Simulated product dispenser
Fork of mbed-cloud-workshop-connect-HTS221 by
- Committer:
- JimCarver
- Date:
- 2018-10-12
- Revision:
- 0:6b753f761943
File content as of revision 0:6b753f761943:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2016-2017 ARM Ltd. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "mbed-cloud-client/SimpleM2MResource.h" #include "mbed-trace/mbed_trace.h" #include <ctype.h> #include<stdio.h> #define TRACE_GROUP "mClt" SimpleM2MResourceBase::SimpleM2MResourceBase() : _client(NULL), _route("") { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceBase::SimpleM2MResourceBase()"); } SimpleM2MResourceBase::SimpleM2MResourceBase(MbedCloudClient* client, string route) : _client(client),_route(route) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceBase::SimpleM2MResourceBase(), resource name %s\r\n", _route.c_str()); } SimpleM2MResourceBase::~SimpleM2MResourceBase() { } bool SimpleM2MResourceBase::define_resource_internal(std::string v, M2MBase::Operation opr, bool observable) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceBase::define_resource_internal(), resource name %s!\r\n", _route.c_str()); vector<string> segments = parse_route(_route.c_str()); if (segments.size() != 3) { tr_debug("[SimpleM2MResourceBase] [ERROR] define_resource_internal(), Route needs to have three segments, split by '/' (%s)\r\n", _route.c_str()); return false; } // segments[1] should be one digit and numeric if (!isdigit(segments.at(1).c_str()[0])) { tr_debug("[SimpleM2MResourceBase] [ERROR] define_resource_internal(), second route segment should be numeric, but was not (%s)\r\n", _route.c_str()); return false; } int inst_id = atoi(segments.at(1).c_str()); // Check if object exists M2MObject* obj; map<string,M2MObject*>::iterator obj_it = _client->_objects.find(segments[0]) ; if(obj_it != _client->_objects.end()) { tr_debug("Found object... %s\r\n", segments.at(0).c_str()); obj = obj_it->second; } else { tr_debug("Create new object... %s\r\n", segments.at(0).c_str()); obj = M2MInterfaceFactory::create_object(segments.at(0).c_str()); if (!obj) { return false; } _client->_objects.insert(std::pair<string, M2MObject*>(segments.at(0), obj)); } // Check if object instance exists M2MObjectInstance* inst = obj->object_instance(inst_id); if(!inst) { tr_debug("Create new object instance... %s\r\n", segments.at(1).c_str()); inst = obj->create_object_instance(inst_id); if(!inst) { return false; } } // @todo check if the resource exists yet M2MResource* res = inst->resource(segments.at(2).c_str()); if(!res) { res = inst->create_dynamic_resource(segments.at(2).c_str(), "", M2MResourceInstance::STRING, observable); if(!res) { return false; } res->set_operation(opr); res->set_value((uint8_t*)v.c_str(), v.length()); _client->_resources.insert(pair<string, M2MResource*>(_route, res)); _client->register_update_callback(_route, this); } return true; } vector<string> SimpleM2MResourceBase::parse_route(const char* route) { string s(route); vector<string> v; std::size_t found = s.find_first_of("/"); while (found!=std::string::npos) { v.push_back(s.substr(0,found)); s = s.substr(found+1); found=s.find_first_of("/"); if(found == std::string::npos) { v.push_back(s); } } return v; } string SimpleM2MResourceBase::get() const { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceBase::get() resource (%s)", _route.c_str()); if (!_client->_resources.count(_route)) { tr_debug("[SimpleM2MResourceBase] [ERROR] No such route (%s)\r\n", _route.c_str()); return string(); } // otherwise ask mbed Client... uint8_t* buffIn = NULL; uint32_t sizeIn; _client->_resources[_route]->get_value(buffIn, sizeIn); string s((char*)buffIn, sizeIn); tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceBase::get() resource value (%s)", s.c_str()); free(buffIn); return s; } bool SimpleM2MResourceBase::set(string v) { // Potentially set() happens in InterruptContext. That's not good. tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceBase::set() resource (%s)", _route.c_str()); if (!_client->_resources.count(_route)) { tr_debug("[SimpleM2MResourceBase] [ERROR] No such route (%s)\r\n", _route.c_str()); return false; } if (v.length() == 0) { _client->_resources[_route]->clear_value(); } else { _client->_resources[_route]->set_value((uint8_t*)v.c_str(), v.length()); } return true; } bool SimpleM2MResourceBase::set(const int& v) { char buffer[20]; int size = sprintf(buffer,"%d",v); std::string stringified(buffer,size); return set(stringified); } bool SimpleM2MResourceBase::set_post_function(void(*fn)(void*)) { //TODO: Check the resource exists with right operation being set or append the operation into it. M2MResource *resource = get_resource(); if(!resource) { return false; } M2MBase::Operation op = resource->operation(); op = (M2MBase::Operation)(op | M2MBase::POST_ALLOWED); resource->set_operation(op); _client->_resources[_route]->set_execute_function(execute_callback_2(fn)); return true; } bool SimpleM2MResourceBase::set_post_function(execute_callback fn) { //TODO: Check the resource exists with right operation being set or append the operation into it. M2MResource *resource = get_resource(); if(!resource) { return false; } M2MBase::Operation op = resource->operation(); op = (M2MBase::Operation)(op | M2MBase::POST_ALLOWED); resource->set_operation(op); // No clue why this is not working?! It works with class member, but not with static function... _client->_resources[_route]->set_execute_function(fn); return true; } M2MResource* SimpleM2MResourceBase::get_resource() { if (!_client->_resources.count(_route)) { tr_debug("[SimpleM2MResourceBase] [ERROR] No such route (%s)\r\n", _route.c_str()); return NULL; } return _client->_resources[_route]; } SimpleM2MResourceString::SimpleM2MResourceString(MbedCloudClient* client, const char* route, string v, M2MBase::Operation opr, bool observable, FP1<void, string> on_update) : SimpleM2MResourceBase(client,route),_on_update(on_update) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceString::SimpleM2MResourceString() creating (%s)\r\n", route); define_resource_internal(v, opr, observable); } SimpleM2MResourceString::SimpleM2MResourceString(MbedCloudClient* client, const char* route, string v, M2MBase::Operation opr, bool observable, void(*on_update)(string)) : SimpleM2MResourceBase(client,route) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceString::SimpleM2MResourceString() overloaded creating (%s)\r\n", route); FP1<void, string> fp; fp.attach(on_update); _on_update = fp; define_resource_internal(v, opr, observable); } SimpleM2MResourceString::~SimpleM2MResourceString() { } string SimpleM2MResourceString::operator=(const string& new_value) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceString::operator=()"); set(new_value); return new_value; } SimpleM2MResourceString::operator string() const { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceString::operator string()"); string value = get(); return value; } void SimpleM2MResourceString::update() { string v = get(); _on_update(v); } SimpleM2MResourceInt::SimpleM2MResourceInt(MbedCloudClient* client, const char* route, int v, M2MBase::Operation opr, bool observable, FP1<void, int> on_update) : SimpleM2MResourceBase(client,route),_on_update(on_update) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceInt::SimpleM2MResourceInt() creating (%s)\r\n", route); char buffer[20]; int size = sprintf(buffer,"%d",v); std::string stringified(buffer,size); define_resource_internal(stringified, opr, observable); } SimpleM2MResourceInt::SimpleM2MResourceInt(MbedCloudClient* client, const char* route, int v, M2MBase::Operation opr, bool observable, void(*on_update)(int)) : SimpleM2MResourceBase(client,route) { tr_debug("SimpleM2MResourceInt::SimpleM2MResourceInt() overloaded creating (%s)\r\n", route); FP1<void, int> fp; fp.attach(on_update); _on_update = fp; char buffer[20]; int size = sprintf(buffer,"%d",v); std::string stringified(buffer,size); define_resource_internal(stringified, opr, observable); } SimpleM2MResourceInt::~SimpleM2MResourceInt() { } int SimpleM2MResourceInt::operator=(int new_value) { set(new_value); return new_value; } SimpleM2MResourceInt::operator int() const { string v = get(); if (v.empty()) return 0; return atoi((const char*)v.c_str()); } void SimpleM2MResourceInt::update() { string v = get(); if (v.empty()) { _on_update(0); } else { _on_update(atoi((const char*)v.c_str())); } }