This is an example program for the Freescale multi-sensor shield, part number FRDM-FXS-MULTI
Dependencies: FXAS21000 FXLS8471Q FXOS8700Q MAG3110 MMA8652 MPL3115A2 mbed
Modified to use updated FXOS8700 & MAG3100 libraries
2014-06-02, by JimCarver [Mon, 02 Jun 2014 19:05:04 +0000] rev 1
Modified to use updated FXOS8700 & MAG3100 libraries
This is an example program for the Freescale Multi sensor shield using the provided sensors: FXAS21000, FXLA8471, FXOS8700, MAG3110, MMA8652 and MPL3115;
2014-04-19, by JimCarver [Sat, 19 Apr 2014 01:30:29 +0000] rev 0
This is an example program for the Freescale Multi sensor shield using the provided sensors: FXAS21000, FXLA8471, FXOS8700, MAG3110, MMA8652 and MPL3115;