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Auto generated API documentation and code listings for aws-iot-device-sdk-mbed-c


_Client MQTT Client
_ClientData MQTT Client Data
_ClientStatus MQTT Client Status
_IoT_Mutex_t Mutex Type
_MessageHandlers MQTT Message Handler
_socket_t BG96_socket class Implementation of BG96 socket structure
_TLSDataParams TLS Connection Parameters
AwsIotDescribeJobExecutionRequest A request to get the status of a job execution
AwsIotJobExecutionUpdateRequest A request to update the status of a job execution
AwsIotStartNextPendingJobExecutionRequest A request to get and start the next pending (not in a terminal state) job execution for a Thing
BG96 BG96Interface class
IoT_Client_Connect_Params MQTT Connection Parameters
IoT_Client_Init_Params MQTT Initialization Parameters
IoT_MQTT_Will_Options Last Will and Testament Definition
IoT_Publish_Message_Params Publish Message Parameters Type
jsmn_parser JSON parser
jsmntok_t JSON token description
jsonStruct This is the struct form of a JSON Key value pair
MQTTHeader Bitfields for the MQTT header byte
Network Network Structure
ShadowConnectParameters_t Shadow Connect parameters
ShadowInitParameters_t Shadow Initialization parameters
timeval Definition of the Timer struct
TLSConnectParams TLS Connection Parameters
WNC14A2AInterface WNC14A2AInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for WNC14A2A
WncController::WncDateTime A struct for the WNC modem Date and Time
WNCDebug WNCDebug class Used to write debug data to the user designated IO
WncGpioPinListK64F List of K64F pins that are used to control and setup the ATT IoT Kit WNC Shield
WncIO WncIO class Used to read/write the WNC UART using FILE I/O
WncIpStats Contains info fields for the WNC Internet Attributes
WncController::WncSmsInfo Struct for SMS messages
WncController::WncSmsList Struct to contain a list of SMS message structs


jobs_sample/aws_iot_config.h [code]
shadow_sample/aws_iot_config.h [code]
shadow_sample_console_echo/aws_iot_config.h [code]
subscribe_publish_cpp_sample/aws_iot_config.h [code]
subscribe_publish_library_sample/aws_iot_config.h [code]
subscribe_publish_sample/aws_iot_config.h [code]
aws_iot_error.h [code] Definition of error types for the SDK
aws_iot_jobs_interface.c [code]
aws_iot_jobs_interface.h [code] An interface for interacting with the AWS IoT Jobs system
aws_iot_jobs_json.c [code]
aws_iot_jobs_json.h [code] Functions for mapping between json and the AWS Iot Job data structures
aws_iot_jobs_topics.c [code]
aws_iot_jobs_topics.h [code]
aws_iot_jobs_types.c [code]
aws_iot_jobs_types.h [code] Structures defining the interface with the AWS IoT Jobs system
aws_iot_json_utils.c [code]
aws_iot_json_utils.h [code]
aws_iot_log.h [code] Logging macros for the SDK
aws_iot_mqtt_client.c [code] MQTT client API definitions
aws_iot_mqtt_client.h [code] Client definition for MQTT
aws_iot_mqtt_client_common_internal.c [code] MQTT client internal API definitions
aws_iot_mqtt_client_common_internal.h [code] Internal MQTT functions not exposed to application
aws_iot_mqtt_client_connect.c [code] MQTT client connect API definition and related functions
aws_iot_mqtt_client_interface.h [code]
aws_iot_mqtt_client_publish.c [code] MQTT client publish API definitions
aws_iot_mqtt_client_subscribe.c [code] MQTT client subscribe API definitions
aws_iot_mqtt_client_unsubscribe.c [code] MQTT client unsubscribe API definitions
aws_iot_mqtt_client_yield.c [code] MQTT client yield API definitions
aws_iot_shadow.c [code] Shadow client API definitions
aws_iot_shadow_actions.c [code] Shadow client Action API definitions
aws_iot_shadow_actions.h [code]
aws_iot_shadow_interface.h [code] Interface for thing shadow
aws_iot_shadow_json.c [code] Shadow client JSON parsing API definitions
aws_iot_shadow_json.h [code]
aws_iot_shadow_json_data.h [code] This file is the interface for all the Shadow related JSON functions
aws_iot_shadow_key.h [code]
aws_iot_shadow_records.c [code]
aws_iot_shadow_records.h [code]
aws_iot_version.h [code] Constants defining the release version of the SDK
awscerts.h [code]
BG96.cpp [code] Copyright (c) 2018-2019, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
BG96.h [code] Copyright (c) 2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
BG96Interface.cpp [code] Copyright (c) 2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
BG96Interface.h [code] Copyright (c) 2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
easy-connect.cpp [code]
easy-connect.h [code]
jobs_sample.c [code]
jsmn.c [code] Implementation of the JSMN (Jasmine) JSON parser
jsmn.h [code] Definition of the JSMN (Jasmine) JSON parser [code]
mbedtls_entropy_config.h [code]
network.cpp [code]
network_interface.h [code] Network interface definition for MQTT client
network_mbedtls_wrapper.cpp [code]
network_platform.h [code]
shadow_console_echo.c [code] Echo received Delta message
shadow_sample.c [code] A simple connected window example demonstrating the use of Thing Shadow
subscribe_publish_cpp_sample.cpp [code] Simple MQTT publish and subscribe on the same topic in C++
subscribe_publish_library_sample.c [code] Simple MQTT publish and subscribe on the same topic using the SDK as a library
subscribe_publish_sample.cpp [code]
threads_interface.h [code] Thread interface definition for MQTT client
threads_platform.h [code]
threads_pthread_wrapper.c [code]
timer.c [code] Linux implementation of the timer interface
timer_interface.h [code] AwsTimer interface definition for MQTT client
timer_platform.h [code]
WNC14A2AInterface.cpp [code] Copyright (c) 2017-2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
WNC14A2AInterface.h [code] Copyright (c) 2017-2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
WncController.cpp [code]
WncController.h [code] Copyright (c) 2016 Fred Kellerman
WncControllerK64F.cpp [code]
WncControllerK64F.h [code]
WNCDebug.h [code] Copyright (c) 2017-2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
WNCIO.h [code] Copyright (c) 2017-2018, James Flynn SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
