Working file for communication with ROS

Dependencies:   QEI2 PID VL53L1X_Filter

diff -r 674ad4175a15 -r 5714715ab1f5 wheelchair.cpp
--- a/wheelchair.cpp	Wed Jun 26 04:23:39 2019 +0000
+++ b/wheelchair.cpp	Fri Jul 05 19:38:55 2019 +0000
@@ -1,54 +1,56 @@
 #include "wheelchair.h"
 bool manual_drive = false;                                                             // Variable changes between joystick and auto drive
 double encoder_distance;                                                               // Keeps distanse due to original position
 volatile double Setpoint, Output, Input, Input2;                                       // Variables for PID
 volatile double pid_yaw, Distance, Setpoint2, Output2, encoder_distance2;              // Variables for PID
 volatile double vIn, vOut, vDesired;                                                   // Variables for PID Velosity
 volatile double vInS, vOutS, vDesiredS;                                                // Variables for PID Slave Wheel
 volatile double yIn, yOut, yDesired;                                                   // Variables for PID turn velosity
-double dist_old, curr_pos;                                                             // Variables for odometry position
+double dist_old, curr_pos, curr_posS;                                                             // Variables for odometry position
 PID myPID(&pid_yaw, &Output, &Setpoint, 5.5, .00, 0.0036, P_ON_E, DIRECT);             // Angle PID object constructor
 PID myPIDDistance(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, 5.5, .00, 0.002, P_ON_E, DIRECT);        // Distance PID object constructor
 PID PIDVelosity(&vIn, &vOut, &vDesired, 5.5, .00, .002, P_ON_E, DIRECT);               // Velosity PID Constructor
 PID PIDSlaveV(&vInS, &vOutS, &vDesiredS, 5.5, .00, .002, P_ON_E, DIRECT);              // Slave Velosity PID Constructor
 PID PIDAngularV(&yIn, &yOut, &yDesired, 5.5, .00, .002, P_ON_E, DIRECT);               // Angular Velosity PID Constructor
+//e_button thread missing
 /* Thread measures current angular position */
-void Wheelchair::compass_thread() 
-     curr_yaw = imu->yaw();
-     z_angular = curr_yaw;
+void Wheelchair::compass_thread()
+    //curr_yaw = imu->yaw();            //uncomment when imu is implemented
+    z_angular = curr_yaw;
 /* Thread measures velocity of wheels and distance traveled */
-void Wheelchair::velocity_thread() 
+void Wheelchair::velocity_thread()
     curr_vel = wheel->getVelocity();
     curr_velS = wheelS->getVelocity();
     curr_pos = wheel->getDistance(53.975);
+    curr_posS = wheelS->getDistance(53.975);    //Sending slave encoder to ROS
 void Wheelchair::assistSafe_thread()
-   /* int ToFV[12];
-    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)                                              // reads from the ToF Sensors
-    {
+    //int ToFV[12];
+    for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {                                            // reads from the ToF Sensors
         ToFV[i] = (*(ToF+i))->readFromOneSensor();
         //out->printf("%d ", ToFV[i]);
-    }        
-        //out->printf("\r\n");
+    }
+    //out->printf("\r\n");
+    /*
     int sensor1 = ToFV[1];
     int sensor4 = ToFV[5];
     //out->printf("%d, %d\r\n", sensor1, sensor4);
-    if(curr_vel < 1 &&((2 * maxDecelerationSlow*sensor1 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000 || 
-    2 * maxDecelerationSlow*sensor4 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000) && 
+    if(curr_vel < 1 &&((2 * maxDecelerationSlow*sensor1 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000 ||
+    2 * maxDecelerationSlow*sensor4 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000) &&
     (sensor1 < 1500 || sensor4 < 1500)) ||
     550 > sensor1 || 550 > sensor4)
@@ -59,8 +61,8 @@
             forwardSafety = 1;
-    else if(curr_vel > 1 &&((2 * maxDecelerationFast*sensor1 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000 || 
-    2 * maxDecelerationFast*sensor4 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000) && 
+    else if(curr_vel > 1 &&((2 * maxDecelerationFast*sensor1 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000 ||
+    2 * maxDecelerationFast*sensor4 < curr_vel*curr_vel*1000*1000) &&
     (sensor1 < 1500 || sensor4 < 1500)) ||
     550 > sensor1 || 550 > sensor4)
@@ -71,20 +73,21 @@
             forwardSafety = 1;
-    else*/
+    else //removed the/*
         forwardSafety = 0;
+        */
 /* Constructor for Wheelchair class */
-Wheelchair::Wheelchair(PinName xPin, PinName yPin, Serial* pc, Timer* time, QEI* qei, QEI* qeiS, 
-VL53L1X** ToFT)
+Wheelchair::Wheelchair(PinName xPin, PinName yPin, Serial* pc, Timer* time, QEI* qei, QEI* qeiS,
+                       VL53L1X** ToFT)
     x_position = 0;
     y_position = 0;
     forwardSafety = 0;
     /* Initializes X and Y variables to Pins */
-    x = new PwmOut(xPin);                                                               
+    x = new PwmOut(xPin);
     y = new PwmOut(yPin);
     /* Initializes IMU Library */
     imu = new chair_BNO055(pc, time);
@@ -92,66 +95,64 @@
     imu->setup();                                                                       // turns on the IMU
     out = pc;                                                                           // "out" is called for serial monitor
     wheelS = qeiS;                                                                      // "wheel" is called for encoder
-    wheel = qei;   
+    wheel = qei;
     ToF = ToFT;                                                                         // passes pointer with addresses of ToF sensors
-    for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)                                               // initializes the ToF Sensors
-    {
-        //(*(ToF+i))->initReading(0x31+((0x02)*i), 50000);
+    for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {                                             // initializes the ToF Sensors
+        (*(ToF+i))->initReading(0x31+((0x02)*i), 50000);
     out->printf("wheelchair setup done \r\n");                                          // Make sure it initialized; prints in serial monitor
     ti = time;
     myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);                                                           // PID mode: Automatic
 /* Move wheelchair with joystick on manual mode */
-void Wheelchair::move(float x_coor, float y_coor)                                
+void Wheelchair::move(float x_coor, float y_coor)
-  /* Scales one joystick measurement to the chair's joystick measurement */
+    /* Scales one joystick measurement to the chair's joystick measurement */
     float scaled_x = ((x_coor * 1.6f) + 1.7f)/3.3f;
     float scaled_y = (3.3f - (y_coor * 1.6f))/3.3f;
-  /* Sends the scaled joystic values to the chair */
-    x->write(scaled_x);                                                         
+    /* Sends the scaled joystic values to the chair */
+    x->write(scaled_x);
 /* Automatic mode: move forward and update x,y coordinate sent to chair */
-void Wheelchair::forward()                                                              
+void Wheelchair::forward()
-    if(forwardSafety == 0)
-    {
-    x->write(high);
-    y->write(def+offset);
+    if(forwardSafety == 0) {
+        x->write(high);
+        y->write(def+offset);
 /* Automatic mode: move in reverse and update x,y coordinate sent to chair */
-void Wheelchair::backward()                    
+void Wheelchair::backward()
 /* Automatic mode: move right and update x,y coordinate sent to chair */
-void Wheelchair::right()                                                             
+void Wheelchair::right()
- /* Automatic mode: move left and update x,y coordinate sent to chair */
-void Wheelchair::left()                                                               
+/* Automatic mode: move left and update x,y coordinate sent to chair */
+void Wheelchair::left()
 /* Stop the wheelchair */
-void Wheelchair::stop()                                                       
+void Wheelchair::stop()
@@ -160,137 +161,121 @@
 /* Counter-clockwise is -
  * Clockwise is +
  * Range of deg: 0 to 360
- * This constructor takes in an angle from user and adjusts for turning right 
+ * This constructor takes in an angle from user and adjusts for turning right
 void Wheelchair::pid_right(int deg)
     bool overturn = false;                                                              //Boolean if angle over 360˚
-    out->printf("pid right\r\r\n");                                
+    out->printf("pid right\r\r\n");
     x->write(def);                                                                      // Update x sent to chair to be stationary
     Setpoint = curr_yaw + deg;                                                          // Relative angle we want to turn
     pid_yaw = curr_yaw;                                                                 // Sets pid_yaw to angle input from user
     /* Turns on overturn boolean if setpoint over 360˚ */
-    if(Setpoint > 360) 
-    {                                                               
+    if(Setpoint > 360) {
         overturn = true;
     myPID.SetTunings(5.5,0, 0.0035);                                                    // Sets the constants for P and D
     myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, def-low-.15);                                              // Limit is set to the differnce between def and low
     myPID.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT);                                               // PID mode: Direct
-    /* PID stops when approaching a litte less than desired angle */ 
-    while(pid_yaw < Setpoint - 3)
-    {                                       
+    /* PID stops when approaching a litte less than desired angle */
+    while(pid_yaw < Setpoint - 3) {
         /* PID is set to correct angle range if angle greater than 360˚*/
-        if(overturn && curr_yaw < Setpoint-deg-1)
-        {
-            pid_yaw = curr_yaw + 360;  
-        }
-        else 
-        {
+        if(overturn && curr_yaw < Setpoint-deg-1) {
+            pid_yaw = curr_yaw + 360;
+        } else {
             pid_yaw = curr_yaw;
         myPID.Compute();                                                                // Does PID calculations
         double tempor = -Output+def;                                                    // Temporary value with the voltage output
-        y->write(tempor);                                                               // Update y sent to chair 
+        y->write(tempor);                                                               // Update y sent to chair
         /* Prints to serial monitor the current angle and setpoint */
-        out->printf("curr_yaw %f\r\r\n", curr_yaw);                              
+        out->printf("curr_yaw %f\r\r\n", curr_yaw);
         out->printf("Setpoint = %f \r\n", Setpoint);
         wait(.05);                                                                      // Small delay (milliseconds)
     /* Saftey stop for wheelchair */
-    Wheelchair::stop();                                                                 
+    Wheelchair::stop();
     out->printf("done \r\n");
 /* Counter-clockwise is -
  * Clockwise is +
  * Range of deg: 0 to 360
  * This constructor takes in an angle from user and adjusts for turning left
-void Wheelchair::pid_left(int deg)                                                      
+void Wheelchair::pid_left(int deg)
     bool overturn = false;                                                              //Boolean if angle under 0˚
-    out->printf("pid Left\r\r\n");                                                     
+    out->printf("pid Left\r\r\n");
     x->write(def);                                                                      // Update x sent to chair to be stationary
     Setpoint = curr_yaw - deg;                                                          // Relative angle we want to turn
     pid_yaw = curr_yaw;                                                                 // Sets pid_yaw to angle input from user
     /* Turns on overturn boolean if setpoint less than 0˚ */
-    if(Setpoint < 0) 
-    {                                                                 
+    if(Setpoint < 0) {
         overturn = true;
     myPID.SetTunings(5,0, 0.004);                                                       // Sets the constants for P and D
     myPID.SetOutputLimits(0,high-def-.12);                                              //Limit is set to the differnce between def and low
     myPID.SetControllerDirection(REVERSE);                                              // PID mode: Reverse
     /* PID stops when approaching a litte more than desired angle */
-    while(pid_yaw > Setpoint+3)
-    {                                                        
-       /* PID is set to correct angle range if angle less than 0˚ */                                                                          
-       if(overturn && curr_yaw > Setpoint+deg+1) 
-       {
-          pid_yaw = curr_yaw - 360;
-       }
-       else 
-       {
-          pid_yaw = curr_yaw;
-       }
+    while(pid_yaw > Setpoint+3) {
+        /* PID is set to correct angle range if angle less than 0˚ */
+        if(overturn && curr_yaw > Setpoint+deg+1) {
+            pid_yaw = curr_yaw - 360;
+        } else {
+            pid_yaw = curr_yaw;
+        }
         myPID.Compute();                                                                // Does PID calculations
         double tempor = Output+def;                                                     // Temporary value with the voltage output
         y->write(tempor);                                                               // Update y sent to chair
         /* Prints to serial monitor the current angle and setpoint */
         out->printf("curr_yaw %f\r\n", curr_yaw);
         out->printf("Setpoint = %f \r\n", Setpoint);
         wait(.05);                                                                      // Small delay (milliseconds)
-   /* Saftey stop for wheelchair */
-    Wheelchair::stop();                                                                 
+    /* Saftey stop for wheelchair */
+    Wheelchair::stop();
     out->printf("done \r\n");
 /* This constructor determines whether to turn left or right */
-void Wheelchair::pid_turn(int deg) 
-   /* Sets angle to coterminal angle for left turn if deg > 180
-    * Sets angle to coterminal angle for right turn if deg < -180
-    */
-    if(deg > 180)
-    {                                                                   
+void Wheelchair::pid_turn(int deg)
+    /* Sets angle to coterminal angle for left turn if deg > 180
+     * Sets angle to coterminal angle for right turn if deg < -180
+     */
+    if(deg > 180) {
         deg -= 360;
+    } else if(deg < -180) {
+        deg +=360;
-    else if(deg < -180)
-    {                                    
-        deg +=360;
-    }  
     /* Makes sure angle inputted to function is positive */
     int turnAmt = abs(deg);
     /* Calls PID_right if deg > 0, else calls PID_left if deg < 0 */
-    if(deg >= 0)
-    {
-        Wheelchair::pid_right(turnAmt);                                                
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        Wheelchair::pid_left(turnAmt);                        
+    if(deg >= 0) {
+        Wheelchair::pid_right(turnAmt);
+    } else {
+        Wheelchair::pid_left(turnAmt);
@@ -301,44 +286,43 @@
     mm -= 20;                                                                           // Makes sure distance does not overshoot
     Input = 0;                                                                          // Initializes input to zero: Test latter w/o
     wheel->reset();                                                                     // Resets encoders so that they start at 0
     out->printf("pid foward\r\n");
     double tempor;                                                                      // Initializes Temporary variable for x input
     Setpoint = mm;                                                                      // Initializes the setpoint to desired value
     myPIDDistance.SetTunings(5.5,0, 0.0015);                                            // Sets constants for P and D
-    myPIDDistance.SetOutputLimits(0,high-def-.15);                                      // Limit set to difference between high and def 
+    myPIDDistance.SetOutputLimits(0,high-def-.15);                                      // Limit set to difference between high and def
     myPIDDistance.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT);                                       // PID mode: Direct
     y->write(def+offset);                                                               // Update y to make chair stationary
     /* Chair stops moving when Setpoint is reached */
-    while(Input < Setpoint){      
-        if(out->readable())                                                             // Emergency Break
-        {                                                    
+    while(Input < Setpoint) {
+        if(out->readable()) {                                                           // Emergency Break
         Input = wheel->getDistance(53.975);                                             // Gets distance from Encoder into PID
         wait(.05);                                                                      // Slight Delay: *****Test without
         myPIDDistance.Compute();                                                        // Compute distance traveled by chair
-        tempor = Output + def;                                                          // Temporary output variable                    
+        tempor = Output + def;                                                          // Temporary output variable
         x->write(tempor);                                                               // Update x sent to chair
         /* Prints to serial monitor the distance traveled by chair */
         out->printf("distance %f\r\n", Input);
-        }
+    }
 /* This constructor returns the relative angular position of chair */
 double Wheelchair::getTwistZ()
     return imu->gyro_z();
 /* This constructor computes the relative angle for Twist message in ROS */
 void Wheelchair::pid_twistA()
@@ -346,40 +330,38 @@
     /* Initialize variables for angle and update x,y sent to chair */
     char c;
     double temporA = def;
-    y->write(def); 
-    x->write(def); 
+    y->write(def);
+    x->write(def);
     PIDAngularV.SetTunings(.00015,0, 0.00);                                             // Sets the constants for P and D
     PIDAngularV.SetOutputLimits(-.1, .1);                                               // Limit set to be in range specified
     PIDAngularV.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT);                                         // PID mode: Direct
     /* Computes angular position of wheelchair while turning */
-    while(1)
-    {
+    while(1) {
         yDesired = angularV;
         /* Update and set all variable so that the chair is stationary
          * if the desired angle is zero
-        if(yDesired == 0)
-        {
+        if(yDesired == 0) {
             yDesired = 0;
         /* Continuously updates with current angle measured by IMU */
-        yIn = imu->gyro_z(); 
+        yIn = imu->gyro_z();
         temporA += yOut;                                                                // Temporary value with the voltage output
         y->write(temporA);                                                              // Update y sent to chair
         //out->printf("temporA: %f, yDesired %f, angle: %f\r\n", temporA, yDesired, imu->gyro_z());
         wait(.05);                                                                      // Small delay (milliseconds)
 /* This constructor computes the relative velocity for Twist message in ROS */
 void Wheelchair::pid_twistV()
@@ -392,30 +374,28 @@
     wheel->reset();                                                                     // Resets the encoders
     /* Sets the constants for P and D */
-    PIDVelosity.SetTunings(.0005,0, 0.00);                                             
-    PIDSlaveV.SetTunings(.005,0.000001, 0.000001);     
+    PIDVelosity.SetTunings(.0005,0, 0.00);
+    PIDSlaveV.SetTunings(.005,0.000001, 0.000001);
     /* Limits to the range specified */
-    PIDVelosity.SetOutputLimits(-.005, .005);                                           
-    PIDSlaveV.SetOutputLimits(-.002, .002);                                            
+    PIDVelosity.SetOutputLimits(-.005, .005);
+    PIDSlaveV.SetOutputLimits(-.002, .002);
     /* PID mode: Direct */
-    PIDVelosity.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT); 
-    PIDSlaveV.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT); 
-    while(1)
-    {
+    PIDVelosity.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT);
+    PIDSlaveV.SetControllerDirection(DIRECT);
+    while(1) {
         //commandRead.linear.x = .7;
         test1 = linearV*100;
         vel = curr_vel;
         vDesired = linearV*100;
-         /* Update and set all variable so that the chair is stationary
-         * if the velocity is zero
-         */
-        if(linearV == 0)
-        {
+        /* Update and set all variable so that the chair is stationary
+        * if the velocity is zero
+        */
+        if(linearV == 0) {
@@ -424,21 +404,17 @@
             dist_old = 0;
-        if(vDesired >= 0)
-        {
+        if(vDesired >= 0) {
             PIDVelosity.SetTunings(.000004,0, 0.00);                                    // Sets the constants for P and D
             PIDVelosity.SetOutputLimits(-.002, .002);                                   // Limits to the range specified
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        } else {
             PIDVelosity.SetTunings(.000015,0, 0.00);                                    // Sets the constants for P and D
             PIDVelosity.SetOutputLimits(-.0005, .0005);                                 // Limits to range specified
-        }    
+        }
         /* Sets maximum value of variable to 1 */
-        if(temporV >= 1.5)
-        {
+        if(temporV >= 1.5) {
             temporV = 1.5;
         /* Scales and makes some adjustments to velocity */
@@ -446,18 +422,15 @@
         vInS = curr_vel-curr_velS;
-        if(forwardSafety == 0)
-        {
-        temporV += vOut;
-        temporS += vOutS;
-        /* Updates x,y sent to Wheelchair and for Odometry message in ROS */
-        x->write(temporV);
-        test2 = temporV;
-        y->write(temporS);
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        if(forwardSafety == 0) {
+            temporV += vOut;
+            temporS += vOutS;
+            /* Updates x,y sent to Wheelchair and for Odometry message in ROS */
+            x->write(temporV);
+            test2 = temporV;
+            y->write(temporS);
+        } else {
@@ -472,22 +445,24 @@
 void Wheelchair::odomMsg()
-    double dist_new = curr_pos;
+    dist_new = curr_pos;
+    dist_newS = curr_posS;
     double dist = dist_new-dist_old;
     double temp_x = dist*sin(z_angular*3.14159/180);
     double temp_y = dist*cos(z_angular*3.14159/180);
     x_position += temp_x;
     y_position += temp_y;
     dist_old = dist_new;
- } 
 /* This constructor prints the Odometry message to the serial monitor */
- void Wheelchair::showOdom()
- {
-     out->printf("x %f, y %f, angle %f", x_position, y_position, z_angular);
- }
+void Wheelchair::showOdom()
+    out->printf("x %f, y %f, angle %f", x_position, y_position, z_angular);
 /* This constructor returns the approximate distance based on the wheel diameter */
 float Wheelchair::getDistance()
@@ -501,9 +476,8 @@
-/*Predetermined paths For Demmo*/    
-void Wheelchair::desk() 
+/*Predetermined paths For Demmo*/
+void Wheelchair::desk()
@@ -511,8 +485,8 @@
-void Wheelchair::kitchen() 
+void Wheelchair::kitchen()
@@ -520,7 +494,7 @@
 void Wheelchair::desk_to_kitchen()