Dependencies: BLE_API mbed nRF51822 X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1
Fork of Biometricos_0 by
- Committer:
- Jacacent
- Date:
- 2018-04-10
- Revision:
- 1:49659ca954b3
- Parent:
- 0:fb0d095dc5dd
File content as of revision 1:49659ca954b3:
#include "mbed.h" #include "biometricos.h" #include "Hotboards_rtcc.h" #include "MMA8451Q.h" #include "MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h" #include "ble/BLE.h" #include "ble/services/UARTService.h" #define NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT 1 #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1) #define REPORTING_PERIOD_MS 1000 #if NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT Serial pc(LED_RED,LED_ORANGE); #define DEBUG(...) { pc.printf(__VA_ARGS__); } #else #define DEBUG(...) #endif /* general ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); Ticker counter_tick; bool timestmap = 0; float tick_time; uint8_t data[13]; uint32_t general_counter; void increment_counter() { general_counter++; } uint16_t get_cicles(float seconds) { return seconds * (1/tick_time); } void general_init() { tick_time = 0.01; i2c.frequency(100000); counter_tick.attach(&increment_counter, tick_time); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* led_red ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*DigitalOut led_red(LED_RED); Ticker led_red_ticker; void periodicCallback(void) { led_red = !led_red; } void led_red_init() { led_red_ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 3); }*/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* real time clock ---------------------------------------------------------- */ Hotboards_rtcc rtcc(i2c); void rtcc_init(){ if(rtcc.begin()) { DEBUG("rtcc initialized!\r\n"); timestmap = 1; } else { DEBUG("rtcc not initialized!\r\n"); timestmap = 0; } } bool rtcc_now(DateTime &t) { if(rtcc.getStatus()) { if(! { DEBUG("Error\r\n"); return 0; } } else { DEBUG("Error rtcc.getStatus()\r\n"); return 0; } return true; } uint8_t rtcc_verify(const uint8_t *d) { DateTime t; if(rtcc_now(t)) { DEBUG("Time- %d:%d:%d Date- %d/ %d/ %d\r\n",t.hour(),t.minute(),t.second(),,t.month()+1,t.year()); if((d[2] == t.minute()) && (d[3] == t.hour()) && (d[4] == && (d[5] == t.month()) && (d[6] == (t.year() - 2000))) { DEBUG("MCP79410 good\r\n"); return 1; } else { rtcc.setVBAT(1); if(rtcc.adjust(DateTime(d[6] + 2000, d[5], d[4], d[3], d[2], d[1]))) { DEBUG("MCP79410 adjusted\r\n"); return 2; } else { DEBUG("MCP79410 not adjusted\r\n"); return 0; } } } else { DEBUG("Error rtcc_now in rtcc_verify\r\n"); return 0; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* bluetooth ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint8_t device_name[] = "HNCR-06"; BLEDevice ble; UARTService *uartServicePtr; void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *params) { DEBUG("ble disconnected!\r\n"); DEBUG("ble restarting the advertising process\r\n"); ble.startAdvertising(); } void connectionCallback(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *params) { DEBUG("ble connected!\r\n"); } void onDataWritten(const GattWriteCallbackParams *params) { if ((uartServicePtr != NULL) && (params->handle == uartServicePtr->getTXCharacteristicHandle())) { DEBUG("received %u bytes\r\n", params->len); uint8_t data_send[2]; uint8_t bytes_send; switch (params->data[0]) { case 0x00: data_send[0] = 0x00; data_send[1] = rtcc_verify(params->data); bytes_send = 2; break; } ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uartServicePtr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), data_send, bytes_send); } } void ble_init() { DEBUG("ble initialized!\r\n"); ble.init(); ble.onConnection(connectionCallback); ble.onDisconnection(disconnectionCallback); ble.onDataWritten(onDataWritten); ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED); ble.setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED); ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME, (const uint8_t *)device_name, sizeof(device_name) - 1); ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_128BIT_SERVICE_IDS, (const uint8_t *)UARTServiceUUID_reversed, sizeof(UARTServiceUUID_reversed)); ble.setAdvertisingInterval(1000); ble.startAdvertising(); } void send_ble(uint8_t *data, uint8_t size) { if (uartServicePtr != NULL && ble.getGapState().connected) { ble.updateCharacteristicValue(uartServicePtr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), data, size); } else { // DEBUG("Error send_ble\r\n"); } } void send_behavior(uint8_t i) { uint8_t bytes_send; if(!timestmap) { data[1] = 0x00; bytes_send = i; } else { DateTime t; if(rtcc_now(t)) { data[1] = 0x01; data[i] = t.second(); data[i+1] = t.minute(); data[i+2] = t.hour(); data[i+3] =; data[i+4] = t.month(); data[i+5] = (t.year() - 2000); bytes_send = i+6; } else { DEBUG("Error rtcc_now in lm35_sens\r\n"); bytes_send = 0; } } if(bytes_send) send_ble(data, bytes_send); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* button ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DigitalIn button(USER_BUTTON, PullUp); bool button_state, button_last_state; uint16_t button_debounce_delay; uint32_t button_last_debounce_time; void button_init() { button_debounce_delay = get_cicles(0.5); button_last_state = 0; } void button_sens() { int reading = button; if(reading != button_last_state) { button_last_debounce_time = general_counter; } if(general_counter >= (button_last_debounce_time + button_debounce_delay)) { if(reading != button_state) { button_state = reading; if(button_state) { DEBUG("button_state == 1\r\n"); } else { DEBUG("button_state == 0\r\n"); } data[0] = 0x02; data[2] = button_state; send_behavior(3); } } button_last_state = reading; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* lm35 temperature sensor -------------------------------------------------- */ AnalogIn lm35(TEMP); bool lm35_state; float lm35_temperature_celsius, factor_temperature; uint8_t lm35_num_samples; uint16_t lm35_polling_time_main, lm35_min, lm35_max; uint16_t lm35_samples_counter, lm35_polling_time_samples, lm35_samples[5]; uint32_t lm35_last_counter_value, lm35_last_samples_counter_value; uint16_t lm35_get_adc_value(float degrees_celsius) { return degrees_celsius / factor_temperature; } void lm35_init() { lm35_last_counter_value = 0; lm35_samples_counter = 0; lm35_last_samples_counter_value = 0; lm35_num_samples = 5; lm35_polling_time_samples = get_cicles(0.5); lm35_polling_time_main = get_cicles(3); factor_temperature = 0.3200391; // ((3.274 * 100) / 1023) lm35_min = lm35_get_adc_value(20);//62.4923 lm35_max = lm35_get_adc_value(50);//156.2309 uint16_t val = lm35.read_u16(); if(val >= lm35_min && val <= lm35_max) { DEBUG("lm35 initialized!\r\n"); lm35_state = 1; } else { DEBUG("lm35 not initialized!\r\n"); lm35_state = 0; } } void lm35_sens() { if(lm35_state) if(general_counter >= (lm35_last_counter_value + lm35_polling_time_main)) if(general_counter >= (lm35_last_samples_counter_value + lm35_polling_time_samples)) { uint16_t val = lm35.read_u16(); if(val >= lm35_min && val <= lm35_max) { uint16_t temperature_sample = val; data[0] = 0x01; data[2] = temperature_sample & 0xff; data[3] = temperature_sample >> 8; send_behavior(4); lm35_last_counter_value = general_counter; } lm35_last_samples_counter_value = general_counter; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* termistor breathing sensor ---------------------------------------------- */ AnalogIn breath(BREATHING); bool init_exhalation, breathing_status; uint8_t val, min_val_allowed, max_val_allowed; uint8_t base, base_umbral, umbral, dif, max_val_readed; uint16_t breathing_pollingTime; uint32_t breathing_last_counter_value; uint16_t breath_get_temp() { return breath.read_u16() - 768; } void breathing_init() { init_exhalation = 0; max_val_readed = 0; breathing_status = 0; breathing_last_counter_value = 0; min_val_allowed = 80; max_val_allowed = 150; base_umbral = 4; dif = 2; breathing_pollingTime = get_cicles(5); base = breath_get_temp(); if(base > min_val_allowed && base < max_val_allowed) { DEBUG("breathing initialized!\r\n"); umbral = base - base_umbral; breathing_status = 1; } else { DEBUG("breathing not initialized!\r\n"); breathing_status = 0; } } void breath_sens() { if(breathing_status) { val = breath_get_temp(); //DEBUG("%d\r\n", val); if(val > min_val_allowed && val < max_val_allowed) { if(val > max_val_readed) max_val_readed = val; if((general_counter >= (breathing_last_counter_value + breathing_pollingTime))) { base = max_val_readed; umbral = base - base_umbral; max_val_readed = 0; //DEBUG("Updated %d %d %d\r\n",val, base ,umbral); breathing_last_counter_value = general_counter; } if(val < umbral && !init_exhalation) { init_exhalation = true; //DEBUG("init_exhalation\r\n"); } //DEBUG("%d %d\r\n",val, umbral); if(val > (umbral + dif) && init_exhalation) { DEBUG("Inhalation\r\n"); data[0] = 0x05; data[2] = 0x01; send_behavior(3); init_exhalation = false; } } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* max30100 herat rate and oximetry sensor ---------------------------------- */ MAX30100 max30100(i2c); PulseOximeter pox(max30100); bool max30100_status; float max_heart_rate, min_heart_rate; uint8_t min_sp02, max_sp02; uint8_t samples_max30100, heart_rate_min_dif, sp02_min_dif, counter_max30100; float samples_heart_rate[5]; uint8_t samples_sp02[5]; Timer t; void pox_init() { max30100_status = 0; samples_max30100 = 5; heart_rate_min_dif = 6; sp02_min_dif = 2; counter_max30100 = 0; if(pox.begin()) { DEBUG("max30100 initialized!\r\n"); max30100_status = 1; t.start(); } else { DEBUG("max30100 not initialized!\r\n"); max30100_status = 0; } } void pox_sens() { if(max30100_status) { // Make sure to call update as fast as possible if(!pox.update()) { DEBUG("Error: if(!pox.update())\r\n"); pox_init(); } // Asynchronously dump heart rate and oxidation levels to the serial // For both, a value of 0 means "invalid" if (t.read_ms() > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS) { float new_heart_rate = pox.getHeartRate(); uint8_t new_sp02 = pox.getSpO2(); if(new_heart_rate != 0 && new_sp02 != 0) { DEBUG("Heart rate: %f bmp\r\n", new_heart_rate); DEBUG("SpO2: %d%\r\n\n", new_sp02); uint32_t int_heart_rate; memcpy(&int_heart_rate,&new_heart_rate,4); data[0] = 0x03; data[2] = new_sp02; data[3] = (int_heart_rate & 0xFF); data[4] = ((int_heart_rate >> 8) & 0xFF); data[5] = ((int_heart_rate >> 16) & 0xFF); data[6] = ((int_heart_rate >> 24) & 0xFF); send_behavior(7); //DEBUG("No finger\r\n"); } t.reset(); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* mma8451q accelerometer --------------------------------------------------- */ MMA8451Q mma(i2c, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS); bool mma_status, mma_new_value = false; float mma_y; uint8_t sample_counter = 0; uint8_t num_samples = 3; uint8_t mma_samples[3]; void mma_init() { if(mma.begin()) { mma_status = 1; DEBUG("MMA8451 initialized\r\n"); } else { mma_status = 0; DEBUG("MMA8451 not initialized\r\n"); } } bool mma_get_acc_y(float &y) { if(mma.getAccY(y)) y = abs(y); else return 0; return 1; } void mma_sens() { if(mma_status) if(mma.getStatus()) { float y; if(mma_get_acc_y(y)) { if(y > 1.2) { mma_new_value = true; if(mma_y < y) mma_y = y; } else if(mma_new_value) { mma_samples[sample_counter++] = mma_y; if(sample_counter == num_samples) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) { if(mma_y < mma_samples[i]) mma_y = mma_samples[i]; } uint8_t val = (mma_y - 1) * 255; DEBUG("%d\r\n", val); sample_counter = 0; data[0] = 0x04; data[2] = val; send_behavior(3); } mma_new_value = false; mma_y = 0; } } else{ DEBUG("MMA8451 Error getAccAxis()\r\n"); mma.setStatus(false); } } else mma_init(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ecg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ AnalogIn ecg(ECG_OUT); DigitalIn ecg_lo_p(ECG_LO_PLUS); DigitalIn ecg_lo_m(ECG_LO_MIN); bool ecg_status; uint8_t ecg_samples[20], ecg_samples_counter; uint16_t ecg_polling_time_main; uint32_t ecg_last_counter_value; void ecg_init() { ecg_samples_counter = 1; ecg_last_counter_value = 0; ecg_polling_time_main = get_cicles(0.02); ecg_samples[0] = 0x06; if(!ecg_lo_p && !ecg_lo_m){ ecg_status = 1; DEBUG("ecg initialized\r\n"); } else { ecg_status = 0; DEBUG("ecg not initialized\r\n"); } } uint8_t get_ecg_value() { uint16_t val = ecg.read_u16(); if(val > 232 && val < 743) { return (val - 232)/2; } else { return 0; } } void ecg_sens() { if(ecg_status) if(general_counter >= (ecg_last_counter_value + ecg_polling_time_main)) { if(!ecg_lo_p && !ecg_lo_m){ uint8_t val = get_ecg_value(); ecg_samples[ecg_samples_counter++] = val; if(ecg_samples_counter == 20) { send_ble(ecg_samples, 20); ecg_samples_counter = 1; } ecg_last_counter_value = general_counter; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(void) { pc.printf("\r\nMensaje de prueba DEBUG"); DEBUG("\r\nInitialising program\r\n"); ble_init(); UARTService uartService(ble); uartServicePtr = &uartService; // rtcc_init(); general_init(); //led_red_init(); button_init(); lm35_init(); mma_init(); breathing_init(); pox_init(); ecg_init(); while (true) { button_sens(); lm35_sens(); mma_sens(); breath_sens(); pox_sens(); ecg_sens(); ble.waitForEvent(); } }