Library to handle the X_NUCLEO_IHM02A1 Motor Control Expansion Board based on the L6470 component.

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_COMMON

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IHM02A1 by ST



File content as of revision 13:25a579b9b7c3:

 * @file    l6470_class.h
 * @author  Davide Aliprandi, STMicroelectronics
 * @version V1.0.0
 * @date    November 12th, 2015
 * @brief   This file contains the class of an L6470 Motor Control component.
 * COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
 *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
 *      without specific prior written permission.

/* Generated with Stm32CubeTOO -----------------------------------------------*/

/* Revision ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    Branch/Trunk/Tag: trunk
    Based on:         X-CUBE-SPN2/trunk/Drivers/BSP/Components/L6470/L6470.h
    Revision:         0

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/

#ifndef __L6470_CLASS_H
#define __L6470_CLASS_H

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

/* ACTION 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------*
 * Include here platform specific header files.                               *
#include "mbed.h"
#include "DevSPI.h"
/* ACTION 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------*
 * Include here component specific header files.                              *
#include "l6470.h"
/* ACTION 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------*
 * Include here interface specific header files.                              *
 *                                                                            *
 * Example:                                                                   *
 *   #include "../Interfaces/Humidity_class.h"                                *
 *   #include "../Interfaces/Temperature_class.h"                             *
#include "../Interfaces/StepperMotor_class.h"

/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/

/** Class representing a L6470 component.
class L6470 : public StepperMotor

    /*** Public Component Related Types ***/

     * @brief Prepared Actions.
    typedef enum
    } prepared_action_t;

    /*** Constructor and Destructor Methods ***/

     * @brief Constructor.
     * @param flag_irq      pin name of the FLAG pin of the component.
     * @param busy_irq      pin name of the BUSY pin of the component.
     * @param standby_reset pin name of the STBY\RST pin of the component.
     * @param ssel          pin name of the SSEL pin of the SPI device to be used for communication.
     * @param spi           SPI device to be used for communication.
    L6470(PinName flag_irq, PinName busy_irq, PinName standby_reset, PinName ssel, DevSPI &spi) : StepperMotor(), flag_irq(flag_irq), busy_irq(busy_irq), standby_reset(standby_reset), ssel(ssel), dev_spi(spi)
        /* ACTION 4 ----------------------------------------------------------*
         * Initialize here the component's member variables, one variable per *
         * line.                                                              *
         *                                                                    *
         * Example:                                                           *
         *   measure = 0;                                                     *
         *   instance_id = number_of_instances++;                             *
        L6470_Register = &_L6470_Register[0];
        L6470_ApplicationCommand = &_L6470_ApplicationCommand[0];
        L6470_Direction = &_L6470_Direction[0];
        L6470_ACT = &_L6470_ACT[0];
        pL6470_StatusRegister = &L6470_StatusRegister;
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;
        L6470_Id = number_of_devices++;
        L6470_DaisyChain_HalfPrepared = ZERO_F;
        memset(L6470_AppCmdPkg, 0, L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE * sizeof(sL6470_AppCmdPkg_t));
        memset(L6470_DaisyChainSpiTxStruct, 0, L6470MAXSPICMDBYTESIZE * L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE * sizeof(uint8_t));
        memset(L6470_DaisyChainSpiRxStruct, 0, L6470MAXSPICMDBYTESIZE * L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE * sizeof(uint8_t));

     * @brief Destructor.
    virtual ~L6470(void) {}

    /*** Public Component Related Methods ***/

    /* ACTION 5 --------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Implement here the component's public methods, as wrappers of the C    *
     * component's functions.                                                 *
     * They should be:                                                        *
     *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's virtual table's    *
     *     functions (1);                                                     *
     *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's extended virtual   *
     *     table's functions, if any (2).                                     *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example:                                                               *
     *   virtual int GetValue(float *pData) //(1)                             *
     *   {                                                                    *
     *     return COMPONENT_GetValue(float *pfData);                          *
     *   }                                                                    *
     *                                                                        *
     *   virtual int EnableFeature(void) //(2)                                *
     *   {                                                                    *
     *     return COMPONENT_EnableFeature();                                  *
     *   }                                                                    *
     * @brief  Initializing the component.
     * @param  init Pointer to device specific initalization structure.
     * @retval "0" in case of success, an error code otherwise.
    virtual int Init(void *init)
        return (int) L6470_Config((void *) init);

     * @brief  Getting the ID of the component.
     * @param  id Pointer to an allocated variable to store the ID into.
     * @retval "0" in case of success, an error code otherwise.
    virtual int ReadID(uint8_t *id)
        return (int) 0;

     * @brief  Getting the status.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The status.
    virtual unsigned int GetStatus(void)
        return (unsigned int) L6470_GetStatus();

     * @brief  Getting a parameter.
     * @param  parameter The parameter's identifier (or its register address).
     * @retval The parameter's value.
    virtual float GetParameter(unsigned int parameter)
        return (float) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) parameter);

     * @brief  Getting the position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The position.
    virtual signed int GetPosition(void)
        return (signed int) L6470_AbsPos_2_Position((uint32_t) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ABS_POS_ID));

     * @brief  Getting the marked position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The marked position.
    virtual signed int GetMark(void)
        return (signed int) L6470_AbsPos_2_Position((uint32_t) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MARK_ID));

     * @brief  Getting the current speed in pps.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The current speed in pps.
    virtual unsigned int GetSpeed(void)
        return round(L6470_Speed_2_Step_s((unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_SPEED_ID)));

     * @brief  Getting the maximum speed in pps.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The maximum speed in pps.
    virtual unsigned int GetMaxSpeed(void)
        return round(L6470_MaxSpeed_2_Step_s((unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID)));

     * @brief  Getting the minimum speed in pps.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The minimum speed in pps.
    virtual unsigned int GetMinSpeed(void)
        return round(L6470_MinSpeed_2_Step_s((unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MIN_SPEED_ID)));

     * @brief  Getting the acceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The acceleration in pps^2.
    virtual unsigned int GetAcceleration(void)
        return round(L6470_Acc_2_Step_s2((unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ACC_ID)));

     * @brief  Getting the deceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The deceleration in pps^2.
    virtual unsigned int GetDeceleration(void)
        return round(L6470_Dec_2_Step_s2((unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_DEC_ID)));

     * @brief  Getting the direction of rotation.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval The direction of rotation.
    virtual direction_t GetDirection(void)
        return (direction_t) (L6470_CheckStatusRegisterFlag((eL6470_StatusRegisterFlagId_t) DIR_ID) == 1 ? StepperMotor::FWD : StepperMotor::BWD);

     * @brief  Setting a parameter.
     * @param  parameter The parameter's identifier (or its register address).
     * @param  value The parameter's value.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetParameter(unsigned int parameter, float value)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) parameter, (uint32_t) value);

     * @brief  Setting the current position to be the home position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetHome(void)

     * @brief  Setting the current position to be the marked position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetMark(void)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MARK_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ABS_POS_ID));

     * @brief  Setting the current position to be the marked position.
     * @param  position The given position.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetMark(signed int position)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MARK_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Position_2_AbsPos((int32_t) position));

     * @brief  Setting the maximum speed in pps.
     * @param  speed The maximum speed in pps.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetMaxSpeed(unsigned int speed)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s_2_MaxSpeed((float) speed));

     * @brief  Setting the minimum speed in pps.
     * @param  speed The minimum speed in pps.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetMinSpeed(unsigned int speed)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MIN_SPEED_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s_2_MinSpeed((float) speed));

     * @brief  Setting the acceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  acceleration The acceleration in pps^2.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetAcceleration(unsigned int acceleration)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ACC_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s2_2_Acc((float) acceleration));

     * @brief  Setting the deceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  deceleration The deceleration in pps^2.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SetDeceleration(unsigned int deceleration)
        L6470_SetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_DEC_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s2_2_Dec((float) deceleration));

     * @brief  Going to a specified position through the shortest path.
     * @param  position The desired position.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void GoTo(signed int position)
        L6470_GoTo((uint32_t) L6470_Position_2_AbsPos((int32_t) position));

     * @brief  Going to a specified position imposing the desired direction.
     * @param  position The desired position.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void GoTo(signed int position, direction_t direction)
        L6470_GoToDir((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (uint32_t) L6470_Position_2_AbsPos((int32_t) position));

     * @brief  Going to the home position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void GoHome(void)

     * @brief  Going to the marked position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void GoMark(void)

     * @brief  Running at the given speed imposing the desired direction until
     *         an external switch turn-on event occurs.
     * @param  action The identifier of the action about the absolute position.
     * @param  position The desired position.
     * @param  speed The speed value in pps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The identifier of the action about the absolute position can be
     *         one of the following:
     *           + L6470_ACT_RST_ID: the absolute position is reset;
     *           + L6470_ACT_CPY_ID: the absolute position is set as the marked position.
    virtual void GoUntil(eL6470_ActId_t action, direction_t direction, unsigned int speed)
        L6470_GoUntil((eL6470_ActId_t) action, (eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) L6470_Step_s_2_Speed((float) speed));

     * @brief  Running towards a specified direction.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void Run(direction_t direction)
        L6470_Run((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID));

     * @brief  Running towards a specified direction at the given speed.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @param  speed The speed value in pps.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void Run(direction_t direction, unsigned int speed)
        L6470_Run((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) L6470_Step_s_2_Speed((float) speed));

     * @brief  Moving towards a specified direction for a certain number of steps.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @param  steps The desired number of steps.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void Move(direction_t direction, unsigned int steps)
        L6470_Move((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) steps);

     * @brief  Stopping the motor through an immediate deceleration up to zero speed.
     *         The used deceleration value is the one stored in the "DEC" register.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SoftStop(void)

     * @brief  Stopping the motor through an immediate infinite deceleration.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void HardStop(void)

     * @brief  Disabling the power bridge after performing a deceleration to zero.
     *         The used deceleration value is the one stored in the "DEC" register.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void SoftHiZ(void)

     * @brief  Disabling the power bridge immediately.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void HardHiZ(void)

     * @brief  Waiting while the motor is active.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    virtual void WaitWhileActive(void)
        while (L6470_CheckStatusRegisterFlag(BUSY_ID) == 0);

      * @brief  Switching to step-clock mode.
      * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
      * @retval None.
    virtual void StepClock(direction_t direction)
        L6470_StepClock((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID));

      * @brief  Doing a motion at minimum speed imposing a specified direction
      *         until the SW is released.
      * @param  action The identifier of the action about the absolute position.
      * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
      * @note   The identifier of the action about the absolute position can be
      *         one of the following:
      *           + L6470_ACT_RST_ID: the absolute position is reset;
      *           + L6470_ACT_CPY_ID: the absolute position is set as the marked position.
    virtual void ReleaseSW(eL6470_ActId_t action, direction_t direction)
        L6470_ReleaseSW((eL6470_ActId_t) action, (eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID));

      * @brief  Resetting the device to power-up conditions.
      * @param  None.
      * @retval None.
    virtual void ResetDevice(void)

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the status.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetStatus(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get a parameter.
     * @param  parameter The parameter's identifier (or its register address).
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetParameter(unsigned int parameter)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) parameter);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetPosition(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ABS_POS_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_POSITION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the marked position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetMark(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MARK_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_MARK;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the current speed in pps.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetSpeed(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_SPEED_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_SPEED;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the maximum speed in pps.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetMaxSpeed(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_MAX_SPEED;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the minimum speed in pps.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetMinSpeed(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MIN_SPEED_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_MIN_SPEED;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the acceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetAcceleration(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ACC_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_ACCELERATION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the deceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetDeceleration(void)
        L6470_PrepareGetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_DEC_ID);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_DECELERATION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to get the direction of rotation.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGetDirection(void)
        if (!L6470_DaisyChain_HalfPrepared)
            /* To avoid deleting the previous entered command. */
            L6470_DaisyChain_HalfPrepared = ONE_F;
            /* Resetting commands. */
        prepared_action = PREPARED_GET_DIRECTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set a parameter.
     * @param  parameter The parameter's identifier (or its register address).
     * @param  value The parameter's value.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetParameter(unsigned int parameter, unsigned int value)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) parameter, (uint32_t) value);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the current position to be
     *         the home position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetHome(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the current position to be
     *         the marked position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetMark(void)
           Set "0" now as marked position. This value will be replaced by the
           actual position read at the time when the prepared actions will be
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MARK_ID, 0);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_SET_MARK;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the given position to be
     *         the marked position.
     * @param  position The given position.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetMark(signed int position)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MARK_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Position_2_AbsPos((int32_t) position));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the current speed in pps.
     * @param  speed The current speed in pps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetSpeed(unsigned int speed)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_SPEED_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s_2_Speed((float) speed));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the maximum speed in pps.
     * @param  speed The maximum speed in pps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetMaxSpeed(unsigned int speed)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s_2_MaxSpeed((float) speed));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the minimum speed in pps.
     * @param  speed The minimum speed in pps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetMinSpeed(unsigned int speed)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MIN_SPEED_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s_2_MinSpeed((float) speed));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the acceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  acceleration The acceleration in pps^2.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetAcceleration(unsigned int acceleration)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_ACC_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s2_2_Acc((float) acceleration));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to set the deceleration in pps^2.
     * @param  deceleration The deceleration in pps^2.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSetDeceleration(unsigned int deceleration)
        L6470_PrepareSetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_DEC_ID, (uint32_t) L6470_Step_s2_2_Dec((float) deceleration));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to go to a specified position.
     * @param  position The desired position.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGoTo(signed int position)
        L6470_PrepareGoTo((uint32_t) L6470_Position_2_AbsPos((int32_t) position));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to go to a specified position
     *         imposing the desired direction.
     * @param  position The desired position.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGoTo(signed int position, direction_t direction)
        L6470_PrepareGoToDir((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (uint32_t) L6470_Position_2_AbsPos((int32_t) position));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to go to the home position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGoHome(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to go to the marked position.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareGoMark(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to run at the given speed imposing the desired
     *         direction until an external switch turn-on event occurs.
     * @param  action The identifier of the action about the absolute position.
     * @param  position The desired position.
     * @param  speed The speed value in pps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
     *         The identifier of the action about the absolute position can be
     *         one of the following:
     *           + L6470_ACT_RST_ID: the absolute position is reset;
     *           + L6470_ACT_CPY_ID: the absolute position is set as the marked position.
    virtual void PrepareGoUntil(eL6470_ActId_t L6470_ActId, direction_t direction, unsigned int speed)
        L6470_PrepareGoUntil((eL6470_ActId_t) L6470_ActId, (eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) L6470_Step_s_2_Speed((float) speed));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to run towards a specified direction
     *         at the maximum speed.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareRun(direction_t direction)
        L6470_PrepareRun((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) L6470_GetParam((eL6470_RegId_t) L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to run towards a specified direction
     *         at the given speed.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @param  speed The speed value in pps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareRun(direction_t direction, unsigned int speed)
        L6470_PrepareRun((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) L6470_Step_s_2_Speed((float) speed));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to move towards a specified direction
     *         for a certain number of steps.
     * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
     * @param  steps The desired number of steps.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareMove(direction_t direction, unsigned int steps)
        L6470_PrepareMove((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID), (unsigned int) steps);
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to stop the motor.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSoftStop(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to stop the motor and disabling the power bridge.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareHardStop(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to disable the power bridge after performing
     *         a deceleration to zero.
     *         The used deceleration value is the one stored in the "DEC" register.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareSoftHiZ(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

     * @brief  Preparing the command to disable the power bridge immediately.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
     * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareHardHiZ(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

      * @brief  Preparing the command to switch to step-clock mode.
      * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
      * @retval None.
      * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareStepClock(direction_t direction)
        L6470_PrepareStepClock((eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

      * @brief  Preparing the command to do a motion at minimum speed
      *         imposing a specified direction until the SW is released.
      * @param  action The identifier of the action about the absolute position.
      * @param  direction The direction of rotation.
      * @retval None.
      * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
      *         The identifier of the action about the absolute position can be
      *         one of the following:
      *           + L6470_ACT_RST_ID: the absolute position is reset;
      *           + L6470_ACT_CPY_ID: the absolute position is set as the marked position.
    virtual void PrepareReleaseSW(eL6470_ActId_t action, direction_t direction)
        L6470_PrepareReleaseSW((eL6470_ActId_t) action, (eL6470_DirId_t) (direction == StepperMotor::FWD ? L6470_DIR_FWD_ID : L6470_DIR_REV_ID));
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

      * @brief  Preparing the command to reset the device to power-up conditions.
      * @param  None.
      * @retval None.
      * @note   The command will be sent by issuing "PerformAction()".
    virtual void PrepareResetDevice(void)
        prepared_action = PREPARED_NO_ACTION;

      * @brief    Performing all the actions prepared on the components
      *           of the daisy-chain.
      * @param    None.
      * @retval   The raw data returned by the components.
    uint8_t* PerformPreparedActions(void)
        return L6470_PerformPreparedApplicationCommand();

      * @brief    Getting the prepared action.
      * @param    None
      * @retval   The prepared action.
    prepared_action_t GetPreparedAction(void)
        return prepared_action;

      * @brief    Converting the raw data received by the component according to
      *           the action performed on it.
      * @param    raw_data The received raw data.
      * @retval   The result of the action performed.
    int32_t GetResult(uint8_t *raw_data)
        switch (prepared_action)
            case PREPARED_GET_POSITION:
                return L6470_AbsPos_2_Position(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_ABS_POS_ID].LengthByte));

            case PREPARED_GET_MARK:
                return L6470_AbsPos_2_Position(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_MARK_ID].LengthByte));

            case PREPARED_GET_SPEED:
                return round(L6470_Speed_2_Step_s(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_SPEED_ID].LengthByte)));
            case PREPARED_GET_MAX_SPEED:
                return round(L6470_MaxSpeed_2_Step_s(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_MAX_SPEED_ID].LengthByte)));
            case PREPARED_GET_MIN_SPEED:
                return round(L6470_MinSpeed_2_Step_s(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_MIN_SPEED_ID].LengthByte)));
                return round(L6470_Acc_2_Step_s2(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_ACC_ID].LengthByte)));
                return round(L6470_Dec_2_Step_s2(L6470_ExtractReturnedData(raw_data, L6470_Register[L6470_DEC_ID].LengthByte)));

            case PREPARED_GET_DIRECTION:
                return (int32_t) (direction_t) (L6470_CheckStatusRegisterFlag((eL6470_StatusRegisterFlagId_t) DIR_ID) == 1 ? StepperMotor::FWD : StepperMotor::BWD);

            case PREPARED_NO_ACTION:
                return 0;

    /*** Public Interrupt Related Methods ***/

    /* ACTION 6 --------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Implement here interrupt related methods, if any.                      *
     * Note that interrupt handling is platform dependent, e.g.:              *
     *   + mbed:                                                              *
     *     InterruptIn feature_irq(pin); //Interrupt object.                  *
     *     feature_irq.rise(callback);   //Attach a callback.                 *
     *     feature_irq.mode(PullNone);   //Set interrupt mode.                *
     *     feature_irq.enable_irq();     //Enable interrupt.                  *
     *     feature_irq.disable_irq();    //Disable interrupt.                 *
     *   + Arduino:                                                           *
     *     attachInterrupt(pin, callback, RISING); //Attach a callback.       *
     *     detachInterrupt(pin);                   //Detach a callback.       *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example (mbed):                                                        *
     *   void AttachFeatureIRQ(void (*fptr) (void))                           *
     *   {                                                                    *
     *     feature_irq.rise(fptr);                                            *
     *   }                                                                    *
     *                                                                        *
     *   void EnableFeatureIRQ(void)                                          *
     *   {                                                                    *
     *     feature_irq.enable_irq();                                          *
     *   }                                                                    *
     *                                                                        *
     *   void DisableFeatureIRQ(void)                                         *
     *   {                                                                    *
     *     feature_irq.disable_irq();                                         *
     *   }                                                                    *
     * @brief  Attaching an interrupt handler to the FLAG interrupt.
     * @param  fptr An interrupt handler.
     * @retval None.
    void AttachFlagIRQ(void (*fptr)(void))
     * @brief  Enabling the FLAG interrupt handling.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    void EnableFlagIRQ(void)
     * @brief  Disabling the FLAG interrupt handling.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    void DisableFlagIRQ(void)

     * @brief  Attaching an interrupt handler to the BUSY interrupt.
     * @param  fptr An interrupt handler.
     * @retval None.
    void AttachBusyIRQ(void (*fptr)(void))
     * @brief  Enabling the BUSY interrupt handling.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    void EnableBusyIRQ(void)

     * @brief  Disabling the BUSY interrupt handling.
     * @param  None.
     * @retval None.
    void DisableBusyIRQ(void)


    /*** Protected Component Related Methods ***/

    /* ACTION 7 --------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Declare here the component's specific methods.                         *
     * They should be:                                                        *
     *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's virtual table's    *
     *     functions (1);                                                     *
     *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's extended virtual   *
     *     table's functions, if any (2);                                     *
     *   + Helper methods, if any, like functions declared in the component's *
     *     source files but not pointed by the component's virtual table (3). *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example:                                                               *
     *   DrvStatusTypeDef COMPONENT_GetValue(float* pfData); //(1)            *
     *   DrvStatusTypeDef COMPONENT_EnableFeature(void);     //(2)            *
     *   DrvStatusTypeDef COMPONENT_ComputeAverage(void);    //(3)            *
    int32_t  L6470_AbsPos_2_Position(uint32_t AbsPos);
    uint32_t L6470_Position_2_AbsPos(int32_t Position);
    float    L6470_Speed_2_Step_s(uint32_t Speed);
    uint32_t L6470_Step_s_2_Speed(float Step_s);
    float    L6470_Acc_2_Step_s2(uint16_t Acc);
    uint16_t L6470_Step_s2_2_Acc(float Step_s2);
    float    L6470_Dec_2_Step_s2(uint16_t Dec);
    uint16_t L6470_Step_s2_2_Dec(float Step_s2);
    float    L6470_MaxSpeed_2_Step_s(uint16_t MaxSpeed);
    uint16_t L6470_Step_s_2_MaxSpeed(float Step_s);
    float    L6470_MinSpeed_2_Step_s(uint16_t MinSpeed);
    uint16_t L6470_Step_s_2_MinSpeed(float Step_s);
    float    L6470_FsSpd_2_Step_s(uint16_t FsSpd);
    uint16_t L6470_Step_s_2_FsSpd(float Step_s);
    float    L6470_IntSpeed_2_Step_s(uint16_t IntSpeed);
    uint16_t L6470_Step_s_2_IntSpeed(float Step_s);
    float    L6470_StSlp_2_s_Step(uint8_t StSlp);
    uint8_t  L6470_s_Step_2_StSlp(float s_Step);
    float    L6470_FnSlpAcc_2_s_Step(uint8_t FnSlpAcc);
    uint8_t  L6470_s_Step_2_FnSlpAcc(float s_Step);
    float    L6470_FnSlpDec_2_s_Step(uint8_t FnSlpDec);
    uint8_t  L6470_s_Step_2_FnSlpDec(float s_Step);
    float    L6470_OcdTh_2_mA(uint8_t OcdTh);
    uint8_t  L6470_mA_2_OcdTh(float mA);
    float    L6470_StallTh_2_mA(uint8_t StallTh);
    uint8_t  L6470_mA_2_StallTh(float mA);
    DrvStatusTypeDef L6470_Config(void *init);
    void     L6470_SetParam(eL6470_RegId_t L6470_RegId, uint32_t Value);
    uint32_t L6470_GetParam(eL6470_RegId_t L6470_RegId);
    void     L6470_Run(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t Speed);
    void     L6470_StepClock(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId);
    void     L6470_Move(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t N_Step);
    void     L6470_GoTo(uint32_t AbsPos);
    void     L6470_GoToDir(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t AbsPos);
    void     L6470_GoUntil(eL6470_ActId_t L6470_ActId, eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t Speed);
    void     L6470_ReleaseSW(eL6470_ActId_t L6470_ActId, eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId);
    void     L6470_GoHome(void);
    void     L6470_GoMark(void);
    void     L6470_ResetPos(void);
    void     L6470_ResetDevice(void);
    void     L6470_SoftStop(void);
    void     L6470_HardStop(void);
    void     L6470_SoftHiZ(void);
    void     L6470_HardHiZ(void);
    uint16_t L6470_GetStatus(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareSetParam(eL6470_RegId_t L6470_RegId, uint32_t Value);
    void     L6470_PrepareGetParam(eL6470_RegId_t L6470_RegId);
    void     L6470_PrepareRun(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t Speed);
    void     L6470_PrepareStepClock(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId);
    void     L6470_PrepareMove(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t N_Step);
    void     L6470_PrepareGoTo(uint32_t AbsPos);
    void     L6470_PrepareGoToDir(eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t AbsPos);
    void     L6470_PrepareGoUntil(eL6470_ActId_t L6470_ActId, eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId, uint32_t Speed);
    void     L6470_PrepareReleaseSW(eL6470_ActId_t L6470_ActId, eL6470_DirId_t L6470_DirId);
    void     L6470_PrepareGoHome(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareGoMark(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareResetPos(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareResetDevice(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareSoftStop(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareHardStop(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareSoftHiZ(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareHardHiZ(void);
    void     L6470_PrepareGetStatus(void);
    uint8_t* L6470_PerformPreparedApplicationCommand(void);
    void     L6470_DaisyChainCommand(uint8_t* pL6470_DaisyChainSpiTxStruct, uint8_t* pL6470_DaisyChainSpiRxStruct);
    uint32_t L6470_ExtractReturnedData(uint8_t* pL6470_DaisyChainSpiRxStruct, uint8_t LengthByte);
    uint8_t  L6470_CheckStatusRegisterFlag(uint8_t L6470_StatusRegisterFlagId);
    uint8_t* L6470_GetRegisterName(uint8_t id);
    void     L6470_ResetAppCmdPkg(sL6470_AppCmdPkg_t* pL6470_AppCmdPkg);
    void     L6470_FillAppCmdPkg(sL6470_AppCmdPkg_t* pL6470_AppCmdPkg, eL6470_AppCmdId_t L6470_AppCmdId, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3);
    void     L6470_PrepareAppCmdPkg(sL6470_AppCmdPkg_t* pL6470_AppCmdPkg, eL6470_AppCmdId_t L6470_AppCmdId, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3);
    void     L6470_PrepareDaisyChainCommand(sL6470_AppCmdPkg_t* pL6470_AppCmdPkg, uint8_t* pL6470_DaisyChainSpiTxStruct);

     * @brief  Rounding a floating point number to the nearest unsigned integer number.
     * @param  f The floating point number.
     * @retval The nearest unsigned integer number.
    int round(float f)
        if (f >= 0)
            return (int) f + (f - (int) f < 0.5f ? 0 : 1);
            return (int) f - (f - (int) f < -0.5f ? 1 : 0);

    /*** Component's I/O Methods ***/

     * @brief      Utility function to read data from L6470.
     * @param[out] pBuffer pointer to the buffer to read data into.
     * @param[in]  NumBytesToRead number of bytes to read.
     * @retval     COMPONENT_OK in case of success, COMPONENT_ERROR otherwise.
    DrvStatusTypeDef Read(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumBytesToRead)
        if (dev_spi.spi_read(pBuffer, ssel, NumBytesToRead) != 0)
            return COMPONENT_ERROR;
        return COMPONENT_OK;
     * @brief      Utility function to write data to L6470.
     * @param[in]  pBuffer pointer to the buffer of data to send.
     * @param[in]  NumBytesToWrite number of bytes to write.
     * @retval     COMPONENT_OK in case of success, COMPONENT_ERROR otherwise.
    DrvStatusTypeDef Write(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumBytesToWrite)
        if (dev_spi.spi_write(pBuffer, ssel, NumBytesToWrite) != 0)
            return COMPONENT_ERROR;
        return COMPONENT_OK;

     * @brief      Utility function to read and write data from/to L6470 at the same time.
     * @param[out] pBufferToRead pointer to the buffer to read data into.
     * @param[in]  pBufferToWrite pointer to the buffer of data to send.
     * @param[in]  NumBytes number of bytes to read and write.
     * @retval     COMPONENT_OK in case of success, COMPONENT_ERROR otherwise.
    DrvStatusTypeDef ReadWrite(uint8_t* pBufferToRead, uint8_t* pBufferToWrite, uint16_t NumBytes)
        if (dev_spi.spi_read_write(pBufferToRead, pBufferToWrite, ssel, NumBytes) != 0)
            return COMPONENT_ERROR;
        return COMPONENT_OK;

    /* ACTION 8 --------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Implement here other I/O methods beyond those already implemented      *
     * above, which are declared extern within the component's header file.   *
     * Puts the device in standby mode.
    void L6470_ENABLE(void)
        standby_reset = 1;

     * Puts the device in reset mode.
    void L6470_DISABLE(void)
        standby_reset = 0;

     * Write and read bytes to/from the component through the SPI at the same time.
    void L6470_SPI_Communication(uint8_t *pTxData, uint8_t *pRxData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
        ReadWrite(pRxData, pTxData, Size);

    /*** Component's Instance Variables ***/

    /* ACTION 9 --------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Declare here interrupt related variables, if needed.                   *
     * Note that interrupt handling is platform dependent, see                *
     * "Interrupt Related Methods" above.                                     *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example:                                                               *
     *   + mbed:                                                              *
     *     InterruptIn feature_irq;                                           *
    /* Flag Interrupt. */
    InterruptIn flag_irq;

    /* Busy Interrupt. */
    InterruptIn busy_irq;

    /* ACTION 10 -------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Declare here other pin related variables, if needed.                   *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example:                                                               *
     *   + mbed:                                                              *
     *     DigitalOut standby_reset;                                          *
    /* Standby/reset pin. */
    DigitalOut standby_reset;

    /* ACTION 11 -------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Declare here communication related variables, if needed.               *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example:                                                               *
     *   + mbed:                                                              *
     *     DigitalOut ssel;                                                   *
     *     DevSPI &dev_spi;                                                   *
    /* Configuration. */
    DigitalOut ssel;

    /* IO Device. */
    DevSPI &dev_spi;

    /* ACTION 12 -------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Declare here identity related variables, if needed.                    *
     * Note that there should be only a unique identifier for each component, *
     * which should be the "who_am_i" parameter.                              *
    /* Identity */
    uint8_t who_am_i;

    /* ACTION 13 -------------------------------------------------------------*
     * Declare here the component's static and non-static data, one variable  *
     * per line.                                                              *
     *                                                                        *
     * Example:                                                               *
     *   float measure;                                                       *
     *   int instance_id;                                                     *
     *   static int number_of_instances;                                      *
    /* Data. */
    uint8_t L6470_Id;
    const sL6470_Register_t *L6470_Register;
    const sL6470_ApplicationCommand_t *L6470_ApplicationCommand;
    const sL6470_Direction_t *L6470_Direction;
    const sL6470_ACT_t *L6470_ACT;
    sL6470_StatusRegister_t L6470_StatusRegister;
    sL6470_StatusRegister_t *pL6470_StatusRegister; 
    StepperMotorRegister_t StepperMotorRegister;
    prepared_action_t prepared_action;

    /* Static data. */
    static uint8_t number_of_devices;
    static const sL6470_Register_t _L6470_Register[L6470REGIDSIZE];
    static const sL6470_ApplicationCommand_t _L6470_ApplicationCommand[L6470APPCMDIDSIZE];
    static const sL6470_Direction_t _L6470_Direction[L6470DIRIDSIZE];
    static const sL6470_ACT_t _L6470_ACT[L6470ACTIDSIZE];
    static eFlagStatus_t L6470_DaisyChain_HalfPrepared;
    static sL6470_AppCmdPkg_t L6470_AppCmdPkg[L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE];
    static uint8_t L6470_DaisyChainSpiTxStruct[L6470MAXSPICMDBYTESIZE][L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE];
    static uint8_t L6470_DaisyChainSpiRxStruct[L6470MAXSPICMDBYTESIZE][L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE];

#endif // __L6470_CLASS_H

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/