Garage Door Monitor and Opener



This system implements a simple garage door opener and environmental monitor. The hardware connects to the internet using Wi-Fi then on to the Pelion Device Management Platform which provides device monitoring and secure firmware updates over the air (FOTA). Pelion Device Management provides a flexible set of REST APIs which we will use to communicate to a web application running on an EC-2 instance in AWS. The web application will serve a web page where we can monitor and control our garage..

This project is intended to work on the DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A from ST Microelectronics It implements a simple actuator to drive a relay to simulate pushing the "open" button on older style garage doors which do not use a rolling code interface.

The system is designed to be mounted over the door so that the on board time of flight sensor can be used to detect if the door is open or closed.

The system also monitors temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.

Hardware Requirements:


Seeed Studio Grove Relay module

Seeed Studio Grove cable, I used this one:

Connect to the PMOD connector like this:

This shows how I installed so that the time of flight sensor can detect when the door is open

To use the project:

You will also need a Pelion developers account.

I suggest you first use the Pelion quick state to become familiar with Pelion Device Management.

Web Interface

For my web interface I am running node-red under Ubuntu in an EC2 instance on AWS. This can run for 12 month within the constraints of their free tier. Here is a tutorial:

You will also need to install several node-red add ons:

sudo npm install -g node-red-dashboard

sudo npm install -g node-red-contrib-mbed-cloud

sudo npm istall -g node-red-contrib-moment

After starting node-red import the contents of GarageFlow.txt from the project, pin the flow into the page.

To enable your web app to access your Pelion account you need an API key.

First you will neet to use your Pelion account to create an API key.

Now we need to apply that API key to your Node-Red flow.



File content as of revision 18:a15bfe7aaebd:

 * @file    LPS22HB_driver.h
 * @author  HESA Application Team
 * @version V1.1
 * @date    10-August-2016
 * @brief   LPS22HB driver header file
 * @attention
 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
 *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
 *      without specific prior written permission.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __LPS22HB_DRIVER__H
#define __LPS22HB_DRIVER__H

#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// the user must include the proper file where HAL_read_reg and HAL_write_reg are implemented
//#include "HAL_EnvSensors.h"

/* Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the  drivers code */

/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/

* @brief  The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
* @param  expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function which reports
*         the name of the source file and the source line number of the call
*         that failed. If expr is true, it returns no value.
* @retval None
#define LPS22HB_assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : LPS22HB_assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
void LPS22HB_assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line);
#define LPS22HB_assert_param(expr) ((void)0)
#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT_LPS22HB */

  /** @addtogroup Environmental_Sensor
  * @{

  /** @addtogroup LPS22HB_DRIVER
  * @{

  /* Exported Types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
  /** @defgroup LPS22HB_Exported_Types
  * @{

  * @brief  Error type.
  typedef enum {LPS22HB_OK = (uint8_t)0, LPS22HB_ERROR = !LPS22HB_OK} LPS22HB_Error_et;

  * @brief  Enable/Disable type.
  typedef enum {LPS22HB_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0, LPS22HB_ENABLE = !LPS22HB_DISABLE} LPS22HB_State_et;
#define IS_LPS22HB_State(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_ENABLE) || (MODE == LPS22HB_DISABLE) )

  * @brief  Bit status type.
  typedef enum {LPS22HB_RESET = (uint8_t)0, LPS22HB_SET = !LPS22HB_RESET} LPS22HB_BitStatus_et;
#define IS_LPS22HB_BitStatus(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_RESET) || (MODE == LPS22HB_SET))

  /*RES_CONF see LC_EN bit*/
* @brief  LPS22HB Power/Noise Mode configuration.
typedef enum {
  LPS22HB_LowNoise   =  (uint8_t)0x00,       /*!< Low Noise mode */
  LPS22HB_LowPower   =  (uint8_t)0x01        /*!< Low Current mode */
} LPS22HB_PowerMode_et;

#define IS_LPS22HB_PowerMode(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_LowNoise) || (MODE == LPS22HB_LowPower))

* @brief  Output data rate configuration.
typedef enum {

  LPS22HB_ODR_ONE_SHOT  = (uint8_t)0x00,         /*!< Output Data Rate: one shot */
  LPS22HB_ODR_1HZ       = (uint8_t)0x10,         /*!< Output Data Rate: 1Hz */
  LPS22HB_ODR_10HZ       = (uint8_t)0x20,         /*!< Output Data Rate: 10Hz */
  LPS22HB_ODR_25HZ    = (uint8_t)0x30,         /*!< Output Data Rate: 25Hz */
  LPS22HB_ODR_50HZ      = (uint8_t)0x40,          /*!< Output Data Rate: 50Hz */
  LPS22HB_ODR_75HZ      = (uint8_t)0x50          /*!< Output Data Rate: 75Hz */
} LPS22HB_Odr_et;

#define IS_LPS22HB_ODR(ODR) ((ODR == LPS22HB_ODR_ONE_SHOT) || (ODR == LPS22HB_ODR_1HZ) || \
(ODR == LPS22HB_ODR_10HZ) || (ODR == LPS22HB_ODR_25HZ)|| (ODR == LPS22HB_ODR_50HZ) || (ODR == LPS22HB_ODR_75HZ))

* @brief  Low Pass Filter Cutoff Configuration.
typedef enum {

  LPS22HB_ODR_9  = (uint8_t)0x00,         /*!< Filter Cutoff ODR/9 */
  LPS22HB_ODR_20 = (uint8_t)0x04          /*!< Filter Cutoff ODR/20 */
} LPS22HB_LPF_Cutoff_et;

#define IS_LPS22HB_LPF_Cutoff(CUTOFF) ((CUTOFF == LPS22HB_ODR_9) || (CUTOFF == LPS22HB_ODR_20) )

* @brief  Block data update.

typedef enum {
  LPS22HB_BDU_CONTINUOUS_UPDATE     =  (uint8_t)0x00,  /*!< Data updated continuously */
  LPS22HB_BDU_NO_UPDATE             =  (uint8_t)0x02   /*!< Data updated after a read operation */
} LPS22HB_Bdu_et;

* @brief  LPS22HB Spi Mode configuration.
typedef enum {
  LPS22HB_SPI_4_WIRE   =  (uint8_t)0x00,
  LPS22HB_SPI_3_WIRE   =  (uint8_t)0x01
} LPS22HB_SPIMode_et;

#define IS_LPS22HB_SPIMode(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_SPI_4_WIRE) || (MODE == LPS22HB_SPI_3_WIRE))

* @brief  LPS22HB Interrupt Active Level Configuration (on High or Low)
typedef enum
  LPS22HB_ActiveHigh = (uint8_t)0x00,
  LPS22HB_ActiveLow  = (uint8_t)0x80
#define IS_LPS22HB_InterruptActiveLevel(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_ActiveHigh) || (MODE == LPS22HB_ActiveLow))

* @brief  LPS22HB Push-pull/Open Drain selection on Interrupt pads.
typedef enum
  LPS22HB_PushPull = (uint8_t)0x00,
  LPS22HB_OpenDrain  = (uint8_t)0x40
#define IS_LPS22HB_OutputType(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_PushPull) || (MODE == LPS22HB_OpenDrain))

* @brief  Data Signal on INT pad control bits.
typedef enum
  LPS22HB_DATA = (uint8_t)0x00,
  LPS22HB_P_HIGH = (uint8_t)0x01,
  LPS22HB_P_LOW = (uint8_t)0x02,
  LPS22HB_P_LOW_HIGH = (uint8_t)0x03
#define IS_LPS22HB_OutputSignal(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_DATA) || (MODE == LPS22HB_P_HIGH)||\

* @brief  LPS22HB Interrupt Differential Status.

typedef struct
  uint8_t PH;          /*!< High Differential Pressure event occured */
  uint8_t PL;          /*!< Low Differential Pressure event occured */
  uint8_t IA;          /*!< One or more interrupt events have been  generated.Interrupt Active */
  uint8_t BOOT;        /*!< i '1' indicates that the Boot (Reboot) phase is running */

* @brief  LPS22HB Pressure and Temperature data status.
typedef struct
  uint8_t TempDataAvailable;           /*!< Temperature data available bit */
  uint8_t PressDataAvailable;          /*!< Pressure data available bit */
  uint8_t TempDataOverrun;             /*!< Temperature data over-run bit */
  uint8_t PressDataOverrun;            /*!< Pressure data over-run bit */

* @brief  LPS22HB Clock Tree  configuration.
typedef enum {
  LPS22HB_CTE_NotBalanced   =  (uint8_t)0x00,
  LPS22HB_CTE_Balanced   =  (uint8_t)0x20
} LPS22HB_CTE_et;

#define IS_LPS22HB_CTE(MODE) ((MODE == LPS22HB_CTE_NotBalanced) || (MODE == LPS22HB_CTE_Balanced))

* @brief  LPS22HB Fifo Mode.

typedef enum {
  LPS22HB_FIFO_BYPASS_MODE                    = (uint8_t)0x00,    /*!< The FIFO is disabled and empty. The pressure is read directly*/
  LPS22HB_FIFO_MODE                           = (uint8_t)0x20,    /*!< Stops collecting data when full */
  LPS22HB_FIFO_STREAM_MODE                    = (uint8_t)0x40,    /*!< Keep the newest measurements in the FIFO*/
  LPS22HB_FIFO_TRIGGER_STREAMTOFIFO_MODE      = (uint8_t)0x60,    /*!< STREAM MODE until trigger deasserted, then change to FIFO MODE*/
  LPS22HB_FIFO_TRIGGER_BYPASSTOSTREAM_MODE    = (uint8_t)0x80,    /*!< BYPASS MODE until trigger deasserted, then STREAM MODE*/
  LPS22HB_FIFO_TRIGGER_BYPASSTOFIFO_MODE      = (uint8_t)0xE0     /*!< BYPASS mode until trigger deasserted, then FIFO MODE*/
} LPS22HB_FifoMode_et;


* @brief  LPS22HB Fifo Satus.
typedef struct {
  uint8_t FIFO_LEVEL;          /*!< FIFO Stored data level: 00000: FIFO empty; 10000: FIFO is FULL and ha 32 unread samples  */
  uint8_t FIFO_EMPTY;          /*!< Empty FIFO Flag .1 FIFO is empty (see FIFO_level)   */
  uint8_t FIFO_FULL;          /*!< Full FIFO flag.1 FIFO is Full (see FIFO_level)   */
  uint8_t FIFO_OVR;           /*!< Overrun bit status. 1 FIFO is full and at least one sample in the FIFO has been overwritten */
  uint8_t FIFO_FTH;            /*!< FIFO Threshold (Watermark) Status. 1 FIFO filling is equal or higher then FTH (wtm) level.*/

* @brief  LPS22HB Configuration structure definition.
typedef struct
  LPS22HB_PowerMode_et   PowerMode;                    /*!< Enable Low Current Mode (low Power) or Low Noise Mode*/
  LPS22HB_Odr_et         OutputDataRate;                /*!< Output Data Rate */
  LPS22HB_Bdu_et         BDU;                           /*!< Enable to inhibit the output registers update between the reading of upper and lower register parts.*/
  LPS22HB_State_et       LowPassFilter;             /*!< Enable/ Disable Low Pass Filter */
  LPS22HB_LPF_Cutoff_et  LPF_Cutoff;                    /*!< Low Pass Filter Configuration */
  LPS22HB_SPIMode_et     Sim;                   /*!< SPI Serial Interface Mode selection */
  LPS22HB_State_et       IfAddInc;                       /*!< Enable/Disable Register address automatically inceremented during a multiple byte access */

* @brief  LPS22HB Interrupt structure definition .
typedef struct {
  LPS22HB_InterruptActiveLevel_et       INT_H_L;                /*!< Interrupt active high, low. Default value: 0 */
  LPS22HB_OutputType_et             PP_OD;              /*!< Push-pull/open drain selection on interrupt pads. Default value: 0 */
  LPS22HB_OutputSignalConfig_et         OutputSignal_INT;   /*!< Data signal on INT Pad: Data,Pressure High, Preessure Low,P High or Low*/
  LPS22HB_State_et                              DRDY;                   /*!< Enable/Disable Data Ready Interrupt on INT_DRDY Pin*/
  LPS22HB_State_et                              FIFO_OVR;                /*!< Enable/Disable FIFO Overrun Interrupt on INT_DRDY Pin*/
  LPS22HB_State_et                              FIFO_FTH;                /*!< Enable/Disable FIFO threshold (Watermark) interrupt on INT_DRDY pin.*/
  LPS22HB_State_et                              FIFO_FULL;               /*!< Enable/Disable FIFO FULL interrupt on INT_DRDY pin.*/
  LPS22HB_State_et              LatchIRQ;       /*!< Latch Interrupt request in to INT_SOURCE reg*/
  int16_t                   THS_threshold;      /*!< Threshold value for pressure interrupt generation*/
  LPS22HB_State_et       AutoRifP;                                      /*!< Enable/Disable  AutoRifP function */
  LPS22HB_State_et       AutoZero;                                      /*!< Enable/Disable  AutoZero function */

* @brief  LPS22HB FIFO structure definition.
typedef struct {
  LPS22HB_FifoMode_et           FIFO_MODE;               /*!< Fifo Mode Selection */
  LPS22HB_State_et          WTM_INT;        /*!< Enable/Disable the watermark interrupt*/
  uint8_t               WTM_LEVEL;      /*!< FIFO threshold/Watermark level selection*/

#define IS_LPS22HB_WtmLevel(LEVEL) ((LEVEL > 0) && (LEVEL <=31))
* @brief  LPS22HB Measure Type definition.
typedef struct {
  int16_t Tout;
  int32_t Pout;

* @brief  LPS22HB Driver Version Info structure definition.
typedef struct {
  uint8_t   Major;
  uint8_t   Minor;
  uint8_t Point;

* @brief  Bitfield positioning.
#define LPS22HB_BIT(x) ((uint8_t)x)

* @brief  I2C address.
/* SD0/SA0(pin 5) is connected to the voltage supply */
#define LPS22HB_ADDRESS_HIGH     0xBA  /**< LPS22HB I2C Address High */
/* SDO/SA0 (pin5) is connected to the GND */
#define LPS22HB_ADDRESS_LOW      0xB8  /**< LPS22HB I2C Address Low */

* @brief  Set the LPS22HB driver version.

#define LPS22HB_driverVersion_Major (uint8_t)1
#define LPS22HB_driverVersion_Minor (uint8_t)0
#define LPS22HB_driverVersion_Point (uint8_t)0

* @}

/* Exported Constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup LPS22HB_Exported_Constants
* @{

* @addtogroup LPS22HB_Register
* @{

* @brief Device Identification register.
* \code
* Read
* Default value: 0xB1
* 7:0 This read-only register contains the device identifier that, for LPS22HB, is set to B1h.
* \endcode

#define LPS22HB_WHO_AM_I_REG         (uint8_t)0x0F

* @brief Device Identification value.
#define LPS22HB_WHO_AM_I_VAL         (uint8_t)0xB1

* @brief Reference Pressure  Register(LSB data)
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:0 REFL7-0: Lower part of the reference pressure value that
*      is sum to the sensor output pressure.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_REF_P_XL_REG         (uint8_t)0x15

* @brief Reference Pressure Register (Middle data)
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:0 REFL15-8: Middle part of the reference pressure value that
*      is sum to the sensor output pressure.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_REF_P_L_REG          (uint8_t)0x16

* @brief Reference Pressure Register (MSB data)
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:0 REFL23-16 Higest part of the reference pressure value that
*      is sum to the sensor output pressure.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_REF_P_H_REG          (uint8_t)0x17

* @brief Pressure and temperature resolution mode Register
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x05
* 7:2 These bits must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device
* 1: Reserved
* 0 LC_EN: Low Current Mode Enable. Default 0
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_RES_CONF_REG     (uint8_t)0x1A

#define LPS22HB_LCEN_MASK        (uint8_t)0x01

* @brief Control Register 1
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7: This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device
* 6:4 ODR2, ODR1, ODR0: output data rate selection.Default 000
*     ODR2  | ODR1  | ODR0  | Pressure output data-rate(Hz)  | Pressure output data-rate(Hz)
*   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*      0    |  0    |  0    |         one shot               |         one shot
*      0    |  0    |  1    |            1                   |            1
*      0    |  1    |  0    |            10                  |           10
*      0    |  1    |  1    |            25                  |           25
*      1    |  0    |  0    |            50                  |           50
*      1    |  0    |  1    |            75                  |         75
*      1    |  1    |  0    |         Reserved               |         Reserved
*      1    |  1    |  1    |         Reserved               |         Reserved
* 3 EN_LPFP: Enable Low Pass filter on Pressure data. Default value:0
* 2:LPF_CFG Low-pass configuration register. (0: Filter cutoff is ODR/9; 1: filter cutoff is ODR/20)
* 1 BDU: block data update. 0 - continuous update; 1 - output registers not updated until MSB and LSB reading.
* 0 SIM: SPI Serial Interface Mode selection. 0 - SPI 4-wire; 1 - SPI 3-wire
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_CTRL_REG1      (uint8_t)0x10

#define LPS22HB_ODR_MASK                (uint8_t)0x70
#define LPS22HB_LPFP_MASK               (uint8_t)0x08
#define LPS22HB_LPFP_CUTOFF_MASK        (uint8_t)0x04
#define LPS22HB_BDU_MASK                (uint8_t)0x02
#define LPS22HB_SIM_MASK                (uint8_t)0x01

#define LPS22HB_LPFP_BIT    LPS22HB_BIT(3)

* @brief Control  Register 2
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x10
* 7 BOOT:  Reboot memory content. 0: normal mode; 1: reboot memory content. Self-clearing upon completation
* 6 FIFO_EN: FIFO Enable. 0: disable; 1:  enable
* 5 STOP_ON_FTH: Stop on FIFO Threshold  FIFO Watermark level use. 0: disable; 1: enable
* 4 IF_ADD_INC: Register address automatically incrementeed during a multiple byte access with a serial interface (I2C or SPI). Default value 1.( 0: disable; 1: enable)
* 3 I2C DIS:  Disable I2C interface 0: I2C Enabled; 1: I2C disabled
* 2 SWRESET: Software reset. 0: normal mode; 1: SW reset. Self-clearing upon completation
* 1 AUTO_ZERO: Autozero enable. 0: normal mode; 1: autozero enable.
* 0 ONE_SHOT: One shot enable. 0: waiting for start of conversion; 1: start for a new dataset
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_CTRL_REG2      (uint8_t)0x11

#define LPS22HB_BOOT_BIT       LPS22HB_BIT(7)
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_EN_BIT    LPS22HB_BIT(6)
#define LPS22HB_WTM_EN_BIT     LPS22HB_BIT(5)
#define LPS22HB_ADD_INC_BIT    LPS22HB_BIT(4)
#define LPS22HB_I2C_BIT        LPS22HB_BIT(3)

#define LPS22HB_FIFO_EN_MASK   (uint8_t)0x40
#define LPS22HB_WTM_EN_MASK    (uint8_t)0x20
#define LPS22HB_ADD_INC_MASK   (uint8_t)0x10
#define LPS22HB_I2C_MASK       (uint8_t)0x08
#define LPS22HB_ONE_SHOT_MASK  (uint8_t)0x01

* @brief CTRL Reg3 Interrupt Control Register
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7 INT_H_L: Interrupt active high, low. 0:active high; 1: active low.
* 6 PP_OD: Push-Pull/OpenDrain selection on interrupt pads. 0: Push-pull; 1: open drain.
* 5 F_FSS5: FIFO full flag on INT_DRDY pin. Defaul value: 0. (0: Diasable; 1 : Enable).
* 4 F_FTH: FIFO threshold (watermark) status on INT_DRDY pin. Defaul value: 0. (0: Diasable; 1 : Enable).
* 3 F_OVR: FIFO overrun interrupt on INT_DRDY pin. Defaul value: 0. (0: Diasable; 1 : Enable).
* 2 DRDY: Data-ready signal on INT_DRDY pin. Defaul value: 0. (0: Diasable; 1 : Enable).
* 1:0 INT_S2, INT_S1: data signal on INT pad control bits.
*    INT_S2  | INT_S1  | INT pin
*   ------------------------------------------------------
*        0       |      0      |     Data signal( in order of priority:PTH_DRDY or F_FTH or F_OVR_or F_FSS5
*        0       |      1      |     Pressure high (P_high)
*        1       |      0      |     Pressure low (P_low)
*        1       |      1      |     P_low OR P_high
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_CTRL_REG3      (uint8_t)0x12

#define LPS22HB_PP_OD_BIT       LPS22HB_BIT(6)
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_FTH_BIT    LPS22HB_BIT(4)
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_OVR_BIT    LPS22HB_BIT(3)
#define LPS22HB_DRDY_BIT        LPS22HB_BIT(2)

#define LPS22HB_INT_H_L_MASK            (uint8_t)0x80
#define LPS22HB_PP_OD_MASK              (uint8_t)0x40
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_FULL_MASK          (uint8_t)0x20
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_FTH_MASK           (uint8_t)0x10
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_OVR_MASK           (uint8_t)0x08
#define LPS22HB_DRDY_MASK               (uint8_t)0x04
#define LPS22HB_INT_S12_MASK            (uint8_t)0x03

* @brief Interrupt Differential configuration Register
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00.
* 7 AUTORIFP: AutoRifP Enable ??
* 6 RESET_ARP: Reset AutoRifP function
* 4 AUTOZERO: Autozero enabled
* 5 RESET_AZ: Reset Autozero Function
* 3 DIFF_EN: Interrupt generation enable
* 2 LIR: Latch Interrupt request into INT_SOURCE register. 0 - interrupt request not latched; 1 - interrupt request latched
* 1 PL_E: Enable interrupt generation on differential pressure low event. 0 - disable; 1 - enable
* 0 PH_E: Enable interrupt generation on differential pressure high event. 0 - disable; 1 - enable
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_INTERRUPT_CFG_REG  (uint8_t)0x0B

#define LPS22HB_DIFF_EN_BIT       LPS22HB_BIT(3)
#define LPS22HB_LIR_BIT           LPS22HB_BIT(2)
#define LPS22HB_PLE_BIT           LPS22HB_BIT(1)
#define LPS22HB_PHE_BIT           LPS22HB_BIT(0)

#define LPS22HB_AUTORIFP_MASK     (uint8_t)0x80
#define LPS22HB_RESET_ARP_MASK    (uint8_t)0x40
#define LPS22HB_AUTOZERO_MASK     (uint8_t)0x20
#define LPS22HB_RESET_AZ_MASK     (uint8_t)0x10
#define LPS22HB_DIFF_EN_MASK      (uint8_t)0x08
#define LPS22HB_LIR_MASK          (uint8_t)0x04
#define LPS22HB_PLE_MASK          (uint8_t)0x02
#define LPS22HB_PHE_MASK          (uint8_t)0x01

* @brief Interrupt source Register (It is cleared by reading it)
* \code
* Read
* Default value: ----.
* 7 BOOT_STATUS:  If 1 indicates that the Boot (Reboot) phase is running.
* 6:3 Reserved: Keep these bits at 0
* 2 IA: Interrupt Active.0: no interrupt has been generated; 1: one or more interrupt events have been generated.
* 1 PL: Differential pressure Low. 0: no interrupt has been generated; 1: Low differential pressure event has occurred.
* 0 PH: Differential pressure High. 0: no interrupt has been generated; 1: High differential pressure event has occurred.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_REG   (uint8_t)0x25

#define LPS22HB_BOOT_STATUS_BIT        LPS22HB_BIT(7)
#define LPS22HB_IA_BIT                 LPS22HB_BIT(2)
#define LPS22HB_PL_BIT                 LPS22HB_BIT(1)
#define LPS22HB_PH_BIT                 LPS22HB_BIT(0)

#define LPS22HB_BOOT_STATUS_MASK      (uint8_t)0x80
#define LPS22HB_IA_MASK               (uint8_t)0x04
#define LPS22HB_PL_MASK               (uint8_t)0x02
#define LPS22HB_PH_MASK               (uint8_t)0x01

* @brief  Status Register
* \code
* Read
* Default value: ---
* 7:6 Reserved: 0
* 5 T_OR: Temperature data overrun. 0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for temperature has overwritten the previous one.
* 4 P_OR: Pressure data overrun. 0: no overrun has occurred; 1: new data for pressure has overwritten the previous one.
* 3:2 Reserved: 0
* 1 T_DA: Temperature data available. 0: new data for temperature is not yet available; 1: new data for temperature is available.
* 0 P_DA: Pressure data available. 0: new data for pressure is not yet available; 1: new data for pressure is available.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_STATUS_REG         (uint8_t)0x27

#define LPS22HB_TOR_BIT            LPS22HB_BIT(5)
#define LPS22HB_POR_BIT            LPS22HB_BIT(4)
#define LPS22HB_TDA_BIT            LPS22HB_BIT(1)
#define LPS22HB_PDA_BIT            LPS22HB_BIT(0)

#define LPS22HB_TOR_MASK           (uint8_t)0x20
#define LPS22HB_POR_MASK           (uint8_t)0x10
#define LPS22HB_TDA_MASK           (uint8_t)0x02
#define LPS22HB_PDA_MASK           (uint8_t)0x01

* @brief  Pressure data (LSB) register.
* \code
* Read
* Default value: 0x00.(To be verified)
* POUT7 - POUT0: Pressure data LSB (2's complement).
* Pressure output data: Pout(hPA)=(PRESS_OUT_H & PRESS_OUT_L &
* PRESS_OUT_XL)[dec]/4096.
* \endcode

#define LPS22HB_PRESS_OUT_XL_REG        (uint8_t)0x28
* @brief  Pressure data (Middle part) register.
* \code
* Read
* Default value: 0x80.
* POUT15 - POUT8: Pressure data middle part (2's complement).
* Pressure output data: Pout(hPA)=(PRESS_OUT_H & PRESS_OUT_L &
* PRESS_OUT_XL)[dec]/4096.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_PRESS_OUT_L_REG        (uint8_t)0x29

* @brief  Pressure data (MSB) register.
* \code
* Read
* Default value: 0x2F.
* POUT23 - POUT16: Pressure data MSB (2's complement).
* Pressure output data: Pout(hPA)=(PRESS_OUT_H & PRESS_OUT_L &
* PRESS_OUT_XL)[dec]/4096.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_PRESS_OUT_H_REG        (uint8_t)0x2A

* @brief  Temperature data (LSB) register.
* \code
* Read
* Default value: 0x00.
* TOUT7 - TOUT0: temperature data LSB.
* Tout(degC)=TEMP_OUT/100
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_TEMP_OUT_L_REG         (uint8_t)0x2B

* @brief  Temperature data (MSB) register.
* \code
* Read
* Default value: 0x00.
* TOUT15 - TOUT8: temperature data MSB.
* Tout(degC)=TEMP_OUT/100
* \endcode
#define LPS22HBH_TEMP_OUT_H_REG         (uint8_t)0x2C

* @brief Threshold pressure (LSB) register.
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00.
* 7:0 THS7-THS0: LSB Threshold pressure Low part of threshold value for pressure interrupt
* generation. The complete threshold value is given by THS_P_H & THS_P_L and is
* expressed as unsigned number. P_ths(hPA)=(THS_P_H & THS_P_L)[dec]/16.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_THS_P_LOW_REG           (uint8_t)0x0C

* @brief Threshold pressure (MSB)
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00.
* 7:0 THS15-THS8: MSB Threshold pressure. High part of threshold value for pressure interrupt
* generation. The complete threshold value is given by THS_P_H & THS_P_L and is
* expressed as unsigned number. P_ths(mbar)=(THS_P_H & THS_P_L)[dec]/16.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_THS_P_HIGH_REG         (uint8_t)0x0D

* @brief FIFO control register
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:5 F_MODE2, F_MODE1, F_MODE0: FIFO mode selection.
*     FM2   | FM1   | FM0   |    FIFO MODE
*   ---------------------------------------------------
*      0    |  0    |  0    | BYPASS MODE
*      0    |  0    |  1    | FIFO MODE. Stops collecting data when full
*      0    |  1    |  0    | STREAM MODE: Keep the newest measurements in the FIFO
*      0    |  1    |  1    | STREAM MODE until trigger deasserted, then change to FIFO MODE
*      1    |  0    |  0    | BYPASS MODE until trigger deasserted, then STREAM MODE
*      1    |  0    |  1    | Reserved for future use
*      1    |  1    |  0    | Reserved
*      1    |  1    |  1    | BYPASS mode until trigger deasserted, then FIFO MODE
* 4:0 WTM_POINT4-0 : FIFO Watermark level selection (0-31)
#define LPS22HB_CTRL_FIFO_REG          (uint8_t)0x14

#define LPS22HB_FIFO_MODE_MASK        (uint8_t)0xE0
#define LPS22HB_WTM_POINT_MASK        (uint8_t)0x1F

* @brief FIFO Status register
* \code
* Read
* Default value: ----
* 7 FTH_FIFO: FIFO threshold status. 0:FIFO filling is lower than FTH level; 1: FIFO is equal or higher than FTH level.
* 6 OVR: Overrun bit status. 0 - FIFO not full; 1 -FIFO is full and at least one sample in the FIFO has been overwritten.
* 5:0 FSS: FIFO Stored data level. 000000: FIFO empty, 100000: FIFO is full and has 32 unread samples.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_STATUS_FIFO_REG        (uint8_t)0x26

#define LPS22HB_FTH_FIFO_BIT          LPS22HB_BIT(7)
#define LPS22HB_OVR_FIFO_BIT          LPS22HB_BIT(6)

#define LPS22HB_FTH_FIFO_MASK         (uint8_t)0x80
#define LPS22HB_OVR_FIFO_MASK         (uint8_t)0x40
#define LPS22HB_LEVEL_FIFO_MASK       (uint8_t)0x3F
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_EMPTY            (uint8_t)0x00
#define LPS22HB_FIFO_FULL             (uint8_t)0x20

* @brief Pressure offset register  (LSB)
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:0 RPDS7-0:Pressure Offset for 1 point calibration (OPC) after soldering.
* This register contains the low part of the pressure offset value after soldering,for
* differential pressure computing. The complete value is given by RPDS_L & RPDS_H
* and is expressed as signed 2 complement value.
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_RPDS_L_REG        (uint8_t)0x18

* @brief Pressure offset register (MSB)
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:0 RPDS15-8:Pressure Offset for 1 point calibration  (OPC) after soldering.
* This register contains the high part of the pressure offset value after soldering (see description RPDS_L)
* \endcode
#define LPS22HB_RPDS_H_REG        (uint8_t)0x19

* @brief Clock Tree Configuration register
* \code
* Read/write
* Default value: 0x00
* 7:6 Reserved.
* 5: CTE: Clock Tree Enhancement
* \endcode

#define LPS22HB_CLOCK_TREE_CONFIGURATION        (uint8_t)0x43

#define LPS22HB_CTE_MASK           (uint8_t)0x20

* @}

* @}

/* Exported Functions -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup LPS22HB_Exported_Functions
* @{

LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_read_reg( void *handle, uint8_t RegAddr, uint16_t NumByteToRead, uint8_t *Data );
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_write_reg( void *handle, uint8_t RegAddr, uint16_t NumByteToWrite, uint8_t *Data );

* @brief  Init the HAL layer.
* @param  None
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
#define LPS22HB_HalInit  (LPS22HB_Error_et)HAL_Init_I2C

* @brief  DeInit the HAL layer.
* @param  None
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
#define LPS22HB_HalDeInit  (LPS22HB_Error_et)HAL_DeInit_I2C

* @brief  Get the LPS22HB driver version.
* @param  None
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_DriverVersion(LPS22HB_driverVersion_st *Version);

* @brief  Initialization function for LPS22HB.
*         This function make a memory boot.
*         Init the sensor with a standard basic confifuration.
*         Low Power, ODR 25 Hz, Low Pass Filter disabled; BDU enabled; I2C enabled;
*         NO FIFO; NO Interrupt Enabled.
* @param  None.
* @retval Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Init(void *handle);

* @brief  DeInit the LPS2Hb driver.
* @param  None
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]

LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_DeInit(void *handle);

* @brief  Read identification code by WHO_AM_I register
* @param  Buffer to empty by Device identification Value.
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_DeviceID(void *handle, uint8_t* deviceid);

* @brief  Set LPS22HB Low Power or Low Noise Mode Configuration
* @param  LPS22HB_LowNoise or LPS22HB_LowPower mode
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_PowerMode(void *handle, LPS22HB_PowerMode_et mode);

* @brief  Get LPS22HB Power Mode
* @param   Buffer to empty with Mode: Low Noise or Low Current
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_PowerMode(void *handle, LPS22HB_PowerMode_et* mode);

* @brief  Set LPS22HB Output Data Rate
* @param  Output Data Rate
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_Odr(void *handle, LPS22HB_Odr_et odr);

* @brief  Get LPS22HB Output Data Rate
* @param  Buffer to empty with Output Data Rate
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_Odr(void *handle, LPS22HB_Odr_et* odr);

* @brief  Enable/Disale low-pass filter on LPS22HB pressure data
* @param  state: enable or disable
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_LowPassFilter(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et state);

* @brief  Set low-pass filter cutoff configuration on LPS22HB pressure data
* @param Filter Cutoff ODR/9 or ODR/20
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_LowPassFilterCutoff(void *handle, LPS22HB_LPF_Cutoff_et cutoff);

* @brief  Set Block Data Update mode
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_Bdu(void *handle, LPS22HB_Bdu_et bdu);

* @brief  Get Block Data Update mode
* @param  Buffer to empty whit the bdu mode read from sensor
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_Bdu(void *handle, LPS22HB_Bdu_et* bdu);

* @brief  Set SPI mode: 3 Wire Interface OR 4 Wire Interface
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_SpiInterface(void *handle, LPS22HB_SPIMode_et spimode);

* @brief  Get SPI mode: 3 Wire Interface OR 4 Wire Interface
* @param  buffer to empty with SPI mode
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_SpiInterface(void *handle, LPS22HB_SPIMode_et* spimode);

* @brief Software Reset
* @param  void
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_SwReset(void *handle);

* @brief Reboot Memory Content.
* @param  void
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_MemoryBoot(void *handle);

* @brief Software Reset ann BOOT
* @param  void
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_SwResetAndMemoryBoot(void *handle);

* @brief  Enable or Disable FIFO
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FifoModeUse(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief  Enable or Disable FIFO Watermark level use. Stop on FIFO Threshold
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FifoWatermarkLevelUse(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief  Enable or Disable the Automatic increment register address during a multiple byte access with a serial interface (I2C or SPI)
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_AutomaticIncrementRegAddress(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief  Set One Shot bit to start a new conversion (ODR mode has to be 000)
* @param  void
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_StartOneShotMeasurement(void *handle);

* @brief  Enable/Disable I2C
* @param  State. Enable (reset bit)/ Disable (set bit)
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_I2C(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et i2cstate);

/*CTRL_REG3 Interrupt Control*/
* @brief  Set Interrupt Active on High or Low Level
* @param  LPS22HB_ActiveHigh/LPS22HB_ActiveLow
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_InterruptActiveLevel(void *handle, LPS22HB_InterruptActiveLevel_et mode);

* @brief  Set Push-pull/open drain selection on interrupt pads.
* @param  LPS22HB_PushPull/LPS22HB_OpenDrain
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_InterruptOutputType(void *handle, LPS22HB_OutputType_et output);

* @brief  Set Data signal on INT1 pad control bits.
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_InterruptControlConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_OutputSignalConfig_et config);

* @brief   Enable/Disable Data-ready signal on INT_DRDY pin.
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_DRDYInterrupt(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief   Enable/Disable FIFO overrun interrupt on INT_DRDY pin.
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FIFO_OVR_Interrupt(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief   Enable/Disable FIFO threshold (Watermark) interrupt on INT_DRDY pin.
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FIFO_FTH_Interrupt(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief   Enable/Disable FIFO FULL interrupt on INT_DRDY pin.
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FIFO_FULL_Interrupt(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief   Enable AutoRifP function
* @param   none
* @detail When this function is enabled, an internal register is set with the current pressure values
*         and the content is subtracted from the pressure output value and result is used for the interrupt generation.
*        the AutoRifP is slf creared.
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_AutoRifP(void *handle);

* @brief   Disable AutoRifP
* @param   none
* @detail  the RESET_ARP bit is used to disable the AUTORIFP function. This bis i is selfdleared
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_ResetAutoRifP(void *handle);

* @brief  Set AutoZero Function bit
* @detail When set to ‘1’, the actual pressure output is copied in the REF_P reg (@0x15..0x17)
* @param  None
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_AutoZeroFunction(void *handle);

* @brief  Set ResetAutoZero Function bit
* @details REF_P reg (@0x015..17) set pressure reference to default value RPDS reg (0x18/19).
* @param  None
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_ResetAutoZeroFunction(void *handle);

* @brief  Enable/ Disable the computing of differential pressure output (Interrupt Generation)
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_InterruptDifferentialGeneration(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et diff_en) ;

* @brief  Get the DIFF_EN bit value
* @param  buffer to empty with the read value of DIFF_EN bit
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_InterruptDifferentialGeneration(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et* diff_en);

* @brief  Latch Interrupt request to the INT_SOURCE register.
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_LatchInterruptRequest(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief  Enable\Disable Interrupt Generation on differential pressure Low event
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_PLE(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief  Enable\Disable Interrupt Generation on differential pressure High event
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_PHE(void *handle, LPS22HB_State_et status);

* @brief   Get the Interrupt Generation on differential pressure status event and the Boot Status.
* @detail  The INT_SOURCE register is cleared by reading it.
* @param   Status Event Flag: BOOT, PH,PL,IA
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_InterruptDifferentialEventStatus(void *handle, LPS22HB_InterruptDiffStatus_st* interruptsource);

* @brief  Get the status of Pressure and Temperature data
* @param  Data Status Flag:  TempDataAvailable, TempDataOverrun, PressDataAvailable, PressDataOverrun
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_DataStatus(void *handle, LPS22HB_DataStatus_st* datastatus);

* @brief  Get the LPS22HB raw presure value
* @param  The buffer to empty with the pressure raw value
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_RawPressure(void *handle, int32_t *raw_press);

* @brief  Get the LPS22HB Pressure value in hPA.
* @param  The buffer to empty with the pressure value that must be divided by 100 to get the value in hPA
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_Pressure(void *handle, int32_t* Pout);

* @brief  Read LPS22HB output register, and calculate the raw temperature.
* @param  The buffer to empty with the temperature raw value
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_RawTemperature(void *handle, int16_t *raw_data);

* @brief  Read the Temperature value in °C.
* @param  The buffer to empty with the temperature value that must be divided by 10 to get the value in ['C]
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_Temperature(void *handle, int16_t* Tout);

* @brief  Get the threshold value used for pressure interrupt generation.
* @param  The buffer to empty with the temperature value
* @retval  Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_PressureThreshold(void *handle, int16_t *P_ths);

* @brief  Set the threshold value used for pressure interrupt generation.
* @param  The buffer to empty with the temperature value
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_PressureThreshold(void *handle, int16_t P_ths);

* @brief  Set Fifo Mode.
* @param  Fifo Mode struct
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FifoMode(void *handle, LPS22HB_FifoMode_et fifomode);
* @brief  Get Fifo Mode.
* @param  Buffer to empty with fifo mode value
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_FifoMode(void *handle, LPS22HB_FifoMode_et* fifomode);

* @brief  Set Fifo Watermark Level.
* @param  Watermark level value [0 31]
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FifoWatermarkLevel(void *handle, uint8_t wtmlevel);

* @brief   Get FIFO Watermark Level
* @param   buffer to empty with watermak level[0,31] value read from sensor
* @retval  Status [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_FifoWatermarkLevel(void *handle, uint8_t *wtmlevel);

* @brief  Get Fifo Status.
* @param  Buffer to empty with fifo status
* @retval Status [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_FifoStatus(void *handle, LPS22HB_FifoStatus_st* status);

* @brief  Get the reference pressure after soldering for computing differential pressure (hPA)
* @param buffer to empty with the he pressure value (hPA)
* @retval  Status [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_PressureOffsetValue(void *handle, int16_t *pressoffset);

* @brief  Get the Reference Pressure value
* @detail  It is a 24-bit data added to the sensor output measurement to detect a measured pressure beyond programmed limits.
* @param  Buffer to empty with reference pressure value
* @retval  Status [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_ReferencePressure(void *handle, int32_t* RefP);

* @brief  Check if the single measurement has completed.
* @param  the returned value is set to 1, when the measurement is completed
* @retval Status [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_IsMeasurementCompleted(void *handle, uint8_t* Is_Measurement_Completed);

* @brief  Get the values of the last single measurement.
* @param  Pressure and temperature value
* @retvalStatus [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_Measurement(void *handle, LPS22HB_MeasureTypeDef_st *Measurement_Value);

* @brief   Set Generic Configuration
* @param   Struct to empty with the chosen values
* @retval  Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_GenericConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_ConfigTypeDef_st* pxLPS22HBInit);

* @brief  Get Generic configuration
* @param  Struct to empty with configuration values
* @retval Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_GenericConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_ConfigTypeDef_st* pxLPS22HBInit);

* @brief  Set Interrupt configuration
* @param  Struct holding the configuration values
* @retval  Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_InterruptConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_InterruptTypeDef_st* pLPS22HBInt);

* @brief  LPS22HBGet_InterruptConfig
* @param  Struct to empty with configuration values
* @retval S Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_InterruptConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_InterruptTypeDef_st* pLPS22HBInt);

* @brief  Set Fifo configuration
* @param  Struct holding the configuration values
* @retval  Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_FifoConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_FIFOTypeDef_st* pLPS22HBFIFO);

* @brief  Get Fifo configuration
* @param  Struct to empty with the configuration values
* @retval Error code[LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Get_FifoConfig(void *handle, LPS22HB_FIFOTypeDef_st* pLPS22HBFIFO);

* @brief  Clock Tree Confoguration
* @param  LPS22HB_CTE_NotBalanced, LPS22HB_CTE_ABalanced
* @retval Error Code [LPS22HB_ERROR, LPS22HB_OK]
LPS22HB_Error_et LPS22HB_Set_ClockTreeConfifuration(void *handle, LPS22HB_CTE_et mode);

* @}

* @}

* @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __LPS22HB_DRIVER__H */

/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2013 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/