The MBED firmware used on the Chipin sorter, developed over 12 weeks for a 3rd year university systems project. Chipin is a token sorter, it sorts tokens by colours and dispenses them to order through an online booking system and card reader. This program interfaces with an FPGA, PC and LCD screen to control the sorter. The sorter has an operation mode where it can process orders when a card is entered into the machine. There is also a maintenance mode where the device responds to maintenance instructions such as 'dispense all'. More information at

Dependencies:   MCP23017 TCS3472_I2C WattBob_TextLCD mbed-rtos mbed



File content as of revision 24:8868101d01d0:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "TCS3472_I2C.h"
#include "Colour.h"
/*  TCS3472_I2C
 *  A MBED library specifically made for the TCS3472 RGB Colour Sensor.
TCS3472_I2C rgb_sensor(p28,p27); //p28 =sda, p27=scl

int rgb_readings[100][4];   //A 2D array to store 100 values of each colour.
int rgb_average[4] = {0,0,0,0}; //An array to store the average colour values calculated.
double rMax = 9244; //The maximum possible value of red, from the colour sensor.
double gMax = 3194; //The maximum possible value of red, from the colour sensor.
double bMax = 3590; //The maximum possible value of red, from the colour sensor.

int tubeSize = 20;  //The upper software limit for the number of chips that can be stored in each tube.

/*  Threshold values for each colour are defined below.
 *  Threshold values for none (nothing above the sensor) are also stored,
 *  so that we know when there are no chips in the hopper.
 *  This allows us to stop sorting when there are no chips in the hopper,
 *  and differenciate between nothing there and an invalid token colour above the sensor.
int redLT [3] =     {308,84,162};   //The lower threshold value for red.
int redUT [3]=      {400,144,204};   //The upper threshold value for red.

int greenLT [3] =   {91,180,142};   //The lower threshold value for green.
int greenUT [3]=    {132,220,184};   //The upper threshold value for green.

int blueLT [3]=     {79,95,117};   //The lower threshold value for blue.
int blueUT [3]=     {117,139,157};   //The upper threshold value for blue.

int noneLT [3] = {0,0,0};   //The lower threshold value for none.
int noneUT [3] = {80,80,80};   //The upper threshold value for none.

void initColourSensor() //Intialise the colour sensor.
    rgb_sensor.enablePowerAndRGBC();    //Enable the internal oscillator and 2-channel ADC
    rgb_sensor.setIntegrationTime(100); //Set integration time to 100. Longer integration time increases sensitivity for low-light.
/*  readColourSensor()
 *  Takes 100 readings of all 4 colour values and takes an average of the 100 values.
 *  The average is used to allow the chip to settle on the colour sensor.
Colour readColourSensor()
{   //Take 100 Colour readings
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    //Add the 100 values together for each colour
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            rgb_average[j] += rgb_readings[i][j];
    //Divide the four summated values by 100 to get the four averages (one for each colour).
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        rgb_average[i] = rgb_average[i] / 100;
    //Scale the red, green and blue values bwetween 0 and 255.
    double redd = (rgb_average[1] /gMax) * 255;
    double greend = (rgb_average[2] /bMax) * 255;
    double blued = (rgb_average[0] /rMax) * 255;
    //Convert the values from doubles to integers.
    int red = redd;
    int green = greend;
    int blue = blued;

    //Create boolean arrays to check threshold values.
    bool redWithinThreshold[4] = {0,0,0,0};
    bool greenWithinThreshold[4]= {0,0,0,0};
    bool blueWithinThreshold[4]= {0,0,0,0};
    //Set red Thresholds
    redWithinThreshold[0] = (red >= redLT[0]) && (red <= redUT[0]);
    greenWithinThreshold[0] = (green >= redLT[1]) && (green <= redUT[1]);
    blueWithinThreshold[0] = (blue >= redLT[2]) && (blue <= redUT[2]);
    //Set green Thresholds
    redWithinThreshold[1] = (red >= greenLT[0]) && (red <= greenUT[0]);
    greenWithinThreshold[1] = (green >= greenLT[1]) && (green <= greenUT[1]);
    blueWithinThreshold[1] = (blue >= greenLT[2]) && (blue <= greenUT[2]);
    //Set blue Thresholds
    redWithinThreshold[2] = (red >= blueLT[0]) && (red <= blueUT[0]);
    greenWithinThreshold[2] = (green >= blueLT[1]) && (green <= blueUT[1]);
    blueWithinThreshold[2] = (blue >= blueLT[2]) && (blue <= blueUT[2]);
    //Set none Thresholds
    redWithinThreshold[3] = (red >= noneLT[0]) && (red <= noneUT[0]);
    greenWithinThreshold[3] = (green >= noneLT[1]) && (green <= noneUT[1]);
    blueWithinThreshold[3] = (blue >= noneLT[2]) && (blue <= noneUT[2]);
    //Check the threshold values to find out what colour is on the sensor.
    if(redWithinThreshold[0] && greenWithinThreshold[0] && blueWithinThreshold[0]) {
        return RED;
    } else if(redWithinThreshold[1] && greenWithinThreshold[1] && blueWithinThreshold[1]) {
        return GREEN;
    } else if(redWithinThreshold[2] && greenWithinThreshold[2] && blueWithinThreshold[2]) {
        return BLUE;
    } else if(redWithinThreshold[3] && greenWithinThreshold[3] && blueWithinThreshold[3]) {
        return NONE;
    } else {
        return BIN;
