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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
_ClientMQTT Client
_ClientDataMQTT Client Data
_ClientStatusMQTT Client Status
_IoT_Mutex_tMutex Type
_MessageHandlersMQTT Message Handler
_socket_tBG96_socket class Implementation of BG96 socket structure
_TLSDataParamsTLS Connection Parameters
AwsIotDescribeJobExecutionRequestA request to get the status of a job execution
AwsIotJobExecutionUpdateRequestA request to update the status of a job execution
AwsIotStartNextPendingJobExecutionRequestA request to get and start the next pending (not in a terminal state) job execution for a Thing
BG96BG96Interface class
IoT_Client_Connect_ParamsMQTT Connection Parameters
IoT_Client_Init_ParamsMQTT Initialization Parameters
IoT_MQTT_Will_OptionsLast Will and Testament Definition
IoT_Publish_Message_ParamsPublish Message Parameters Type
jsmn_parserJSON parser
jsmntok_tJSON token description
jsonStructThis is the struct form of a JSON Key value pair
MQTTHeaderBitfields for the MQTT header byte
NetworkNetwork Structure
ShadowConnectParameters_tShadow Connect parameters
ShadowInitParameters_tShadow Initialization parameters
timevalDefinition of the Timer struct
TLSConnectParamsTLS Connection Parameters
WNC14A2AInterfaceWNC14A2AInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for WNC14A2A
WncController::WncDateTimeA struct for the WNC modem Date and Time
WNCDebugWNCDebug class Used to write debug data to the user designated IO
WncGpioPinListK64FList of K64F pins that are used to control and setup the ATT IoT Kit WNC Shield
WncIOWncIO class Used to read/write the WNC UART using FILE I/O
WncIpStatsContains info fields for the WNC Internet Attributes
WncController::WncSmsInfoStruct for SMS messages
WncController::WncSmsListStruct to contain a list of SMS message structs