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WNCDebug Class Reference

WNCDebug Class Reference

WNCDebug class Used to write debug data to the user designated IO. More...

#include <WNCDebug.h>

Public Member Functions

 WNCDebug (FILE *fd=stderr)
 Create class with either stdio or a pointer to a uart.
int printf (char *fmt,...)
 standard printf() functionallity
int putc (int c)
 standard putc() functionallity
int puts (const char *str)
 standard puts() functionallity

Detailed Description

WNCDebug class Used to write debug data to the user designated IO.

Currently The class expects either a stdio element (defaults to stderr) or a pointer to a WncIO object.

Definition at line 43 of file WNCDebug.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WNCDebug ( FILE *  fd = stderr )

Create class with either stdio or a pointer to a uart.

Definition at line 47 of file WNCDebug.h.

Member Function Documentation

int printf ( char *  fmt,

standard printf() functionallity

Definition at line 52 of file WNCDebug.h.

int putc ( int  c )

standard putc() functionallity

Definition at line 69 of file WNCDebug.h.

int puts ( const char *  str )

standard puts() functionallity

Definition at line 81 of file WNCDebug.h.