms
#define FAN_ADDRESS_OFFSET                      0                               // skip 0 bits
#define FAN_ADDRESS_LEN                         0                               // read 0 address bits
#define FAN_COMMAND_OFFSET                      0                               // skip 0 bits
#define FAN_COMMAND_LEN                         11                              // read 10 bits
#define FAN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                   11                              // complete length
#define FAN_STOP_BIT                            0                               // has NO stop bit (fm: this seems to be wrong)
#define FAN_LSB                                 0                               // MSB
#define FAN_FLAGS                               0                               // flags

#define SPEAKER_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME             440.0e-6                       //  440 usec pulse
#define SPEAKER_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME            1250.0e-6                       // 1250 usec pause
#define SPEAKER_1_PULSE_TIME                    1250.0e-6                       // 1250 usec pulse
#define SPEAKER_1_PAUSE_TIME                     440.0e-6                       //  440 usec pause
#define SPEAKER_0_PULSE_TIME                     440.0e-6                       //  440 usec pulse
#define SPEAKER_0_PAUSE_TIME                    1250.0e-6                       // 1250 usec pause
#define SPEAKER_FRAMES                          2                               // SPEAKER sends 2 frames
#define SPEAKER_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME        35.0e-3                       // auto repetition after 35ms
#define SPEAKER_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME           35.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define SPEAKER_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  0                               // skip 0 bits
#define SPEAKER_ADDRESS_LEN                     0                               // read 0 address bits
#define SPEAKER_COMMAND_OFFSET                  0                               // skip 0 bits
#define SPEAKER_COMMAND_LEN                     10                              // read 10 bits
#define SPEAKER_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               10                              // complete length
#define SPEAKER_STOP_BIT                        1                               // has stop bit
#define SPEAKER_LSB                             0                               // MSB?
#define SPEAKER_FLAGS                           0                               // flags

#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PULSE_TIME       200.0e-6                       //   200 usec pulse
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PAUSE_TIME      3125.0e-6                       //  3125 usec pause
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PULSE_TIME       200.0e-6                       //   200 usec pulse
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PAUSE_TIME      3125.0e-6                       //  3125 usec pause
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PULSE_TIME       200.0e-6                       //   200 usec pulse
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PAUSE_TIME     15625.0e-6                       // 15625 usec pause
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT4_PULSE_TIME       200.0e-6                       //   200 usec pulse
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT4_PAUSE_TIME      3125.0e-6                       //  3125 usec pause
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_TIME                  200.0e-6                       //   200 usec pulse
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_1_PAUSE_TIME               9375.0e-6                       //  9375 usec pause
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_0_PAUSE_TIME               3125.0e-6                       //  3125 usec pause
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_R_PAUSE_TIME               6250.0e-6                       //  6250 usec pause (repeat last bit)
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_TRAILER_BIT_PAUSE_TIME    12500.0e-6                       // 12500 usec pause (trailer bit)
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME      45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_ADDRESS_OFFSET             0                               // no address bits
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_ADDRESS_LEN                0                               // no address bits
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_COMMAND_OFFSET             3                               // skip startbits 2, 3, 4
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_COMMAND_LEN                16                              // read 16 command bits
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN          20                              // complete length: startbits 2, 3, 4 + 16 data bits + trailer bit
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_STOP_BIT                   1                               // has stop bit
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_LSB                        0                               // MSB...LSB
#define BANG_OLUFSEN_FLAGS                      0                               // flags

#define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_TIME             528.0e-6                        // 528 usec pulse/pause
#define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_PRE_PAUSE_TIME       2639.0e-6                       // 2639 usec pause after pre bit
#define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME  117.76e-3                   // info frame repeat after 117.76 ms
#define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_STOP_BIT             0                               // has no stop bit
#define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_LSB                  1                               // MSB...LSB

#define GRUNDIG_FRAMES                          2                               // GRUNDIG sends each frame 1+1 times
#define GRUNDIG_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME      20.0e-3                         // repetition after 20ms
#define GRUNDIG_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  0                               // no address
#define GRUNDIG_ADDRESS_LEN                     0                               // no address
#define GRUNDIG_COMMAND_OFFSET                  1                               // skip 1 start bit
#define GRUNDIG_COMMAND_LEN                     9                               // read 9 command bits
#define GRUNDIG_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               10                              // complete length: 1 start bit + 9 data bits

#define NOKIA_FRAMES                            3                               // NOKIA sends each frame 1 + 1 + 1 times
#define NOKIA_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME        20.0e-3                         // repetition after 20ms
#define NOKIA_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    9                               // skip 9 bits (1 start bit + 8 data bits)
#define NOKIA_ADDRESS_LEN                       8                               // 7 address bits
#define NOKIA_COMMAND_OFFSET                    1                               // skip 1 bit (1 start bit)
#define NOKIA_COMMAND_LEN                       8                               // read 8 command bits
#define NOKIA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 17                              // complete length: 1 start bit + 8 address bits + 8 command bits

 * IR60:
#define IR60_FRAMES                             2                               // IR60 sends each frame 1+1 times
#define IR60_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME         22.2e-3                         // repetition after 22.2ms
#define IR60_TIMEOUT_TIME                       5000.0e-6                       // timeout grundig frame, switch to IR60
#define IR60_ADDRESS_OFFSET                     0                               // skip 1 bits
#define IR60_ADDRESS_LEN                        0                               // read 0 address bits
#define IR60_COMMAND_OFFSET                     0                               // skip 1 bit (start bit after pre bit, always 1)
#define IR60_COMMAND_LEN                        7                               // read 6 command bits
#define IR60_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                  7                               // complete length


#if 0
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME    275.0e-6                      //  275 usec pulse
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME    550.0e-6                      //  550 usec pause
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_TIME          275.0e-6                      //  275 usec short pulse
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_TIME_2        550.0e-6                      //  550 usec long pulse
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_TIME          275.0e-6                      //  275 usec short pause
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_TIME_2        550.0e-6                      //  550 usec long pause
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME    370.0e-6                      //  370 usec pulse
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME    550.0e-6                      //  550 usec pause
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_TIME          370.0e-6                      //  370 usec short pulse
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_TIME_2        680.0e-6                      //  680 usec long pulse
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_TIME          275.0e-6                      //  275 usec short pause
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_TIME_2        550.0e-6                      //  550 usec long pause

#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME 45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_STOP_BIT                0                             // has no stop bit
#define SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_LSB                     0                             // MSB...LSB

#define RUWIDO_ADDRESS_OFFSET                   0                               // skip 0 bits
#define RUWIDO_ADDRESS_LEN                      9                               // read 9 address bits
#define RUWIDO_COMMAND_OFFSET                   9                               // skip 9 bits
#define RUWIDO_COMMAND_LEN                      8                               // read 7 + 1 command bits, last bit is only check bit
#define RUWIDO_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                17                              // complete length

#define SIEMENS_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  0                               // skip 0 bits
#define SIEMENS_ADDRESS_LEN                     11                              // read 11 bits
#define SIEMENS_COMMAND_OFFSET                  11                              // skip 11 bits
#define SIEMENS_COMMAND_LEN                     11                              // read 10 + 1 command bits, last bit is only check bit
#define SIEMENS_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               22                              // complete length

 * FDC:
#define FDC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME                 2085.0e-6                      // 2085 usec pulse
#define FDC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                  966.0e-6                      //  966 usec pause
#define FDC_PULSE_TIME                            300.0e-6                      //  300 usec pulse
#define FDC_1_PAUSE_TIME                          715.0e-6                      //  715 usec pause
#define FDC_0_PAUSE_TIME                          220.0e-6                      //  220 usec pause
#define FDC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME                60.0e-3                      // frame repeat after 60ms
#define FDC_ADDRESS_OFFSET                       0                              // skip 0 bits
#define FDC_ADDRESS_LEN                         14                              // read 14 address bits, but use only 6, shift 8 into command
#define FDC_COMMAND_OFFSET                      20                              // skip 20 bits
#define FDC_COMMAND_LEN                         12                              // read 12 bits
#define FDC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                   40                              // complete length
#define FDC_STOP_BIT                            1                               // has stop bit
#define FDC_LSB                                 1                               // LSB...MSB
#define FDC_FLAGS                               0                               // flags

#define RCCAR_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME               2000.0e-6                      // 2000 usec pulse
#define RCCAR_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME               2000.0e-6                      // 2000 usec pause
#define RCCAR_PULSE_TIME                          600.0e-6                      //  360 usec pulse
#define RCCAR_1_PAUSE_TIME                        450.0e-6                      //  650 usec pause
#define RCCAR_0_PAUSE_TIME                        900.0e-6                      //  180 usec pause
#define RCCAR_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME              40.0e-3                      // frame repeat after 40ms
#define RCCAR_ADDRESS_OFFSET                     0                              // skip 0 bits
#define RCCAR_ADDRESS_LEN                        0                              // read 0 address bits
#define RCCAR_COMMAND_OFFSET                     0                              // skip 0 bits
#define RCCAR_COMMAND_LEN                       13                              // read 13 bits
#define RCCAR_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 13                              // complete length
#define RCCAR_STOP_BIT                          1                               // has stop bit
#define RCCAR_LSB                               1                               // LSB...MSB
#define RCCAR_FLAGS                             0                               // flags

 * JVC:
#define JVC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME                9000.0e-6                       // 9000 usec pulse
#define JVC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                4500.0e-6                       // 4500 usec pause
#define JVC_PULSE_TIME                           560.0e-6                       //  560 usec pulse
#define JVC_1_PAUSE_TIME                        1690.0e-6                       // 1690 usec pause
#define JVC_0_PAUSE_TIME                         560.0e-6                       //  560 usec pause
#define JVC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME               22.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 22ms
#define JVC_ADDRESS_OFFSET                       0                              // skip 0 bits
#define JVC_ADDRESS_LEN                          4                              // read 4 address bits
#define JVC_COMMAND_OFFSET                       4                              // skip 4 bits
#define JVC_COMMAND_LEN                         12                              // read 12 bits
#define JVC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                   16                              // complete length
#define JVC_STOP_BIT                            1                               // has stop bit
#define JVC_LSB                                 1                               // LSB...MSB
#define JVC_FLAGS                               0                               // flags

#define NIKON_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME              2200.0e-6                       //  2200 usec pulse
#define NIKON_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME             27100.0e-6                       // 27100 usec pause
#define NIKON_PULSE_TIME                         500.0e-6                       //   500 usec pulse
#define NIKON_1_PAUSE_TIME                      3500.0e-6                       //  3500 usec pause
#define NIKON_0_PAUSE_TIME                      1500.0e-6                       //  1500 usec pause
#define NIKON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME             60.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 60ms
#define NIKON_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NIKON_ADDRESS_LEN                       0                               // read 0 address bits
#define NIKON_COMMAND_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NIKON_COMMAND_LEN                       2                               // read 2 bits
#define NIKON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 2                               // complete length
#define NIKON_STOP_BIT                          1                               // has stop bit
#define NIKON_LSB                               0                               // LSB...MSB
#define NIKON_FLAGS                             0                               // flags

#define KATHREIN_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME            210.0e-6                       // 1340 usec pulse
#define KATHREIN_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME           6218.0e-6                       //  340 usec pause
#define KATHREIN_1_PULSE_TIME                    210.0e-6                       // 1340 usec pulse
#define KATHREIN_1_PAUSE_TIME                   3000.0e-6                       //  340 usec pause
#define KATHREIN_0_PULSE_TIME                    210.0e-6                       //  500 usec pulse
#define KATHREIN_0_PAUSE_TIME                   1400.0e-6                       // 1300 usec pause
#define KATHREIN_SYNC_BIT_PAUSE_LEN_TIME        4600.0e-6                       // 4600 usec sync (on 6th and/or 8th bit)
#define KATHREIN_FRAMES                         1                               // Kathrein sends 1 frame
#define KATHREIN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME     35.0e-3                         // auto repetition after 35ms
#define KATHREIN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME        35.0e-3                         // frame repeat after 35ms
#define KATHREIN_ADDRESS_OFFSET                 1                               // skip 1 bits
#define KATHREIN_ADDRESS_LEN                    4                               // read 4 address bits
#define KATHREIN_COMMAND_OFFSET                 5                               // skip 5 bits
#define KATHREIN_COMMAND_LEN                    7                               // read 7 bits
#define KATHREIN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN              13                              // complete length
#define KATHREIN_STOP_BIT                       1                               // has stop bit
#define KATHREIN_LSB                            0                               // MSB
#define KATHREIN_FLAGS                          0                               // flags

#define NETBOX_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME             2400.0e-6                       // 2400 usec pulse
#define NETBOX_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME              800.0e-6                       //  800 usec pause
#define NETBOX_PULSE_TIME                        800.0e-6                       //  800 usec pulse
#define NETBOX_PAUSE_TIME                        800.0e-6                       //  800 usec pause
#define NETBOX_FRAMES                           1                               // Netbox sends 1 frame
#define NETBOX_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME       35.0e-3                         // auto repetition after 35ms
#define NETBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME          35.0e-3                         // frame repeat after 35ms
#define NETBOX_ADDRESS_OFFSET                   0                               // skip 0 bits
#define NETBOX_ADDRESS_LEN                      3                               // read 3 address bits
#define NETBOX_COMMAND_OFFSET                   3                               // skip 3 bits
#define NETBOX_COMMAND_LEN                      13                              // read 13 bits
#define NETBOX_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                16                              // complete length
#define NETBOX_STOP_BIT                         0                               // has no stop bit
#define NETBOX_LSB                              1                               // LSB
#define NETBOX_FLAGS                            IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_SERIAL       // flags

 * LEGO:
#define LEGO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME                158.0e-6                       //  158 usec pulse ( 6 x 1/38kHz)
#define LEGO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME               1026.0e-6                       // 1026 usec pause (39 x 1/38kHz)
#define LEGO_PULSE_TIME                          158.0e-6                       //  158 usec pulse ( 6 x 1/38kHz)
#define LEGO_1_PAUSE_TIME                        553.0e-6                       //  553 usec pause (21 x 1/38kHz)
#define LEGO_0_PAUSE_TIME                        263.0e-6                       //  263 usec pause (10 x 1/38kHz)
#define LEGO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME              40.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 40ms
#define LEGO_ADDRESS_OFFSET                     0                               // skip 0 bits
#define LEGO_ADDRESS_LEN                        0                               // read 0 address bits
#define LEGO_COMMAND_OFFSET                     0                               // skip 0 bits
#define LEGO_COMMAND_LEN                        16                              // read 16 bits (12 command + 4 CRC)
#define LEGO_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                  16                              // complete length
#define LEGO_STOP_BIT                           1                               // has stop bit
#define LEGO_LSB                                0                               // MSB...LSB
#define LEGO_FLAGS                              0                               // flags

#define THOMSON_PULSE_TIME                       550.0e-6                       //  550 usec pulse
#define THOMSON_1_PAUSE_TIME                    4500.0e-6                       // 4500 usec pause
#define THOMSON_0_PAUSE_TIME                    2000.0e-6                       // 2000 usec pause
#define THOMSON_FRAMES                          1                               // THOMSON sends 1 frame
#define THOMSON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME        35.0e-3                       // repetition after 35ms
#define THOMSON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME           35.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 35ms
#define THOMSON_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  0                               // skip 0 bits
#define THOMSON_ADDRESS_LEN                     4                               // read 4 address bits
#define THOMSON_COMMAND_OFFSET                  5                               // skip 4 address bits + 1 toggle bit
#define THOMSON_COMMAND_LEN                     7                               // read 7 command bits
#define THOMSON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               12                              // complete length
#define THOMSON_STOP_BIT                        1                               // has stop bit
#define THOMSON_LSB                             0                               // MSB...LSB
#define THOMSON_FLAGS                           0                               // flags

 * BOSE:
#define BOSE_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME               1060.0e-6                       // 1060 usec pulse
#define BOSE_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME               1425.0e-6                       // 1425 usec pause
#define BOSE_PULSE_TIME                          550.0e-6                       //  550 usec pulse
#define BOSE_1_PAUSE_TIME                       1425.0e-6                       // 1425 usec pause
#define BOSE_0_PAUSE_TIME                        437.0e-6                       //  437 usec pause
#define BOSE_FRAMES                             1
#define BOSE_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME           40.0e-3                       // repetition after 40ms?
#define BOSE_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME              40.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 40ms?
#define BOSE_ADDRESS_OFFSET                      0                              // skip 0 bits
#define BOSE_ADDRESS_LEN                         0                              // read 16 address bits
#define BOSE_COMMAND_OFFSET                      0                              // skip 16 bits (8 address + 8 /address)
#define BOSE_COMMAND_LEN                        16                              // read 16 bits (8 command + 8 /command)
#define BOSE_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                  16                              // complete length
#define BOSE_STOP_BIT                           1                               // has stop bit
#define BOSE_LSB                                1                               // LSB...MSB
#define BOSE_FLAGS                              0                               // flags

 * In reality A1 TV Box has no start bit with 300/340 usec. There are 2 start bits "10" with 250us pulse + 150us pause + 150us pause + 250us pulse
 * This is not very easy to detect, because 1st and 2nd pause of both start bits are closely spaced.
 * So IRMP looks for pseudo start bit with 300/340 usec and ignores the second half of the 2nd bit (250us pulse)
 * This method only works because the first data bit (which is the 3rd bit) following is always "1":
 * IRMP treats the first "long" pulse (250us of 2nd start bit + 250us of 1st data bit) of this "1" as a first _short_ pulse.
 * This is a bug in IRMP's manchester decoder, but a good feature here ;-)
#define A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME            300.0e-6                        // 300 usec pulse
#define A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME            340.0e-6                        // 340 usec pause
#define A1TVBOX_BIT_PULSE_TIME                  250.0e-6                        // 250 usec pulse
#define A1TVBOX_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                  150.0e-6                        // 150 usec pulse
#define A1TVBOX_STOP_BIT                        0                               // has no stop bit
#define A1TVBOX_LSB                             0                               // MSB...LSB
#define A1TVBOX_FLAGS                           (IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER | IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_1ST_PULSE_IS_1 )  // flags
#define A1TVBOX_FRAMES                          1                               // A1TVBOX sends each frame 1 times
#define A1TVBOX_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  1                               // skip 1 bits
#define A1TVBOX_ADDRESS_LEN                     8                               // read 8 address bits
#define A1TVBOX_COMMAND_OFFSET                  9                               // skip 9 bits (start bit + address)
#define A1TVBOX_COMMAND_LEN                     8                               // read 8 command bits
#define A1TVBOX_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               17                              // complete length incl. start bit
#define A1TVBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME         50.0e-3                         // 50 msec pause between frames, don't know if it is correct

 * See notes for A1TVBOX
#define MERLIN_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME            210.0e-6                         // 210 usec pulse
#define MERLIN_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME            420.0e-6                         // 429 usec pause
#define MERLIN_BIT_PULSE_TIME                  210.0e-6                         // 210 usec pulse
#define MERLIN_BIT_PAUSE_TIME                  210.0e-6                         // 210 usec pulse
#define MERLIN_STOP_BIT                        0                                // has no stop bit
#define MERLIN_LSB                             0                                // MSB...LSB
#define MERLIN_FLAGS                           (IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER | IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_1ST_PULSE_IS_1 )  // flags
#define MERLIN_FRAMES                          1                                // MERLIN sends each frame 1 times
#define MERLIN_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  1                                // skip 1 bits
#define MERLIN_ADDRESS_LEN                     8                                // read 8 address bits
#define MERLIN_COMMAND_OFFSET                  8                                // skip 9 bits (start bit + address)
#define MERLIN_COMMAND_LEN                     10                               // read 8 command bits
#define MERLIN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               19                               // complete length incl. start bit
#define MERLIN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME         50.0e-3                          // 50 msec pause between frames, don't know if it is correct

 * ORTEK (Hama): 6 address bits + 2 frame type bits + 6 command bits + 1 parity bit + 1 unknown bit + "1" + "0"
#define ORTEK_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME              2000.0e-6                       // 2000 usec pulse
#define ORTEK_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME              1000.0e-6                       // 1000 usec pause
#define ORTEK_BIT_TIME                           500.0e-6                       //  500 usec pulse/pause
#define ORTEK_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME             45.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 45ms
#define ORTEK_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                               // skip 0 bits
#define ORTEK_ADDRESS_LEN                       8                               // read 6 address bits + 2 special bits
#define ORTEK_COMMAND_OFFSET                    8                               // skip 6 address bits + 2 special bits
#define ORTEK_COMMAND_LEN                       6                               // read 6 command bits
#define ORTEK_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 18                              // complete length
#define ORTEK_STOP_BIT                          0                               // has no stop bit
#define ORTEK_LSB                               0                               // MSB...LSB
#define ORTEK_FLAGS                             (IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_IS_MANCHESTER | IRMP_PARAM_FLAG_1ST_PULSE_IS_1)   // flags

#define TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME          600.0e-6                       //  600 usec pulse
#define TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME         1500.0e-6                       // 1500 usec pause
#define TELEFUNKEN_PULSE_TIME                    600.0e-6                       //  600 usec pulse
#define TELEFUNKEN_1_PAUSE_TIME                 1500.0e-6                       // 1500 usec pause
#define TELEFUNKEN_0_PAUSE_TIME                  600.0e-6                       //  600 usec pause
#define TELEFUNKEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME        22.0e-3                       // frame repeat after XX ms ?????
#define TELEFUNKEN_ADDRESS_OFFSET                0                              // skip 0 bits
#define TELEFUNKEN_ADDRESS_LEN                   0                              // read 0 address bits
#define TELEFUNKEN_COMMAND_OFFSET                0                              // skip 0 bits
#define TELEFUNKEN_COMMAND_LEN                  15                              // read 15 bits
#define TELEFUNKEN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN            15                              // complete length
#define TELEFUNKEN_STOP_BIT                     1                               // has stop bit
#define TELEFUNKEN_LSB                          0                               // LSB...MSB
#define TELEFUNKEN_FLAGS                        0                               // flags

#define ROOMBA_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME             2790.0e-6                       // 2790 usec pulse
#define ROOMBA_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME              930.0e-6                       //  930 usec pause
#define ROOMBA_0_PULSE_TIME                      930.0e-6                       //  930 usec pulse
#define ROOMBA_1_PULSE_TIME                     2790.0e-6                       // 2790 usec pulse
#define ROOMBA_0_PAUSE_TIME                     2790.0e-6                       // 2790 usec pause
#define ROOMBA_1_PAUSE_TIME                      930.0e-6                       //  930 usec pause
#define ROOMBA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME            18.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 18ms
#define ROOMBA_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                              // skip 0 bits
#define ROOMBA_ADDRESS_LEN                       0                              // read 0 address bits
#define ROOMBA_COMMAND_OFFSET                    0                              // skip 0 bits
#define ROOMBA_COMMAND_LEN                       7                              // read 7 bits
#define ROOMBA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 7                              // complete length
#define ROOMBA_STOP_BIT                         0                               // has stop bit (fm: sure?)
#define ROOMBA_LSB                              0                               // MSB...LSB
#define ROOMBA_FLAGS                            0                               // flags
#define ROOMBA_FRAMES                           8                               // ROOMBA sends 8 frames (this is a lie, but more comfortable)

 * RC-MM (32, 24, or 12 bit)
#define RCMM32_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME              500.0e-6                       // 500 usec pulse
#define RCMM32_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME              220.0e-6                       // 220 usec pause
#define RCMM32_PULSE_TIME                        230.0e-6                       // 230 usec pulse
#define RCMM32_00_PAUSE_TIME                     220.0e-6                       // 220 usec pause
#define RCMM32_01_PAUSE_TIME                     370.0e-6                       // 370 usec pause
#define RCMM32_10_PAUSE_TIME                     540.0e-6                       // 540 usec pause
#define RCMM32_11_PAUSE_TIME                     720.0e-6                       // 720 usec pause

#define RCMM32_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME            80.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 80 ms
#define RCMM32_ADDRESS_OFFSET                    0                              // skip 0 bits
#define RCMM32_ADDRESS_LEN                      16                              //  read 16 address bits
#define RCMM32_COMMAND_OFFSET                   17                              // skip 17 bits
#define RCMM32_COMMAND_LEN                      15                              // read 15 bits
#define RCMM32_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                32                              // complete length
#define RCMM32_STOP_BIT                         1                               // has stop bit
#define RCMM32_LSB                              0                               // LSB...MSB
#define RCMM32_FLAGS                            0                               // flags

#define PENTAX_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME             13000.0e-6                      // 13 msec pulse
#define PENTAX_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME              3000.0e-6                      // 3 msec pause
#define PENTAX_PULSE_TIME                        1000.0e-6                      // 1 msec pulse
#define PENTAX_1_PAUSE_TIME                      3000.0e-6                      // 3 msec pause
#define PENTAX_0_PAUSE_TIME                      1000.0e-6                      // 1 msec pause
#define PENTAX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME             60.0e-3                      // frame repeat after 60ms
#define PENTAX_ADDRESS_OFFSET                  0                                // skip 0 bits
#define PENTAX_ADDRESS_LEN                     0                                // read 0 address bits
#define PENTAX_COMMAND_OFFSET                  0                                // skip 0 bits
#define PENTAX_COMMAND_LEN                     6                                // read 6 bits
#define PENTAX_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               6                                // complete length
#define PENTAX_STOP_BIT                        1                                // has stop bit
#define PENTAX_LSB                             0                                // LSB...MSB
#define PENTAX_FLAGS                           0                                // flags

 * ACP24: Stiebel Eltron ACP24 air conditioner
#define ACP24_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME               390.0e-6                       //  390 usec pulse
#define ACP24_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME               950.0e-6                       //  950 usec pause
#define ACP24_PULSE_TIME                         390.0e-6                       //  390 usec pulse
#define ACP24_1_PAUSE_TIME                      1300.0e-6                       // 1300 usec pause
#define ACP24_0_PAUSE_TIME                       950.0e-6                       //  950 usec pause
#define ACP24_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME             22.0e-3                       // frame repeat after 22ms?
#define ACP24_ADDRESS_OFFSET                     0                              // skip 0 bits
#define ACP24_ADDRESS_LEN                        0                              // read 6 address bits
#define ACP24_COMMAND_OFFSET                     0                              // skip 6 bits
#define ACP24_COMMAND_LEN                        0                              // read 0 bits (70 bits will be read and compressed by special routine)
#define ACP24_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN                 70                              // complete length
#define ACP24_STOP_BIT                          1                               // has stop bit
#define ACP24_LSB                               0                               // LSB...MSB
#define ACP24_FLAGS                             0                               // flags

 * RADIO1 - e.g. Tevion
#define RADIO1_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME            3000.0e-6                        // 3000 usec pulse
#define RADIO1_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME            7000.0e-6                        // 7000 usec pulse
#define RADIO1_0_PULSE_TIME                     500.0e-6                        //  500 usec pulse
#define RADIO1_0_PAUSE_TIME                    1000.0e-6                        // 1000 usec pause
#define RADIO1_1_PULSE_TIME                    1000.0e-6                        // 1000 usec pulse
#define RADIO1_1_PAUSE_TIME                     500.0e-6                        //  500 usec pause

#define RADIO1_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME           25.0e-3                        // frame repeat after 25ms
#define RADIO1_ADDRESS_OFFSET                   4                               // skip 4 bits
#define RADIO1_ADDRESS_LEN                     16                               // read 16 address bits
#define RADIO1_COMMAND_OFFSET                  20                               // skip 4 + 16 bits
#define RADIO1_COMMAND_LEN                      3                               // read 3 command bits
#define RADIO1_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN               23                               // complete length
#define RADIO1_STOP_BIT                        1                                // has stop bit
#define RADIO1_LSB                             1                                // LSB...MSB?
#define RADIO1_FLAGS                           0                                // flags

 * Frame Repetitions:
#define AUTO_FRAME_REPETITION_TIME              80.0e-3                         // SIRCS/SAMSUNG32/NUBERT: automatic repetition after 25-50ms

#endif // _IRMP_PROTOCOLS_H_